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Hermitian connection

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In mathematics, a Hermitian connection is a connection on a Hermitian vector bundle over a smooth manifold which is compatible with the Hermitian metric on , meaning that

for all smooth vector fields and all smooth sections of .

If is a complex manifold, and the Hermitian vector bundle on is equipped with a holomorphic structure, then there is a unique Hermitian connection whose (0, 1)-part coincides with the Dolbeault operator on associated to the holomorphic structure. This is called the Chern connection on . The curvature of the Chern connection is a (1, 1)-form. For details, see Hermitian metrics on a holomorphic vector bundle.

In particular, if the base manifold is Kähler and the vector bundle is its tangent bundle, then the Chern connection coincides with the Levi-Civita connection of the associated Riemannian metric.


  • Shiing-Shen Chern, Complex Manifolds Without Potential Theory.
  • Shoshichi Kobayashi, Differential geometry of complex vector bundles. Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 15. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1987. xii+305 pp. ISBN 0-691-08467-X.