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Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 16th century

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A list of people, who died during the 16th century, who have received recognition as Blessed (through beatification) or Saint (through canonization) from the Catholic Church:

Name Birth Birthplace Death Place of death Notes
Blessed Columba of Rieti 1467 Rieti, Umbria, Italy 1501  
Blessed Jerome Garibo 1440   1502  
Blessed Bernardino of Fossa 1420 Fossa, Italy 1503  
Blessed Louisa of Savoy 1461   1503  
Blessed Magdalen Panattieri 1443   1503  
Blessed Timothy of Montecchio 1414   1504  
Blessed Vincent of Aquila     1504  
Joan of Valois 1464   1505  
Blessed Ladislaus of Gielniow 1440   1505  
Blessed Margaret of Ravenna 1442   1505  
Blessed Osanna of Mantua 1449   1505  
Blessed John-Angelo Porro 1451   1506  
Blessed Antonia of Brescia 1407   1507  
Blessed Francis of Calderola     1507  
Francis of Paola 1416   1508  
Blessed Gratia of Kotor 1438   1508  
Blessed Jacopino de'Canepacci 1438   1508  
Catherine of Genoa 1477 Genoa, Italy 1510 Genoa, Italy
Blessed Mark of Marconi 1480   1510  
Blessed John Liccio     1511  
Blessed Margaret Fontana 1440 Modena, Italy 1513 Italy
Blessed Paula Montaldi 1443   1514  
Joseph of Volokolamsk     1515  
Blessed Paula Gambara-Costa 1473   1515  
Blessed Hans Wagner     1516  
Blessed Giles of Lorenzana 1443   1518  
Blessed Elena Duglioli 1472 Bologna, Italy 1520 Bologna, Italy
Beginning of Protestant Reformation
Blessed Domenico Spadafora     1521  
Blessed Margaret of Lorraine 1463   1521  
Blessed Michael Pini 1450   1522  
Blessed Baptista Varani 1458   1527  
Blessed Margareta Kratz 1430 Scharfenstein, Germany 1532  
Blessed Louisa Albertoni 1473   1533  
Augustine Webster     1535  
John Fisher 1469   1535   Bishop of Rochester
John Houghton     1535  
Richard Reynolds 1492   1535  
Robert Lawrence     1535  
Thomas More 1478   1535  
Blessed John Haile (or Hale)     1535   Rector of St. Dunstan's Church, Cranford, London
Blessed Laurence of Villamagna 1476   1535  
Blessed Sebastian Newdigate     1535  
Blessed William Exmew     1535  
Blesseds Humphrey Middlemore     1535  
Gerolamo Emiliani 1481 Venice, Italy 1537 Somasca, Italy
Blessed John Davy     1537  
Blessed Richard Bere     1537  
Blessed Robert Salt     1537  
Blessed Thomas Johnson     1537  
Blessed Walter Pierson     1537  
Blessed William Greenwood     1537  
Blesseds John Rochester and James Walworth     1537  
Blessed Thomas Green     1537  
John Stone     1538  
Blessed John Forest 1473   1538  
Anthony Maria Zaccaria 1502   1539  
Blessed Adrian Fortescue 1476   1539  
Blessed Hugh Cook Faringdon     1539  
Blessed John Baptist of Fabriano 1469   1539  
Blessed John Beche (Thomas Marshall)     1539  
Blessed John Eynon     1539  
Blessed John Rugg     1539  
Blessed John Thorne     1539  
Blessed Richard Whiting 1460   1539  
Blessed Roger James     1539  
Angela Merici 1470   1540  
Blessed Carthusian Martyrs     1540  
Blessed Edward Powell     1540  
Blessed Richard Fetherston     1540  
Blessed Thomas Abel     1540  
Blessed William Horne     1540  
Blessed David Gonson     1541  
Blessed Margaret Pole 1473   1541  
Blessed Christina of Aquila     1543  
Blessed Lucy of Narni 1476   1544  
Blesseds John Larke     1544  
Blessed Peter Favre 1506   1546  
Cajetan 1480   1547  
Blessed Catherine of Racconigi 1486   1547  
Blessed Philippa of Gheldre 1462   1547  
Juan Diego 1474   1548  
John of God 1495   1550  
Francis Xavier 1506   1552  
Thomas of Villanova 1488   1555   Bishop of Valencia
Ignatius of Loyola 1491   1556  
Peter of Alcantara 1499   1562  
Blessed John Marinoni 1490   1562  
Blessed Osanna of Cattaro 1493   1565  
Blessed John Armero     1566  
Salvatore of Orta 1520   1567  
Stanislaus Kostka 1550   1568  
John of Avila     1569  
Blessed Alphonsus de Vaena     1570  
Blessed Ignatius de Azevedo and Companions     1570  
Blessed Joanninus de San Juan     1570  
Blessed John Felton     1570  
Blessed John Fernandez     1570  
Blessed Thomas Plumtree     1570  
Blessed John Story     1571  
Adrian Van Hilvarenbeek     1572  
Andrew Wouters     1572  
Cornelius     1572  
Francis Borgia 1510   1572  
Francis Rod     1572  
Godfrey of Duynen     1572  
Godfrey of Merville     1572  
James Lacop     1572  
John of Cologne     1572  
John of Osterwick     1572  
Leonard Wegel (Veckel, Wickel)     1572  
Martyrs of Gorkum     1572  
Nicasius Jonson     1572  
Nicholas Pieck     1572  
Nicholas Poppel     1572  
Peter of Asche (Peter van Asche)     1572  
Pius V 1504   1572   pope
Theodoric of Emden     1572  
Willehad of Denmark 1482   1572  
Blessed Thomas Percy 1528   1572  
Blessed Thomas Woodhouse     1573  
Catherine of Palma 1533   1574  
Cuthbert Mayne (Maine) 1544   1577  
Blessed Mary Bartholomea of Florence     1577  
Blessed John Nelson 1534   1578  
Blessed Thomas Sherwood 1551   1578  
Blassed Alexander Briant 1556   1581  
Edmund Campion 1540 London, England 1581 Tyburn, England
Louis Bertrand 1526   1581  
Ralph Sherwin     1581  
Blessed Everald Hanse     1581  
Blessed Patrick Cavanagh and Companions     1581  
John Payne (Paine)     1582  
Luke Kirby 1549   1582  
Teresa of Avila 1515   1582  
Blessed James Thompson     1582  
Blessed John Shert     1582  
Blessed Lawrence Richardson     1582  
Blessed Richard Kirkman     1582  
Blessed Robert Johnson     1582  
Blessed Thomas Cottam 1549   1582  
Blessed Thomas Ford     1582  
Blessed William Filby     1582  
Blessed William Lacey     1582  
Blessed John Bodey     1583  
Blessed John Slade     1583  
Blessed Nicholas of Factor 1520   1583  
Blessed Richard Thirkeld     1583  
Blessed William Hart     1583  
Blesseds Rudolph Acquaviva, Alphonsus Pacheco, Peter Berno, Anthony Francis, and Francis Aranha     1583  
Charles Borromeo 1538   1584   Bishop of Milan
Richard Gwyn (Richard White) 1537   1584  
Blessed Dermot O'Hurley 1519   1584  
Blessed George Haydock 1556   1584  
Blessed James Fenn 1540   1584  
Blessed John Finch     1584  
Blessed John Munden 1543   1584  
Blessed John Nutter     1584  
Blessed Margaret (Eleanor) Ball     1584  
Blessed Thomas Hemerford     1584  
Blessed William Carter 1548   1584  
Blessed Hugh Taylor 1560   1585  
Blessed Marmaduke Bowes     1585  
Blessed Maurice MacKenraghty     1585  
Blessed Thomas Alfield     1585  
Margaret Clitherow 1555   1586  
Blessed Edward Stransham 1557   1586  
Blessed John Adams 1543   1586  
Blessed John Sandys     1586  
Blessed Nicholas Woodfen (Wheeler)     1586  
Blessed Richard Langley     1586  
Blessed Robert Dibdale 1558   1586  
Blessed William Thomson 1560   1586  
Blesseds John Fingley and Robert Bickerdike     1586  
Blesseds Robert Anderson and William Marsden     1586  
Felix of Cantalice 1513   1587  
Blessed Bernard Scammacca 1430   1587  
Blessed George Douglas     1587  
Blessed John Hambley 1560   1587  
Margaret Ward     1588  
Ralph Crockett     1588  
Richard Martin     1588  
Blessed Christopher Buxton     1588  
Blessed Edward Burden 1540   1588  
Blessed Edward Campion     1588  
Blessed Edward James     1588  
Blessed Edward Shelley     1588  
Blessed Henry Webley 1558   1588  
Blessed Hugh More 1563   1588  
Blessed James Claxton     1588  
Blessed John Robinson     1588  
Blessed John Roche     1588  
Blessed Nicholas Garlick 1555   1588  
Blessed Richard Flower     1588  
Blessed Richard Leigh     1588  
Blessed Richard Martin     1588  
Blessed Robert Morton     1588  
Blessed Robert Sutton 1545   1588  
Blessed Robert Widmerpool     1588  
Blessed Robert Wilcox     1588  
Blessed Thomas Felton 1567   1588  
Blessed Thomas Holford (Thomas Acton)     1588  
Blessed William Dean     1588  
Blessed William Guntei     1588  
Blessed William Hartley     1588  
Blessed William Way     1588  
Benedict the Black (Benedict the Moor) 1526   1589  
Catherine de Ricci 1522   1589  
Blessed William Spenser and Robert Hardesty     1589  
Blesseds George Nichols, Richard Yaxley, Thomas Belson, and Humphrey Pritchard     1589  
Blesseds John Amias and Robert Dalby     1589  
Blessed Bartolomeu Fernandes dos Martires 1514   1590  
Blessed Christopher Bales 1564   1590  
Blessed Edmund Duke 1564   1590  
Blessed Francis Dickenson     1590  
Blessed Miles Gerard     1590  
Blessed Nicholas Horner     1590  
Blesseds Edward Jones and Antony Middleton     1590  
Blesseds Richard Hill, John Hogg, and Richard Holiday     1590  
Aloysius Gonzaga 1568   1591  
Edmund Genings, Eustace White, and Polydore Plasden, priests and martyrs (d. 1591), and Swithun Wells 1536   1591  
John of the Cross 1542   1591  
Martyrs of London 15821588   1591  
Polydore Plasden 1563   1591  
Blessed Alphonsus de Orozco 1500   1591  
Blessed George Beesley 1563   1591  
Blessed John Mason     1591  
Blessed Lawrence Humphrey     1591  
Blessed Ralph Milner and Roger Dickenson     1591  
Blessed Robert Thorpe     1591  
Blessed Sidney Hodgson     1591  
Blessed William Pike     1591  
Alexander Sauli 1534   1592   Bishop of Pavia
Paschal Baylon 1540   1592  
Blessed Thomas Pormort 1559   1592  
Blessed William Patenson     1592  
John Boste     1593  
Blessed Edward Waterson   London 1593 (OS) Newcastle upon Tyne
Blessed James Bird     1593  
Blessed William Davies     1593  
Blesseds James Sales and William Saultemouche 15567   1593  
Blessed Edward Osbaldeston 1560   1594  
Blessed John Carey     1594  
Blessed John Cornelius 1557   1594  
Blessed John Ingram 1565   1594  
Blessed John Speed     1594  
Blessed Patrick Salmon     1594  
Blessed Thomas Bosgrave     1594  
Blessed William Harrington 1566   1594  
Henry Walpole 1558   1595  
Philip Howard     1595  
Philip Neri 1515   1595  
Robert Southwell 1561   1595  
William Freeman     1595  
Blessed Alexander Rawlins     1595  
Blessed William Freeman 1558   1595  
Blesseds George Errington     1596  
Anthony Dainan     1597  
Bonaventure of Miako     1597  
Cosmas     1597  
Francis of St. Michael     1597  
James Kisai     1597  
John Soan de Goto     1597  
Leo Karasuma     1597  
Louis Ibarachi 1585   1597  
Martin de Aguirre     1597  
Martin Loynaz of the Ascension     1597  
Matthias of Meako     1597  
Michael Kozaki     1597  
Paulo Miki, priest and martyr, and Companions 1565   1597  
Peter Baptist     1597  
Peter Canisius 1521   1597  
Peter Shukeshiko     1597  
Peter Sukejiro     1597  
Philip of Jesus     1597  
Thomas Danki     1597  
Thomas Kozaki     1597  
Blessed Henry Abbot     1597  
Blessed Joseph of Anchieta 1534   1597  
Blessed Paul of Saint Mary     1597  
Blessed Edward Fulthrop     1597  
Blessed Thomas Warcop     1597  
Blessed William Andleby     1597  
John Jones/Buckley     1598  
Blessed Christopher Robinson     1598  
Blesseds Peter Snow and Ralph Grimston     1598  
Blessed Christopher Wharton     1600  
Blessed Edward Thwing (Thweng) 1565   1600  
Blessed John Grande 1546   1600  
John Rigby     1600  
Blessed Robert Nutter 1557   1600  
Blessed Sebastian Aparicio     1600  
Blesseds Thomas Hunt and Thomas Sprott     1600  
Blessed Thomas Palasor     1600  
Blessed John Talbot     1600  

See also
