Category:Algebraic geometry

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Algebraic geometry.
Algebraic geometry is the place where the algebra involved in solving systems of simultaneous multivariable polynomial equations meets the geometry of curves, surfaces, and higher dimensional algebraic varieties.
Related categories[edit]
This category has the following 23 subcategories, out of 23 total.
- Theorems in algebraic geometry (97 P)
- Cohomology theories (50 P)
- Intersection theory (13 P)
- Localization (mathematics) (9 P)
- Moduli theory (26 P)
- Noncommutative geometry (18 P)
- Nonlinear algebra (3 P)
- Real algebraic geometry (43 P)
- Tropical geometry (6 P)
- Algebraic geometry stubs (184 P)
Pages in category "Algebraic geometry"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 421 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A¹ homotopy theory
- Absolute irreducibility
- Abundance conjecture
- Adequate equivalence relation
- Adjunction formula
- Affine Grassmannian
- Affine Grassmannian (manifold)
- Affine variety
- Algebraic cobordism
- Algebraic cycle
- Numerical algebraic geometry
- Algebraic Geometry (book)
- Algebraic geometry of projective spaces
- Algebraic K-theory
- Algebraic space
- Algebraic stack
- Algebraic variety
- Alternating algebra
- Amoeba (mathematics)
- Ample line bundle
- Analytic space
- Arakelov theory
- Arithmetic and geometric Frobenius
- Artin's criterion
- Associative algebra
- Baily–Borel compactification
- Bass conjecture
- Bass–Quillen conjecture
- Beilinson regulator
- Beilinson–Bernstein localization
- Berkovich space
- Biholomorphism
- Biregular
- Bivariant theory
- Bloch's formula
- Bloch's higher Chow group
- Bott–Samelson resolution
- Bracket ring
- Bridgeland stability condition
- Buchberger's algorithm
- Bundle of principal parts
- Calabi–Yau manifold
- Canonical ring
- Canonical singularity
- Cartan subgroup
- Cartier isomorphism
- Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity
- Categorical quotient
- Catenary ring
- Cayleyan
- Chevalley restriction theorem
- Chordal variety
- Chow group
- Chow group of a stack
- Chow variety
- Codimension
- Cohen–Macaulay ring
- Coherent sheaf
- Coherent sheaf cohomology
- Cohomological descent
- Cohomology of a stack
- Combinatorial commutative algebra
- Combinatorial mirror symmetry
- Comodule over a Hopf algebroid
- Complete intersection
- Complex analytic variety
- Complex dimension
- Complex geometry
- Condensed mathematics
- Cone (algebraic geometry)
- Cone of curves
- Conic bundle
- Conifold
- Constructible set (topology)
- Constructible sheaf
- Contraction morphism
- Convexity (algebraic geometry)
- Correspondence (algebraic geometry)
- Cotangent complex
- Cotangent sheaf
- Cox ring
- Cramer's paradox
- Cramer's theorem (algebraic curves)
- Crepant resolution
- Crystal (mathematics)
- Crystalline cohomology
- Cubic form
- Cyclic cover
- Decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne
- Deformation (mathematics)
- Degeneration (algebraic geometry)
- Deligne–Mumford stack
- Derived algebraic geometry
- Derived noncommutative algebraic geometry
- Derived scheme
- Derived stack
- Derived tensor product
- Descent (mathematics)
- Descent along torsors
- Dessin d'enfant
- Determinantal variety
- Dévissage
- Diagonal morphism (algebraic geometry)
- Differential of the first kind
- Dimension of a scheme
- Direction cosine
- Discrepancy (algebraic geometry)
- Distribution on a linear algebraic group
- Divisorial scheme
- Donaldson–Thomas theory
- Drinfeld module
- Du Bois singularity
- Dualizing sheaf
- Dwork family
- F-crystal
- Faithfully flat descent
- Fake projective space
- Family of curves
- Fano fibration
- Fano variety
- Field of definition
- Field with one element
- Finite algebra
- Finite morphism
- Flag bundle
- Flat function
- Flat module
- Flat topology
- Flip (mathematics)
- Fondements de la Géometrie Algébrique
- Formal holomorphic function
- Formal moduli
- Formal scheme
- Formally smooth map
- Foundations of Algebraic Geometry
- Fourier–Deligne transform
- Frankel conjecture
- Frobenioid
- Frobenius manifold
- Frobenius splitting
- Fröberg conjecture
- Fujiki class C
- Fujita conjecture
- Functor represented by a scheme
- Galois geometry
- Gauss–Manin connection
- General elephant
- General position
- Generalized Riemann hypothesis
- Generic flatness
- Generic point
- Generic property
- Geometric class field theory
- Geometric Langlands correspondence
- Geometric quotient
- Geometrically regular ring
- Gibbons–Hawking space
- GIT quotient
- GKM variety
- Glossary of algebraic geometry
- Glossary of arithmetic and diophantine geometry
- Gopakumar–Vafa invariant
- Gordan's lemma
- Gorenstein scheme
- Grassmann bundle
- Grassmannian
- Griffiths group
- Gröbner basis
- Gröbner fan
- Gromov–Witten invariant
- Grothendieck connection
- Grothendieck–Katz p-curvature conjecture
- Grothendieck's Galois theory
- Group functor
- Group-scheme action
- Group-stack
- Groupoid object