This is a list of Carthusian monasteries, or charterhouses, containing both extant and dissolved monasteries of the Carthusians (also known as the Order of Saint Bruno) for monks and nuns, arranged by location under their present countries. Also listed are ancillary establishments (distilleries, printing houses) and the "houses of refuge" used by the communities expelled from France in the early 20th century.
Since the establishment of the Carthusians in 1084 there have been more than 280 monastic foundations and several more unsuccessfully attempted ones,[1] and this list aims to be complete. Dates of foundation and suppression are given where known. As of May 2022[update] there are 21 extant charterhouses, 16 for monks and 5 for nuns, indicated by bold type.[2][3]
St. Catherine's Charterhouse, Antwerp, also known as Kiel Charterhouse (Kartuize t’Kiel or Kartuize Sint-Katharina-op-de-Berg-Sinai) (1324–1543, when relocated to Lier)[8]
St. Sophia's Charterhouse, Antwerp (Kartuize Sint-Sophia, Antwerpen) (1625–1783)[9]
see also Sheen Anglorum
Bruges, see (1) Genadedal; and (2) Sheen Anglorum
Brussels Charterhouse (Kartuize Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van Gratie), Brussels (1588–1783; transferred from Scheut)[10]
Chercq, see Mont-Saint-Andre
Diest, see Zelem
Enghien, see Herne
Genadedal or Genadendal Charterhouse (Kartuize Genadedal or Genadendal), Sint-Kruis (1383–1584); relocated to Bruges (1584–1783)[11]
Koningsdal Charterhouse (Kartuize Koningsdal or 's-Koningsdale; Chartreuse Val-Royal), Rooigem[13] (1328–1578); after a temporary refuge in Saint-Omer, relocated to Ghent (1584–1783)[14]
Kortrijk, see Koningsdal
Leuven Charterhouse otherwise Louvain Charterhouse (Chartreuse Sainte-Marie-Madeleine-sous-la-Croix; Kartuize Maria-Magdalena-onder-het-Kruis op de Calvarieberg), Leuven (c. 1489/91–1783)[15]
see also Sheen Anglorum
Liège Charterhouse, also known as Mont Cornillon Charterhouse (Chartreuse des douze apôtres du Mont-Cornillon or Kartuize Twaalf Apostelen op de Mont Cornillon), Liège (1357–1796)[16]
Mont-Saint-André Charterhouse (Kartuize Sint-Andreasberg or Chartreuse Mont-Saint-André), Chercq near Tournai (c. 1376/77–1783)[18]
Namur, see Sheen Anglorum
Nieuwpoort Charterhouse, also known as Sheen Anglorum (Kartuize Nieuwpoort) (1626–1783; in other towns in Belgium from 1559): see Sheen Anglorum
Scheut Charterhouse (Kartuize Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van Gratie), Scheut near Anderlecht (1454–1588; relocated in Brussels)[19]
Sheen Anglorum Charterhouse (Charterhouse of Jesus of Bethlehem): English Carthusians in exile, located successively in Bruges (Val-de-Grâce) (1559–69), Bruges (Sinte-Clarastraat) (1569–1578), Namur (1578), Louvain (1578–1589), Antwerp (1589/90–1591), Malines (1591–1626) and Nieuwpoort (1626–1783)[20]
Sint-Martens-Bosch Charterhouse or Sint-Martens-Lierde Charterhouse (Kartuize Sint-Martens-Bosch or Sint-Martens-Lierde) Sint-Martens-Lierde, Geraardsbergen (1329–1783)[21]
Brno Charterhouse, Královo Pole Charterhouse, or Königsfeld Charterhouse (Holy Trinity), Brno (1370–1782)[25][26]
Dolany Charterhouse (Our Lady of the Valley of Jehosaphat), Dolany near Olomouc (1389–1437; moved here from Tržek (Litomyšl); moved to Olomouc in 1437, when the monastery at Dolany was ruined by Hussites)[27]
Litomyšl, see Tržek
Mariengarten, see Prague
Olomouc Charterhouse (Our Lady of the Valley of Jehosaphat), Olomouc (1437–1782; settled by the displaced community from Dolany)[27]
Poděbrady Charterhouse, at Poděbrady near Prague (1360–1369)
Štípa Charterhouse, near Fryšták, Zlín (Moravia) (1617–1620; destroyed by Protestants during Thirty Years' War; refounded at Walditz)[29]
Tržek Charterhouse (Kartause Mariae Dornbusch [Our Lady of the Thornbush]), Tržek near Litomyšl (Bohemia) (1378–1390; moved to Dolany)[30]
Valdice, or Kartouzy-Valdice Charterhouse (Kartause Marienfeld, later Mariae Himmelfahrt), Valdice near Jičín (Bohemia) (1627–1782; settled by the displaced community from Štípa)[29]
Elvedgaard Charterhouse, Søndersø, island of Fyn (proposed 1475; not proceeded with because of insufficient endowment, and proposed instead as a hospital of the Order of the Holy Ghost, apparently also not proceeded with)[32]
Glenstrup Charterhouse, Glenstrup, Mariagerfjord (Benedictine monks; Carthusian foundation here proposed c. 1428–30, but formally abandoned for lack of funds in 1446. The project was for a time under the management of the Bishop of Aarhus, and the proposed charterhouse here was also sometimes referred to as Aarhus Charterhouse).[33]
Bosserville CharterhouseLa Verne CharterhouseLa Verne Charterhouse, ruins of a monk's houseChampmol Charterhouse, church portalLe Glandier Charterhouse in Beyssac, about 1840Champmol Charterhouse in Dijon
Auray Charterhouse (Chartreuse Saint-Michel-du-Champ d'Auray), Auray, Brech, (Morbihan) (1480–1791; built as a men's collegiate foundation soon after 1364; bought in 1810 by two priests for a school for deaf mutes)
Basseville Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Val-Saint-Jean, Basseville) in Pousseaux (Nièvre) (1328–1791)
Bellary Charterhouse (Chartreuse de l'Annonciation de la Sainte-Vierge), Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis, Donzy (Nièvre) (1209–1791)
Bellevue Charterhouse, Beauvoir Charterhouse or Belvezer Charterhouse, see Saïx
Bordeaux Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Miséricorde), Bordeaux (Gironde) (1383–1460; 1605–1790)
Bosserville Charterhouse (Chartreuse de l'Immaculée Conception, Bosserville), Art-sur-Meurthe (Meurthe-et-Moselle) (1666–1792; noviciate house 1835–1901; exiled to Saxon 1901 and moved to Pleterje in 1903)
Bourbon-lès-Gaillon Charterhouse or Aubevoye Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Bourbon-lès-Gaillon, Chartreuse d'Aubevoye, Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Bonne-Espérance), Aubevoye near Gaillon (Eure) (1572–1791)[39][40]
Bourgfontaine Charterhouse (Chartreuse Fontaine-Notre-Dame de Bourgfontaine), Pisseleux, Villers-Cotterêts (Aisne) (1325–1792)
La Boutillerie Charterhouse (Chartreuse de la Boutillerie, Chartreuse Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs), Fleurbaix (Pas-de-Calais) (1618–1792)
Bouvante Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Bouvante, Chartreuse du Val-Sainte-Marie), Bouvante (Drôme) (1144–1791)
Bugey, see Saint-Sulpice
Cahors Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame-du-Temple de Cahors), Cahors (Lot) (1328–1791)
Carcassonne, see La Loubatiere
Chalais Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Chalais), Voreppe (Isère) (Benedictines 1170–1303, Carthusians 1308–1791, Dominicans 1844–1901, Dominican Sisters from 1961)
Currières Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Currières), Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse (Isère) (1296–1791; acted as the infirmary for the nearby Grande Chartreuse)
Durbon Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre Dame de Durbon), Saint-Julien-en-Beauchêne (Hautes-Alpes) (monks 1116–1791; nuns, originally from Bertaud, occupied the dependencies 1446–1601)
Les Écouges Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame-des-Surveillants des Écouges), Saint-Gervais, Vinay (Isère) (1116–1422)
Fontenay Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Fontenay), Beaune (Côte-d'Or) (1328–1791)
Fourvoirie in Saint-Laurent-du-Pont, the order's distillery of chartreuse: built 1860; moved to Tarragona 1903, returned 1933; destroyed by a landslide in 1935, and re-established at Voiron, where it remains)
Le Glandier Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Glandier), Beyssac (Corrèze) (1219–1791; 1869–1901)
Gosnay, see Val-Saint-Esprit
Isles Charterhouse (Chartreuse d'Isles), near Troyes (possibly Isle Aumont) (1325–1428; moved to Troyes (La Prée))
Koenigshoffen Charterhouse (Chartreuse Mont-Sainte-Marie de Koenigshoffen), Koenigshoffen, a district of Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) (1355–1591; destroyed by Protestants; the community settled at Molsheim)
Largentière Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre Dame de la Pré or de la Prée), Troyes (Aube) (1325–1428 in Troyes (Isles or Isle Aumont), 1428–1620 in Troyes (La Prée), 1620–1792 in Troyes (Largentière))
La Loubatière Charterhouse (Chartreuse de la Loubatière, Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Beaulieu), Lacombe (Aude)(1320–1427)
Lugny Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Lugny), Leuglay (Côte-d’Or) (1170–1791)
Lyon Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame-du-Lys-du-Saint-Esprit de Lyon), Lyon (Rhône) (1584–1791; between 1810 and 1901 the buildings accommodated the diocesan missionary society, known as the Société des Chartreux de Lyon)
Macourt, see Valenciennes
Maillard Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Maillard), Amillis (Seine-et-Marne) (1504–1509)
Marienfloss Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Marienfloss), Marienfloss near Sierck (Moselle) (1415–1431)
Marly, see Valenciennes
Marseille Charterhouse (Chartreuse Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Marseille), Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) (1633–1791)
Meyriat Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Meyriat), Vieu-d'Izenave (Ain) (1116–1792)
Montreuil Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame-des-Prés) Neuville-sous-Montreuil, Montreuil-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais) (1323–1791; 1870–1901, when exiled to Parkminster; buildings now occupied by the Famille monastique de Bethléem)[41]
Le Reposoir Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Reposoir), Le Reposoir (Haute-Savoie) (1151–1793, 1846–1855, 1860–1901; exiled to Loèche; Carmelites since 1932)
Romans Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Romans), Romans (Drôme) (1791–1813; the monks of Val-Sainte-Marie, Bouvantes, took refuge here during the Revolution)
Saint-Hugon, see Val-Saint-Hugon
Saint-Sulpice Charterhouse (Chartreuse Saint-Sulpice en Bugey), Thézillieu (Ain) (1120–1130; opted to become Cistercian, and settled from Pontigny)
Saïx Charterhouse, otherwise Bellevue Charterhouse, Beauvoir Charterhouse or Belvezer Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Saïx, Chartreuse Notre-Dame-de-Bellevue de Saïx), Saïx, Castres (Tarn) (1361–1567; 1647–1791)
Seillon Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Seillon), Péronnas (Ain) (Carthusians to 1169; Franciscans 1178–1792)
Sélignac Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Sélignac or Chartreuse du Val-Saint-Martin de Sélignac), Simandre-sur-Suran (Ain) (1202–1792 and 1929–2001; continues to operate as a lay house, Maison St Bruno, within the Order[44])
La Sylve-Bénite Charterhouse (Chartreuse de la Sylve-Bénite), Le Pin, Virieu (Isère) (1116–1792)
Toulouse Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Toulouse), Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) (1569–1791; today a parish church)
Troyes, see Isles, La Prée and Largentière
Val-Saint-Esprit Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Saint-Esprit), Gosnay, Béthune (Pas-de-Calais) (1329–1791) (double monastery with Mont-Sainte-Marie in Gosnay)[45][46]
Val-Saint-Georges Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Saint-Georges, Chartreuse Sainte-Marie du Val-Saint-Georges), Pouques-Lormes (Nièvre) (1234–1792)
Val-Saint-Hugon Charterhouse, also Saint-Hugon Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Saint-Hugon, Chartreuse de Saint-Hugon), Arvillard, La Rochette (Savoie) (1172–1793; today a Buddhist centre)
Val-Saint-Pierre Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Saint-Pierre), Braye-en-Thiérache (Aisne) (1140–1791)
Val-Sainte-Aldegonde Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Sainte-Aldegonde, Chartreuse du Val de Sainte-Aldegonde), Longuenesse (Pas-de-Calais) (1298–1791)[47]
Val-Dieu Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Val-Dieu), Feings (Orne) (1170–1791)
Valbonne Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Valbonne) in Saint-Paulet-de-Caisson (Gard) (1203-1792; Protestant 1836–1901)
Valenciennes Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Valenciennes), Valenciennes (Nord) (1288 in Val St. Paul; moved to Valenciennes 1293; moved to Macourt-lez-Marly ?–1794)
Vallon Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Vallon), Bellevaux (Haute-Savoie) (1138-1628; moved to Ripaille)
Buxheim Charterhouse (Kartause Maria Saal), Buxheim (Bavaria) (1402–1803; the only Imperial charterhouse [Reichskartause]; previously a men's collegiate foundation, 1100–1402; from 1926, Salesians)[51]
Cologne Charterhouse (Kartause Sankt Barbara), Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia) (1334–1794; the church is now St. Barbara's Evangelical parish church)[53]
Eppenberg Charterhouse, also known as Vogelsberg Charterhouse (Kartause Sancti Johannis Baptistae), Gensungen in Felsberg (Hesse) (1440–1532/1586; previously Premonstratensian canonesses, c. 1217–1438)[56]
Güterstein Charterhouse (Kartause Güterstein), Güterstein near Bad Urach (Baden-Württemberg) (1439–1535; previously a Cistercian priory and a Benedictine priory)[61]
Konz Charterhouse (Kartause Sankt Bruno), Karthaus, Konz, formerly known as Merzlich (Rhineland-Palatinate) (1680–1802; settled by the displaced community of St. Alban's Charterhouse, Trier)[67]
Mainz Charterhouse (Kartause Peterstal, later Kartause Michelsberg), on the Sankt-Michaelsberg, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate) (founded 1308 in the Tal Neuhaus or Peterstal in Kiedrich; moved to Mainz 1324; dissolved 1781)[68]
Marienkron Charterhouse (Kartause Marienkron) near Rügenwalde (founded 1394 in Körlin; from 1407 in Rügenwalde; dissolved 1534)[73]
Martinstal Charterhouse (Kartause Jesu Christi Verklärung am Martinstal), Crimmitschau near Neukirchen, Zwickau (Saxony) (1478–1527; formerly a canonry, ruined by the Hussites in 1430)[74]
Wesel Charterhouse (Kartause Insula Reginae Coeli), Gravinsel in Flüren, between Wesel and Büderich, Düsseldorf (North Rhine-Westphalia) (1417–1590; the community eventually settled a new charterhouse in Xanten, in 1623)[79]
Würzburg, see Engelgarten
Xanten Charterhouse (Kartause Insula Reginae Coeli), Xanten (North Rhine-Westphalia) (settled by displaced community from Wesel 1623; dissolved 1802)[79]
Ercsi Charterhouse, at Ercsi, island of Csepel (1238–1253; formerly a Benedictine abbey, founded end of the 12th century; buildings given to Cistercians 1253)
Kinalehin Charterhouse, also Kinaleghin Charterhouse ("House of God"), near Abbey, in the parish of Duniry (Co. Galway), diocese of Clonfert ([1249 x 1256]–1341; house surrendered to the bishop of Clonfert and granted in 1371 to the Friars Minor or Franciscans, and from then on known as Kinalehin Friary[82][83]
Albenga Charterhouse or Toirano Charterhouse (Certosa di San Pietro dei Monti di Toirano or Certosa di Monte San Pietro), Albenga (Savona) (1315–1799; previously a Benedictine monastery, San Pietro dei Monti, united in 1315 to Casotto Charterhouse; became autonomous c.1320; transferred to buildings further down the same valley in 1495)
Allerengelberg, see Schnals
Asti Charterhouse (Certosa d'Asti), Asti (1387–1801; previously a Vallombrosan monastery)
Avigliana Charterhouse (Certosa della Santa Trinità di Avigliana), Avigliana (1598–1630; originally a house of the Humiliati; given to the Carthusians of Banda in 1595, whose community moved here in 1598; requisitioned and destroyed for military purposes in 1630, and the community transferred temporarily to Montebenedetto; given Collegno Charterhouse as a replacement for Avigliana in 1642)
Banda Charterhouse (Certosa di Banda), Villar Focchiardo (Val di Susa (Piedmont) (1498–1598; settled by the displaced community from Montebenedetto Charterhouse; moved to Avigliana)
Belriguardo Charterhouse (Certosa della Purificazione di Maria), Siena (1345–1636)
Casotto Charterhouse (Certosa di Santa Maria di Casotto), Garessio (Asti) (1170 or 1183–1802)[84]
Catania Charterhouse (Certosa Dominae Nostrae Novae Lucis), Catania, Sicily (1360–1381)
Cervara Abbey or La Cervara (Abbazia della Cervara, Abbazia di San Girolamo al Monte di Portofino), Santa Margherita Ligure (1901–1936; a former Benedictine abbey converted to a college of the Somaschi Fathers, the Collegio di San Girolamo, used as a house of refuge for the exiled French communities from Montrieux and Mougères)
Chiaramonte Charterhouse (Certosa di Chiaramonte, Certosa della Valle di San Nicolò), Chiaramonte (1392–1808)
Collegno Charterhouse (Certosa dell'Annunciazione di Collegno), Collegno, Turin (1642–1855; settled by the displaced community of Avigliana from temporary accommodation at Montebenedetto; after 1855, the community remained together at La Safforona, until dispersed in 1863)
Florence Charterhouse (Certosa di Firenze or Certosa San Lorenzo del Galluzzo), Galluzzo near Florence (founded 1345, dissolved as a charterhouse in the 1960s; from the 1960s onwards occupied by Cistercian monks)
Genoa Charterhouse (Certosa di San Bartolommeo di Genova), Rivarolo Ligure, Genoa (1297–1798)
Gorgona Charterhouse (Certosa di Santa Maria e San Gorgonio di Gorgona), island of Gorgona (Livorno) (1373–1425; abandoned in 1425, and community united with that of Pisa; sold in 1776)
Guglionesi Charterhouse (Certosa di San Giovanni Battista e della Porta del Paradiso di Guglionesi, or Charterhouse of St. John the Baptist and the Gate of Paradise), Guglionesi near Termoli (Campobasso) (1338–1420; united to Naples)
Maggiano Charterhouse (Certosa di Maggiano), Siena (1314–1785)
Mantua Charterhouse (Certosa della Santa Trinità di Mantova), Mantua (1408–1782)
Milan, see Garegnano
Monbracco Charterhouse (Certosa di Monbracco; also Mombracco or Montebracco) (1282–1303, established as a men's house under the short-lived women's charterhouse at Belmonte di Busca; 1325–1642 as an independent monastery; ruined by war and plague; its assets were given to Collegno)
Monte Oliveto, Pinerolo (Turin) (1903–1904; Olivetan monastery; house of refuge for the exiled French community of La Grande Chartreuse, previously at Rosière; moved on to Farneta)
Monte San Pietro, see Albenga
Montello Charterhouse (Certosa di Santa Maria e San Girolamo di Montello), Montebelluna (Treviso) (1349–1810)
Certosa della Santa Croce di Gerusalemme or Santa Croce in Urbe (1363–1561; moved to Santa Marìa dei Angeli)
Certosa di Santa Maria degli Angeli (1561–1884)[87]
La Safforona, see Collegno
Savona Charterhouse (Certosa di Santa Maria di Loreto di Savona), Savona (1492–1801)
Schnals Charterhouse (Kartause Allerengelberg), Schnals in South Tyrol (1325–1782)
Serra San Bruno Charterhouse (Certosa Serra San Bruno), formerly San Stefano del Bosco, Serra San Bruno (Catanzaro) (1090–1197; 1197–1514, Cistercians; 1514–1808 ; resettled in 1856, still extant)
Vedana Charterhouse (Certosa di San Marco di Vedana), Mas di Sedico, later Sedico itself (Belluno) (1456–1768, community of Carthusian monks, established in a former hospice and suppressed in 1768 by the Republic of Venice; re-established as a community of monks 1882–1977; 1977–1994, nuns from San Francesco; 1998–, nuns from Riva: see below under women's foundations)
Venice Charterhouse (Certosa di Sant'Andrea del Lido di Venezia), Venice (1422–1810)
Połaniec Charterhouse, Połaniec: proposed 1425 but not proceeded with
Przemyśl Charterhouse, Przemyśl: proposed 1602 but not proceeded with
Schivelbein Charterhouse, Świdwin (Schivelbein) in Pomerania: founded in the 1440s; apparently not suppressed until in or after 1552, that is to say, after the Protestant Reformation in Pomerania[104]
Cartuxa Santa María de Scala Coeli (Escada do Céu) in Évora (1587–2019, when the last four monks moved to Spanish monasteries; the buildings have since been occupied by the women's order of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará)[105]
Lisbon Charterhouse or Laveiras Charterhouse (Cartuxa Santa María de Valle Misericordiae), Laveiras, Caxias, Lisbon (1594–1833; moved from Lisbon to Laveiras in 1598)[106]
Oradea Charterhouse (St. Stephen's Charterhouse), at Oradea (also known as Grosswardein and Nagyvárad) (1494–1498; formerly a Premonstratensian canonry; royal foundation suppressed by the local bishop for the sake of its assets)
Lechnica Charterhouse, also Červený Kláštor ("Red Monastery"[107]), at Lechnica (Carthusians 1320–1563; Camaldolese 1711–1782)
Haynburg Charterhouse (Brezovička), gangria, filia Lapis Refugii in Letanovce (1307-1329)
Letanovce Charterhouse, otherwise Lethenkow Charterhouse (also known as Kláštorisko or Lapis Refugii) at Letanovce, otherwise Lethenkow (1299–1543)[108]
Charterhouse of the Annunciation (Cartuja de la Annonciade), at Micer Bas near Valencia (1442–45; unsuccessful foundation from nearby Porta Coeli)[111]
Ara Coeli Charterhouse (Cartuja de Ara Coeli), Lerida (1588–1596)[113]
Aula Dei Charterhouse (Cartuja de Aula Dei), Saragossa (1564–1808, 1815–1835; 1901–2011; re-purchased in 1901 for the exiled French communities of Valbonne and Vauclaire, who arrived in that year in Cardeña and occupied Aula Dei in 1902; wound up, and premises transferred to the Chemin Neuf in 2012)[114]
Cazalla Charterhouse (Cartuja de Cazalla de la Sierra, Cartuja de la Concepción), Cazalla de la Sierra; founded from Santa María de las Cuevas (1477–1834)[117]
Las Fuentes Charterhouse (Cartuja de Las Fuentes), Monegros near Lanaja, Cariñena (Huesca) (1507–1558; 1589–1808; 1814–1835)[118]
Maresme Charterhouse (Cartuja de San Pablo del Mar de Maresme), Maresme, Arenys de Mar (Barcelona) (1269–1433; a Benedictine priory of Lérins Abbey founded no later than the 10th century; fell into ruin and bought by the Carthusians in 1265; settled from Scala Dei 1269; community moved to Montalegre with the former community of Valparaíso, into which it was merged)[113]
Montalegre Charterhouse (Cartoixa Santa-Maria de Montalegre), Tiana near Barcelona (extant; canonesses regular to 1362, charterhouse 1415–1808, 1814–1820, 1823–1835, (1867–) 1901–1939, 1944–)[113]
El Paular Charterhouse (Cartuja de Santa Maria de El Paular), Rascafría near Madrid (1390–1835; part of the premises have been occupied by Benedictine monks since 1954; the remainder is a hotel)[125]
Tarragona Distillery, Tarragona (1903–1933; distillery of chartreuse established here in 1883; exiled French distiller monks from Fourvoirie moved here in 1903 and began production in 1904; returned to Fourvoirie in 1933; but a small community of 3-4 continued distillation at Tarragona until 1989)
Vallparadís or Valparaíso Charterhouse (Cartoixa de Vallparadís), Terrassa near Barcelona (1345–1415)[113]
Via Coeli Charterhouse (Cartuja de Santa María Via Coeli), Orihuela (Alicante) (1640–1681) (unable to find suitable premises, and foundation eventually abandoned)[113]
Val de la Paix Charterhouse (Villa pacis) in Chandrossel (1327–after 1333)[140]
La Valsainte Charterhouse near Cerniat (Fribourg) (Carthusians 1294/95–1778; Trappists 1791–98, 1802–12 and 1814–15; Redemptorists 1818–26; recovered by Carthusians 1863, still extant)[141]
St. Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, Cowfold, Horsham, West Sussex (extant; founded 1873; in 1903, received exiled French community of Montreuil, as well as the novices of Bosserville and Sélignac [c. 100 monks]. In 1913, the order's printing works from Tournai were installed here, where they remained until 1954).[150]
Burdinne, château, Huy (Liège) (1906–1928) (house of refuge for exiled French community from Le Gard; moved on to Nonenque)[156]
St. Anne's Charterhouse (Kartuize Sint-Anna ter Woestijne or Chartreuse Sainte-Anne-au-Désert; "St. Anne's Charterhouse in the Desert") in Sint-Andries, later Bruges (1348–1783; in Bruges from 1580)[157]
La Bastide-Saint-Pierre Charterhouse (Chartreuse Saints-Coeurs-de-Jésus-et-Marie), Labastide-Saint-Pierre (Tarn-et-Garonne) (1854–1903; exiled to Riva, later moved to Pinerolo)
Beauregard Charterhouse (Chartreuse Sainte-Croix de Beauregard), Coublevie (Isère) (1821/22–1978; founded by survivors of the pre-revolutionary community of Prémol; moved 1978 to Reillanne)
Bertaud Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Bertaud or Notre-Dame d'Aurouse), Rabou (Hautes-Alpes) (1188–1446, then moved to Durbon)
La Celle-Roubaud Charterhouse, also known as Sainte-Roseline Charterhouse (Chartreuse Sainte-Roseline de la Celle-Roubaud), Les Arcs (Var) (previously Benedictine nuns; 1260–1499 Carthusian nuns; from 1504, Franciscans)
Durbon Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre Dame de Durbon), Saint-Julien-en-Beauchêne (Hautes-Alpes) (monks 1116–1791; nuns, originally from Bertaud, occupied the dependencies 1446–1601)
Le Gard Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Gard), Belloy-sur-Somme (Somme) (Cistercians 1137–1792; Carthusian nuns 1871–1906; exiled to Burdinne, resettled at Nonenque 1928)
Gigondas, see Prébayon and Saint-André
Gosnay, see Mont-Sainte-Marie
Mélan Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Mélan), Taninges (Haute-Savoie) (1283–1793; women's collegiate foundation 1803–1906)
Mont-Sainte-Marie Charterhouse (Chartreuse du Mont-Sainte-Marie de Gosnay, Chartreuse des Dames de Gosnay), Gosnay, Béthune (Pas-de-Calais) (1329–1792) (double monastery with Val-Saint-Esprit in Gosnay)[158]
Nonenque Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Précieux Sang de Nonenque), Marnhagues-et-Latour (Aveyron) (extant; Cistercians 1139–1791; 1927 onwards, Carthusian nuns of the community at Burdinne formerly exiled from Le Gard)
Parménie Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Parménie, Chartreuse du Val-Croissant au Mont de Sainte-Marie), Beaucroissant (Isère) (1257–1391, then transferred to Les Écouges)
Poleteins Charterhouse (cell) (Chartreuse de la Bienheureuse Marie de Poleteins) in Mionnay (Ain) (c. 1245–1605, when the sole remaining nun was transferred to Salettes and the endowment to Lyon)
Prébayon Charterhouse, later Saint-André-de-Ramières Charterhouse (Chartreuse de Prébayon, later known as Chartreuse Saint-André-de-Ramières), Gigondas, Beaumes-de-Venise (Vaucluse) (founded c. 611 as a nunnery under the Rule of Caesarius of Arles; moved site c. 962 to Saint-André-de-Ramières but retained the name of Prébayon until c. 1227; became Carthusian c. 1155; expelled from the Order in 1336 but continued Carthusian practice as an independent house; suppressed in 1734)
Prémol Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Prémol), Vaulnaveys-le-Haut (Isère) (1234–1792; survivors of this community founded Beauregard in 1821)
Reillanne Charterhouse (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Reillanne), Reillanne (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) (extant; founded 1978 as a new home for the community of Beauregard)[159]
Roubaud, see La Celle-Roubaud
Saint-André-de-Ramières, see Prébayon
Sainte-Rosaline, see La Celle-Roubaud
Salettes Charterhouse (Chartreuse de la Salle [or Cour] de Notre-Dame de Salettes), La Balme-les-Grottes, Crémieu (Isère) (1299–1792)
Belmonte di Busca Charterhouse (Certosa Belmonte di Busca), Busca near Cuneo (c.1274–c.1285)
Bricherasio Charterhouse or Molare di Bricherasio Charterhouse (Certosa di Bricherasio or di Molare di Bricherasio), Bricherasio (c.1277–1303; apparently governed together with Buonluogo; became Cistercian in 1303)
Buonluogo Charterhouse (Certosa di Santa Maria di Buonluogo), Pinerolo (1223–1303; became Cistercian in 1303)
Dego Charterhouse (Certosa della Trinità), Dego (extant since 1994; settled by community from San Francesco)
Motta Grossa, see Riva
Riva Charterhouse (Certosa di Riva, formerly Certosa di Motta Grossa), castle of Motta Grossa, Riva di Pinerolo (Turin) (1903–1998; house of refuge for the exiled French community of La-Bastide-Saint-Pierre; became an autonomous charterhouse in 1936; name changed from Motta Grossa to Riva in 1971; community moved to Vedana in 1998)
San Francesco Charterhouse (Certosa di San Antonio di Padova), Giaveno (Turin) (1904–1994; former Franciscan convent; house of refuge for the exiled French community from Beauregard; autonomous charterhouse from 1912; moved to Dego 1994)
Vedana Charterhouse (Certosa di Vedana), Sospirolo (1456–1977 as monastery; when the monks left in 1977, nuns from San Francesco moved here, and after they moved to Dego in 1998, were replaced by nuns from Riva; the nuns had left by 2018, when the premises were occupied by a community of nuns of the Perpetual Adoration of the Sacrament[160])
Santa Maria de Benifassà, La Pobla de Benifassà near Vinaròs (Castellón) (extant since 1967; established in the premises of the former Cistercian Benifasar Abbey (1233–1835)[161]
Murviedro Charterhouse (Cartuja del Espíritu Santo di Murviedro), Murviedro (now Sagunto) (Valencia) (c.1389-c.1610)
^In addition, the Maison Saint Bruno, formerly Sélignac Charterhouse, has been a house of laity since 2001. The Hermitage of St. Bruno founded in 1975 at Parisot is also a lay retreat house, run not by the Carthusian Order but by the International Fellowship of St Bruno.
^Thomas Aigner: "Aggsbach", in: Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, vol. 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 119–123
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^Stanislav Petr: "Rukopis kartuziánského kláštera v Tržku ve vatikánské knihovně Palatina a nové poznatky k osobě zakladatele tržecké kartouzy Alberta ze Šternberka" in Studie o rukopisech 41 (2011), pp. 19–56
^Aigner, Thomas, 2004: Monasticon cartusiense, vol. 2 (eds. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg). Analecta cartusiana, No. 185.2. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik - Asserbo
^Laurence Baudoux, "L’architecture du Val-Saint-Esprit à Gosnay (XVIIe siècle-XVIIIe siècle): architecture, monuments funéraires et verrières", in Histoire et Archéologie du Pas-de-Calais, No. XXVII, 2009, pp. 79–115
^Mathieu Béghin, "Éclairage sur le rôle des moines chartreux du Val-Saint-Esprit dans le démantèlement du château comtal de Gosnay (comté d’Artois, Pas-de-Calais) au début du XVIe siècle", in Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre, No. 22.1, 2018 (online version)
^Justin de Pas, Cartulaire de la chartreuse du Val de Ste-Aldegonde, près Saint-Omer : (ms. 901 de la bibliothèque de Saint-Omer), analyse et extraits, publiés avec un appendice et les listes des prieurs et procureurs du couvent, Saint-Omer, Impr. H. D'Homont, 1905 (online version)
^Paul et Marie-Louise Biver, 1970: Abbayes, Monastères et Couvents de Paris, pp.103 ff. Paris: Editions d'Histoire et d'Art ISBN9782723315531available online
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^Gerhard Schlegel: "Eppenberg" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 406–411
^Gerhard Schlegel: "Erfurt" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, vol. 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 345–351
^Sönke Lorenz, Oliver Auge, Robert Zagolla, 2002: Bücher, Bibliotheken und Schriftkultur der Kartäuser - Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Edward Potkowski. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
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^Roland Deigendesch: "Güterstein" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 394–405
^Harald Goder: "Hildesheim" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 740–747
^Hermann Josef Roth: "Koblenz" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, vol. 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 563–570
^Zur Geschichte, Bau- und Kunstgeschichte der Konradsburg vom 10. bis zum frühen 21. Jahrhundert: anlässlich der Ersterwähnung eines Konradsburgers vor eintausend Jahren. Schmitt, Reinhard. (2022) in Die Konradsburg. Burg - Abtei - Kloster - Domäne - Förderkreis, pp. 13–177
^ abManfred Oldenburg: "Trier" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 571–576
^Hermann Josef Roth: "Mainz" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 556–562
^Hubert Maria Blüm: "Hain" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 666–671
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^Harald Goder: "Weddern/Dülmen" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 638–645
^Schlegel, Gerhard: Die vergessene Kartause Marienehe bei Rostock (1396–1552). Analecta Cartusiana 116/4, 1989, pp. 119–151
^Rafał Witkowski: "Darłowo/Rügenwalde" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 768–772
^Gerhard Schlegel: "Crimmitschau" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 428–433
^Erik Soder v. Güldenstubbe: "Nürnberg" in Monasticon Cartusiense, ed. Gerhard Schlegel, James Hogg, Band 2, Salzburg 2004, pp. 358–364
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^later used as the castle of the Kings of Sardinia
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^ ab"Charterhouse of the Transfiguration" by Prof Kent Emery, Jr, publ. Editions des Cahiers de l'Alpe, Grenoble 1986, pp. 459–476; repr. 2009 in Carthusian Booklets Series No 13 and 2019 online version)
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