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Chief of the Defence Staff (Benin)

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Chief of the Defence Staff
Chef d'etat major général des armées (French)
Brigadier general Fructueux Gbaguidi
since 12 April 2022
Benin Armed Forces
Reports toMinister of National Defence
Appointerthe President
First holderChristophe Soglo
DeputyDeputy chief of the Defence Staff

The Chief of the Defence Staff (French: Chef d'etat major général des armées) is the highest-ranking military officer in the Benin Armed Forces and is responsible for maintaining control over the service branches.

List of officeholders

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Defence branch Ref.
Took office Left office Time in office
Major general
Fernand Amoussou [fr]
(born 1955)
2000 17 August 2005 4–5 years Army
Major general
Mathieu Amoussa Chabi Boni
(born 1956)
17 August 2005 28 March 2012 6 years, 224 days Army [1]
Major general
Soumanou Oke
(born 1955)
28 March 2012 30 June 2012 94 days Army [2]
Brigadier general
Emmanuel Joseph Akpona
(born 1957)
30 June 2012 28 January 2013 212 days Army [3]
Counter admiral
Denis Hounsou Gbèssèmèhlan
28 January 2013 30 December 2015 2 years, 336 days Navy [4]
Brigadier general
Awal Djibril Bouko Nagnimi
30 December 2015 16 September 2016 261 days Army [5]
Brigadier general
Laurent Amoussou
16 September 2016 14 November 2018 2 years, 59 days Army [6]
Counter admiral
Patrick Jean Baptiste Aho
(born 1960)
14 November 2018 12 April 2022 3 years, 149 days Navy [7]
Brigadier general
Fructueux Candide Ahodegnon Gbaguidi
12 April 2022 Incumbent 2 years, 119 days Army [8]


  1. ^ Hodonou, Aymard (17 August 2005). "Bénin: Etat major des armées béninoises : le Général de Mathieu Boni Amoussa installé". allafrica.com (in French). Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  2. ^ Hessoun, Charly (30 March 2012). "Le Général Soumanou Oké nommé Chef d'Etat Major Général des Fab". lanouvelletribune.info (in French). Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  3. ^ Gbeto, Emmanuel (2 July 2012). "Nomme chef d'etat major general des armees beninoises: Le General de brigade Emmanuel Akpona prend le commandement pour six mois". levenementprecis.com (in French). Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  4. ^ "Denis Hounsou Gbèssèmèhlan, nouveau chef d'état-major général". news.acotonou.com (in French). 28 January 2013. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  5. ^ Dogue, Didier Pascal (3 January 2015). "Etat-major général des FAB : Le général Awal Djibril Bouko Nagnimi désormais aux commandes". news.acotonou.com/ (in French). Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  6. ^ "Bénin-Défense-Commandement: le Général Laurent Amoussou, nouveau Chef d'Etat-major de l'armée béninoise". news.acotonou.com (in French). 16 September 2016. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  7. ^ Zohoun, Judicaël (15 November 2018). "Qui est Patrick Jean-Baptiste Aho ?". 24haubenin.info (in French). Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  8. ^ "Forces armées béninoises : Les nouveaux Chefs d'État-Majors ont pris le Commandement". gouv.bj (in French). Government of Benin. 13 April 2022. Retrieved 31 August 2022.