List of geological features on Enceladus
This is a list of named geological features on Enceladus. Geological features on Enceladus are named after people and places from Burton's translation of The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, also known as The Tales of the Arabian Nights.
[edit]Enceladean plains are called planitiae. They are named after the locations of events in the Arabian Nights.
Planitia | Named after |
Diyar Planitia | Diyar |
Sarandib Planitia | Serendib |
[edit]Enceladean ridges are called dorsa. They are named after the locations of events in the Arabian Nights.
Dorsum | Named after |
Cufa Dorsa | Cufa |
Ebony Dorsum | Ebony |
[edit]Sulci are long, parallel grooves. Enceladean sulci are named after the locations of events in the Arabian Nights.
[edit]Fossae are ditches or trenches. Enceladean fossae are named after the locations of events in the Arabian Nights.
[edit]On Enceladus, escarpments are called rupes.
Rupes | Named after |
Samaria Rupes | Samaria, from Khudadad and His Brothers |
[edit]Enceladean craters are named after characters in the Arabian Nights.
Crater | Named after |
Ahmad | Ahmad |
Ajib | Brother of Gharib in "The History of Gharib and His Brother Ajib." |
Al-Bakbuk | Al-Bakbuk |
Al-Fakik | Al-Fakik |
Al-Haddar | Al-Haddar |
Al-Kuz | Al-Kuz |
Al-Mustazi | Al-Mustazi |
Aladdin | Aladdin |
Ali Baba | Ali Baba |
Ayyub | Ayyub |
Aziz | Aziz |
Bahman | Oldest prince in "The Two Sisters Who Envied Their Cadette" |
Behram | Bahram |
Dalilah | Dalilah |
Duban | Duban |
Dunyazad | Dunyazad |
Fitnah | Fitnah |
Ghanim | Ghanim |
Gharib | Gharib in "The History of Gharib and His Brother Ajib." |
Harun | Harun al-Rashid |
Hassan | Hassan |
Hisham | Caliph in "The Caliph Hisham and the Arab Youth" |
Ishak | Character in "Isaac of Mosul and the Merchant" |
Jaʽafar | Jaʻfar ibn Yahya |
Jansha | Janshah |
Julnar | Julnar the Sea-Born and Her Son King Badr Basim of Persia |
Kamar | Kamar al-Akmár in "The Ebony Horse" |
Kasim | Brother of Ali Baba |
Khusrau | Sassanid ruler Khosrau II |
Maʽaruf | Hero of "Maʽaruf the Cobbler and His Wife Fatimah" |
Marjanah | Marjanah |
Masrur | Eunuch in "Nur al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis" |
Morgiana | Slave girl in "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" |
Musa | Musa |
Mustafa | Mustafa in Aladdin |
Omar | Omar |
Otbah | Otbah and Rayya |
Parwez | Second prince in "The Two Sisters Who Envied Their Cadette" |
Peri-Banu | Peri-Banu |
Perizadah | Youngest princess in "The Two Sisters Who Envied Their Cadette" |
Rayya | Otbah and Rayya |
Sabur | King of Persia in "The Ebony Horse" |
Salih | Salih |
Samad | Samad |
Shahrazad | Shahrazad |
Shahryar | Shahryar |
Shakashik | Shakashik |
Sharrkan | Sharrkan |
Shirin | Shirin |
Sindbad | Sindbad |
Yunan | King of Persian city in "The Tale of the Vizier and the Sage Duban" |
Zaynab | Daughter of Dalilah in "The Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty and Her Daughter Zaynab the Coney-Catcher" |
Zumurrud | Zumurrud |
See also