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List of Wikipedias

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Interlingue Wikipedia)

Map of the most popular edition of Wikipedia by country
Most popular edition of Wikipedia by country. In grayed-out countries, the "national-language" edition is usually the most popular, but there are exceptions: for example, Afghanistan has Persian Wikipedia as the most popular (there is no Dari Wikipedia).

Wikipedia is a free multilingual open-source wiki-based online encyclopedia edited and maintained by a community of volunteer editors, started on 15 January 2001 as an English-language encyclopedia. Non-English editions were soon created: the German and Catalan editions were created on circa 16 March,[1] the French edition was created on 23 March,[2] and the Swedish edition was created on 23 May.[3] As of September 2024, Wikipedia articles have been created in 345 editions, with 332 currently active and 13 closed.[4]

The Meta-Wiki language committee manages policies on creating new Wikimedia projects. To be eligible, a language must have a valid ISO 639 code, be "sufficiently unique", and have a "sufficient number of fluent users".[5]

Variations in editions

Area graph of the most viewed editions of Wikipedia over time
Most viewed editions of Wikipedia over time
Area graph of the most edited editions of Wikipedia over time
Most edited editions of Wikipedia over time

Wikipedia projects vary in how they divide dialects and variants. For example, the English Wikipedia includes most modern varieties of English including American English and British English.[6][7] Similarly, the Spanish Wikipedia includes both Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Spanish,[8] and the Portuguese Wikipedia includes both European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.[9] In contrast, some languages have multiple Wikipedias. For example, Serbo-Croatian encompasses four Wikipedia editions, Serbo-Croatian and three different standardized varieties (Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian).[10]

Additionally, some Wikipedia projects apply different approaches to orthography. For instance, the Chinese Wikipedia automatically transliterates between six standard forms: three using simplified Chinese characters (Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore) and three using traditional Chinese characters (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau [zh]).[11][12] And rather than relying on transliteration, Belarusian has separate Wikipedia projects for the official Narkamaŭka and Taraškievica orthographies.[13]

Wikipedia edition codes


Each Wikipedia project has a code, which is used as a subdomain of wikipedia.org. The codes mostly conform to ISO 639-1 two-letter codes or ISO 639-3 three-letter codes, with preference given to a two-letter code if available.[14] For example, en stands for English in ISO 639-1, so the English Wikipedia is at en.wikipedia.org.

Wikipedia editions


Active editions


The table below lists the active language editions of Wikipedia roughly sorted by the number of articles (excluding redirects and non-article pages).[15]

Wikipedia editions
Wikipedia name
in English
Wikipedia name
in native language
LanguageScript (ISO
Launch dateLogo
English WikipediaEnglish WikipediaEnglishLatnen6,881,439115,89215 January 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Cebuano WikipediaWikipedya sa SinugboanonCebuanoLatnceb6,116,94717222 June 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cebuano
German WikipediaDeutschsprachige WikipediaGermanLatnde2,941,32316,82816 March 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in German
French WikipediaWikipédia en françaisFrenchLatnfr2,635,09216,06923 March 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in French
Swedish WikipediaSvenskspråkiga WikipediaSwedishLatnsv2,594,3251,91423 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Swedish
Dutch WikipediaNederlandstalige WikipediaDutchLatnnl2,167,0693,43319 June 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dutch
Russian WikipediaРусская Википедия
(Russkaya Vikipediya)
RussianCyrlru1,999,0808,79820 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Russian
Spanish WikipediaWikipedia en españolSpanishLatnes1,978,10313,28420 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Spanish
Italian WikipediaWikipedia in italianoItalianLatnit1,881,5657,27611 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Italian
Polish WikipediaPolskojęzyczna WikipediaPolishLatnpl1,628,1094,21526 June 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Polish
Egyptian Arabic Wikipediaويكيپيديا مصرى
(Wīkībīdiyā maṣri)
Egyptian ArabicArabarz1,624,75221924 November 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Egyptian Arabic
Chinese WikipediaTraditional Chinese: ,
simplified Chinese:
(pinyin: Zhōngwén wéijī bǎikē)
Chinese (written
vernacular Chinese
Hans/Hantzh1,441,6287,14424 October 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Chinese
Japanese Wikipediaウィキペディア日本語版
(Wikipedia nihongo-ban)
JapaneseJpanja1,429,66412,75020 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Japanese
Ukrainian WikipediaУкраїнська Вікіпедія
(Ukrayinsʹka Vikipediya)
UkrainianCyrluk1,343,9632,94430 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ukrainian
Vietnamese WikipediaWikipedia tiếng ViệtVietnameseLatnvi1,295,3911,549November 2002 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Vietnamese
Waray WikipediaWaray WikipediaWarayLatnwar1,266,6059725 September 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Waray
Arabic Wikipediaويكيبيديا العربية
(Wīkībīdiyā al-ʿarabiyya)
ArabicArabar1,240,8433,6988 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Arabic
Portuguese WikipediaWikipédia em portuguêsPortugueseLatnpt1,133,1498,31011 May 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Portuguese
Persian Wikipediaویکی‌پدیای فارسی
(Vikipediā-ye Fārsi)
PersianArabfa1,013,2745,00619 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Persian
Catalan WikipediaViquipèdia en catalàCatalanLatnca759,24298716 March 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Catalan
Indonesian WikipediaWikipedia bahasa IndonesiaIndonesianLatnid704,1582,58130 March 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Indonesian
Serbian WikipediaВикипедија на српском језику
(Vikipedija na srpskom jeziku)
SerbianCyrl/Latnsr694,13074216 February 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Serbian
Korean Wikipedia한국어 위키백과
(Han-gugeo wikibaekgwa)
KoreanHangko684,0922,00911 October 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Korean
Norwegian Wikipedia (Bokmål)Norsk WikipediaNorwegian (Bokmål)Latnno635,3271,09826 November 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Norwegian (Bokmål)
Turkish WikipediaTürkçe VikipediTurkishLatntr620,3262,5475 December 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Turkish
Chechen WikipediaНохчийн Википеди
(Noxçiyn Wikipedi)
ChechenCyrlce601,3895528 February 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Chechen
Finnish WikipediaSuomenkielinen WikipediaFinnishLatnfi579,9471,55921 February 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Finnish
Czech WikipediaČeská WikipedieCzechLatncs553,0931,9973 May 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Czech
Hungarian WikipediaMagyar WikipédiaHungarianLatnhu546,3081,4398 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hungarian
Tatar WikipediaТатар Википедиясе
(Tatar Wikipediäse)
TatarCyrltt501,9298715 September 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tatar
Romanian WikipediaWikipedia în limba românăRomanianLatnro483,04977612 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Romanian
Serbo-Croatian WikipediaSrpskohrvatska Wikipedija
(Српскохрватска Википедија)
Serbo-CroatianLatnsh459,98917116 January 2002
20 February 2005 (original)
23 June 2005 (relaunch)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Serbo-Croatian
Basque WikipediaEuskarazko WikipediaBasqueLatneu443,4493096 December 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Basque
Southern Min WikipediaPe̍h-ōe-jī: Holopedia or
Wikipedia Bân-lâm-gú
Southern MinLatnzh-min-nan433,2748828 May 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Southern Min
Malay WikipediaWikipedia Bahasa Melayu
(ويکيڤيديا بهاس ملايو)
MalayLatnms390,42966926 October 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Malay
Hebrew Wikipediaויקיפדיה העברית
(Vikipedya ha-ivrit)
HebrewHebrhe361,8013,2818 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hebrew
Esperanto WikipediaVikipedio en EsperantoEsperantoLatneo358,5043456 November 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Esperanto
Armenian WikipediaՀայերեն Վիքիպեդիա
(Hayeren Vikʿipedia)
ArmenianArmnhy312,878431July 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Armenian
Danish WikipediaDansk WikipediaDanishLatnda302,0157201 February 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Danish
Bulgarian WikipediaБългароезична Уикипедия
(Bǎlgaroezična Uikipediya)
BulgarianCyrlbg300,4546666 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bulgarian
Uzbek WikipediaOʻzbekcha Vikipediya
(Ўзбекча Википедия)
UzbekLatn/Cyrluz299,87750021 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Uzbek
Welsh WikipediaWicipedia CymraegWelshLatncy281,054139July 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Welsh
Simple English WikipediaSimple English WikipediaSimple EnglishLatnsimple256,5971,39918 September 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the words "Simple English" in italics and the name "Wikipedia" below them, in English
Slovak WikipediaSlovenská WikipediaSlovakLatnsk250,329485August 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Slovak
Estonian WikipediaEestikeelne VikipeediaEstonianLatnet247,49848824 August 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Estonian
Belarusian WikipediaБеларуская Вікіпедыя
(Bielaruskaja Vikipiedyja)
Belarusian (official
Narkamaŭka orthography)
Cyrlbe246,39826312 August 2004 (original)
27 March 2007 (clean version)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Belarusian
South Azerbaijani Wikipediaتورکجه ویکی‌پدیا
(Azərbaycanca Vikipediya)
South AzerbaijaniArabazb243,69096July 2015
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in South Azerbaijani
Greek WikipediaΕλληνική Βικιπαίδεια
(Ellinikí Vikipaídeia)
GreekGrekel239,7038731 December 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Greek
Kazakh WikipediaҚазақша Уикипедия
(Qazaqşa Wïkïpedïya)
(قازاقشا ۋىيكىيپەدىييا)
KazakhCyrlkk237,1922353 June 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kazakh
Minangkabau WikipediaWikipedia MinangkabauMinangkabauLatnmin227,763537 February 2013
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Minangkabau
Croatian WikipediaHrvatska WikipedijaCroatianLatnhr222,12147916 February 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Croatian
Lithuanian WikipediaLietuviškoji VikipedijaLithuanianLatnlt218,83530220 February 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lithuanian
Galician WikipediaGalipedia or Wikipedia en galegoGalicianLatngl213,5232488 March 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Galician
Urdu Wikipediaاردو ویکیپیڈیا
(Urdū vikipīḍiyā)
UrduArabur210,76325124 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Urdu
Azerbaijani WikipediaAzərbaycanca VikipediyaAzerbaijaniLatnaz199,872541January 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Azerbaijani
Slovene WikipediaSlovenska WikipedijaSloveneLatnsl186,59639426 February 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Slovene
Ladin WikipediaWikipedia per ladinLadinLatnlld180,7673617 August 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ladin
Georgian Wikipediaქართული ვიკიპედია
(Kartuli vik’ip’edia)
GeorgianGeorka175,049241November 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Georgian
Norwegian Wikipedia (Nynorsk)Norsk (Nynorsk) WikipediaNorwegian (Nynorsk)Latnnn170,54213731 July 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Norwegian (Nynorsk)
Tamil Wikipediaதமிழ் விக்கிபீடியா
(Tamiḻ vikkippīṭiyā)
TamilTamlta167,535291September 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tamil
Thai Wikipediaวิกิพีเดียภาษาไทย
(Wi-ki-phi-dia pha-sa thai)
ThaiThaith166,6201,330December 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Thai
Hindi Wikipediaहिन्दी विकिपीडिया
(Hindī vikipīḍiyā)
HindiDevahi163,59296311 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hindi
Bengali Wikipediaবাংলা উইকিপিডিয়া
(Bangla uikipiḍiẏa)
BengaliBengbn157,7951,27126 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bengali
Macedonian WikipediaМакедонска Википедија
(Makedonska Vikipedija)
MacedonianCyrlmk146,294193September 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Macedonian
Cantonese WikipediaTraditional Chinese: 粵文維基百科
(Jyutping: jyut6 man4 wai4
gei1 baak3 fo1
CantoneseHantzh-yue143,36230025 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cantonese
Latin WikipediaVicipaedia LatinaLatinLatnla139,388149May 2002 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Latin
Asturian WikipediaWikipedia n'asturianuAsturianLatnast136,51210120 July 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Asturian
Latvian WikipediaVikipēdija latviešu valodāLatvianLatnlv129,6902603 March 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Latvian
Afrikaans WikipediaAfrikaanse WikipediaAfrikaansLatnaf118,47620016 November 2001
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Afrikaans
Tajik WikipediaВикипедияи Тоҷикӣ
(Vikipedijai Toçikī)
TajikCyrl/Latntg113,8808827 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tajik
Burmese Wikipediaမြန်မာဝီကီပီးဒီးယား
(Mranma wikipi:di:ya:)
BurmeseMymrmy108,289125July 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Burmese
Telugu Wikipediaతెలుగు వికీపీడియా
(Telugu vikīpīḍiyā)
TeluguTelute99,43917710 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Telugu
Albanian WikipediaWikipedia shqipAlbanianLatnsq99,27424312 October 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Albanian
Malagasy WikipediaWikipedia amin'ny teny malagasyMalagasyLatnmg98,07050April 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Malagasy
Marathi Wikipediaमराठी विकिपीडिया
(Marāṭhī vikipīḍiyā)
MarathiDevamr97,8241901 May 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Marathi
Bosnian WikipediaWikipedia na bosanskom jezikuBosnianLatnbs93,81415912 December 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bosnian
Occitan WikipediaWikipèdia en occitanOccitanLatnoc90,0079420 October 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Occitan
Belarusian Wikipedia (Classical)Беларуская Вікіпэдыя
(Bielaruskaja Vikipiedyja)
(Taraškievica orthography)
Cyrlbe-tarask87,52513627 March 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Belarusian (Classical orthography)
Breton WikipediaWikipedia e brezhonegBretonLatnbr86,80290June 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Breton
Malayalam Wikipediaമലയാളം വിക്കിപീടിയ
(Malayāḷaṃ vikkipīṭiya)
MalayalamMlymml85,91826121 December 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Malayalam
Low German WikipediaPlattdüütsche WikipediaLow GermanLatnnds85,05363April 2006 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Low German
Kurdish WikipediaWîkîpediya kurdî
(ویکیپەدیا کوردی)
Kurdish (Kurmanji)Latn/Arabku83,808754 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kurmanji Kurdish
Swahili WikipediaWikipedia ya KiswahiliSwahiliLatnsw82,7331448 March 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Swahili
Kyrgyz WikipediaКыргыз Википедиясы
(Kırgız Wikipediya)
KyrgyzCyrlky78,384693 June 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kyrgyz
Lombard WikipediaWikipedia in lombardLombardLatnlmo74,29357October 2005 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lombard
Javanese WikipediaWikipedia basa JawaJavaneseLatnjv74,0981018 March 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Javanese
Western Punjabi Wikipediaپنجابی وکیپیڈیا
(Pañjābī vikīpīḍīā)
Western PunjabiArabpnb73,2736224 October 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Western Punjabi
Newar Wikipediaविकिपिडियाय् लसकुस
(Vikipiḍiyāya lasakūsa)
NewarDevanew72,439274 June 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Newar
Sorani Kurdish Wikipedia ویکیپیدیای کوردیی سۆرانی
(Wîkîpîdiyay Kurdî Soranî)
Kurdish (Sorani)Arabckb70,94615813 August 2009
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sorani Kurdish
Haitian Creole WikipediaWikipedya kreyòl ayisyenHaitian CreoleLatnht69,71446August 2005 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Haitian Creole
Venetian WikipediaWikipedia en łéngoa vènetaVenetianLatnvec69,32046Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Venetian
Piedmontese WikipediaWikipedia an piemontèisaPiedmonteseLatnpms68,9025227 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Piedmontese
Luxembourgish WikipediaWikipedia op LëtzebuergeschLuxembourgishLatnlb63,7918221 July 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Luxembourgish
Bashkir WikipediaБашҡорт Википедияһы
(Başķort Vikipediya)
BashkirCyrlba63,7387416 April 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bashkir
Sundanese WikipediaWikipédia basa SundaSundaneseLatnsu61,8015615 March 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sundanese
Irish WikipediaVicipéid na GaeilgeIrishLatnga60,68778October 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Irish
Icelandic WikipediaÍslenska WikipediaIcelandicLatnis58,9621605 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Icelandic
Silesian WikipediaŚlůnsko WikipedyjoSilesianLatnszl58,1804826 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Silesian
Chuvash WikipediaЧăваш Википедийĕ
(Russian-based: Căvaš Vikipedijĕ,
Turkish-based: Çovaş Vikipyediyö)
ChuvashCyrlcv56,4964522 November 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Chuvash
Punjabi Wikipediaਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ
(Pañjābī vikīpīḍīā)
PunjabiGurupa54,738973 June 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Punjabi
West Frisian WikipediaFrysktalige WikipedyWest FrisianLatnfy54,316782 September 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in West Frisian
Ido WikipediaWikipedio en IdoIdoLatnio50,243592004 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ido
Hausa WikipediaWikipedia HausaHausaLatnha49,789308Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hausa
Tagalog WikipediaWikipediang TagalogTagalogLatntl47,5181421 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tagalog
Aragonese WikipediaBiquipedia en aragonésAragoneseLatnan46,7516721 July 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Aragonese
Mazanderani Wikipediaمازرونی ویکی‌پدیا
(Mazandarani vikipedi)
MazanderaniArabmzn44,61945Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Mazanderani
Wu WikipediaTraditional Chinese: 吳語維基百科,
simplified Chinese: 吴语维基百科
(Romanized: Wu-nyu Vi-ci-pah-khu)
Wu ChineseHans/Hantwuu44,100641 October 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Wu Chinese
Zazaki WikipediaWikipediyay ZazakiZazaLatndiq42,06540Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Zaza
Volapük WikipediaVükiped VolapükikVolapükLatnvo37,8323327 January 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Volapük
Igbo WikipediaWikipedia IgboIgboLatnig35,865126Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Igbo
Scots WikipediaScots WikipædiaScotsLatnsco34,5108323 June 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Scots
Yoruba WikipediaWikipéédíà YorùbáYorubaLatnyo34,282972008 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Yoruba
Kannada Wikipediaಕನ್ನಡ ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ
(Kannaḍa vikipīḍiya)
KannadaKndakn32,728145June 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kannada
Nepali Wikipediaनेपाली विकिपिडिया
(Nepālī vikipiḍiyā)
NepaliDevane31,3251183 June 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Nepali
Alemannic WikipediaAlemannische WikipediaAlemannic GermanLatnals30,6278313 November 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Alemannic
Gujarati Wikipediaગુજરાતી વિકિપીડિયા
(Gujrātī vikipīḍiyā)
GujaratiGujrgu30,44769July 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gujarati
Interlingua WikipediaWikipedia in interlinguaInterlinguaLatnia29,7084129 April 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Interlingua
Kotava WikipediaWikipedia men KotavaKotavaLatnavk29,5572129 December 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kotava
Crimean Tatar WikipediaQırımtatarca VikipediyaCrimean TatarLatncrh28,4123212 January 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Crimean Tatar
Bavarian WikipediaBoarische WikipediaBavarianLatnbar27,171612 May 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bavarian
Sicilian WikipediaWikipedia ’n sicilianuSicilianLatnscn26,292455 October 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sicilian
Balinese WikipediaWikipédia Basa Bali
(ᬯᬶᬓᬶᬧᬾᬤᬶᬬ ᬩᬲᬩᬮᬶ)
BalineseLatnban25,4365214 October 2019
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Balinese
Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipediaবিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী উইকিপিডিয়া
(Bişnupriya mônipuri u'ikipiḍiẏā)
Bishnupriya ManipuriBengbpy25,08721November 2006 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bishnupriya Manipuri
Mongolian WikipediaМонгол Википедиа
(Mongol Vikipyedia)
MongolianCyrlmn24,22311928 February 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Mongolian
Quechua WikipediaQhichwa WikipidiyaQuechua (Southern Quechua)Latnqu24,05840January 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Southern Quechua
Navajo WikipediaWikiibíídiiya Dinék'ehjíNavajoLatnnv22,64518Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Navajo
Mingrelian Wikipediaმარგალური ვიკიპედია
(Margaluri vik’ip’edia)
MingrelianGeorxmf21,4463612 June 2011
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Mingrelian
Sinhala Wikipediaසිංහල විකිපීඩියා
(Siṁhala wikipīḍiyā)
SinhalaSinhsi21,23491Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sinhala
Pashto Wikipediaپښتو ويکيپېډيا
(Pax̌tó wīkīpeḍyā)
PashtoArabps19,749492003 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pashto
North Frisian WikipediaNordfriisk WikipediaNorth FrisianLatnfrr19,47436Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in North Frisian
Ossetian WikipediaИрон Википеди
(Iron Vikipedi)
OssetianCyrlos19,1152728 February 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ossetian
Tumbuka WikipediaWikipedia ChitumbukaTumbukaLatntum18,68820Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tumbuka
Odia Wikipediaଓଡ଼ିଆ ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆ
(Oṛiā uikipiṛiā)
OdiaOryaor18,49860June 2002 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Odia
Sindhi Wikipediaسنڌي وڪيپيڊيا
(Sindhi wikipidia)
SindhiArabsd18,057396 February 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sindhi
Central Bikol WikipediaWikipedyang Bikol SentralCentral BikolLatnbcl17,6306124 November 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Central Bikol
Samogitian WikipediaŽemaitėška VikipedėjėSamogitianLatnbat-smg17,2302725 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Samogitian
Yakut WikipediaСахалыы Бикипиэдьийэ
(Sahalyy Bikipieçje)
YakutCyrlsah17,0964626 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Yakut
Eastern Min WikipediaBàng-uâ-cê: Bànguâpedia
or Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ Wikipedia
Eastern MinLatncdo16,5422430 September 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Eastern Min
Scottish Gaelic WikipediaUicipeid na GàidhligScottish GaelicLatngd15,98025September 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Scottish Gaelic
Buginese Wikipediaᨓᨗᨀᨗᨄᨙᨉᨗᨕ ᨅᨔ ᨕᨘᨁᨗ
(Wikipedia basa Ugi)
BugineseBugibug15,84521Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Buginese
Yiddish Wikipediaיידישע וויקיפעדיע
(Yidishe vikipedye)
YiddishHebryi15,469464 March 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Yiddish
Ilocano WikipediaWikipedia nga IlokanoIlocanoLatnilo15,387282005 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ilocano
Amharic Wikipediaአማርኛ ዊኪፔዲያ
(Amarəñña wikipediya)
AmharicEthiam15,37451December 2002 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Amharic
Limburgish WikipediaLimburgse WikipediaLimburgishLatnli14,98846August 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Limburgish
Neapolitan WikipediaWikipedia napulitanaNeapolitanLatnnap14,8843721 December 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Neapolitan
Gorontalo WikipediaWikipedia bahasa HulontaloGorontaloLatngor14,7751918 April 2018
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gorontalo
Maithili Wikipediaमैथिली विकिपिडिया
(Maithilī vikipiḍiyā)
MaithiliDevamai14,117386 November 2014
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Maithili
Faroese WikipediaFøroysk WikipediaFaroeseLatnfo14,1105030 May 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Faroese
Upper Sorbian WikipediaHornjoserbska wikipedijaUpper SorbianLatnhsb13,947322 October 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Upper Sorbian
Banyumasan WikipediaWikipédia basa BanyumasanBanyumasanLatnmap-bms13,938222005 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Banyumasan
Assamese Wikipediaঅসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়া
(Ôxômiya wikipidiya)
AssameseBengas13,6721012 June 2002
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Assamese
Shan Wikipediaဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆး
(Wiː-kʰiː-pʰiː-tiː-jaɑː- táy)
ShanMymrshn13,6702014 November 2018
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Shan
Classical Chinese Wikipedia文言維基大典
(Wéijī dàdiǎn wényán)
Classical ChineseHantzh-classical13,4505531 July 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Classical Chinese
Emilian–Romagnol WikipediaEmiliàn e rumagnòl VichipedèiaEmilian–RomagnolLatneml13,05918Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Emilian–Romagnol
Acehnese WikipediaWikipèdia bahsa AcèhAcehneseLatnace12,9603212 August 2009
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Acehnese
Interlingue WikipediaWikipedia in InterlingueInterlingueLatnie12,83439Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Interlingue
Walloon WikipediaWikipedia e walonWalloonLatnwa12,4304220 July 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Walloon
Sanskrit Wikipediaसंस्कृतविकिपीडिया
(Saṃskṛta vikipīḍiyā)
SanskritDevasa12,20751December 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sanskrit
Western Armenian WikipediaԱրեւմտահայերէն Ուիքիփետիա
(Arevmdahayerēn Uikʿipʿetia)
Western ArmenianArmnhyw12,079441 April 2019
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Western Armenian
Santali Wikipediaᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ ᱣᱤᱠᱤᱯᱤᱰᱤᱭᱟ
(Santaṛi wikipiḍiya)
SantaliOlcksat11,593352 August 2018
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Santali
Zulu WikipediaWikipedia isiZuluZuluLatnzu11,5311042003 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Zulu
Shona WikipediaWikipedhiya chiShonaShonaLatnsn11,44225Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Shona
Meadow Mari WikipediaОлык Марий Википедий
(Olyk Marij Vikipedij)
Meadow MariCyrlmhr11,361249 July 2009
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Meadow Mari
Ligurian WikipediaWikipedia LigureLigurianLatnlij11,28134Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ligurian
Fiji Hindi WikipediaFiji Baat WikipediaFiji HindiLatnhif11,21947Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Fiji Hindi
Gilaki Wikipediaگیلکی ویکیپدیاٰ
(Giləki vikipөdiya)
GilakiArabglk11,091172006 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gilaki
Banjarese WikipediaWikipidia basa BanjarBanjareseLatnbjn10,7963617 October 2010
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Banjarese
Khmer Wikipediaវិគីភីឌាភាសាខ្មែរ
(Vikiiphiidiaa phiăsaa khmae)
KhmerKhmrkm10,7607615 January 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Khmer
Hill Mari WikipediaКырык марла Википеди
(Kyryk marla Vikipedi)
Hill MariCyrlmrj10,4321417 October 2010
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hill Mari
Meitei Wikipediaꯃꯤꯇꯩꯂꯣꯟ ꯋꯤꯀꯤꯄꯦꯗꯤꯌꯥ
(Meeteilon weekeepaydeeya)
MeiteiMteimni10,4281922 February 2021
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Meitei
Moroccan Arabic Wikipediaويكيبيديا المغربية
(Wīkībīdiyā maḡribiyy)
Moroccan ArabicArabary10,2795620 July 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Moroccan Arabic
Hakka WikipediaPha̍k-fa-sṳ: Hakkâpedia
or Hak-kâ-ngî Wikipedia
Hakka ChineseLatnhak10,2703227 May 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hakka Chinese
Dagbani WikipediaWikipidia DagbaniDagbaniLatndag9,97950Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dagbani
Kapampangan WikipediaWikipediang KapampánganKapampanganLatnpam9,852282005 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kapampangan
Tarantino WikipediaUicchipèdie tarandíneTarantinoLatnroa-tara9,48720Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tarantino
Rusyn WikipediaРусиньска Вікіпедія
(Rusîn'ska Vikipedija)
RusynCyrlrue9,3013523 January 2011
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Rusyn
Bhojpuri Wikipediaबिहारी विकिपीडिया
(Bihārī vikipīḍiyā)
Bihari (Bhojpuri)Devabh8,7284421 February 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bhojpuri
Northern Sotho WikipediaWikipedia Sesotho sa LeboaNorthern SothoLatnnso8,70154Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Northern Sotho
Corsican WikipediaCorsipedia or Wikipedia in lingua corsaCorsicanLatnco8,241329 December 2003
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Corsican
Somali WikipediaSoomaali WikipediaSomaliLatnso8,08884Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Somali
Talysh WikipediaTolyšə VikipedijəTalyshLatntly8,0872130 August 2023
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Talysh
West Flemish WikipediaWest-Vlamse WikipediaWest FlemishLatnvls8,08248Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in West Flemish
Māori WikipediaWikipedia MāoriMāoriLatnmi7,939292003 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Māori
Dutch Low Saxon WikipediaNedersaksische WikipedieDutch Low SaxonLatnnds-nl7,9313224 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dutch Low Saxon
Northern Sámi WikipediaDavvisámegiel WikipediaNorthern SámiLatnse7,8923020 July 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Northern Sámi
Erzya WikipediaЭрзянь Википедия
(Erzäń Vikipedija)
ErzyaCyrlmyv7,8771826 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Erzya
Kinyarwanda WikipediaWikipediya mu IkinyarwandaKinyarwandaLatnrw7,76158Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Karakalpak WikipediaQaraqalpaq WikipediasıKarakalpakLatnkaa7,70741Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Karakalpak
Sardinian WikipediaWikipedia in sarduSardinianLatnsc7,61628April 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sardinian
Tibetan Wikipediaབོད་ཡིག་གི་ཝེ་ཁེ་རིག་མཛོད
(Wylie: Bod yig gi we khe rig mdzod)
Central Tibetan (Lhasa Tibetan)Tibtbo7,09431Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lhasa Tibetan
Cornish WikipediaWikipedya KernowekCornishLatnkw7,07226Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cornish
Veps WikipediaVepsän VikipediiVepsLatnvep6,985281 February 2012
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Veps
Turkmen WikipediaTürkmençe WikipediýaTurkmenLatntk6,8894816 February 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Turkmen
Kabyle WikipediaWikipedia taqbaylitKabyleLatnkab6,84628Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kabyle
Manx WikipediaWikipedia yn GaelgManxLatngv6,82020September 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Manx
Maltese WikipediaWikipedija MaltiMalteseLatnmt6,7994910 September 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Maltese
Gan WikipediaTraditional Chinese: 贛語維基百科,
simplified Chinese: 赣语维基百科
(Pha̍k-oa-chhi: Gon wéijī bǎikē)
Gan ChineseHans/Hantgan6,7502527 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gan Chinese
Võro WikipediaVõrokeeline VikipeediäVõroLatnfiu-vro6,698212005 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Võro
Moksha WikipediaМокшень Википедиесь
(Mokšenj Vikipedijesʹ)
MokshaCyrlmdf6,6262226 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Moksha
Zeelandic WikipediaZeêuwstaelihe WikipediaZeelandicLatnzea6,38525Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Zeelandic
Abkhaz WikipediaАԥсуа авикипедиа
(Apsua avikipedia)
AbkhazCyrlab6,30923Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Abkhaz
Uyghur WikipediaUEY: ئۇيغۇرچە ۋىكىپېدىيە
(ULY: Uyghur wikipëdiye)
(UYY: Uyghur vikipediyə)
(UKY: Уйғур википедийә)
UyghurArabug6,17935Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Uyghur
Saraiki Wikipediaسرائیکی ویٖکیٖپیڈیا
(Sarā'īkī vikipīḍiyā)
SaraikiArabskr6,1201522 November 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Saraiki
Inari Sámi WikipediaAnarâškielâlâš WikipediaInari SámiLatnsmn5,9082219 October 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Inari Sámi
Guarani WikipediaVikipetã avañe'ẽmeGuaraniLatngn5,80122Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Guarani
Franco-Provençal WikipediaVouiquipèdia en arpetanFranco-ProvençalLatnfrp5,7942824 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Franco-Provençal
Picard WikipediaWikipédia in lingue picardePicardLatnpcd2,01027Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Picard
Udmurt WikipediaУдмурт Википедия
(Udmurt Vikipedija)
UdmurtCyrludm5,7122624 October 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Udmurt
Komi WikipediaКоми Википедия
(Komi Vikipedija)
KomiCyrlkv5,53223August 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Komi
Kashmiri Wikipediaکٲشُر وِکیٖپیٖڈیا
(Kạ̄śur vikipīḍiyā)
KashmiriArabks5,4692225 March 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kashmiri
Kashubian WikipediaKaszëbskô WikipedijôKashubianLatncsb5,4681931 March 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kashubian
Aymara WikipediaAymar WikipidiyaAymaraLatnay5,17530Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Aymara
Norman WikipediaAugeron, Cotentinais, Percheron [fr]:
Viqùipédie normaunde
Auregnais: Ouitchipédie Nourmaounde
Brayon [fr], Cauchois, Rouennais [fr]:
Viqùipédie normande
Guernésiais: Ouitchipédie normande
Jèrriais: Ouitchipédie Nouormande
Sercquiais: Witchipedi Normãdi
NormanLatnnrm4,979142006 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Norman
Old English WikipediaEngliscan ǷikipǣdiaOld EnglishLatnang4,51040Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Old English
Livvi-Karelian WikipediaLivvinkarjalan WikipediiLivvi-KarelianLatnolo4,421142016 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Livvi-Karelian
Lezgian WikipediaЛезги Википедия
(Lezgi Vikipediä)
LezgianCyrllez4,4051927 March 2012
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lezgian
Lingua Franca Nova WikipediaVicipedia en lingua franca novaLingua Franca NovaLatnlfn4,40026Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lingua Franca Nova
Friulian WikipediaVichipedie par furlanFriulianLatnfur4,3893125 January 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Friulian
Nahuatl WikipediaHuiquipedia nāhuatlahtōlcopaNahuatlLatnnah4,31717August 2003 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Nahuatl
Mirandese WikipediaBiquipédia an lhéngua mirandesaMirandeseLatnmwl4,2632012 August 2009
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Mirandese
Papiamento WikipediaWikipedia na papiamentuPapiamentoLatnpap4,22824Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Papiamento
Twi WikipediaWikipidia TwiTwiLatntw4,13648Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Twi
Saterland Frisian WikipediaSeelterfräiske WikipediaSaterland FrisianLatnstq4,11919Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Saterland Frisian
Lingala WikipediaLingála WikipediaLingalaLatnln4,06446Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lingala
Lao Wikipediaວິກິພີເດຍ ພາສາລາວ
(Wi ki phī dīa phasa lao)
LaoLaoolo3,96028Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lao
Fula WikipediaWikipedia FulfudeFulaLatnff3,81551Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Fula
Romansh WikipediaVichipedia rumantschaRomanshLatnrm3,77430Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Romansh
Extremaduran WikipediaGüiquipeya en estremeñuExtremaduranLatnext3,7382227 January 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Extremaduran
Judaeo-Spanish WikipediaVikipedya en lingua Judeo-EspanyolaJudaeo-SpanishLatnlad3,71722Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Judaeo-Spanish
Konkani Wikipediaकोंकणी विकिपीडिया
(Konknni Wikipidia)
(ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯಾ)
Konkani (Goan Konkani)Deva/Latn/Kndagom3,59717July 2015 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Goan Konkani
Doteli Wikipediaडोटेली विकिपिडिया
(Ḍōṭēlī vikipiḍiyā)
DoteliDevadty3,55125Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Doteli
Avar WikipediaАвар Википедия
(Avar Vikipedija)
AvarCyrlav3,54823Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Avar
Tuvan WikipediaТыва Википедия
(Tıwa Vikipediya)
TuvanCyrltyv3,5441811 August 2013
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tuvan
Komi-Permyak WikipediaПерем коми Википедия
(Perem komi Vikipedija)
Komi-PermyakCyrlkoi3,4641519 October 2010
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Komi-Permyak
Lower Sorbian WikipediaDolnoserbska wikipedijaLower SorbianLatndsb3,41926Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lower Sorbian
Luganda WikipediaWikipediya LugandaLugandaLatnlg3,22841Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Luganda
Chavacano WikipediaChavacano WikipediaZamboanga ChavacanoLatncbk-zam3,21912Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Zamboanga Chavacano
Maldivian Wikipediaދިވެހި ވިކިޕީޑިޔާ
(Dhivehi vikipīḍiyā)
MaldivianThaadv3,1192128 August 2004
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Maldivian
Ripuarian WikipediaWikkipedija en Ripoarisch PlattRipuarianLatnksh2,990206 July 2005
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ripuarian
Zhuang WikipediaVeizgiek Bakgoh VahcuenghZhuang (Standard Zhuang)Latnza2,96417Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Standard Zhuang
Buryat WikipediaБуряад Википеэди
(Buryaad Vikipjeedi)
Buryat (Russia Buriat)Cyrlbxr2,83121Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Russia Buriat
Pa'O Wikipediaပအိုဝ်ႏဝီခီပီးဒီးယား
(Pǎʼǒ wikhipi:di:ya)
Pa'OMymrblk2,82419Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pa'O
Gagauz WikipediaGagauzca VikipediyaGagauzLatngag2,80416Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gagauz
Palatine German WikipediaPälzisch WikipediaPalatine GermanLatnpfl2,76420Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Palatine German
Sakizaya WikipediaWikipitiya nu SakizayaSakizayaLatnszy2,6911922 November 2019
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sakizaya
Betawi WikipediaWikipédi basa BetawiBetawiLatnbew2,64130Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Betawi
Hawaiian WikipediaHawai‘i WikipikiaHawaiianLatnhaw2,62926Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Hawaiian
Atayal WikipediaWikibitia na TayalAtayalLatntay2,57614Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Atayal
Pangasinan WikipediaWikipedia PangasinanPangasinanLatnpag2,57214Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pangasinan
Pali Wikipediaपालि विकिपीडिया
(Pāli vikipīḍiyā)
PaliDevapi2,55720Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pali
Moroccan Amazigh Wikipediaⵡⵉⴽⵉⴱⵉⴷⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵡⴰⵢⵜ
(Wikibidya tamaziɣt tanawayt)
Standard Moroccan AmazighTfngzgh2,52451Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Standard Moroccan Amazigh
Awadhi Wikipediaअवधी विकिपीडिया
(Avadhī vikipīḍiyā)
AwadhiDevaawa2,4732021 May 2020
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Awadhi
Tulu Wikipediaತುಳು ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ
(Tuḷu vikipīḍiya)
TuluKndatcy2,383266 August 2016
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tulu
Ingush WikipediaГӏалгӏай Википеди
(Ghalghaj Vikipedi)
IngushCyrlinh2,1812418 April 2018
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ingush
Karachay-Balkar WikipediaКъарачай-Малкъар Википедия
(Qaraçay-Malqar Wikipédiya)
Karachay-BalkarCyrlkrc2,1652119 March 2010
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Karachay-Balkar
Xhosa WikipediaWikipedia isiXhosaXhosaLatnxh2,10833Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Xhosa
Atikamekw WikipediaAtikamekw WikipetciaAtikamekwLatnatj2,0491121 June 2017
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Atikamekw
Fon WikipediaWikipedya ɖò FɔngbemɛFonLatnfon2,041153 October 2023
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Fon
Tongan WikipediaWikipedia ʻi lea fakatongaTonganLatnto2,0168January 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tongan
Pennsylvania Dutch WikipediaPennsilfaanisch-Deitsche WikipedelchePennsylvania DutchLatnpdc2,01027Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pennsylvania Dutch
Ghanaian Pidgin WikipediaGhanaian Pidgin WikipediaGhanaian Pidgin EnglishLatngpe1,95920Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ghanaian Pidgin
Mon Wikipediaဝဳကဳပဳဒဳယာမန်
(Wīkīpīdīya mawn)
MonMymrmnw1,941164 November 2019
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Mon
Aramaic Wikipediaܘܝܩܝܦܕܝܐ ܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ
(Wīqīpedyāʾ leššānā suryāyā)
Aramaic (Syriac)Syrcarc1,90620Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Aramaic
Shilha WikipediaWikipidya taclḥiyt
(ⵡⵉⴽⵉⵒⵉⴷⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵜ)
ShilhaLatn/Tfngshi1,9002330 June 2021
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Shilha
Tswana WikipediaWikipedia SetswanaTswanaLatntn1,88553Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tswana
Oromo WikipediaOromoo WikipediaOromoLatnom1,86819Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Oromo
Kikuyu WikipediaWikipedia GĩgĩkũyũKikuyuLatnki1,78313Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kikuyu
Kalmyk WikipediaХальмг Бикипеди
(Haľmg Vikipedi)
Kalmyk OiratCyrlxal1,7511724 March 2006
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kalmyk Oirat
Nias WikipediaWikipedia Li NihaNiasLatnnia1,72911Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Nias
Jamaican Patois WikipediaJumiekan Patwa WikipidiaJamaican PatoisLatnjam1,71715Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Jamaican Patois
Kabiye WikipediaWikipediya kabɩyɛKabiyeLatnkbp1,71314Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kabiye
Wolof WikipediaWikipedia WolofWolofLatnwo1,70121Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Wolof
Dagaare WikipediaDagaare WikipiideɛDagaareLatndga1,67419Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dagaare
Novial WikipediaWikipedie in novialNovialLatnnov1,66413Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Novial
Angika Wikipedia विकिपीडियाAngikaDevaanp1,6441122 March 2023
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Angika
Kabardian WikipediaАдыгэбзэ Уикипедиэ
(Adıgəbzə Wikipediă)
KabardianCyrlkbd1,64319Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kabardian
N'Ko Wikipediaߥߞߌߔߘߋߞߎ ߒߞߏ
(Wkipdeku n'ko)
N'KoNkoonqo1,52114Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in N'Ko
Bislama WikipediaWikipedia long BislamaBislamaLatnbi1,46118Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bislama
Aromanian WikipediaWikipedia pri ArmâneaștiAromanianLatnroa-rup1,386202004 (unknown date)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Aromanian
Tok Pisin WikipediaWikipedia long Tok PisinTok PisinLatntpi1,38120Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tok Pisin
Tetum WikipediaWikipédia iha lia-tetunTetumLatntet1,36622Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tetum
Kongo WikipediaWikipedia kikôngoKongoLatnkg1,35329Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kongo
Gun WikipediaGungbe WikipediaGunLatnguw1,34610Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gun
Lojban Wikipediani'o la .uikipedi'as. pe lo jbobauLojbanLatnjbo1,33417Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lojban
Fijian WikipediaVaka-Viti WikipediaFijianLatnfj1,29820Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Fijian
Madurese WikipediaWikipèḍia bhâsa MadhurâMadureseLatnmad1,29165Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Madurese
Lak WikipediaЛакку мазрал Википедия
(Lak:u mazral Vikipediaˤ)
LakCyrllbe1,27514Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Lak
Old Church Slavonic WikipediaСловѣньска Википєдїꙗ
(Slověnĭska Vikipedija)
Old Church SlavonicCyrscu1,24026Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Old Church Slavonic
Nigerian Pidgin WikipediaNaijá WikipediaNigerian PidginLatnpcm1,22815Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Nigerian Pidgin
Tahitian WikipediaVitipetia Reo TahitiTahitianLatnty1,22212Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tahitian
Tyap WikipediaWukipedia nTyapTyapLatnkcg1,20524Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tyap
Seediq WikipediaSeediq WikipidiyaSeediqLatntrv1,17915Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Seediq
Samoan WikipediaWikipedia gagana SāmoaSamoanLatnsm1,15618Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Samoan
Amis WikipediaWikipitiya 'AmisAmisLatnami1,14317Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Amis
Sranan Tongo WikipediaSranan WikipediaSranan TongoLatnsrn1,12116Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sranan Tongo
Mandailing Batak WikipediaWikipedia Saro MandailingMandailing BatakLatnbtm1,10811Unknown date
Southern Altai WikipediaТӱштӱк алтай Википедия
(Tüštük altay Vikipediya)
Southern AltaiCyrlalt1,0961322 February 2021
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Southern Altai
Latgalian WikipediaVikipedeja latgaļu volūdāLatgalianLatnltg1,0821418 March 2011
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Latgalian
Cherokee WikipediaᏫᎩᏇᏗᏯ ᏣᎳᎩ
(Wigiquediya tsalagi)
CherokeeCherchr1,07230May 2004 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cherokee
Guianan Creole WikipediaWikipédja an kriyòl gwiyannenFrench Guianese CreoleLatngcr1,0671222 November 2019
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in French Guianese Creole
Dusun WikipediaWikipedia DusunDusunLatndtp1,04320Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dusun
Chewa WikipediaWikipedia ChichewaChewaLatnny1,03520Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Chewa
Sotho WikipediaWikipedia SesothoSothoLatnst1,01824Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sotho
Kusaal WikipediaWikipiidia KʋsaalKusaalLatnkus99214Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Kusaal
Swazi WikipediaWikipedia siSwatiSwaziLatnss98536Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Swazi
Ewe WikipediaWikipiɖia EʋegbeEweLatnee93921Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Ewe
Gurene WikipediaGurenɛ WikipediaFarefare (Gurene)Latngur91021Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gurene
Gothic Wikipedia𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 𐍅𐌹𐌺𐌹𐍀𐌰𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌰
(Gutisk wikipaidja)
GothicGothgot90119Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Gothic
Tsonga WikipediaWikipediya XitsongaTsongaLatnts89556Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tsonga
Bambara WikipediaWikipedi BamanankanBambaraLatnbm83815Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Bambara
Norfuk WikipediaNorfuk WikkapedyaNorfukLatnpih81012Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Norfuk
Venda WikipediaWikipedia nga tshiVenḓaVendaLatnve80433Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Venda
Toba Batak WikipediaWikipedia Batak TobaToba BatakLatnbbc79212Unknown date
Romani WikipediaRomani VikipidiyaRomani (Vlax Romani)Latnrmy77918Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Vlax Romani
Cheyenne WikipediaVekepete'a TsėhésenėstsestȯtseCheyenneLatnchy7139Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cheyenne
Kirundi WikipediaWikipediya mu IkirundiKirundiLatnrn67815Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Fante WikipediaFante WikipediaFanteLatnfat6578Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Fante
Igala WikipediaWikipídiya IgalaIgalaLatnigl6077Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Igala
Iñupiaq WikipediaUiqipitia IñupiatunIñupiaqLatnik60017Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Iñupiaq
Wayuu WikipediaWikipeetia süka wayuunaikiWayuuLatnguc57822Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Wayuu
Adyghe WikipediaАдыгэ Википедие
(Adıgə Vikipedie)
AdygheCyrlady55918Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Adyghe
Chamorro WikipediaWikipedia ChamoruChamorroLatnch55816Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Chamorro
Pontic WikipediaΠοντιακόν Βικιπαίδεια
(Pontiakón Bikipaídeia)
Pontic GreekGrekpnt491145 March 2009
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Pontic Greek
Inuktitut Wikipediaᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ ᐊᕆᐅᙵᐃᐹ
(Uikipitia inuktitut)
InuktitutCansiu40525Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Inuktitut
Paiwan Wikipediawikipidiya nua pinayuananPaiwanLatnpwn35910Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Paiwan
Dinka WikipediaWikipedia ThuɔŋjäŋDinkaLatndin33116Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dinka
Tigrinya Wikipediaዊኪፐድያ ብትግርኛ
(Wikipädya bətəgrəñña)
TigrinyaEthiti33034Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Tigrinya
Sango WikipediaWïkïpêdïyäa na SängöSangoLatnsg32914Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Sango
Dzongkha Wikipediaརྫོང་ཁ་ཝེ་ཁེ་རིག་མཛོད
(Rdzong kha we khe rig mdzod)
DzongkhaTibtdz28828Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Dzongkha
Greenlandic WikipediaKalaallisut WikipediaGreenlandicLatnkl24515Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Greenlandic
Bajau Sama WikipediaWikipidia Bajau SamaWest Coast BajauLatnbdr193146 August 2024
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in West Coast Bajau
Cree Wikipediaᐎᑭᐱᑎᔭ ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ
(Wikipitiya nēhiyawēwin)
CreeCanscr1226Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Cree

Inactive editions


The table below lists the inactive language editions of Wikipedia.[15]

  Denotes that the Wikipedia is currently closed or deleted
Wikipedia editions
Wikipedia name
in English
Wikipedia name
in native language
LanguageScript (ISO
Launch dateClosure dateLogo
Afar Wikipedia (closed)AfarLatnaa (closed)Unknown date10 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Akan Wikipedia (closed)Wikipidia AkanAkanLatnak (closed)Unknown date1 April 2023
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Akan
Choctaw Wikipedia (closed)ChoctawLatncho (closed)Unknown date3 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Herero Wikipedia (closed)HereroLatnhz (closed)Unknown date24 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Hiri Motu Wikipedia (closed)Hiri MotuLatnho (closed)Unknown date9 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Kanuri Wikipedia (closed)KanuriLatnkr (closed)Unknown date3 May 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Klingon Wikipedia (deleted)KlingonLatntlh (deleted)June 2004 (unknown day)Closure: Unknown date
Deletion: August 2005 (unknown day)
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Klingon
Kwanyama Wikipedia (closed)Ovambo (Kwanyama)Latnkj (closed)Unknown date10 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Marshallese Wikipedia (closed)MarshalleseLatnmh (closed)Unknown date4 May 2008
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Moldovan Wikipedia (deleted)Romanian (Moldovan)Cyrlmo (deleted)Unknown dateClosure: 21 November 2006
Deletion: 23 November 2017
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Moldovan
Muscogee Wikipedia (closed)MuscogeeLatnmus (closed)Unknown date10 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Nauruan Wikipedia (closed)Wikipediya NaoeroNauruanLatnna (closed)Unknown date1 May 2023
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Nauruan
Ndonga Wikipedia (closed)Ovambo (Ndonga)Latnng (closed)Unknown date10 January 2010
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Northern Luri Wikipedia (locked)Northern LuriArablrc (closed)Unknown date14 January 2021
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in Northern Luri
Siberian Wikipedia (deleted)fictitious "artificial Siberian language"Cyrlru-sib (deleted)1 October 2006Closure: 19 September 2007
Deletion: 16 October 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in the fictitious so-called 'artificial Siberian language'
Sichuan Yi Wikipedia (closed)NuosuYiiiii (closed)Unknown date29 July 2007
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Toki Pona Wikipedia (deleted)Toki PonaLatntok (deleted)Unknown dateClosure: 2008 (unknown date)
Deletion: 24 March 2009

Special editions


The table below lists the special editions of Wikipedia.[15]

The Nostalgia Wikipedia is an archive of the English Wikipedia's initial display.

  Denotes that the Wikipedia is currently closed or deleted
Wikipedia editions
Wikipedia name
in English
Wikipedia name
in native language
LanguageScript (ISO
Launch dateClosure date
(if applicable)
September 11 Wiki (deleted)September 11 WikiEnglishLatnsep11 (deleted)2001 (unknown date)Made read-only: 2006 (unknown date)
Closure: 2008 (unknown date)
Test WikipediaTest WikipediaEnglishLatntestUnknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and the words "Test Wiki" below it, in red, in English
Test2 WikipediaTest2 WikipediaEnglishLatntest2Unknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English
Wikipedia 10 (closed)Wikipedia 10EnglishLatnten (closed)Unknown dateUnknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" in a small size and the number "10" below it in a much bigger size, in English
Nostalgia WikipediaNostalgia WikipediaEnglishLatnnostalgiaUnknown date
Wikipedia logo displaying the name "Wikipedia" and its slogan: "The Free Encyclopedia" below it, in English

See also



  1. ^ Wales, Jimmy (16 March 2001). "[Wikipedia-l] Alternative language wikipedias". Wikipedia-L (Mailing list). Archived from the original on 20 June 2014. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  2. ^ Noisette, Thierry (24 September 2010). "Wikipédia en français dépasse le million d'articles" [French Wikipedia exceeds one million articles]. ZDNET France (in French). Red Ventures. Retrieved 21 December 2020. Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie collaborative libre, fêtera ses dix ans en janvier 2011, et a débuté le 23 mars 2001 en version française, mais dès ce jeudi 23 septembre, à neuf ans et demi exactement, la Wikipédia francophone a enregistré officiellement le cap du million d'articles. (Wikipedia, the free collaborative encyclopedia, will celebrate its tenth anniversary in January 2011. It started on March 23, 2001 in its French version, but as of this Thursday, September 23, at exactly nine and a half years old, the French-language Wikipedia has officially reached the one million article mark.)
  3. ^ "History of HomePage". Swedish Wikipedia. Archived from the original on 8 June 2001. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  4. ^ "Wikipedia statistics/meta.tab - Wikimedia Commons". Wikimedia Commons. Archived from the original on 10 September 2023. Retrieved 10 September 2023.
  5. ^ "Language proposal policy, revision 21811318". Meta-Wiki. Archived from the original on 22 December 2021. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  6. ^ Anderson, Jennifer Joline (2011). Wikipedia: The Company and Its Founders (1 ed.). Abdo Group. p. 62. ISBN 978-1617148125.
  7. ^ "Wikipedia:Manual of Style". Archived from the original on 9 September 2023. Retrieved 9 September 2023.
  8. ^ Ferran-Ferrer, Núria; Castellanos-Pineda, Patricia; Minguillón, Julià; Meneses, Julio (2021). "The gender gap on the Spanish Wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors". Profesional de la información. 30 (5): 2. doi:10.3145/epi.2021.sep.16. S2CID 241442991.
  9. ^ Costa, Bernardo Esteves Gonçalves da (2014). As controvérsias da ciência na Wikipédia em português: o caso do aquecimento global (PDF) (Tese (doutorado)). Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Decania do Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências e das Técnicas e Epistemologia. p. 72. No passado, as tensões motivadas pelas variantes idiomáticas levaram a propostas para a criação de Wikipédias separadas para o português brasileiro e europeu. Tentativas nesse sentido lançadas em 2005, 2007 e 2009 foram rejeitadas pela Wikimedia Foundation, sob pretexto de que não se trata de idiomas suficientemente diferentes para justificar a cisão.
  10. ^ Rogers, Richard (2015). "Wikipedia as Cultural Reference". Digital Methods. MIT Press. pp. 166–177. ISBN 9780262528245. Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  11. ^ Tsoi, Grace (27 October 2013). "Wikipedia China Becomes Front Line for Views on Language and Culture". The New York Times.
  12. ^ "Wikipedias in multiple writing systems". Archived from the original on 10 September 2023. Retrieved 10 September 2023.
  13. ^ Likomitros, Nikos (14 March 2023). "Introducing Belarusian Wikipedia: An interview with Volha Sitnik". Diff. Retrieved 14 March 2023.
  14. ^ "Wikimedia language code". Archived from the original on 10 September 2023. Retrieved 10 September 2023.
  15. ^ a b c "List of Wikipedias". Meta-Wiki. Archived from the original on 20 December 2020. Retrieved 20 December 2020.