Most file sharing in this era was done by modem over landline telephone, at speeds from 300 to 9600 bits per second. Many file systems in use only supported short filenames. Computer memory and speed was very limited, with 33 MHz CPUs only being accessible to consumers at the end of the decade.
1981 – Kermit (protocol) – a binary protocol that can be used with telnet or other BBS systems to transfer binary data.
October 1985 – File Transfer Protocol is standardized in RFC 959, authored by Postel and Reynolds.[5] FTP allows files to be efficiently uploaded and downloaded from a central server.
FTP, IRC and Usenet were the main vehicles for file sharing in this decade. Data compression technologies for audio and video (like MP3, AAC and MPEG) came into use towards the end of the 1990s. Copper wire was common with fibre optic cable only becoming available late in the decade.
June 1992 – RFC 1341 establishes the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(MIME) standards for sending audio and images by email, paving the way for the alt.binaries hierarchy on Usenet.[11]
1992 – Software Publishers Association runs an anti-copyright infringement campaign Don't Copy That Floppy
June 1996 – Mp3 warez group Rabid Neurosis founded. Using connections inside record companies, they rip pre-release music CDs, and make the mp3's available for others to download.[13]Mirabilis developed ICQ a chat client for Windows that can do file transfers up to 2 GBs.
1997 – Scour Inc. is founded by five UCLA Computer Science students. Early products provide file search and download using the SMB protocol, as well as a multimedia web search engine released in 1998. Scour attracted early attention and support from media industry insiders before declaring bankruptcy in October 2000.[14]
April 1997 – Winamp audio player is released,[15] including the ability to make playlists, leading to increased use of MP3 files.
August 1997 – Hotline is announced at MacWorld,[17] and allows chat, forums, and file transfers. It becomes popular among Mac users.
September 1997 – Windows Media Player 6.1 includes support for mp3 playback for the first time.
November 1997 – is founded by Michael Robertson and Greg Flores.[18] Initially an FTP search engine, becomes a hosting service for unsigned artists. It serves 4 million audio file downloads per day at its peak and becomes the largest technology IPO in July 1999. The release of in January 2000, which allowed users to stream their own files, would prompt litigation. In May 2000, UMG v. would be ruled in favor of the record labels. would settle for $200 million and discontinue the service.[19]
January 1998 – Musicmatch Jukebox is released providing easier to use CD-ripping software for creating mp3's on Windows.[20]
March 1998 – The MPMan F10, the first portable MP3 player, is launched.[21]
July 1998 – SoundJam MP released allowing mp3 playback and CD-ripping on Macintosh computers. In 2000, Apple bought this program, and used it as the basis for iTunes.
September 1998 – Rio PMP300 MP3 player is shipped by Diamond Multimedia.[22] Its popularity leads the RIAA to file a temporary restraining order in October, without success.[23][24]
October 1998 – Digital Millennium Copyright Act is unanimously passed by the US Senate. DMCA provides a 'safe harbor' ensuring that Internet Service Providers cannot be sued for the activities of their users.
November 1998 – Audiogalaxy is created by Michael Merhej.[25] Initially an FTP search engine, the Audiogalaxy Satellite P2P client would reach 1 million downloads in 2001. In May 2002, a suit by the RIAA would force Audiogalaxy to block sharing of illegal songs. In June 2002, Audiogalaxy would settle the suit for an undisclosed amount and make its services opt-in. In September 2002, Audiogalaxy would discontinue P2P services in favor of Rhapsody, a pay streaming service.
December 1998 – MP3 Newswire, the first digital media news site, is launched.[26]
February 1999 – China's Tencent launches QQ, a chat client with file transfer capability.[27]
June 1999 – Napster was created by Shawn Fanning. Napster let users search across all users' shares. Napster provided a centralized server that indexed the files, and carried out the searches.[28] Individual files, however, remain on the hosts' computers and were transferred directly from peer to peer.
In computer science terms, modern file sharing begins in the 2000s. Several file sharing protocols and file formats were introduced, along with nearly a decade in protocol experimentation. Towards the end of the 2000s, BitTorrent became subject to a "man in the middle" attack in TCP mode – and this has led most file sharing protocols to move to UDP towards the very end of the decade. Client and tracker software in this era was in development as much as the transmission protocols, so the file trading software was not always as reliable as it could have been.
March – Scour Exchange is released as a P2P file exchange service to compete with Napster. In addition to audio files, it also supports sharing of other media as well as software.[31]
March – Gnutella becomes the first decentralized file sharing network with the release of a network client by Justin Frankel and Tom Pepper of Nullsoft.[32] Like Napster, users could share large numbers of files at once, and search across the entire network for files.
March – Phex (formerly FURI) Gnutella client released.[33]
May – UMG v. causes to shut down. MSN Messenger 3.0 becomes the first version to include file transfer capability.[34]
June – (originally launches.[35]
July – Freenet is created by Ian Clarke. Its goal is to provide freedom of speech through a peer-to-peer network which focuses on protecting anonymity. Files are distributed across the computers of Freenet's users. Ian Clarke's paper would become the most-cited computer science paper of 2000.[36] Freenet would become a darknet in 2008.
September – eDonkey2000 client and server software is released by Jed McCaleb, introducing hashing into decentralized file sharing.
October – Scour Exchange is shut down as Scour Inc. files for bankruptcy in the face of copyright infringement litigation.[37]
October – Napster is credited with driving Radiohead's Kid A album to the top of the Billboard charts.[38]
December – Peer-to-peer file sharing client WinMX 1.8 beta is released, providing users with another way to connect to Napster (later OpenNap) networks.[39]
December – Bearshare was launched as a Gnutella-based peer-to-peer file sharing application.
March – Kazaa and the FastTrack proprietary protocol are released by Niklas Zennström, Janus Friis, and Priit Kasesalu. The Kazaa Media Desktop client came bundled with malware. Legal action in the Netherlands would force an offshoring of the company, renamed Sharman Networks. In September 2003, the RIAA would file suit against private individuals allegedly sharing files via Kazaa. In September 2005, UMA v. Sharman would be ruled against Sharman by the Federal Court of Australia. Sharman's non-compliance would prompt censorship of the program in Australia. In July 2006, the MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. would cause Sharman to settle for $100 million and convert Kazaa to a legal-only file sharing program.
April – Morpheus is released by MusicCity (later StreamCast), after licensing the FastTrack protocol.[40][41] MusicCity had previously operated OpenNap servers. Morpheus would become a popular FastTrack client, with 4.5 million users, until licensing disputes and a protocol switch in February 2002. In March 2003, the Morpheus client was re-released to operate on Gnutella, using Gnucleus servant as its core. In June 2005, a redesigned Morpheus client would be released. In June 2005, MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. would be decided against StreamCast. In June 2008, the Morpheus client would become no longer available for download.
July 2 – BitTorrent released by Bram Cohen.[44] Users only upload one or a small number of files at a time, but all peers are forced to seed to other peers from the parts of a file they have received so far. Initially, programs did not include a search function, so indexing sites sprung up. Downloads for popular files tend to be faster than on many other networks.
August – ShareReactor eDonkey network index site founded. It would be taken down by police in March 2004.
May 15 – First hearing before House Committee of Government Reform on inadvertent file sharing, Overexposed: The Threats to Privacy & Security on File Sharing Networks.[56] Inadvertent File Sharing was a security concern detailed by researcher Nathaniel Good at HP Labs describing how user interface issues contributed to users of KaZaA inadvertently sharing personal and confidential information over p2p networks.[57][58][59]
June 17 – Second congressional hearing before Senate Judiciary Committee on inadvertent file sharing The Dark Side of a Bright Idea: Could Personal and National Security Risks Compromise the Potential of P2P File-Sharing Networks?[60]
July – Torrentse and Sharelive sites both shut down as a result of the MPAA starting to take action against BitTorrent sites.[61]
September – TorrentSpy is registered. It would be shut down in March 2008, and in May 2008 it would be ordered to pay the MPAA $110 million in damages.
September 8 – The RIAA begins filing lawsuits against individuals allegedly sharing files on P2P networks such as Kazaa.[62]
November – Winny source code is confiscated by the Kyoto Police
November 21 – The Pirate Bay (TPB) bittorrent tracker is founded by Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij, and Peter Sunde. It is based in Sweden. It has remained active despite numerous legal actions and a police raid in May 2006. As of February 4, 2013, it is the 73rd most popular site on the Internet according to Alexa.
2003 – eMule introduces the Kad network, which implements the Kademlia protocol. Invisible Internet Project (i2p) is launched to provide an anonymizing layer for p2p programs.
October 28 – The RIAA files an additional 750 lawsuits aimed at alleged copyright violations from file sharing.
December 14 – Suprnova and many other torrent indexes closed after cease and desist orders by MPAA.
December 14 – LokiTorrent refuses to comply with cease and desist orders, quickly gains 680,000 users, and $40,000 in legal fund donations. Its legitimacy would later be questioned and it would be taken over by MPAA in February 2005.
December 15 – US Federal Trade Commission Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Workshop entitled Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Technology: Consumer Protection and Competition Issues[65]
January – Mininova torrent index goes online as a successor to Suprnova. It has served 5 billion downloads as of May 2008.[66]
January – eXeem goes online and rumored/adversed as "the revenge of suprnova". The program failed to gain popularity and was eventually abandoned months later.
February – LokiTorrent indexing service shut down and is taken over by MPAA. YouTube comes online.
March – WinMX reported as the most popular music service with 2.1 million users followed by iTunes and LimeWire with 1.7 million users each.[67]
June 30 – EzPeer[76] wins its case vs IFPI Taiwan[77] in Shilin district court. The high court would later reject an appeal, but ezPeer would settle with IPFI Taiwan. As of 2008[update], it is a legal music download service.
August – Yahoo! Messenger adds drag and drop file sharing capability with version 7.
September 13 – WinMX servers owned by Frontcode are shut down due to a cease and desist letter from the RIAA. Developer groups would set up new servers days later.[79]
September 9 – Kuro (酷樂) loses its case vs IFPI Taiwan in Taipei local court. It would also lose its case vs Push Sound Music & Entertainment on December 19, 2006.[80] Kuro would lose its appeal in the Taiwan high court on July 16, 2008. Chairman Chen Shou-ten (陳壽騰), CEO James Chen (陳國華), president Chen Kuo-hsiung (陳國雄), and one of Kuro's 500,000 members Chen Chia-hui (陳佳惠), were sentenced to fine and jail.[81] It shut down its P2P services in 2006, and has become a legal music download service.[82]
September 28 – MetaMachine Inc. discontinues the development and maintenance of the original eDonkey2000 client and of the Overnet network following a cease and desist letter from the RIAA.
November – Bram Cohen, the author of the peer-to-peer (P2P) BitTorrent protocol and the BitTorrent program, made a deal with the MPAA to remove links to illegal content on the official BitTorrent website. The deal was with the seven largest studios in America. The agreement means the site will comply with procedures outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.[85]
October – YouTube announced the introduction of a "content identification architecture" which allows them to locate videos under copyright, and remove them. If copyright holders choose to leave the video up, YouTube agrees to pay them a share of the advertising revenue. Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group all agree to this approach.[90]MediaFire, file host, is launched.
2006 – Anonymous friend-to-friend client Retroshare is first released.
August 9 – Microsoft launches Windows Live SkyDrive in the United Kingdom and India.[92] They gradually made it available in more countries, and in January 2014, the service was renamed OneDrive.[93]
October 12 – RIAA files a lawsuit against, accusing it of being an illicit peer-to-peer file sharing site.[97][98]
October 23 – OiNK's Pink Palace BitTorrent Tracker is raided and shut down by a joint effort between Dutch and British police.[99]
October 24 – The civil-court jury trial for Capitol v. Thomas, the first lawsuit by major record labels against an alleged file sharer, concludes with a verdict for the plaintiffs and a statutory damage award of US$9,250 for each of 24 songs, for a total of $222,000. This was vacated due to an error in jury instruction, and a new trial was held in 2009.
November 9 – The Demonoid BitTorrent tracker shuts down until April 2008 citing legal threats by the CRIA.
December 20 –, the homepage of Shareaza, is taken over by Discordia Ltd., a company closely related to the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). It now distributes software containing spyware and adware.[100]
December 19 – The RIAA claims to have ended its P2P litigation campaign against individuals in the U.S., which had been losing money,[109] in favor of a three strikes campaign.[110][111] However, some new lawsuits continued to be filed.[112]
April 17 – The Pirate Bay trial concludes with a guilty verdict; each defendant is sentenced to one year in jail and a total of 30 million SEK (US$3.6 million, 2.7 million EUR) in fines and damages. The people behind The Pirate Bay declare they will appeal the ruling.[115]
April 24 – Legal fees in record industry lawsuits cause SeeqPod to sell its technology; the site closes until it finds a buyer.[116]
June 15 – In the retrial of the 2007 Capitol v. Thomas case, a jury again finds in favor of the plaintiffs, and awards statutory damages of $80,000 per song, for a total of $1.92 million.
June 30 – Swedish gaming company Global Gaming Factory says it has an interest in purchasing The Pirate Bay. Global Gaming factory eventually lose funding to do so. (GGF).[117]
September 9 – Six alleged members of the mp3 warez group Rabid Neurosis were indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit copyright infringement. Two were acquitted. Four pleaded guilty, and served 3-month prison sentences.[118][119]
September 14 – Demonoid experiences hardware damage from power outages causing a three-month downtime.[120]
September 30 – Global Gaming Factory fails to produce the funds to purchase The Pirate Bay and the deal is put to an end.[121]
November 26 – Mininova has removed torrents to all copyrighted content that it does not have official agreements for.[122]
December – BtChina and about 530 other sites registered in China were closed down.[123][124]
In computer science terms, there have been few significant developments in the 2010s. The BitTorrent protocol and clients have become more stable, adopting UDP to defend against transmission problems related to TCP. IPv6 support increased with clients and trackers.
October 26, 2010 – US federal court judge Kimba Wood issued an injunction forcing LimeWire to prevent "the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality" of its software (see Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC).[126][127] As a result, LimeWire May 5, 2011 and newer have been disabled using a backdoor installed by the company.
November 9, 2010 – First release of a modified version of LimeWire Pro with all undesirable components removed (such as ad- and spyware, as well as dependencies to LimeWire LLC servers) under the name of "LimeWire Pirate Edition", enabling access to all advanced features of the professional version for free.[128]
November 26, 2010 – The verdict in The Pirate Bay trial was announced. The appeal court shortened sentences of three of the defendants who appeared in court that day. Neij's sentence was reduced to 10 months, Sunde's to eight, and Lundström's to four. However, the fine was increased from 32 to 46 million kronor.[129]
February 2012 – FileServe and Filesonic, both popular file sharing sites voluntarily stop all sharing services, while another site,, begins blocking all IP addresses from the U.S.
February 2012 – Btjunkie, one of the most popular BitTorrent sites voluntarily shuts down.
June 2012 – FDzone in Hong Kong and Macau was shut down.
August 2012 – Seized DemonoidBitTorrent sites up for sale.[134] Filesonic, which previously disabled its sharing services following Megaupload's shutdown, goes completely offline.[135]
September 2012 – The file sharing site switches its domain to; in addition, it starts allowing IP addresses from the U.S.[136]
May 2014 – Infinit launched its Windows app (Public Beta).[139]
November 2014 – Tencent, the Chinese internet company behind QQ and WeChat sued Netease for streaming 623 songs it claims it held exclusive licenses for.[140] At the time, Netease was offering a Grooveshark-like free music service.
December 2014 – IsoHunt release the source code for Pirate Bay allowing anyone to deploy their own version of The Pirate Bay.
March 2015 – RapidShare – once the most famous file hosting service – shuts down
April 2015 – Grooveshark, music streaming site, shuts down
August 2015 – Video sharing website comes online.[141]
The FBI seize the file sharing site ShareBeast and arrest its administrator, Artur Sargsyan.[142][143] The Recording Industry Association of America considered it America's most prolific file sharing site.[143]
^From Usenet to CoWebs: interacting with social information spaces, Christopher Lueg, Danyel Fisher, Springer (2003), ISBN1-85233-532-7, ISBN978-1-85233-532-8
^464U.S.417 (Full text of the decision courtesy of
^RFC 959 – File Transfer Protocol (FTP). J. Postel, J. Reynolds. Oct-1985. This obsoleted the preceding RFC 765 and earlier FTP RFCs back to the original RFC 114.
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