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List of massacres in Peru

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The following is a list of massacres that have occurred in Peru (numbers may be approximate):

Name Date Location Deaths Notes
Punta Lobos massacre 1350 AD Punta Lobos 200 Unexplained murders of approximately 200 fishermens in a giant human sacrifice ceremony by members of the powerful Chimu people[1]
Battle of Cajamarca November 16, 1532 Cajamarca 2,000 The Spanish killed thousands of Atahualpa's counselors, commanders, and unarmed attendants in the great plaza of Cajamarca, and caused his armed host outside the town to flee
Cañete Valley Anti-Chinese massacre 1881 Cañete Valley 500 - 1,500 In one 1881 pogrom in the Cañete Valley it is estimated that 500 to 1,500 Chinese were killed.[2]
Limazo February 3-5 1975 Lima 86[3] Several police and civil strikes against the government cause looting and fires in Lima. The armed forces suppress the rebels and strikers with violence and regain control of the city.
Lucanamarca massacre April 3, 1983 Lucanamarca 69 Carried out by Shining Path
Socos Massacre November 13, 1983 Town of Socos, Department of Ayacucho 32 Carried out by Peruvian Civil Guard
Soras massacre July 16, 1984 Several localities in the province of Sucre, Department of Ayacucho 109[4]-117[5] Carried out by Shining Path
Muru Muru massacre November, 1984 Chungui, Ayacucho 10 Carried out by Civil Defense Patrols[6]
Oronqoy massacre December, 1984 Chungui, Ayacucho 29 Carried out by Civil Defense Patrols[6]
Putis massacre December 1984 Putis, Santillana District, Department of Ayacucho 123 Carried out by Peruvian Military Forces
Accomarca massacre August 14, 1985 Accomarca, Ayacucho 47-74 Carried out by Peruvian Military Forces
Peruvian prison massacres June 1986 Prisons in Lima and Callao At least 224 Carried out by Peruvian Military Forces
Aucayacu massacre August 6, 1986 Accomarca, José Crespo Y Castillo District 10 Carried out by Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Cayara massacre May 14, 1988 Cayara District, Ayacucho 39 Carried out by Peruvian Military Forces
La Hoyada massacre September 12, 1988 La Hoyoda, Pucallpa 8 Carried out by Shining Path
Pucallpa massacre February 9, 1989 Pucallpa, Ucayali 9[7]-30[8] Carried out by National Police of Peru[9]
Tarapoto massacre May 31, 1989 Tarapoto, Department of San Martín 8 Carried out by MRTA[10]
Ccano massacre February 23, 1991 Ccano, La Mar Province 32 Carried out by Shining Path[11]
Santa Barbara massacre July 4, 1991 Santa Barbara, Huancavelica 15 Carried out by Peruvian Army[12][13]
Barrios Altos massacre November 3, 1991 Lima 15 Carried out by government-affiliated Colina Group
4 injured
Santa massacre May 2, 1992 Santa Province, Ancash Region 9 Carried out by government-affiliated Colina Group
Tarata bombing July 16, 1992 Tarata St., Miraflores, Lima 25 Two large truck bombs explode in the wealthy Miraflores District, killing 25, injuring 250 and damaging hundreds of houses and businesses. The communist group Shining Path claimed responsibility.
La Cantuta massacre July 18, 1992 Lima 10 9 students and a professor were killed by government-affiliated Colina Group
2002 Lima bombing March 20, 2002 Santiago de Surco, Lima 9 A Car bomb exploded at "El Polo", a mall in a wealthy district of Lima near the U.S. embassy
Bagua Massacre June 5, 2009 Bagua, Amazonas department 33 33 people die during combat between Peru's Army and indigenous peoples in the Bagua[14][15]
2017 Lima shooting February 17–18, 2017 Independencia/San Martín de Porres and Los Olivos, Lima 6 (including the perpetrator) 9 injured
San Miguel del Ene massacre May 23, 2021 San Miguel del Ene, Satipo Province 14-18 Carried out by the Militarized Communist Party of Peru

Government of Dina Boluarte (2022-)


Name Date Location Deaths Notes
Ayacucho massacre December 15, 2022 Ayacucho 10 Carried out by the Peruvian Army
Juliaca massacre January 9, 2023 Juliaca, Puno 18 Carried out by the Peruvian National Police


  1. ^ Young, Emma (4 October 2002). "Mass human sacrifice unearthed in Peru - New Scientist". New Scientist. Retrieved 20 June 2024.
  2. ^ Tinsman, Heidi (October 2019). "Narrating Chinese Massacre in the South American War of the Pacific". Journal of Asian American Studies. 22 (3): 277–313. doi:10.1353/jaas.2019.0038.
  3. ^ Delgado Zela, Valéria (8 May 2022). "Saqueos, incendios, una huelga policial y violentas represiones: el 'Febrerazo' de 1975, el día que Lima entró en caos - Infobae". Infobae (in Spanish). Retrieved 20 June 2024.
  4. ^ "Familias y sobrevivientes de masacre de Soras esperan justicia – Comisedh". comisedh.org.pe (in Spanish). 15 July 2019. Retrieved 5 August 2024.
  5. ^ CALDERÓN CORNEJO, MAYRA (16 May 2021). "Soras: La peor masacre, del grupo terrorista Sendero Luminoso, no avanza en el Poder Judicial - Peru 21". Perú.21 (in Spanish). Retrieved 5 August 2024.
  6. ^ a b "2.3. Los casos de Chungui y de la Oreja de Perro" (PDF). www.cverdad.org.pe (in Spanish). Retrieved 14 January 2024.
  7. ^ "32 años de la masacre a campesinos del 9 de febrero". www.lavozucayalina.com.pe (in Spanish). 9 February 2021. Retrieved 7 August 2024.
  8. ^ "Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación". Truth and Reconciliation Commission (in Spanish). 8 August 2002. Retrieved 7 August 2024.
  9. ^ Pérez Noriega, Karol Leslie (14 February 2024). "Dirección de Agricultura conmemora 35 años de los mártires del 9 de febrero - Noticias - Direccion Regional Sectorial Agricultura de Ucayali - Plataforma del Estado Peruano". www.gob.pe (in Spanish). Retrieved 7 August 2024.
  10. ^ "La matanza de las Gardenias: uno de los crímenes de odio que marcó a la comunidad LGBT en Perú - Infobae". Infobae (in Spanish). 24 September 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
  11. ^ "Guerrillas Attack Church". ChristianityToday.com. 1991-04-29. Retrieved 2023-11-25.
  12. ^ "Post: Masacre de Santa Bárbara: 20 años de cárcel para militar que dinamitó a 15 campesinos". contraelolvido.lamula.pe (in Spanish). 7 October 2017. Retrieved 22 August 2024.
  13. ^ BRICEÑO, FRANKLIN (3 December 2021). "Niños masacrados por militares en 1991 sepultados en Perú - AP News". Associated Press (in Spanish). Retrieved 5 June 2024.
  14. ^ "Baguazo - 5 de junio del 2009: El día del conflicto social en el que murieron policías y nativos awajún y wampi - RPP Noticias". Radio Programas del Perú (in Spanish). 5 June 2020. Retrieved 5 August 2024.
  15. ^ Altamirano, Óscar (5 June 2024). "Baguazo: A 15 años de la masacre que dejó 33 fallecidos". www.cutivalu.pe (in Spanish). Retrieved 5 August 2024.