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Commander of the Navy (Romania)

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Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces
Şeful Statului Major al Forţelor Navale
Vice Admiral Mihai Panait
since 1 July 2020
 Romanian Naval Forces
Reports toChief of the General Staff
ResidenceChief of Staff of Romanian Naval Forces
NominatorPresident of Romania through presidential decree,
with Minister of National Defence recommendation
AppointerMinister of National Defence
Formation22 October 1860 (1860-10-22)
First holderColonel of the United Principalities Flotilla Nicolae Steriade [ro]

The Commander of the Romanian Navy (Romanian: Comandant al Marinei Militare Române) is the chief commanding authority of the Romanian Navy. The position dates to the period of the United Principalities. The current Commander of the Romanian Navy, since 1 July 2020, is Mihai Panait.[1]

List of Commanders


United Principalities (1860–1881)

No. Portrait Name Took office Left office Time in office Ref.
Nicolae Steriade [ro]
Steriade, NicolaeColonel
Nicolae Steriade [ro]
22 October 186027 December 18633 years, 66 days[2]
Constantin Petrescu [ro]
Petrescu, ConstantinColonel
Constantin Petrescu [ro]
27 December 186311 February 18662 years, 46 days
Scarlat Murguleț [ro]
Murguleț, ScarlatMajor
Scarlat Murguleț [ro]
17 March 186730 April 186744 days[2]
Anton Barbieri [ro]
Barbieri, AntonMajor
Anton Barbieri [ro]
17 March 186730 April 186744 days[2]
Emanoil Boteanu [ro]
Boteanu, EmanoilMajor
Emanoil Boteanu [ro]
30 April 18671 January 18746 years, 246 days[2]
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
Dimitrescu, NicolaeGeneral
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
1 January 187410 December 1874343 days[2]
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
Murgescu, IoanCounter admiral
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
10 December 18741 April 18772 years, 112 days[2]
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
Dimitrescu, NicolaeGeneral
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
1 April 18771 December 1877244 days[2]
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
Murgescu, IoanCounter admiral
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
1 December 18778 April 18791 year, 128 days[2]
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
Dimitrescu, NicolaeGeneral
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
8 April 187914 March 18811 year, 340 days[2]

Kingdom of Romania (1881–1947)

No. Portrait Name Took office Left office Time in office Ref.
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
Dimitrescu, NicolaeGeneral
Nicolae Dimitrescu-Maican [ro]
14 March 188110 May 18887 years, 57 days[2]
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
Murgescu, IoanCounter admiral
Ioan Murgescu [ro]
10 May 18881 April 190112 years, 326 days[2]
Emanoil Koslinski [ro]
Koslinski, EmanoilCounter admiral
Emanoil Koslinski [ro]
1 April 19011 April 1909 †8 years, 0 days[2]
Eustațiu Sebastian
Sebastian, EustațiuCounter admiral
Eustațiu Sebastian
1 April 19099 January 19177 years, 283 days[2]
Nicolae Negru [ro]
Negru, NicolaeCommodore
Nicolae Negru [ro]
9 January 19171 June 19181 year, 143 days[2]
Constantin Bălescu [ro]
Bălescu, ConstantinVice admiral
Constantin Bălescu [ro]
1 June 19183 November 19202 years, 155 days[2]
Constantin Niculescu-Rizea [ro]
Niculescu, ConstantinCounter admiral
Constantin Niculescu-Rizea [ro]
3 November 192030 October 19254 years, 361 days[2]
Vasile Scodrea [ro]
Scodrea, VasileVice admiral
Vasile Scodrea [ro]
30 October 192513 January 19348 years, 75 days[2]
Ioan Bălănescu [ro]
Bălănescu, IoanVice admiral
Ioan Bălănescu [ro]
13 January 19342 November 19373 years, 293 days[3]
Petre Bărbuneanu [ro]
Bărbuneanu, PetreAdmiral
Petre Bărbuneanu [ro]
2 November 19376 September 19402 years, 309 days[3]
Eugeniu Roșca [ro]
Roșca, EugeniuVice admiral
Eugeniu Roșca [ro]
21 September 194016 June 19421 year, 268 days[3]
Ioan Georgescu [ro]
Georgescu, IoanVice admiral
Ioan Georgescu [ro]
16 June 194227 March 19452 years, 284 days[3]
Petre Bărbuneanu [ro]
Bărbuneanu, PetreAdmiral
Petre Bărbuneanu [ro]
27 March 194510 December 19461 year, 258 days[3]
Eugeniu Săvulescu [ro]
Săvulescu, EugeniuCommodore
Eugeniu Săvulescu [ro]
10 December 194630 December 19471 year, 20 days[3]

Socialist Republic of Romania (1947–1989)

No. Portrait Name Took office Left office Time in office Ref.
Eugeniu Săvulescu [ro]
Săvulescu, EugeniuCommodore
Eugeniu Săvulescu [ro]
30 December 19471 November 1948307 days[3]
Ioan Cristescu [ro]
Cristescu, IoanCommodore
Ioan Cristescu [ro]
15 December 194825 August 1949253 days[3]
Emil Grecescu [ro]
Grecescu, EmilVice admiral
Emil Grecescu [ro]
25 August 194920 September 19523 years, 26 days[3]
Florea Diaconu [ro]
Diaconu, FloreaCounter admiral
Florea Diaconu [ro]
20 September 195213 April 19541 year, 205 days[3]
Mihail Nicolae [ro]
Nicolae, MihailCounter admiral
Mihail Nicolae [ro]
13 April 195418 March 19594 years, 339 days[3]
Florea Diaconu [ro]
Diaconu, FloreaCounter admiral
Florea Diaconu [ro]
30 March 195919 April 19612 years, 20 days[3]
Gheorghe Sandu [ro]
Sandu, GheorgheVice admiral
Gheorghe Sandu [ro]
19 April 196129 November 19632 years, 224 days[3]
Grigore Marteș [ro]
Marteș, GrigoreVice admiral
Grigore Marteș [ro]
29 November 19634 July 19739 years, 217 days[3]
Sebastian Ulmeanu [ro]
Ulmeanu, SebastianVice admiral
Sebastian Ulmeanu [ro]
13 December 197321 March 19795 years, 98 days[3]
Ioan Mușat [ro]
Mușat, IoanVice admiral
Ioan Mușat [ro]
21 March 197930 December 198910 years, 284 days[4]

Romania (1989–present)

No. Portrait Name Took office Left office Time in office Ref.
Mihai Aron [ro]
Aron, MihaiAdmiral
Mihai Aron [ro]
30 December 198912 April 1990103 days[4]
Gheorghe Anghelescu [ro]
Anghelescu, GheorgheVice admiral
Gheorghe Anghelescu [ro]
26 April 19901 May 19977 years, 5 days[4]
Traian Atanasiu [ro]
Atanasiu, TraianVice admiral
Traian Atanasiu [ro]
(born 1947)
1 May 19971 January 20024 years, 245 days[4]
Corneliu Rudencu [ro]
Rudencu, CorneliuAdmiral
Corneliu Rudencu [ro]
(born 1947)
1 January 200231 March 20042 years, 90 days[4]
Gheorghe Marin [ro]
Marin, GheorgheAdmiral
Gheorghe Marin [ro]
(born 1952)
1 April 200413 September 20062 years, 165 days[4]
Dorin Dănilă
Dănilă, DorinCounter admiral
Dorin Dănilă
(born 1953)
3 November 20061 July 20103 years, 240 days
Aurel Popa [ro]
Popa, AurelVice admiral
Aurel Popa [ro]
(born 1954)
1 July 201020 December 20133 years, 172 days[5]
Alexandru Mîrșu
Mîrșu, AlexandruCounter admiral
Alexandru Mîrșu
20 December 201324 November 20151 year, 338 days[5]
Daniel Căpăţînă
Mîrșu, AlexandruCounter admiral
Daniel Căpăţînă
23 November 20151 July 20204 years, 221 days[6]
Mihai Panait
Panait, MihaiCounter admiral
Mihai Panait
(born 1968)
1 July 2020Incumbent4 years, 49 days[1]


  1. ^ a b navy.ro.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Marina Română 2005, p. 17.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Marina Română 2005, p. 18.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Marina Română 2005, p. 19.
  5. ^ a b Ionescu 2013.
  6. ^ Popescu 2015.
  • "Comandanții Marinei Militare Române". Marina Română (in Romanian). Vol. 4, no. 107. 2005. pp. 17–19. ISSN 1222-9423.
  • Ionescu, Sinziana (19 December 2013). "Schimbare la conducerea Forţelor Navale Române. Viceamiralul Aurel Popa îi predă ştafeta contraamiralului Alexandru Mîrşu". adevarul.ro. Constanta. Retrieved 21 May 2020.
  • Popescu, Alex (24 November 2015). "Comandamentul Flotei are un nou șef". Retrieved 21 May 2020.
  • "Șeful Statului Major al Forțelor Navale". navy.ro (in Romanian). Retrieved 8 March 2021.