Pirovano Massacre
February 5, 1905
Pirovano, Buenos Aires Province
Confrontation between a military column from Bahía Blanca, which adhered to the Radical Revolution led by Hipólito Yrigoyen, and pro-government forces, led by President Manuel Quintana[1][2]
Tragic Week
January 7, 1919
Buenos Aires
La Forestral massacre
January 29, 1921
Santa Fe province
Patagonia rebelde
Santa Cruz Province
Napalpí massacre
July 19, 1924
Napalpí, Chaco
Massacre of 400 indigenous people of the Toba ethnicity by the Argentine Police and ranchers.
Rincón Bomba massacre
October, 1947
Las Lomitas, Formosa
Pilagá natives (including children, women and the elderly) who were trying to carry out a march, are machine-gunned by the National Gendarmerie[6]
Bombing of Plaza de Mayo
June 16, 1955
Plaza de Mayo
Failed coup by anti-Perón factions of the Argentine military
José León Suárez massacre
June 9, 1956
José León Suárez, General San Martín Partido
Assault on the Banking Polyclinic
August 29, 1963
Buenos Aires
The Tacuara Nationalist Movement robbed a bank, stealing almost 100,000 US dollars. 2 people died and 3 were injured.[7]
Trelew massacre
August 22, 1972
Government members during the Dirty War torture and kill members of the left wing guerrilla group Montoneros
Ezeiza massacre
June 20, 1973
Massacre of left-wing Peronists at rally celebrating his return from Spain at Ezeiza International Airport and 365+ Injured. Right-wing Peronists were blamed for the massacre. 13 victims were positively identified but more people may have been killed.
Rosario Chapel massacre
August 12, 1974
San José de Fray Mamerto Esquiú, Catamarca Province
After a failed operation by the guerrilla organization ERP, 16 surrendered and unarmed guerrillas were illegally shot[8]
Operation Gardel
August 28, 1975
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
Operation Gardel was the key name given by the Montoneros to the bombing of a Lockheed C-130 Hercules of Group 1 of Transport of the First Air Brigade during takeoff at the International Airport Lieutenant General Benjamín Matienzo, carrying 114 gendarmes, killing six and wounding 29.[9]
Operation Primicia
October 5, 1975
A group of 50 guerrillas assaulted the Infantry Regiment of Monte 29, the Subofficers' Casino of that force and the Airport El Pucú. The event was called by its perpetrators as Operation Primicia.
Battle of Acheral
October 10, 1975
Acheral, Tucumán province
At least one soldier and 13 ERP militants were shot dead in a confrontation of the so-called Operativo Independencia.
Monte Chingolo attack
December 23–24, 1975
Monte Chingolo, Buenos Aires
A failed assault on the Battalion Arsenals Depot 601 Domingo Viejobueno, in the town of Monte Chingolo, was the last great action of the People's Revolutionary Army. It aimed to appropriate 20 tons of weaponry. The attack was frustrated by the Argentine army, Federal Police and Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, and the Air Force. 30 guerrillas who surrendered were later shot dead by the army.[10]
Coordinación Federal bombing
July 2, 1976
Buenos Aires
Montoneros attacked the Federal Security Superintendency (also known as Federal Coordination) of the Federal Police, causing the collapse of the roof of the dining room when the place was full of officers having lunch. 23 people died, including one female civilian who was visiting, and about 110 were injured, in response for the coup d'état of March 24.[11]
San Patricio Church massacre
July 4, 1976
Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Government officials execute three priests and two seminarians during the Dirty War.
Fatima Massacre
August 20, 1976
Prisoners in the custody of the federal police – illegally detained – were drugged, shot, and later their bodies were blown up to hide evidence of the crime
Catriel massacre
September 4, 1976
Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires
Four Peronist Youth militants were murdered by firing squad[12][13]
Rosario Bombing
September 12, 1976
A bomb blast kills ten policemen and two civilians and injures at least 30 people.[14][15]
Massacre of Margarita Belén
December 13, 1976
Margarita Belén, Chaco Province
22 Montoneros were tortured and executed, and the case was used during one of the first trials of Jorge Rafael Videla.
Villa Devoto uprising
March 14, 1978
Devoto prison, Devoto, Buenos Aires
85 injuries
Walter De Giusti murders
October 31 – November 7, 1986
Santa Fe, Santa Fe Province
The Serial killer Walter de Giusti breaks into two houses and murders all its occupants. On October 31, he kills Ángela Cristofanetti de Barroso and her stepdaughter Noemí; 7 days later he murders the grandmothers of the musician Fito Páez and a domestic employee.
José C. Paz massacre
January 8, 1988
José C. Paz, Buenos Aires Province
Easy Trigger Case[17]
Attack on La Tablada barracks
January 23–24, 1989
La Tablada, Buenos Aires Province
60 Wounded
Carapintada uprising
December 3, 1990
Buenos Aires
200 Wounded[18]
1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
March 17, 1992
Buenos Aires
242 civilians injured. An Islamic Jihad suicide bomber rams his car into the Israeli embassy, destroying the embassy and a Catholic church and school that were nearby. Many of the dead were children. Argentina accused Hezbollah of being involved in the attack.
La Plata Familicide
November 15, 1992
La Plata, Buenos Aires Province
Dentist Ricardo Barreda murders his wife, two daughters and mother-in-law[19]
AMIA bombing
July 18, 1994
Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina, Buenos Aires
A suicide bomber rammed his car into the building of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) killing 85 people and injuring 300+. The bombing has never been officially solved, but Argentina, Israel and the United States accused Hezbollah and Iran of being behind the attack and Argentina named 21-year-old Hezbollah operative Ibrahim Hussein Berro as the bomber
Río Tercero explosion
November 3, 1995
Río Tercero, Córdoba
300 Wounded
2001 Massacre of Plaza de Mayo
December 20, 2001
Buenos Aires
Members of the Argentine Federal Police fired against a group of protesters who were protesting in the Plaza de Mayo. As a result, 5 people were killed and 227 were injured.
Avellaneda massacre
June 26, 2002
Darío Santillán and Maximiliano Kosteki Station, Buenos Aires Province
33 Wounded[20][21][22]
Carmen de Patagones school shooting
September 28, 2004
Carmen de Patagones, Buenos Aires Province
Armed with his father's 9 mm pistol, Rafael Solich a 15-year-old student opened fire on his classmates during a flag-hoisting at Islas Malvinas Middle School Number Two in Carmen de Patagones, Argentina, killing three students and wounding 5 others.[23][24][25]
2006 San Miguel shooting
May 3, 2006
La Primera de Grand Bourg, San Miguel, Buenos Aires
55-year-old former employee Eugenio Villela opened fire on his past co-workers, killing two people and wounding four others before fleeing the scene.
Triple crime in General Rodríguez
August 13, 2008
General Rodríguez
Torture and deaths of Three pharmaceutical businessmen
2013 Argentine police revolts
December 3–13, 2013
400+ Wounded
Pergamino massacre
March 2, 2017
Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province