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Tenth European Parliament

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10th European Parliament
16 July 2024 – TBD
The logo of the European Parliament
President (1st Half)Malta Roberta Metsola (EPP, ML)
First Vice-President:
1st Half:
Germany Sabine Verheyen (EPP, DE)
Commissionvon der Leyen I
von der Leyen II
Political groups
  •   EPP Group (188)
  •   S&D (136)
  •   PfE (84)
  •   ECR (78)
  •   Renew (77)
  •   Greens/EFA (53)
  •   The Left (46)
  •   ESN (25)
  •   NI (32)
  •   Vacant (1)
ElectionsJune 2024 (Union)
Treaty on European Union
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union[a 1]
WebsiteOfficial website

The tenth European Parliament was elected during the 2024 elections and is slated to remain in session until the forthcoming 2029 elections.[1]

Major events

Roberta Metsola during the first session of the tenth term of the European Parliament
Ursula von der Leyen during her statement for the candidacy of Commission President

Major resolutions


Groups and parties summary


Current composition

Political group
and affiliated European political parties
EPP Group Group of the European People's Party
European People's Party
188 / 720 (26%)
S&D Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
Party of European Socialists
136 / 720 (19%)
PfE Patriots for Europe
Identity and Democracy Party
European Conservatives and Reformists Party
European Christian Political Movement
84 / 720 (12%)
ECR European Conservatives and Reformists Group
European Conservatives and Reformists Party
European Christian Political Movement
78 / 720 (11%)
Renew Renew Europe Group
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
European Democratic Party
77 / 720 (11%)
Greens/EFA Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
European Green Party
European Free Alliance
European Pirate Party
Volt Europa
53 / 720 (7%)
The Left The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Party of the European Left
Nordic Green Left Alliance
Now the People
Animal Politics EU
46 / 720 (6%)
ESN Europe of Sovereign Nations
Identity and Democracy Party
25 / 720 (3%)
NI Non-attached Members
32 / 720 (4%)
1 / 720

Historical composition

History of the composition of the groups
Date Group Total Vacant Ref
The Left S&D Greens/EFA Renew EPP ECR Patriots ESN NI
16 July 2024
(constitutive plenary session)
46 136 53 77 188 78 84 25 32 719 1 [3][4]

European Parliament Bureau


The President of the European Parliament, together with fourteen Vice Presidents and 5 Quaestors are chosen through the votes of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) serving a term lasting 2.5 years, with the option for re-election.[5]

First half of the term

Constitutive meeting of the Bureau of the European Parliament (1st Half of the term)
President EPP Roberta Metsola  MLT
Vice Presidents EPP Sabine Verheyen  GER
EPP Ewa Kopacz  POL
EPP Esteban González Pons  SPA
S&D Katarina Barley  GER
S&D Pina Picierno  ITA
S&D Victor Negrescu  ROM
RENEW Martin Hojsík  SVK
S&D Christel Schaldemose  DEN
S&D Javi López  SPA
RENEW Sophie Wilmès  BEL
G/EFA Nicolae Ștefănuță  ROM
ECR Roberts Zīle  LAT
ECR Antonella Sberna  ITA
THE LEFT Younous Omarjee  FRA
Quaestors EPP Andrey Kovatchev  BGR
S&D Marc Angel  LUX
EPP Miriam Lexmann  SVK
RENEW Fabienne Keller  FRA
ECR Kosma Złotowski  POL



Standing committees

Committee President Vice-Presidents Group Coordinators
Foreign Affairs AFET Germany David McAllister (EPP) TBD
Human Rights (AFET Subcommittee) DROI France Mounir Satouri (G/EFA) TBD
Security and Defence (AFET Subcommittee) SEDE Germany Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (Renew) TBD
Employment and Social Affairs EMPL Finland Li Andersson (The Left) TBD
Culture and Education CULT Germany Nela Riehl (G/EFA) TBD
Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety ENVI Italy Antonio Decaro (S&D) TBD
Public Health (ENVI Subcommittee) SANT Poland Adam Jarubas (EPP) TBD
Legal Affairs JURI Bulgaria Ilhan Kyuchyuk (Renew) TBD
Industry, Research and Energy ITRE Poland Borys Budka (EPP) TBD
Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs LIBE Spain Javier Zarzalejos (EPP) TBD
Development DEVE Republic of Ireland Barry Andrews (Renew) TBD
Internal Market and Consumer Protection IMCO Germany Anna Cavazzini (G/EFA) TBD
Constitutional Affairs AFCO Germany Sven Simon (EPP) TBD
International Trade INTA Germany Bernd Lange (S&D) TBD
Transport and Tourism TRAN Greece Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi (EPP) TBD
Women's Rights and Gender Equality FEMM Spain Lina Gálvez (S&D) TBD
Budgets BUDG Belgium Johan Van Overtveldt (ECR) TBD
Regional Development REGI Romania Dragoș Benea (S&D) TBD
Petitions PETI Poland Bogdan Rzońca (ECR) TBD
Budgetary Control CONT Germany Niclas Herbst (EPP) TBD
Agriculture and Rural Development AGRI Czech Republic Veronika Vrecionová (ECR) TBD
Economic and Monetary Affairs ECON France Aurore Lalucq (S&D) TBD
Tax Matters (ECON Subcommittee) FISC Italy Pasquale Tridico (The Left) TBD
Fisheries PECH Spain Carmen Crespo Díaz (EPP) TBD
Source: European Parliament[6]



European Commission formation


Election of president


European Council proposed on 27 June 2024 Ursula von der Leyen as a candidate for a second term as President of the European Commission.[7] European Parliament's secret vote took place on 18 July 2024.[8]

Candidate Members Voting Majority In favor Against Blank Void
Ursula von der Leyen Germany Germany EPP 719 707 360 401 284 15 7
Source: European Parliament[8]

Hearings of commissioner candidates


President-elect of the Commission will propose to the European Parliament candidates for members of the Commission.[8]

See also



  1. ^ The Treaty of Rome and the Treaty of Maastricht as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon and all preceding amending treaties.


  1. ^ "The European Parliament begins its tenth term". European Parliament. 16 July 2024.
  2. ^ "Newly elected Parliament reaffirms its strong support for Ukraine". European Parliament. 17 July 2024. Retrieved 17 July 2024.
  3. ^ "MEPs Full list". European Parliament. 16 July 2024. Archived from the original on 17 July 2024.
  4. ^ "MEPs by Member State and political group". European Parliament. 16 July 2024. Archived from the original on 17 July 2024.
  5. ^ "Parliament's new Bureau elected". European Parliament. 17 July 2024. Retrieved 17 July 2024.
  6. ^ "Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs elected". European Parliament. 22 July 2024.
  7. ^ "European Council - Consilium".
  8. ^ a b c "Ursula von der Leyen is re-elected European Commission president". euronews. 18 July 2024. Retrieved 18 July 2024.