Christ the Gardener |
1856–59 |
68 × 56.8 cm |
Unidentified location
The Absinthe Drinker |
1859 |
180.5 × 105.6 cm |
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen)
Spanish Cavaliers |
1859–60 |
45.5 × 26.5 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
Portrait of Monsieur and Madame Manet |
1860 |
111.5 × 91 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Portrait of Madame Brunet |
1860 (ca) |
132.4 × 100 cm |
J Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)
The Spanish Singer |
1860 |
147.3 × 114.3 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Boy Carrying a Sword |
1861 |
131.1 × 93.4 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Surprised Nymph |
1860 / 1861 |
146 × 114 cm |
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires)
Street Singer |
1862 |
174 × 118 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Lola of Valencia |
1862 |
123 × 92 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Music in the Tuileries Gardens |
1862 |
76 × 118 cm |
National Gallery (London)
The Old Musician |
1862 |
187.4 × 248.3 cm |
National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Portrait of Victorine Meurent |
c. 1862 |
42.9 × 43.8 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Mademoiselle Victorine Meurent in the Costume of an Espada |
1862 |
165.1 × 127.6 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Little Lange |
1862 |
117 × 71 cm |
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Le déjeuner sur l'herbe |
1863 |
89.5 x 116.5 cm |
Courtauld Gallery (London)
Le déjeuner sur l'herbe |
1863 |
208 × 264.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
La Négresse |
1863 |
61 × 50 cm |
Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli (Turin)
Olympia |
1863 |
130.5 × 190 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Young Man Dressed as a Majo |
1863 |
188 × 125 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Dead Toreador |
probably 1864 |
75.9 × 155.3 cm |
National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.)
La Corrida |
1864 / 1865 |
48 × 108 cm |
The Frick Collection, New York
The Dead Christ with Angels |
1864 |
179 × 150 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Kearsarge at Boulogne |
1864 |
81.6 × 100 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Battle of the U.S.S. "Kearsarge" and the C.S.S. "Alabama" |
1864 |
134 × 127 cm |
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Races at Longchamp |
1865? |
43.9 × 84.5 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago
Jesus Insulted by the Soldiers |
1865 |
190.8 × 148.3 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago
Bullfight |
1865 / 1866 |
90 × 110 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Bullfight – Death of the Bull |
1865 / 1866 |
48 × 60.4 cm |
Art Institute of Chicago
The Matador Saluting |
1866 / 1867 |
171.1 × 113 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Fifer |
1866 |
161 × 97 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
A Young Lady in 1866 |
1866 |
185.1 × 128.6 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The Execution of Emperor Maximilian |
1868 |
252 × 305 cm |
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Portrait of Emile Zola |
1868 |
146 × 114 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Boy Blowing Bubbles |
1867 |
100.5 × 81.4 cm |
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)
Madame Manet at the Piano |
1867-68 |
38 × 45.5 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
The Balcony |
1869 |
170 × 124 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Luncheon in the Studio (Le déjeuner dans l'atelier) |
1868 |
118 × 154 cm |
Neue Pinakothek (Munich)
The Reading |
1868-69 |
74 × 61 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Clair de lune sur le port de Boulogne |
1869 |
82 × 101 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
The Folkestone Boat, Boulogne |
1869 |
60 × 73 cm |
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Brioche |
1870 |
65 × 81 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Repose (Berthe Morisot) |
1869 / 1870 |
150.2 × 114 cm |
Rhode Island School of Design Museum (Providence)
The Funeral |
1867-70 |
72.7 × 90.5 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)
Effect of Snow on Petit-Montrouge |
1870 |
59.7 × 49.7 cm |
National Museum Cardiff
Berthe Morisot With a Bouquet of Violets |
1872 |
55 × 38 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Tarring a Boat |
1873 |
59 × 60 cm |
Barnes Foundation (Philadelphia)
The Railway |
1872 / 1873 |
93.3 × 111.5 cm |
National Gallery of Art, (Washington D.C.)
The Croquet Game |
1873 |
72 × 106 cm |
Städel Museum (Frankfurt)
Masked Ball at the Opera House |
1873 |
59 × 72.5 cm |
National Gallery of Art (Washington DC)
Argenteuil |
1874 |
149 × 115 cm |
Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai
Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil |
1874 |
62.3 × 103 cm |
Courtauld Gallery (London)
Monet Painting on His Studio Boat |
1874 |
50 × 64 cm |
Neue Pinakothek (Munich)
Boating |
1874 |
97.1 × 130.2 cm |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Berthe Morisot with a Fan |
1874 |
61 × 50.5 cm |
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
The grand canal of Venice (Blue Venice) |
1875 |
54 × 65 cm |
Shelburne Museum (Shelburne, Vermont)
Laundry (Le Linge) |
1875 |
145 × 115 cm |
Barnes Foundation (Philadelphia)
Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé |
1876 |
27 × 36 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Le Suicidé |
1877 - 1881 |
38 × 46 cm |
Foundation E.G. Bührle (Zurich)
Nana |
1877 |
154 × 115 cm |
Kunsthalle Hamburg
The Rue Mosnier with Flags |
1878 |
65.5 × 81 cm |
J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)
Plum Brandy |
1878 |
73.6 × 50.2 cm |
National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.)
Blonde Woman with Bare Breasts |
1878 |
62.5 × 52 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Chez Tortoni |
1880 |
26 × 34 cm |
Stolen, location unknown
Georges Clemenceau |
1879-80 |
115.9 x 88.2 cm |
Kimbell Art Museum (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georges Clemenceau |
1879-80 |
94 x 73.8 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
In the Conservatory |
1879 |
115 × 150 cm |
Alte Nationalgalerie (Berlin)
Madame Manet in the Conservatory |
1879 |
81.5 × 100 cm |
National Gallery of Norway (Oslo)
Chez le père Lathuille |
1879 |
93 × 112 cm |
Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai
Portrait of Marguerite Gauthier-Lathuille |
1879 |
81 × 50 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
The Café-Concert |
1879 |
47.3 × 39.1 cm |
Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, Maryland)
Corner of a Café-Concert |
1879 |
97.1 × 77.5 cm |
National Gallery (London)
The Waitress |
1879 |
75.5 × 65 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Self-Portrait with Palette |
1879 |
83 × 67 cm |
Private collection
Émilie Ambre as Carmen |
1880 |
92.4 x 73.5 cm |
Philadelphia Museum of Art
A Bundle of Asparagus |
1880 |
46 x 55 cm |
Wallraf–Richartz Museum (Cologne)
A Sprig of Asparagus |
1880 |
160 x 210 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
Escape of Rochefort |
1881 |
143 × 114 cm |
Kunsthaus Zurich
L'Automne (Méry Laurent) |
1881 |
73 × 51 cm |
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
Le Printemps (Spring) |
1881 |
73 × 51 cm |
J Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)
Portrait of Monsieur Pertuiset the Lion-Hunter |
1881 |
150 × 170 cm |
Museu de Arte de São Paulo
Dead Eagle Owl |
1881 |
97 x 64 cm |
Foundation E.G. Bührle (Zurich)
A Bar at the Folies-Bergère |
1881 – 1882 |
96 × 130 cm |
Courtauld Gallery (London)
The House at Rueil |
1882 |
71.5 × 92.3 cm |
Alte Nationalgalerie (Berlin)
The House at Rueil |
1882 |
92.8 × 73.5 cm |
National Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne)
Flowers in a Crystal Vase |
1882 |
32 × 24 cm |
Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
White Lilacs in a Glass Vase |
1882 |
54 × 42 cm |
Alte Nationalgalerie (Berlin)
Summer or The Amazon or Horsewoman, Fullface |
c. 1882 |
73 × 52 cm |
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid) Courtesan / model Cora Pearl known as the Amazon
At the café |
Collection Oskar Reinhart 'Am Römerholz' Winterthur