Category:Ancient Egypt people stubs
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Pages in category "Ancient Egypt people stubs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 288 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Aa (architect)
- Aabeni (high steward)
- Ammu Aahotepre
- Ahaneith
- Ahmose (princess)
- Akhethetep (Louvre mastaba)
- Akhethetep (overseer of the great house)
- Akhethetep (scribe)
- Akhraten
- Akizzi
- Amanibakhi
- Amenemhat (High Priest of Amun)
- Amenemhatankh (vizier)
- Amenemope (author)
- Amenherkhepshef
- Amenhotep-Huy
- Amenhotep, Priest of Amun (18th Dynasty)
- Amenia (wife of Horemheb)
- Amenirdis II
- Amenmose (noble)
- Amenmose (TT42)
- Amenmose (vizier)
- Amethu called Ahmose
- Ammeris
- Amu (pharaoh)
- Amun-her-khepeshef (20th dynasty)
- Ankhefensekhmet
- Ankhesenpepi III
- Ankhu
- Ankhwennefer (vizier)
- Anysis
- Aperel
- Arnouphis
- Arsinoe III of Egypt
- Arty (queen)
- Ashakhet I
- Ashakhet II
- Atakhebasken
- Harsiese (C)
- Harsiese (High Priest of Ptah)
- Harsiesi
- Hat (High Priest of Osiris)
- Hat Hor
- Hedju Hor
- Henhenet
- Henutmehyt
- Henutwati
- Hepu (vizier)
- Heqanakht
- Hetepheres (princess)
- Hewernef
- Hor (high steward)
- Horbaef
- Hori (High Priest of Osiris)
- Hori I (High Priest of Ptah)
- Hori II (vizier)
- Hormeni
- Hunefer
- Huy (High Priest of Ptah)
- Huya (noble)
- Maatkare B
- Magas of Egypt
- Maya (High Priest of Amun)
- Mazaces
- Medunefer
- Mehu
- Menkheperre
- Mentuherkhepeshef (son of Ramesses IX)
- Merenhor
- Meresamun
- Meritaten Tasherit
- Mery (High Priest of Amun)
- Mery (High Priest of Osiris)
- Meryamun (20th dynasty)
- Meryatum II
- Meryhathor
- Meryptah
- Meryre
- Merysekhmet
- Minmontu
- Minmose (overseer of works)
- Minnefer
- Muthis
- Nakht
- Nakhtmin (scribe)
- Naparaye
- Nasekheperensekhmet
- Nebamun
- Nebamun (vizier)
- Nebneteru Tenry
- Nebpu
- Nebsemi
- Nebty-tepites
- Nedjem
- Nefer
- Neferhetepes
- Neferitatjenen
- Neferka
- Neferkamin
- Neferkare Tereru
- Neferkare (9th dynasty)
- Neferkare VIII
- Nefertkau I
- Nefertkau II
- Neferu I
- Nefrina
- Nehmes Bastet
- Nehsi
- Neni
- Nesitaudjatakhet
- Nespaqashuty C
- Neterkheperre Meryptah called Pipi II
- Nikare II
- Nisuheqet
- Nitocris II
- Nubemhat
- Nykara
- Pabasa
- Pahemnetjer
- Malibu Painter
- Amenemipet called Pairy
- Panehesy (vizier)
- Panehsy (TT16)
- Panodorus of Alexandria
- Paraemheb
- Pareherwenemef (20th dynasty)
- Parennefer
- Parennefer called Wennefer
- Paser (mayor under Ramses III)
- Paser II
- Pashedu
- Payeftjauemawyneith
- Pebekkamen
- Pediese (prince in Athribis)
- Pediese, chief of the Ma
- Pedubast (high steward)
- Peksater
- Penamun
- Penreshnes
- Pensekhmet
- Penthelia
- Penthu
- Pentu
- Peseshet
- Petosiris
- Phantasia (poet)
- Pherendates