In the mathematical theory of probability, the Wiener process, named after Norbert Wiener, is a stochastic process used in modeling various phenomena, including Brownian motion and fluctuations in financial markets. A formula for the conditional probability distribution of the extremum of the Wiener process and a sketch of its proof appears in work of H. J. Kusher (appendix 3, page 106) published in 1964.[1] a detailed constructive proof appears in work of Dario Ballabio in 1978.[2] This result was developed within a research project about Bayesian optimization algorithms.
In some global optimization problems the analytical definition of the objective function is unknown and it is only possible to get values at fixed points. There are objective functions in which the cost of an evaluation is very high, for example when the evaluation is the result of an experiment or a particularly onerous measurement. In these cases, the search of the global extremum (maximum or minimum) can be carried out using a methodology named "Bayesian optimization", which tend to obtain a priori the best possible result with a predetermined number of evaluations. In summary it is assumed that outside the points in which it has already been evaluated, the objective function has a pattern which can be represented by a stochastic process with appropriate characteristics. The stochastic process is taken as a model of the objective function, assuming that the probability distribution of its extrema gives the best indication about extrema of the objective function. In the simplest case of the one-dimensional optimization, given that the objective function has been evaluated in a number of points, there is the problem to choose in which of the intervals thus identified is more appropriate to invest in a further evaluation. If a Wiener stochastic process is chosen as a model for the objective function, it is possible to calculate the probability distribution of the model extreme points inside each interval, conditioned by the known values at the interval boundaries. The comparison of the obtained distributions provides a criterion for selecting the interval in which the process should be iterated. The probability value of having identified the interval in which falls the global extremum point of the objective function can be used as a stopping criterion. Bayesian optimization is not an efficient method for the accurate search of local extrema so, once the search range has been restricted, depending on the characteristics of the problem, a specific local optimization method can be used.
be a Wiener stochastic process on an interval
with initial value
By definition of Wiener process, increments have a normal distribution:


be the cumulative probability distribution function of the minimum value of the
function on interval
conditioned by the value
It is shown that:[1][3][note 1]

is an immediate consequence of the minimum definition, in the following it will always be assumed
and also corner case
will be excluded.
Let' s assume
defined in a finite number of points
by varying the integer
be a sequence of sets
such that
be a dense set in
hence every neighbourhood of each point in
contains an element of one of the sets
be a real positive number such that
Let the event
be defined as:
Having excluded corner case
, it is surely
be the events defined as:
and let
be the first k among the
which define
it is evidently
. Now equation (2.1) will be proved.
By the
events definition,
, hence
. It will now be verified the relation
hence (2.1) will be proved.
The definition of
, the continuity of
and the hypothesis
imply, by the intermediate value theorem,
By the continuity of
and the hypothesis that
is dense in
it is deducted that
such that for
it must be
which implies (2.1).
(2.2) is deducted from (2.1), considering that
implies that the sequence of probabilities
is monotone non decreasing and hence it converges to its supremum. The definition of events
and (2.2) implies
In the following it will always be assumed
, so
is well defined.
In fact, by definition of
it is
, so
In a similar way, since by definition of
it is
, (2.4) is valid:
The above is explained by the fact that the random variable
has a symmetric probability density compared to its mean which is zero.
By applying in sequence relationships (2.3), (2.5) and (2.4) we get (2.6) :
With the same procedure used to obtain (2.3), (2.4) and (2.5) taking advantage this time by the relationship
we get (2.7):
By applying in sequence (2.6) and (2.7) we get:
, considering the continuity of
and the intermediate value theorem we get
which implies
Replacing the above in (2.8) and passing to the limits:
and for
, event
converges to
, by substituting
in (2.9) we get the equivalent relationship:
Applying the Bayes' theorem to the joint event
From the above definitions it follows:
Substituting (2.12) into (2.11), we get the equivalent:
Substituting (2.9) and (2.10) into (2.13):

It can be observed that in the second member of (2.14) appears the probability distribution of the random variable
, normal with mean
e variance
The realizations
of the random variable
match respectively the probability densities:
Substituting (2.15) e (2.16) into (2.14) and taking the limit for
the thesis is proved:

- A versatile stochastic model of a function of unknown and time varying form - Harold J Kushner - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Volume 5, Issue 1, August 1962, Pages 150-167.
- The Application of Bayesian Methods for Seeking the Extremum - J. Mockus, J. Tiesis, A. Zilinskas - IFIP Congress 1977, August 8–12 Toronto.
- ^ The theorem, as set out and shown for the case of the minimum of the Wiener process, also applies to the maximum.
- ^ a b H. J. Kushner, "A New Method of Locating the Maximum Point of an Arbitrary Multipeak Curve in the Presence of Noise", J. Basic Eng 86(1), 97–106 (Mar 01, 1964).
- ^ Dario Ballabio, "Una nuova classe di algoritmi stocastici per l'ottimizzazione globale" (A new class of stochastic algorithms for global optimization), University of Milan, Institute of Mathematics, doctoral dissertation presented on July 12th 1978, pp. 29–33.
- ^ János D. Pintér, Global Optimization in Action: Continuous and Lipschitz Optimization, 1996 Springer Science & Business Media, page 57.