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Class of numbers in number theory
In number theory, a Williams number base b is a natural number of the form
for integers b ≥ 2 and n ≥ 1.[1] The Williams numbers base 2 are exactly the Mersenne numbers.
A Williams prime is a Williams number that is prime. They were considered by Hugh C. Williams.[2]
It is conjectured that for every b ≥ 2, there are infinitely many Williams primes for base b.
See also
External links
By formula | |
By integer sequence | |
By property | |
Base-dependent | |
Patterns |
- Twin (p, p + 2)
- Bi-twin chain (n ± 1, 2n ± 1, 4n ± 1, …)
- Triplet (p, p + 2 or p + 4, p + 6)
- Quadruplet (p, p + 2, p + 6, p + 8)
- k-tuple
- Cousin (p, p + 4)
- Sexy (p, p + 6)
- Chen
- Sophie Germain/Safe (p, 2p + 1)
- Cunningham (p, 2p ± 1, 4p ± 3, 8p ± 7, ...)
- Arithmetic progression (p + a·n, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
- Balanced (consecutive p − n, p, p + n)
By size | |
Complex numbers | |
Composite numbers | |
Related topics | |
First 60 primes | |
Of the form a × 2b ± 1 |
Other polynomial numbers |
Possessing a specific set of other numbers |
Expressible via specific sums |
Combinatorial numbers |