List of chordate orders

This article contains a list of all of the classes and orders that are located in the Phylum Chordata.
Subphylum Cephalochordata
[edit]Class Leptocardii: Lancelets
- Order Amphioxiformes
Olfactores (unranked)
[edit]Class Ascidiacea: Ascideans and sessile tunicates
- Order Enterogona
- Order Pleurogona
- Order Aspiraculata
- Order Doliolida
- Order Pyrosomida
- Order Salpida: salps
Class Appendicularia: Solitary, free-swimming tunicates
[edit]- Order Copelata
Subphylum Vertebrates
[edit]Infraphylum Cyclostomata, Superclass Agnatha: Paraphyletic jawless vertebrates
[edit]- Order Myxiniformes
- Family Myxinidae
Class Hyperoartia: Lampreys and their † kin
[edit]- Order Petromyzontiformes
Infraphylum Gnathostomata: Jawed vertebrates
[edit]Class Placodermi †
[edit]- Order Acanthothoraci
- Order Arthrodira
- Order Antiarchi
- Order Brindabellaspida
- Order Petalichthyida
- Order Phyllolepida
- Order Ptyctodontida
- Order Rhenanida
- Order Pseudopetalichthyida (The placement of this order is debated.)
- Order Stensioellida (The placement of this monotypic order is debated.)
Class Chondrichthyes: Cartilaginous fish

- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Superorder Batoidea
- Order Rajiformes: rays and skates
- Order Rhinopristiformes: sawfishes
- Order Torpediniformes: electric rays
- Order Myliobatiformes: (sting)rays
- Superorder Selachimorpha (sharks)
- Order Heterodontiformes: bullhead sharks
- Order Orectolobiformes: carpet sharks
- Order Carcharhiniformes: ground sharks
- Order Lamniformes: mackerel sharks
- Order Hexanchiformes: frilled and cow sharks
- Order Squaliformes: dogfish sharks
- Order Squatiniformes: angel sharks
- Order Pristiophoriformes: saw sharks
- Superorder Batoidea
- Subclass Holocephali
- Order Chimaeriformes: chimaeras
Class Acanthodii †
- Order Climatiiformes
- Order Ischnacanthiformes
- Order Acanthodiformes
Superclass Osteichthyes: Bony fish
[edit]Class Actinopterygii: Ray-finned fish
- Order Asarotiformes †
- Order Discordichthyiformes †
- Order Paphosisciformes †
- Order Scanilepiformes †
- Order Cheirolepidiformes †
- Order Paramblypteriformes †
- Order Rhadinichthyiformes †
- Order Palaeonisciformes †
- Order Tarrasiiformes †
- Order Pachycormiformes †
- Order Ptycholepiformes †
- Order Redfieldiiformes †
- Order Haplolepidiformes †
- Order Aeduelliformes †
- Order Platysomiformes †
- Order Dorypteriformes †
- Order Eurynotiformes †
- Subclass Cladistii
- Order Polypteriformes
- Subclass Chondrostei
- Order Acipenseriformes: sturgeons and paddlefishes
- Subclass Neopterygii

- Infraclass Holostei
- Order Lepisosteiformes, the gars
- Order Amiiformes, the bowfins
- Infraclass Teleostei
- Superorder Osteoglossomorpha
- Order Osteoglossiformes, the bony-tongued fishes
- Order Hiodontiformes, including the mooneye and goldeye
- Order Lycopteriformes
- Order Ichthyodectiformes †
- Superorder Elopomorpha
- Order Elopiformes, including the ladyfishes and tarpon
- Order Albuliformes, the bonefishes
- Order Notacanthiformes, including the halosaurs and spiny eels
- Order Anguilliformes, the true eels and gulpers
- Order Saccopharyngiformes, including the gulper eel
- Superorder Clupeomorpha
- Order Clupeiformes, including herrings and anchovies
- Superorder Ostariophysi
- Order Gonorynchiformes, including the milkfishes
- Order Cypriniformes, including barbs, carp, danios, goldfishes, loaches, minnows, rasboras
- Order Characiformes, including characins, pencilfishes, hatchetfishes, piranhas, tetras.
- Order Gymnotiformes, including electric eels and knifefishes
- Order Siluriformes, the catfishes
- Superorder Protacanthopterygii
- Order Salmoniformes, including salmon and trout
- Order Esociformes the pike
- Order Osmeriformes, including the smelts and galaxiids
- Superorder Stenopterygii
- Order Ateleopodiformes, the jellynose fish
- Order Stomiiformes, including the bristlemouths and marine hatchetfishes
- Superorder Cyclosquamata
- Order Aulopiformes, including the Bombay duck and lancetfishes
- Superorder Scopelomorpha
- Order Myctophiformes, including the lanternfishes
- Superorder Lampridiomorpha
- Order Lampriformes, including the oarfish, opah and ribbonfishes
- Superorder Polymyxiomorpha
- Order Polymixiiformes, the beardfishes
- Superorder Paracanthopterygii
- Order Percopsiformes, including the cavefishes and trout-perches
- Order Batrachoidiformes, the toadfishes
- Order Lophiiformes, including the anglerfishes
- Order Gadiformes, including cods
- Order Ophidiiformes, including the pearlfishes
- Superorder Acanthopterygii
- Order Mugiliformes, the mullets
- Order Atheriniformes, including silversides and rainbowfishes
- Order Beloniformes, including the flyingfishes
- Order Cetomimiformes, the whalefishes
- Order Cyprinodontiformes, including livebearers, killifishes
- Order Stephanoberyciformes, including the ridgeheads
- Order Beryciformes, including the fangtooths and pineconefishes
- Order Zeiformes, including the dories
- Order Gobiesociformes, the clingfishes[1]
- Order Gasterosteiformes including sticklebacks, pipefishes, seahorses
- Order Syngnathiformes, including the seahorses and pipefishes[2]
- Order Synbranchiformes, including the swamp eels
- Order Tetraodontiformes, including the filefishes and pufferfish
- Order Pleuronectiformes, the flatfishes
- Order Scorpaeniformes, including scorpionfishes and the sculpins
- Order Perciformes 40% of all fish including anabantids, centrarchids (incl. bass and sunfish), cichlids, gobies, gouramis, mackerel, perches, scats, whiting, wrasses
Class Sarcopterygii: Lobe-finned fish
- Subclass Actinistia (coelacanths)
- Order Coelacanthiformes, the coelacanth
- Subclass Dipnoi (lungfish)
- Order Ceratodontiformes
- Order Lepidosireniformes
- Order Urodela or Caudata (salamanders)
- Order Anura (frogs and toads)
- Order Gymnophiona or Apoda (caecilians)

- Subclass Diapsida
- Infraclass Archosauromorpha
- Superorder Crocodylomorpha
- Order Crocodilia (Crocodilians)
- Class Aves (Birds)
- Superorder Crocodylomorpha
- Infraclass Lepidosauromorpha
- Superorder Lepidosauria
- Order Rhynchocephalia (tuataras)
- Order Squamata (lizards, snakes)
- Superorder Lepidosauria
- Infraclass Archosauromorpha
- Subclass Anapsida
- Order Testudines (turtles and their kin)

- Subclass Neornithes
- Infraclass Palaeognathae
- Order Apterygiformes kiwis
- Order Casuariiformes cassowaries and emu
- Order Rheiformes rheas
- Order Struthioniformes, ostriches
- Order Tinamiformes, tinamous
- Infraclass Neognathae
- Superorder Galloanserae (fowl)
- Order Anseriformes, waterfowl
- Order Galliformes, fowl
- Superorder Neoaves
- Order Sphenisciformes, penguins
- Order Gaviiformes, loons
- Order Podicipediformes, grebes
- Order Procellariiformes, albatrosses, petrels, and allies
- Order Pelecaniformes, pelicans and allies
- Order Ciconiiformes, storks and allies
- Order Phoenicopteriformes, flamingos
- Order Accipitriformes, eagles, hawks and allies (taxonomists have traditionally placed these groups in the Falconiformes)
- Order Falconiformes, falcons
- Order Opisthocomiformes, hoatzin (this enigmatic bird was traditionally treated as a family within either the Galliformes or Cuculiformes)
- Order Gruiformes, cranes and allies
- Order Charadriiformes, plovers and allies
- Order Pterocliformes, sandgrouse (this enigmatic group was traditionally treated as a family in any of three different orders: Charadriiformes, Ciconiiformes, and Columbiformes)
- Order Columbiformes, doves and pigeons
- Order Psittaciformes, parrots and allies
- Order Cuculiformes, cuckoos
- Order Strigiformes, owls
- Order Caprimulgiformes, nightjars and allies
- Order Apodiformes, swifts
- Order Coliiformes, mousebirds
- Order Trogoniformes, trogons
- Order Coraciiformes, kingfishers
- Order Piciformes, woodpeckers and allies
- Order Passeriformes, passerines
- Superorder Galloanserae (fowl)
- Subclass Prototheria
- Order Monotremata, monotremes
- Subclass Theria
- Infraclass Marsupialia
- Order Didelphimorphia, opossums
- Order Paucituberculata, rat opossums
- Order Microbiotheria, monito del monte
- Order Dasyuromorphia, marsupial carnivores
- Order Peramelemorphia, marsupial omnivores
- Order Notoryctemorphia, marsupial moles
- Order Diprotodontia, marsupial herbivores; kangaroos, wallabies, possums and allies
- Infraclass Eutheria
- Magnorder Atlantogenata
- Superorder Afrotheria
- Grandorder Afrosoricida
- Order Afrosoricida, tenrecs and golden moles
- Order Macroscelidea, elephant shrews
- Order Tubulidentata, aardvark
- Grandorder Paenungulata
- Order Hyracoidea, hyraxes
- Mirorder Tethytheria
- Order Proboscidea, elephants
- Order Sirenia, manatees and dugongs
- Grandorder Afrosoricida
- Superorder Xenarthra
- Superorder Afrotheria
- Magnorder Boreoeutheria
- Superorder Laurasiatheria
- Order Eulipotyphla, hedgehogs, shrews, moles
- Grandorder Ferungulata
- Order Cetartiodactyla, cetaceans and even-toed ungulates
- Clade Pegasoferae
- Order Chiroptera, bats
- Mirorder Zooamata
- Order Perissodactyla, odd-toed ungulates; horses, rhinos, tapirs
- Clade Ferae
- Order Pholidota, pangolins
- Order Carnivora, carnivores; cats, dogs, bears, seals, sea lions and others
- Order †Creodonta hyaenodontidae hyeanodon, dissopsalis, sarkastostodon, and megistotherium.
- Superorder Euarchontoglires
- Grandorder Euarchonta
- Mirorder Sundatheria
- Order Dermoptera, colugos
- Order Scandentia, treeshrews
- Mirorder Primatomorpha
- Order Primates, lemurs, monkeys, apes and allies
- Mirorder Sundatheria
- Grandorder Glires
- Order Rodentia, rodents
- Order Lagomorpha, rabbits, hares and pikas
- Grandorder Euarchonta
- Superorder Laurasiatheria
- Magnorder Atlantogenata
- Infraclass Marsupialia
See also
[edit]- ^ In ITIS, Gobiesociformes is placed as the suborder Gobiesocoidei of the order Perciformes.
- ^ In Nelson and ITIS, Syngnathiformes is placed as the suborder Syngnathoidei of the order Gasterosteiformes.