Chinese Library Classification
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The Chinese Library Classification (CLC; Chinese: 中国图书馆分类法), also known as Classification for Chinese Libraries (CCL),[1] is effectively the national library classification scheme in China. It is used in almost all primary and secondary schools, universities, academic institutions, as well as public libraries. It is also used by publishers to classify all books published in China.
The Book Classification of Chinese Libraries (BCCL) was first published in 1975, under the auspices of China's Administrative Bureau of Cultural Affairs. Its fourth edition (1999) was renamed CLC. In September 2010, the fifth edition was published by National Library of China Publishing House. CLC has twenty-two top-level categories, and inherits a Marxist orientation from its earlier editions.[2] (For instance, category A is Marxism, Leninism, Maoism & Deng Xiaoping Theory.) It contains a total of 43600 categories, many of which are recent additions, meeting the needs of a rapidly changing nation.[3]
The CLC system
[edit]The 22 top categories and selected sub-categories of CLC (5th Edition) are as follows:
A. Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and Deng Xiaoping theory
[edit]- A1 The works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- A2 The works of Vladimir Lenin
- A3 The works of Joseph Stalin
- A4 The works of Mao Zedong
- A49 The works of Deng Xiaoping
- A5 The symposium/collection of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Deng Xiaoping
- A7 The biobibliography and biography of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Deng Xiaoping
- A8 Study and research of Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and Deng Xiaoping theory
B. Philosophy and religions
[edit]- B-4 Education and dissemination of philosophy
- B-49 Learners' book and popular literature of philosophy
- B0 theory of philosophy
- B0-0 Marxist philosophy
- B01 Basic problems of philosophy
- B014 Object, purpose and method of philosophy
- B015 Materialism and idealism
- B016 Ontology
- B016.8 Cosmology
- B016.9 Time-space-theory
- B017 Epistemology
- B017.8 Determinism and indeterminism
- B017.9 Self theory
- B018 Axiology
- B019.1 Materialism
- B019.11 Naive materialism
- B019.12 Metaphysical materialism
- B019.13 Dialectical materialism
- B019.2 Idealism
- B019.1 Materialism
- B02 Dialectical materialism
- B024 Materialist dialectics
- B025 Categories of materialist dialectics
- B026 Methodology
- B027 Application of dialectical materialism
- B028 Natural philosophy
- B029 Dialectics of nature
- B03 Historical materialism
- B031 Social material requirements of life
- B032 Basic social conflict
- B032.1 Productive forces und relations of production
- B032.2 Base and superstructure
- B033 Class theory
- B034 Theory of revolution
- B035 Theory of country
- B036 Social being and social consciousness
- B037 Contradictions among the people
- B038 Role of the people in historical development
- B08 Philosophical schools and research
- B081 Idealism
- B081.1 Metaphysics
- B081.2 Epistemology of idealism, apriorism
- B082 Positivism, Machism
- B083 Voluntarism and philosophy of life
- B084 Neo-Kantianism and Neohegelianism
- B085 Neorealism, logical positivism (new positivism, logical empiricism)
- B086 Existentialism (survivalism)
- B087 Pragmatism
- B088 Neo-Thomism (new scholasticism)
- B089 Other philosophical schools
- B089.1 Western Marxism
- B089.2 Philosophical hermeneutics
- B089.3 Philosophical anthropology
- B081 Idealism
- B1 Philosophy (worldwide)
- B2 Philosophy in China
- B22 Pre-Qin Dynasty philosophy (~before 220 BC)
- B222 The Confucian School
- B222.2 Confucius (Kǒng Qiū, 551-479 BC)
- B222 The Confucian School
- B22 Pre-Qin Dynasty philosophy (~before 220 BC)
- B3 Philosophy in Asia
- B4 Philosophy in Africa
- B5 Philosophy in Europe
- B6 Philosophy in Australasia
- B7 Philosophy in America
- B8 Cognitive science
- B9 Religions
- B91 Sociology of religion, religion and science
- B92 Philosophy and history of religion
- B93 Mythology and primitive religion
- B94 Buddhism
- B95 Taoism
- B96 Islam
- B97 Christianity
- B971 Bible
- B971.1 Old Testament
- B971.2 New Testament
- B972 Doctrine, theology
- B975 Evangelism, sermons
- B976 Christian denominations
- B976.1 Roman Catholic Church
- B976.2 Orthodox Christianity (Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy)
- B976.3 Protestantism (Protestant Reformation)
- B977 Ecclesiastical polity
- B978 Research on Christianity
- B979 History of Christianity
- B979.9 Biography
- B971 Bible
- B98 Other religions
- B99 Augury, superstition
C. Social sciences
[edit]- C0 Social scientific theory and methodology
- C1 Present and future of social sciences
- C2 Organisations, groups, conferences
- C3 Method of research in social sciences
- C4 Education and popularization of social sciences
- C5 Serials, anthologies, periodicals in social sciences
- C6 Reference materials in social sciences
- C7 (no longer used)
- C8 Statistics in social sciences
- C9 Sociology
- D0 Political theory
- D1 International campaign of Communism
- D2 Communist Party of China
- D3 Communist parties of other countries
- D4 Labor, peasant, youth, female organizations and movements
- D5 Politics (worldwide)
- D6 Politics in China
- D7 Politics in individual countries
- D8 Diplomacy, international relations
- D9 Law
- DF Law (Applications of laws)
E. Military science
[edit]- E0 Military theory
- E1 Military (worldwide)
- E2 Military in China
- E3 Military in Asia
- E4 Military in Africa
- E5 Military in Europe
- E6 Military in Australasia
- E7 Military in America
- E8 Strategies, tactics, and battles
- E9 Military technology
- F0 Economics
- F1 Economics, economic history and economic geography of individual countries
- F2 Economic planning and management
- F3 Agricultural economics
- F4 Industrial economics
- F5 Economics of transport
- F6 Economics of postal and cable services
- F7 Economics of commerce
- F8 Finance and banking
- G0 Philosophy of culture
- G1 Culture
- G2 Knowledge transmission
- G3 Science, scientific research
- G4 Education
- G5 Education in individual countries
- G6 Education (primary, secondary, tertiary)
- G7 Education (specialized)
- G8 Sports
H. Languages and linguistics
[edit]- H0 Linguistics
- H01 Phonetics
- H019 Method of recitation, oratory of speech
- H02 Grammatology
- H03 Semantics, lexicology and meaning of words
- H04 Syntax
- H05 Study of writing, rhetoric
- H059 Study of translation
- H06 Lexicography
- H061 Dictionaries
- H01 Phonetics
- H1 Chinese language
- H10
- H102 Regulation, standardisation of Chinese language, promotion of Putonghua
- H109
- H109.2 Ancient Chinese language
- H109.4 Modern Chinese language
- H11 Phone (historical Chinese phonology)
- H12 Grammatology
- H10
- H2 Languages of China's ethnic minorities
- H3 Commonly used foreign languages
- H31 English language
- H32 French language
- H33 German language
- H34 Spanish language
- H35 Russian language
- H36 Japanese language
- H37 Arabic language
- H4 Family of Sino-Tibetan languages (China, Tibet and Burma)
- H5 Family of Altaic languages (Turkic, Mongolian and Tungusic)
- H6 Language families in other areas of the world
- H61 Austroasiatic languages and Tai languages (Mainland Southeast Asia))
- H62 Dravidian languages (South India)
- H63 Austronesian languages (Malayo-Polynesian)
- H64 Paleosiberian languages (Siberia)
- H65 Ibero-Caucasian languages (Caucasus Mountains)
- H66 Uralic languages
- H67 Afroasiatic languages (Southwest Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa)
- H7 Indo-European languages
- H8 Language families on other continents
- H81 African languages
- H83 American languages
- H84 Papuan languages
- H9 International auxiliary languages (Interlingua, Ido, Esperanto, etc.)
I. Literature
[edit]- I0 Literary theory
- I1 Literature (worldwide)
- I2 Literature in China
- I3 Literature in Asia
- I4 Literature in Africa
- I5 Literature in Europe
- I6 Literature in Australasia
- I7 Literature in America
J. Art
[edit]- J0 Theory of fine art
- J1 Fine art of the world
- J2 Painting
- J3 Sculpture
- J4 Photography
- J5 Applied arts
- J6 Music
- J7 Dance
- J8 Drama
- J9 Cinematography, television
- K0 Historical theory
- K1 Human history
- K2 History of China
- K3 History of Asia
- K4 History of Africa
- K5 History of Europe
- K6 History of Australasia
- K7 History of America
- K8 Biography, archaeology
- K9 Geography
N. Natural science
[edit]- N0 Theory and methodology
- N1 Present state
- N2 Organisations, groups, conferences
- N3 Research methodology
- N4 Education and popularization
- N5 Serials, anthologies, periodicals
- N6 Reference materials
- N8 Field surveys
- N9 Minor sciences
O. Mathematics, physics and chemistry
[edit]- O1 Mathematics
- O2 Applied mathematics
- O3 Mechanics
- O4 Physics
- O6 Chemistry
- O7 Crystallography
P. Astronomy and geoscience
[edit]- P1 Astronomy
- P2 Geodesy
- P3 Geophysics
- P4 Meteorology
- P5 Geology
- P6 Mineralogy
- P7 Oceanography
- P9 Physiography
Q. Life sciences
[edit]- Q1 General biology
- Q2 Cytology
- Q3 Genetics
- Q4 Physiology
- Q5 Biochemistry
- Q6 Biophysics
- Q7 Molecular biology
- Q8 Bioengineering
- Q9 Zoology and botany
R. Medicine and health sciences
[edit]- R1 Preventive medicine, public health
- R2 Traditional Chinese medicine
- R3 Human anatomy, physiology, pathology, microbiology, parasitology
- R4 Clinical medicine
- R5 Internal medicine
- R6 Surgery
- R7 Medical specialties
- R71 Obstetrics, gynecology
- R72 Pediatrics
- R73 Oncology
- R74 Neurology, psychiatry
- R75 Dermatology, venereology
- R76 Otolaryngology
- R77 Ophthalmology
- R78 Dentistry
- R79 Non-Chinese traditional medicine
- R8 Radiology, sport medicine, diving medicine, aerospace medicine
- R9 Pharmacology, pharmacy
- S1 Fundamental agricultural science
- S2 Agricultural engineering
- S3 Agronomy
- S4 Phytopathology
- S5 Individual crops
- S6 Horticulture
- S7 Forestry
- S8 Animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, hunting, sericulture, apiculture
- S9 Aquaculture, fishery
T. Industrial technology
[edit]- TB General industrial technology
- TD Mining engineering
- TE Petroleum, natural gas
- TF Extractive metallurgy, smelting
- TG Metallurgy, metalworking
- TH Machinery, instrumentation
- TJ Military technology
- TK Power plant
- TL Nuclear technology
- TM Electrical engineering
- TN Electronic engineering, telecommunication engineering
- TP Automation, computer engineering
- TQ Chemical engineering
- TS Light industry, handicraft
- TU Construction engineering
- TV Water resources, hydraulic engineering
U. Transportation
[edit]- U1 General transport
- U2 Railway transport
- U4 Highway transport
- U6 Marine transport
- V1 Research and Exploration of Aviation and Aerospace Technology
- V2 Aviation
- V4 Aerospace (Spaceflight)
- V7 Aerospace Medicine [4]
- X1 Fundamental environmental science
- X2 Environmental research
- X3 Environmental protection and management
- X4 Disaster protection
- X5 Pollution control
- X7 Waste Management and recycling
- X8 Environmental quality monitoring
- X9 Occupational safety and health
Z. General works
[edit]- Z1 Collectanea/generalia (book series)
- Z12 Collectanea of China
- Z121 General collectanea
- Z121.2 Song Dynasty
- Z121.3 Yuan Dynasty
- Z121.4 Ming Dynasty
- Z121.5 Qing Dynasty
- Z121.6 Republic period
- Z121.7 Modern
- Z122 Collectanea of a particular locality
- Z123 Collectanea by members of a particular family
- Z124 Collectanea by individual writers
- Z125 Collectanea of lost books
- Z126 Collectanea of Chinese classics
- Z126.1 Collection of Confucian classics
- Z126.2 Collection of treatises
- Z126.21 General collection
- Z126.22 Remake of lost books
- Z126.23 Collection of a particular theme
- Z126.24 Chronological tables, tablets, illustrated works
- Z126.25 Works on phonetics, semantics and authenticity
- Z126.27 Research, critics and proves
- Z121 General collectanea
- Z13 Collectanea and book series of Asia
- Z14 Book series of Africa
- Z15 Book series of Europe
- Z16 Book series of Oceania
- Z17 Book series of America
- Z12 Collectanea of China
- Z2 Encyclopedias and Chinese encyclopedias (Leishu)
- Z22 Chinese encyclopedias
- Z221 Tang Dynasty
- Z222 Song Dynasty
- Z223 Yuan Dynasty
- Z224 Ming Dynasty
- Z225 Qing Dynasty
- Z226 Republic
- Z227 Modern
- Z228 General popular literature
- Z228.1 Children's books
- Z228.2 Popular youth books
- Z228.3 Elders' books
- Z228.4 Women's readers
- Z228.5 Men's readers
- Z23 Encyclopedias of Asia
- Z24 Encyclopedias of Africa
- Z25 Encyclopedias of Europe
- Z26 Encyclopedias of Oceania
- Z27 Encyclopedias of America
- Z28 Encyclopedias of a particular field
- Z22 Chinese encyclopedias
- Z3 Dictionaries
- Z4 Symposia, anthologies, selected works, essays
- Z5 Almanac
- Z6 Serials, periodicals
- Z8 Catalogues, abstracts, indexes
Other classifications
[edit]The other library classifications in China are:
- Library Classification of the People’s University of China (LCPUC)
- Library Classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LCCAS)
- Library Classification for Medium and Small Libraries (MSL)
- Library Classification of Wuhan University (LCWU)
The other library classifications for Chinese materials outside mainland China are:
- Cambridge University Library Chinese Classification System Archived 2007-01-07 at the Wayback Machine, Classification Scheme for Chinese Books devised by Profs. Haloun and P. van der Loon for Cambridge University, UK.
- University of Leeds Classification of Books in Chinese, UK (36 pages of Catalog in PDF)
- Harvard-Yenching Classification System
- New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries (commonly used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau)
See also
[edit]- ^ "Chinese Library Classification | The CIARD R.I.N.G." Retrieved 2020-05-11.
- ^ Zhang, Wenxian (2003). Classification for Chinese Libraries (CCL): Histories, accomplishments, problems and its comparisons. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, vol. 41, nr. 1, p. 1-22. (PDF)
- ^ The Standardization of Chinese Library Classification, Xiaochun Liu, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 2, ISSN 0163-9374, Pub Date: 8/13/1993
- ^ Chinese Library Classification. National Library of China Publishing. 1991. ISBN 9787501343935.
External links
[edit]- Official website
- Contemporary Classification Systems and Thesauri in China, Zhang Qiyu, Liu Xiangsheng, Wang Dongbo, 62nd IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 25-31, 1996
- Chinese Library Classification Editorial Board
- Abridged third (obsolete) edition of CLC (in Chinese)
- CLC Online (in Chinese)
- Research on Interoperability of Metadata in Classification Schemes-construction of automatic mapping system between CLC and DDC, Jianbo Dai, Hanqing Hou, Ling Cao, Dept. of Libr. & Inform. Sci., Nanjing Agri. Univ., Nanjing, China 210095
- Construction of Knowledge Base for Automatic Indexing and Classification based on CLC, Hanqing Hou, Chunxiang Xue, Nanjing Agri. Univ., Nanjing, China 210095
- An Intelligent Retrieval System for Chinese Agricultural Literature indexed by Chinese Classification System, Ping Qian, Xiaolu Su, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
- East Asian Library Classification Systems, archived
- The Development of Authority Database in National Library of China (NLC), March 2002, Beixin Sun of NLC NLC's classification subject thesaurus database based on CLC.
- National Bibliographies: the Chinese Experience, 72nd IFLA Conference at Seoul in Korea, August 2006, Ben Gu of NLC An overview of the current situation of the National Bibliography and classification systems in China.
- A month at the Shanghai Library, November 2004, Helen Michael, University of Toronto A librarian from Canada shared her experience of working in a library of China.