List of social fraternities and sororities
This article needs additional citations for verification. (April 2010) |
Social or general fraternities and sororities, in the North American fraternity system, are those that do not promote a particular profession (as professional fraternities are) or discipline (such as service fraternities and sororities). Instead, their primary purposes are often stated as the development of character, literary or leadership ability, or to serve a more simple social purpose. This list of social collegiate organizations; other types of social fraternal organizations can be found under List of general fraternities.
Some organizations in this list have a specific major listed as a traditional emphasis. These organizations are social organizations that cater to students in those majors. Other organizations listed have a traditional emphasis on a specific religion or ethnic background, such as Christian fraternities and sororities. Despite this emphasis, most organizations have non-discrimination membership policies.
Fraternity is usually understood to mean a social organization composed only of men, and sorority one of women, although many women's organizations and co-ed organizations also refer to themselves as fraternities. This list of collegiate North American fraternities and sororities is not exhaustive and does not attempt to include local organizations that do not have Wikipedia articles.
[edit]Active chapters are indicated in bold. Inactive fraternities are indicated in italic.
Organization | Symbol | Chartered/Range | Scope | Affiliation | Traditional emphasis | Crest writing[a] | Status | Reference |
Acacia | AKAKIA | 1904 | International | NIC | Masonic | ΩΦΕΛΟΥΝΤΕΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥΣ (Human Service) |
Active | [b] |
Adelphikos | ΑΔΕΛ [sic] | 1913 | Local | Grove City College | Christian | ΑΔΕΛΦΙΚΟΣ [sic] (brotherly) |
Active | |
Alpha Chi Alpha | ΑΧΑ | 1919 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Fidelis et Suavis (Loyal and sweet) |
Active | |
Alpha Chi Rho | ΑΧΡ | 1895 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΑΝΔΡΙΔΕΣΘΕ (Be Men) |
Active | |
Alpha Delta Alpha | ΑΔΑ | 1920–December 1934 | National | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [c][d] | |
Alpha Delta Gamma | ΑΔΓ | 1924 | National | NIC | Jesuit | Γνωσθέντες εφ φίλων [sic] (Known by friends) |
Active | |
Alpha Delta Phi | ΑΔΦ | 1832 | International | NIC | Traditional | MANUS MULTAE COR UNUM (many hands one heart) |
Active | [e][f] |
Alpha Epsilon Pi | ΑΕΠ | 1913 | International | FFC | Jewish | ΕΣΠΟΝΔΑ | Active | |
Alpha Gamma | ΑΓ | 1867–1885 | National | Traditional | Inactive | [g] | ||
Alpha Gamma Omega | ΑΓΩ | 1927 | National | Independent | Christian | ΑΛΦΑ ΓΑΜΜΑ ΩΜΕΓΑ | Active | |
Alpha Gamma Upsilon | ΑΓΥ | 1922–May 1965 | National | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [h] | |
Alpha Kappa Lambda | ΑΚΛ | 1914 | National | NIC | Traditional | Αληθεια και Λογος [sic] (Truth and the Word) |
Active | |
Alpha Kappa Pi | ΑΚΠ | 1921–1946 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [i] | |
Alpha Lambda Mu | ΑΛΜ | 2013 | National | Independent | Muslim | Active | [1] | |
Alpha Lambda Tau | ΑΛΤ | 1916–1946 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [j] | |
Alpha Phi Alpha | ΑΦΑ | 1906 | International | NIC, NPHC | African-American | Αλφα Φι Αλφα | Active | |
Alpha Phi Delta | ΑΦΔ | 1914 | National | NIC | Italian heritage | FACIAMUS (We Do) |
Active | |
Alpha Psi Rho | ΑΨΡ | 2000 | National | Independent | Asian–Pacific Islander | Active | ||
Alpha Sigma Phi | ΑΣΦ | 1845 | International | FFC | Traditional | CAUSA LATET VIS EST NOTISSIMA (The cause is hidden, the results well-known) |
Active | [k] |
Alpha Tau Omega | ΑΤΩ | 1865 | National | NIC and FFC | Traditional | πι εψιλον πι | Active | [l] |
Beta Chi Theta | ΒΧΘ | 1999 | National | NIC, NAPA | South Asian | Βητα Χι Θητα | Active | |
Beta Epsilon Gamma Gamma Alpha Rho Sigma | ΒΕΓΓΑΡΣ | 1923 | Local | Loyola University New Orleans | Jesuit | BEGGARS (transliterated) |
Active | |
Beta Kappa | ΒΚ | 1901–1942 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [m] | |
Beta Sigma Psi | ΒΣΨ | 1925 | National | NIC | Lutheran | PER ASPERA AD ASTRA (through adversity to the stars) |
Active | |
Beta Sigma Rho | ΒΣΡ | 1910–1972 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [n] | |
Beta Theta Pi | ΒΘΠ | 1839 | International | NIC | Traditional | ___ και ___ | Active | |
Beta Upsilon Chi | ΒΥΧ | 1985 | National | NIC | Christian | Brothers Under Christ | Active | |
Bones Gate | BG | 1901 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | ||
Chi Gamma Epsilon | ΧΓΕ | 1905 (1987) | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | ||
Chi Heorot | ΧH | 1897 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | ||
Chi Phi | ΧΦ | 1854 | National | NIC | Traditional | Chi Phi | Active | |
Chi Psi | ΧΨ | 1841 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | ||
Delphic Fraternity | ΓΣΤ | 1871 | National | Independent | Traditional | Δελφικοσ [sic] (Delphics) |
Active | [o] |
Delta Alpha Pi | ΔΑΠ | 1919–1935 | National | Traditional | Inactive | [p] | ||
Delta Chi | ΔΧ | 1890 | International | NIC | Traditional | Leges (Laws) |
Active | [q] |
Delta Epsilon Psi | ΔΕΨ | 1998 | National | NAPA | South Asian | Active | [r] | |
Delta Kappa | ΔΚ | 1920 | Local | Independent | Traditional | Active | [s] | |
Delta Kappa Epsilon | ΔΚΕ | 1844 | International | NIC | Traditional | Κηροθεν φιλοι α´ει [sic] (Brothers From The Heart, Forever) |
Active | [t] |
Delta Lambda Phi | ΔΛΦ | 1986 | International | NIC | Gay, bisexual, transgender | Delta Lambda Phi | Active | |
Delta Phi | ΔΦ | 1827 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | [u] | |
Delta Psi | ΔΨ | 1850 | Local | University of Vermont | Traditional | Inactive | [v] | |
Delta Psi (St. Anthony Hall) | ΔΨ | 1847 | National | Independent | Literary | Active | [w] | |
Delta Rho Upsilon | ΔΡΥ | 1929 | Local | Carroll University | Traditional | Active | ||
Delta Sigma Lambda | ΔΣΛ | 1921–1937 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [x] | |
Delta Sigma Phi | ΔΣΦ | 1899 | National | NIC | Traditional | Δελτα Σιγμα Φι | Active | |
Delta Tau Delta | ΔΤΔ | 1858 | International | NIC | Traditional | Delta Tau Delta | Active | [y] |
Delta Upsilon | ΔΥ | 1834 | International | NIC | Traditional | Δικαία Ὑποθήκη (Justice, our foundation) |
Active | |
FarmHouse | FH | 1905 | International | NIC | Traditional | Farmhouse 1905 | Active | [z] |
Gamma Phi Gamma | ΓΦΓ | 1907 | Local | Wilmington College | Traditional | Active | ||
Gamma Zeta Alpha | ΓΖΑ | 1987 | National | NALFO | Latino | Active | ||
Iota Nu Delta | ΙΝΔ | 1994 | International | NIC, NAPA | South Asian | ΑΔΕΛΦΟΣΥΝΗ ΑΙΩΝΙΑ (eternal brotherhood) |
Active | |
Iota Phi Theta | ΙΦΘ | 1963 | International | NIC, NPHC | African-American | Active | ||
Kappa Alpha Order | ΚΑ | 1865 | National | FFC | Traditional | Dieu Et Les Dames (God and the ladies) |
Active | |
Kappa Alpha Psi | ΚΑΨ | 1911 | International | NIC, NPHC | African-American | τελειωσις [sic] (perfection) δια φιλανθρωπιαν νοησιν πιστιν [sic] (for the true belief in philanthropy) |
Active | |
Kappa Alpha Society | ΚΑ | 1825 | International | NIC | Traditional | Active | [aa] | |
Kappa Delta Phi | ΚΔΦ | 1900 | National | NIC | Traditional | Καππα Δελτα Φι (Kappa Delta Phi) |
Active | |
Kappa Delta Rho | ΚΔΡ | 1905 | National | NIC | Traditional | Honor Super Omnia (Honor Above All Things) |
Active | |
Kappa Nu | ΚΝ | 1911–1961 | National | NIC | Jewish | Inactive | [ab] | |
Kappa Phi Lambda | ΚΦΛ | 1862–1874 | National | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [ac] | |
Kappa Pi Kappa | ΚΠΚ | 1842 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | ||
Kappa Sigma | ΚΣ | 1869 | International | Independent | Traditional | ΑΕΚΔΒ | Active | [ad] |
Lambda Alpha Upsilon | ΛΑΥ | 1985 | National | NALFO | Latino | Venceremos Porque Nacimos Para Triunfar (We will overcome because we are born to triumph) |
Active | |
Lambda Chi Alpha | ΛΧΑ | 1909 | International | Independent | Traditional | PER CRUSCEM CRESCENS (Crescent in the Cross) VIR QUISQUE VIR (Every man a man) |
Active | [ae] |
Lambda Iota Society | ΛΙ | 1836 | Local | University of Vermont | Traditional | [af] | ||
Lambda Phi Epsilon | ΛΦΕ | 1981 | International | NIC, NAPA | Asian-American | ΗΓΕΜΟΝΕΣ ΕΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ (Leaders Among Men) |
Active | |
Lambda Sigma Upsilon | ΛΣΥ | 1979 | National | NALFO, NIC | Latinos | Latinos Siempre Unidos (Latinos Always United) |
Active | |
Lambda Theta Phi | ΛΘΦ | 1975 | National | NALFO, NIC | Latino | Active | ||
Lambda Upsilon Lambda | ΛΥΛ | 1982 | National | NALFO | Latino | La Unidad Para Siempre (The Unity Forever) |
Active | |
Nu Alpha Kappa | ΝΑΚ | 1988 | National | NIC | Latino | Active | ||
Nu Sigma Beta | ΝΣΒ | 1937 | International | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | Active | ||
Omega Delta Phi | ΩΔΦ | 1987 | National | NIC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Omega Phi Gamma | ΩΦΓ | 1995 | National | Independent | Asian | ΦΙΝΙΡΕ ΑΔ ΗΟΝΟΣ (Bound by Honor) ΕΜΕΡΓΕΡΕ ΣΥΠΕΡΝΕ ΟΜΝΙΣ (Rise Above All) |
Active | |
Omega Psi Phi | ΩΨΦ | 1911 | International | NPHC | African-American | Active | ||
Omicron Alpha Tau | ΟΑΤ | 1912–1934 | National | NIC | Jewish | Inactive | [ag] | |
Omicron Kappa Epsilon | ΟΚE | 1834 | Local | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Pan Sophic | 1911 | Local | Grove City College | Traditional | Brotherhood, Love, & Loyalty | Active | ||
Phi Alpha | ΦΑ | 1914–1959 | National | NIC | Jewish | Inactive | [ah] | |
Phi Alpha Mu | ΦΑΜ | 1926 | Local | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Alpha Pi | ΦΑΠ | 1861 | Local | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Beta Delta | ΦΒΔ | 1912–1941 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [ai] | |
Phi Beta Epsilon | ΦΒΕ | 1890 | Local | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Beta Sigma | ΦΒΣ | 1914 | International | NPHC | African-American | Active | ||
Phi Delta Alpha | ΦΔΑ | 1884 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Delta Gamma | ΦΔΓ | 1942 | National | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | Active | ||
Phi Delta Psi | ΦΔΨ | 1977 | National | Independent | African-American | Active | ||
Phi Delta Theta | ΦΔΘ | 1848 | International | Independent | Traditional | Εἰς ἀνῆρ οὐδείς ἀνῆρ (One man is no man) |
Active | [aj][ak] |
Phi Epsilon Chi | ΦΕΧ | 1943 | International | Independent | Puerto Rican | Yo soy Phi Epsilon de corazón (I am Phi Epsilon from the heart) |
Active | |
Phi Epsilon Pi | ΦΕΠ | 1904–1970 | International | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [al] | |
Phi Eta Kappa | ΦΗΚ | 1906 | Local | University of Maine | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Eta Mu | ΦΗΜ | 1923 | National | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | Active | ||
Phi Gamma Delta | ΦΓΔ / FIJI | 1848 | International | NIC | Traditional | Φιλότης Γλυκυτάτη Δυναστεία (Friendship, the Sweetest Influence) |
Active | |
Phi Iota Alpha | ΦΙΑ | 1931 | National | NIC, NALFO | Latino | SEMPER PARATI SEMPER JUNCTI (Always ready always joined) |
Active | |
Phi Kappa | ΦΚ | 1889–1959 | National | NIC | Catholic | Inactive | [am] | |
Phi Kappa Pi | ΦΚΠ | 1913 | National (Canada) | Independent | Traditional | Φιλαδελφια Καναδαιοι Παιδευομεθα (We are raised Canadians in philadelphy) |
Active | |
Phi Kappa Psi | ΦΚΨ | 1852 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | [an] | |
Phi Kappa Sigma | ΦΚΣ | 1850 | International | NIC | Traditional | Stellis Aequus Durando (Equal to the Stars in Endurance) |
Active | [ao] |
Phi Kappa Tau | ΦΚΤ | 1906 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΑΞΙΟΣ ΕΣΤΙ Η ΤΗΝ ΝΙΚΗΝ (Is worthy of the victory) |
Active | |
Phi Kappa Theta | ΦΚΘ | 1889 | National | NIC | Traditional | Give, expecting nothing thereof. | Active | [ap] |
Phi Lambda Alpha | ΦΛΑ | 1919–1931 | National | Latino | Inactive | [aq] | ||
Phi Lambda Chi | ΦΛΧ | 1925 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Lambda Theta | ΦΛΘ | 1920–1939 | National | NIC | Odd Fellows | Inactive | [ar] | |
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia | ΦΜΑ | 1898 | National | NIMC | Music | Active | ||
Phi Mu Delta | ΦΜΔ | 1918 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | [as] | |
Phi Pi Phi | ΦΠΦ | 1915–1939 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [at] | |
Phi Rho Eta | ΦΡΗ | 1994 | National | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Sigma Alpha | ΦΣΑ | 1928 | International | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | OMNE RARUM CARUM (All that is rare is wanted) |
Active | |
Phi Sigma Delta | ΦΣΔ | 1909–1969 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [au] | |
Phi Sigma Epsilon | ΦΣΕ | 1910–1985 | National | NIC, Association of Teachers College Fraternities | Traditional | Inactive | [av] | |
Phi Sigma Kappa | ΦΣΚ | 1873 | International | NIC | Traditional | Active | ||
Phi Sigma Nu | ΦΣΝ | 1996 | National | Independent | Native American | Active | ||
Phi Sigma Phi | ΦΣΦ | 1988 | National | NIC | Traditional | Φι Σιγμα Φι | Active | |
Pi Alpha Phi | ΠΑΦ | 1929 | National | NAPA | Asian American | Πι Αλφα Φι | Inactive | |
Pi Delta Psi | ΠΔΨ | 1994 | National | NAPA | Asian | Active | ||
Pi Kappa Alpha | ΠΚΑ | 1868 | International | NIC | Traditional | φφκα | Active | |
Pi Kappa Phi | ΠΚΦ | 1904 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΟΥΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΣΠΑΣΕΙ ΗΜΑΣ (Nothing shall tear us asunder) |
Active | |
Pi Lambda Phi | ΠΛΦ | 1895 | International | NIC | Traditional | NOSTROS AMEMUS (love our own) |
Active | |
Psi Sigma Phi | ΨΣΦ | 1990 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | [aw] | |
Psi Upsilon | ΨΥ | 1833 | International | NIC | Traditional | ΥΜΙΝ ΣΥΝΕΠΕΣΕ ΣΦΟΔΡΑ ΦΙΛΙΑ (Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship) |
Active | [ax][ay] |
Seal and Serpent | 1905 | Local | Cornell University | Traditional | Active | |||
Sigma Alpha Epsilon | ΣΑΕ | 1856 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΣΙΓΜΑ ΑΛΦΑ ΕΨΙΛΟΝ | Active | |
Sigma Alpha Mu | ΣΑΜ | 1909 | International | NIC | Traditional | ΣΙΓΜΑ ΑΛΦΑ ΜΥ | Active | [az] |
Sigma Beta Rho | ΣΒΡ | 1996 | National | NIC, NAPA | Multicultural | Active | ||
Sigma Chi | ΣΧ | 1855 | International | NIC | Traditional | In Hoc Signo Vinces (In This Sign You Shall Conquer) |
Active | [ba] |
Sigma Delta Alpha | ΣΔΑ | 1992 | National | Independent | Latino | Excelencia Y Lealtad Entre Hermanos (Excellence and Loyalty Amongst Brothers) |
Active | |
Sigma Delta Rho | ΣΔΡ | 1921–1935 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [bb] | |
Sigma Iota | ΣΙ | 1904–1931 | International | Latin American | Inactive | [bc] | ||
Sigma Lambda Beta | ΣΛΒ | 1986 | National | Independent | Latino | Active | ||
Sigma Lambda Pi | ΣΛΠ | 1915–1932 | National | Independent | Jewish | Inactive | [bd] | |
Sigma Nu | ΣΝ | 1869 | International | NIC | Traditional | ΣNETT | Active | |
Sigma Phi Epsilon | ΣΦΕ | 1901 | National | Independent | Traditional | Σίγμα Φί Ἕψιλόν | Active | [be] |
Sigma Phi Sigma | ΣΦΣ | 1908–1947 | National | Traditional | Inactive | [bf] | ||
Sigma Phi Society | ΣΦ | 1827 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | [bg] | |
Sigma Pi | ΣΠ | 1897 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ ΠΙΣΤΗΣ (Reverend Faith) |
Active | [bh][bi] |
Sigma Tau Gamma | ΣΤΓ | 1920 | National | NIC | Traditional | Active | [bj] | |
Sigma Tau Phi | ΣΤΦ | 1918–1947 | National | NIC | Jewish | Inactive | [bk] | |
Sigma Thêta Pi | ΣΘΠ | 2003 | International | Independent | Traditional | Fraternitas, animi excelsitas ac dignitas (Fraternity, height and dignity of the soul) |
Active | |
Tau Delta Phi | ΤΔΦ | 1910 | National | NIC | Traditional | ΤΑΥ ΔΕΛΤΑ ΦΙ | Active | |
Tau Epsilon Phi | ΤΕΦ | 1910 | International | NIC | Traditional | Ταύ Εψιλόν Φί | Active | |
Tau Kappa Epsilon | ΤΚΕ | 1899 | International | Independent | Traditional | [bl] | ||
Tau Phi Sigma | ΤΦΣ | 1992 | National | NIC | Multicultural, social, and service | Active | ||
Theta Chi | ΘΧ | 1856 | International | FFC | Traditional | ΘΗΡΟΠΟΣΑ ΧΕΙΡ (Assisting Hand) |
Active | |
Theta Delta Chi | ΘΔΧ | 1847 | International | NIC | Traditional | ὀμόφρονα θυμόν ἔχοντες (Our Hearts Are United) |
Active | [bm] |
Theta Kappa Nu | ΘΚΝ | 1924–1939 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [bn] | |
Theta Kappa Phi | ΘΚΦ | 1919–1959 | National | NIC | Catholic | Inactive | [bo] | |
Theta Upsilon Omega | ΘΥΩ | 1923–1938 | National | NIC | Traditional | Inactive | [bp] | |
Theta Xi | ΘΞ | 1864 | National | NIC | Traditional | Juncti Juvant (United they Serve) |
Active | [bq] |
Triangle | 1907 | National | NIC | Traditional | Veritas Omnia Vincit (Truth Conquers All) | Active | ||
Zeta Beta Tau | ΖΒΤ | 1898 | International | NIC | Traditional | Active | [br] | |
Zeta Chi | ΖΧ | 1905 | Local | Baker University | Traditional | Active | ||
Zeta Phi Rho | ΖΦΡ | 1995 | National | Independent | Multicultural | Active | ||
Zeta Psi | ΖΨ | 1847 | International | NIC | Traditional | Active |
[edit]- ^ Any text in Greek or Latin writing contained within the crests. This does not necessarily correspond to the motto. A few are in Spanish or French. The orthography and punctuation are as depicted in the crest's writing, and are not necessarily grammatically correct.
- ^ Masonic membership no longer required.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ ΑΔΦ is listed both among the fraternities and the co-educational groups.
- ^ Founded as a secret literary society
- ^ Merged with Alpha Tau Omega and dispersed to multiple fraternities
- ^ Merged with Alpha Sigma Phi and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Merged with Alpha Sigma Phi.
- ^ Merged with Tau Kappa Epsilon and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Founded on Christian princibles
- ^ Merged with Theta Chi.
- ^ Merged with Pi Lambda Phi.
- ^ Originally a literary society
- ^ Merged with Phi Mu Delta.
- ^ Originally a law fraternity.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Merged with Sigma Pi. However, local chapters still exist.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ This organization is listed as both fraternities and co-ed groups.
- ^ Merged with Theta Chi.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ Originally an agricultural fraternity.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ Merged with Phi Epsilon Pi.
- ^ Disbanded and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Originally a secret literary society
- ^ Merged with Tau Delta Phi.
- ^ Merged with Tau Delta Phi.
- ^ Merged with Pi Lambda Phi.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Originally nonsectarian.
- ^ Merged with Zeta Beta Tau.
- ^ Merged to create Phi Kappa Theta.
- ^ Originally a service fraternity.
- ^ Originally a secret order
- ^ Originally a Catholic organization.
- ^ Merged with Phi Iota Alpha.
- ^ Dissolved and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Originally the Commons Club.
- ^ Merged with Alpha Sigma Phi.
- ^ Merged with Zeta Beta Tau.
- ^ Merged with Phi Sigma Kappa.
- ^ ΨΥ is listed both among the fraternities and the co-educational groups.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ ΨΥ is listed both among the fraternities and the co-educational groups.
- ^ Originally a Jewish organization.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ Merged with Alpha Kappa Pi and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Merged with Phi Iota Alpha.
- ^ Merged with Phi Epsilon Pi.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Merged with Phi Sigma and dispersed to multiple fraternities.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ Originally a literary society.
- ^ Merged with Alpha Epsilon Pi.
- ^ Formerly a member of NIC.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ Merged with Lambda Chi Alpha.
- ^ Merged to create Phi Kappa Theta.
- ^ Merged with Sigma Phi Epsilon.
- ^ Originally an engineering fraternity.
- ^ Originally a Jewish organization
Sororities and women's fraternities
[edit]Inactive sororities are indicated in italic.
Organization | Symbol | Founded | Scope | Affiliation | Emphasis | Crest writing[a] | Status | Reference |
Alpha Chi Omega | ΑΧΩ | 1885 | International | NPC | Traditional | Συσπουδάσωμεν τά ανώτατα (Together Let Us Seek the Heights) |
Active | [b] |
Alpha Delta Chi | ΑΔΧ | 1925 | National | Independent | Christian | Katoptriozomai[c] (Reflected in mirror) |
Active | |
Alpha Delta Pi | ΑΔΠ | 1851 | International | NPC | Traditional | Ζῶμεν Ἀλλήλοις (We live for each other) |
Active | [d] |
Alpha Delta Theta | ΑΔΘ | 1919–1939 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [e] | |
Alpha Epsilon Phi | ΑΕΦ | 1909 | National | NPC | Traditional | ΑΛΦΑ ΕΨΙΛΟΝ ΦΙ | Active | [f] |
Alpha Gamma Delta | ΑΓΔ | 1904 | International | NPC | Traditional | ΑΛΦΑ ΓΑΜΜΑ ΔΕΛΤΑ | Active | |
Alpha Kappa Alpha | ΑΚΑ | 1908 | International | NPHC | African-American | ΟΦΕΛΥΟΜΕΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΤΙΔΕΣ | Active | |
alpha Kappa Delta Phi | αΚΔΦ | 1990 | International | NAPA | Asian | Σορορνμ σοδαλιτασ αετερνα (Timeless friendship through sisterhood) |
Active | |
Alpha Kappa Psi | ΑΚΨ | 1900–1920 | National | Traditional | Inactive | [g] | ||
Alpha Omicron Pi | ΑΟΠ | 1897 | International | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Alpha Phi | ΑΦ | 1872 | International | NPC | Traditional | ζευξις χειρι εν χειρι (Union hand in hand) |
Active | |
Alpha Phi Gamma | ΑΦΓ | 1994 | National | NAPA | Asian | Σιγμα Αλπηα Αλπηα [sic] | Active | |
Alpha Pi Omega | ΑΠΩ | 1994 | National | Independent | Native American | Active | ||
Alpha Sigma Alpha | ΑΣΑ | 1901 | National | NPC | Traditional | ΑΓΑΣΘΕ ΣΠΕΥΔΕΤΕ ΑΙΡΕΣΘΕ (Aspire, seek, attain) |
Active | [h] |
Alpha Sigma Delta | ΑΣΔ | 1919–1932 | National | Traditional | Inactive | [i] | ||
Alpha Sigma Rho | ΑΣΡ | 1998 | National | NAPA | Asian American | Active | ||
Alpha Sigma Tau | ΑΣΤ | 1899 | National | NPC | Traditional | Αλφα Σιγμα Ταυ [sic] |
Active | [j] |
Alpha Xi Delta | ΑΞΔ | 1893 | National | NPC | Traditional | Αλφα Ξι Δελτα [sic] |
Active | |
Beta Phi Alpha | ΒΦΑ | 1919–1941 | National | Inactive | [k] | |||
Beta Sigma Omicron | ΒΣΟ | 1888–1964 | National | Inactive | [l] | |||
Ceres | 1984 | National | Independent | Social and agricultural | Active | |||
Chi Delta Theta | ΧΔΘ | 1989 | National | Independent | Asian, multicultural | Active | ||
Chi Iota Pi | ΧΙΠ | 2004 | National | Independent | Multicultural | Active | ||
Chi Omega | ΧΩ | 1895 | National | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Chi Upsilon Sigma | ΧΥΣ | 1980 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Clovia | 1931 | National | Independent | 4-H origin | Active | |||
Delta Delta Delta | ΔΔΔ | 1888 | NPC | Traditional | Ἀσφαλῶς Ἀγαπῶμεν Ἀλλήλας (Let us steadfastly love one another) |
Active | ||
Delta Gamma | ΔΓ | 1873 | International | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Delta Phi Epsilon | ΔΦΕ | 1917 | International | NPC | Traditional | ESSE QUAM VIDERI (To be rather than to seem to be) |
Active | |
Delta Phi Lambda | ΔΦΛ | 1998 | National | NAPA | Asian | Active | ||
Delta Phi Omega | ΔΦΩ | 1998 | National | NAPA | South Asian | Active | ||
Delta Sigma Epsilon | ΔΣΕ | 1914–1956 | International | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [m] | |
Delta Sigma Theta | ΔΣΘ | 1913 | International | NPHC | African-American | ΔΕΛΤΑ ΣΙΓΜΑ ΘΕΤΑ [sic] | Active | |
Delta Xi Nu | ΔΞΝ | 1997 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Delta Xi Phi | ΔΞΦ | 1994 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | ΔΕΛΤΑ ΞΙ ΦΙ | Active | |
Delta Zeta | ΔΖ | 1902 | National | NPC | Traditional | Δια Καρτερου Ζωπυρον (Via strong fire) |
Active | |
Eta Gamma Delta | ΗΓΔ | 1928 | National | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | Active | ||
Eta Upsilon Gamma | ΗΥΓ | 1901 | National | JPHC | Traditional | Be Strong in the Truth | Inactive | |
Gamma Alpha Omega | ΓΑΩ | 1993 | National | NALFO | Latina | Nos Una Crescemus (United We Will Grow) |
Active | |
Gamma Eta | ΓΗ | 1995 | National | NMGC | Traditional | Active | ||
Gamma Phi Beta | ΓΦΒ | 1874 | International | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Gamma Rho Lambda | ΓΡΛ | 2003 | National | Independent | LGBTQ | Active | ||
Iota Alpha Pi | ΙΑΠ | 1903–1971 | International | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [n] | |
Kappa Alpha Theta | ΚΑΘ | 1870 | International | NPC | Traditional | ΚΑΠΠΑ ΑΛΦΑ ΘΗΤΑ | Active | |
Kappa Beta Gamma | ΚΒΓ | 1917 | International | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Kappa Delta | ΚΔ | 1897 | National | NPC | Traditional | Τα Καλά Διώκομεν (Seeking the good) |
Active | |
Kappa Delta Chi | ΚΔΧ | 1987 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Kappa Kappa Gamma | ΚΚΓ | 1870 | International | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Kappa Phi Lambda | ΚΦΛ | 1995 | National | NAPA | Asian | FRATERNITE SERVITIUM VARIETAS (Sisterhood, Service, Diversity) |
Active | |
Lambda Omega | ΛΩ | 1915–1933 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [o] | |
Lambda Pi Chi | ΛΠΧ | 1988 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Lambda Pi Upsilon | ΛΠΥ | 1992 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Lambda Psi Delta | ΛΨΔ | 1997 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | |||
Lambda Sigma Gamma | ΛΣΓ | 1986 | Regional | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Lambda Tau Omega | ΛΤΩ | 1988 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Lambda Theta Alpha | ΛΘΑ | 1975 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Lambda Theta Nu | ΛΘΝ | 1986 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Mu Alpha Phi | ΜΑΦ | 1927 | Regional | CIPFI | Puerto Rican | Active | ||
Mu Sigma Upsilon | ΜΣΥ | 1981 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Mujeres Siempre Unidas (Women Always United) |
Active | |
Omega Phi Beta | ΩΦΒ | 1989 | National | NALFO | Multicultural | Active | ||
Omega Phi Chi | ΩΦΧ | 1988 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Phi Beta Chi | ΦΒΧ | 1978 | National | Independent | Lutheran | Amor Via Vitae in Christo (Love through Life in Christ) |
Active | |
Phi Mu | ΦΜ | 1852 | National | NPC | Traditional | Les Soeurs Fideles (The Faithful Sisters) |
Active | |
Phi Sigma Rho | ΦΣΡ | 1984 | National | Independent | Engineering | Active | ||
Phi Sigma Sigma | ΦΣΣ | 1913 | National | NPC | Traditional | Διωκετε Υψηλα (Aim high) |
Active | |
Pi Beta Phi | ΠΒΦ | 1867 | International | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Pi Delta Kappa | ΠΔΚ | 1907–1913 | Regional | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [p] | |
Pi Kappa Sigma | ΠΚΣ | 1894–1959 | International | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [q] | |
Pi Lambda Sigma | ΠΛΣ | 1921–1952 | National | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [r][s] | |
Phi Omega Pi | ΦΩΠ | 1922–1946 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [t] | |
Pi Sigma Gamma | ΠΣΓ | 1919–1932 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [u] | |
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi | ΣΑΕΠ | 1998 | National | Independent | Jewish | Active | ||
Sigma Alpha Omega | ΣΑΩ | 1998 | National | Independent | Christian | Active | ||
Sigma Delta Chi | ΣΔΧ | April 1902–November 11, 1915 | Regional | Independent | Traditional | Inactive | [v] | |
Sigma Delta Tau | ΣΔΤ | 1917 | International | NPC | Jewish | Patriae Multae Spes Una (One Hope of Many People) |
Active | [w] |
Sigma Gamma Rho | ΣΓΡ | 1922 | International | NPHC | African-American | Active | ||
Sigma Iota Alpha | ΣΙΑ | 1990 | National | NALFO | Latina | Semper Unum et Inseparabilis (Always One and Inseparable) |
Active | |
Sigma Kappa | ΣΚ | 1874 | National | NPC | Traditional | Active | ||
Sigma Lambda Alpha | ΣΛΑ | 1992 | National | Independent | Latina | Active | ||
Sigma Lambda Gamma | ΣΛΓ | 1990 | National | Independent | Latina | Active | ||
Sigma Lambda Upsilon | ΣΛΥ | 1987 | National | NALFO | Latina | Active | ||
Sigma Omicron Epsilon | ΣΟΕ | 1997 | National | Independent | Native American | Active | ||
Sigma Omicron Pi | ΣΟΠ | 1930 | National | NAPA | Asian American | Active | ||
Sigma Phi Beta | ΣΦΒ | 1920–1933 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [x] | |
Sigma Phi Lambda | ΣΦΛ | 1988 | National | Independent | Christian | Active | ||
Sigma Phi Omega | ΣΦΩ | 1949 | National | Independent | Asian | Active | ||
Sigma Pi Alpha | ΣΠΑ | 1996 | National | Independent | Chicana/Latina | Active | ||
Sigma Psi | ΣΨ | 1896 | Local | Case Western Reserve University | Traditional | Active | ||
Sigma Psi Zeta | ΣΨΖ | 1994 | National | NAPA | Asian American | Active | ||
Sigma Sigma Sigma | ΣΣΣ | 1898 | International | NPC | Traditional | Πιστός εϊς θάνατον (Faithful unto death) |
Active | [y] |
Tau Mu Tau | ΤΜΤ | 1904 | Local | Independent | Traditional | Active | ||
Theta Nu Xi | ΘΝΞ | 1997 | National | NMGC | Multicultural | Active | ||
Theta Phi Alpha | ΘΦΑ | 1912 | National | NPC | Traditional | Θήτα φι Αλφα | Active | [z] |
Theta Sigma Upsilon | ΘΣΥ | 1921–1959 | National | NPC, PFA | Traditional | Inactive | [aa] | |
Theta Upsilon | ΘΥ | 1921–1962 | National | NPC | Traditional | Inactive | [ab] | |
Zeta Chi Phi | ΖΧΦ | 2003 | National | Independent | Multicultural | Active | ||
Zeta Phi Beta | ΖΦΒ | 1920 | International | NPHC | African-American | παντα ἐργασία νίκα (labor always wins) |
Active | |
Zeta Sigma Chi | ΖΣΧ | 1991 | National | Independent | Multicultural | Keeping the dream alive | Active | |
Zeta Tau Alpha | ΖΤΑ | 1898 | International | NPC | Traditional | Ζητα Ταυ Αλφα | Active |
[edit]- ^ Any text in Greek or Latin writing contained within the crests. This does not necessarily correspond to the motto. A few are in Spanish or French. The orthography and punctuation are as depicted in the crest's writing, and are not necessarily grammatically correct.
- ^ Originally a music sorority
- ^ Includes both Latin and Greek letters.
- ^ Originally a secret society.
- ^ Merged with Phi Mu.
- ^ Originally a Jewish sorority
- ^ Merged with Delta Delta Delta and dispersed to multiple sororities.
- ^ Originally an educational sorority
- ^ Merged with Lambda Omega (see Delta Zeta).
- ^ Originally an educational sorority
- ^ Merged with Lambda Omega (see Delta Zeta).
- ^ Merged with Zeta Tau Alpha.
- ^ Merged with Delta Zeta.
- ^ Sorority disbanded.
- ^ Merged with Delta Zeta.
- ^ Merged with Chi Omega.
- ^ Merged with Sigma Kappa.
- ^ Merged with Theta Phi Alpha.
- ^ This is the Catholic women's general sorority, not the former local honor society for library science at Syracuse, now a part of Beta Phi Mu.
- ^ Merged with Delta Zeta.
- ^ Merged with Beta Sigma Omicron.
- ^ Merged with Sigma Sigma Sigma.
- ^ Originally a Jewish sorority.
- ^ Merged with Phi Omega Pi.
- ^ Originally an educational sorority
- ^ Originally a Catholic sorority
- ^ Merged with Alpha Gamma Delta.
- ^ Merged with Delta Zeta.
Coeducational fraternities
[edit]Coeducational fraternities permit both male and female members. Inactive chapters are indicated in italic.
Organization | Symbol | Chartered/Range | Scope | Affiliation | Traditional emphasis | Crest writing[a] | Status | Reference |
Alpha Theta | ΑΘ | 1920 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | [b] | |
Alpha Delta Phi Society | ΑΔΦ | 1832 | National | Independent | Literary and traditional | Active | [c][d] | |
Alpha Psi Lambda | ΑΨΛ | 1985 | National | NALFO | Latino | Active | [e] | |
Delta Psi (St. Anthony Hall) | ΔΨ | 1847 | National | Independent | Literary | Active | [f][g] | |
Lambda Lambda Lambda | ΛΛΛ | 2006 | National | Independent | Traditional | Insisto Duodecim (Follow the Twelve) |
Active | [h] |
Phi Tau | ΦΤ | 1905–2020 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Inactive | [i] | |
Psi Upsilon | ΨΥ | 1833 | International | NIC | Traditional | ἨΜΊΝ ΣΥΝΈΠΕΣΕ ΣΦΟΔΡΆ ΦΙΛΊΑ (Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship) |
Active | [j] |
Sigma Mu Sigma | ΣΜΣ | 1921 | Regional | Independent | Traditional | Active | [k] | |
The Tabard (Sigma Epsilon Chi) | ΣΕΧ | 1857 | Local | Dartmouth College | Traditional | Active | [l] | |
Theta Delta Sigma | ΘΔΣ | 2001 | National | Independent | Multicultural | Θετα Δελτα Σεγμα | Active | [m] |
Theta Pi Sigma | ΘΠΣ | 2005 | Local | University of California at Santa Cruz | LGBTQ | Active | [n] | |
Zeta Delta Xi | ΖΔΞ | 1852 | Local | Brown University | Traditional | Active | [o] |
[edit]- ^ Any text in Greek or Latin writing contained within the crests. This does not necessarily correspond to the motto. A few are in Spanish or French. The orthography and punctuation are as depicted in the crest's writing, and are not necessarily grammatically correct.
- ^ Became coed in 1972.
- ^ ΑΔΦ is listed both among the fraternities and the co-educational groups.
- ^ A chapter first became coed in 1973. The coed chapters split from a fraternity in 1992.
- ^ Became coed in 1985.
- ^ This organization is listed as both fraternities and co-ed groups.
- ^ First chapter became coed in 1971. Today, most chapters are coed, but a few remain male-only.
- ^ Established as a coed organization.
- ^ Became coed in 1972.
- ^ Its first chapter became coed in 1971. Today, seven of 27 chapters are coed.
- ^ Became coed in 1984. Two chapters remain.
- ^ Became coed in 1972.
- ^ Established as a coed organization.
- ^ Established as a coed organization.
- ^ First chapter became coed in 1982. Officially split from its national fraternity in 1986.
See also
[edit]- Christian fraternity / Christian sorority
- Cultural interest fraternities and sororities
- Fraternities and sororities in Canada
- Fraternities and sororities in North America
- List of African-American Greek and fraternal organizations
- List of fraternities and sororities in France
- List of fraternities and sororities in the Philippines
- List of fraternities and sororities in Puerto Rico
- List of Jewish fraternities and sororities
- List of Latino Greek-letter organizations
- List of LGBT and LGBT-friendly fraternities and sororities
- Professional fraternities and sororities
- Service fraternities and sororities
[edit]- ^ Spencer, Kyle (2014-02-06). "Fraternity Life, Islamic Style (Published 2014)". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-11-17.