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State Committee for Television and Radio-Broadcasting of Ukraine Formed 2003 Preceding agency State Committee for Informative Policy, Television, and Radio-broadcasting Jurisdiction Ukraine Headquarters 2 vulytsia Prorizna, Kyiv Ministers responsible Oleh Nalyvaiko, Head of Committee Bohdan Chervak, First Deputy Head Parent agency Cabinet of Ministers Child agencies Territorial-based broadcasting companies National and Special broadcasting companies Selected State Publishing Houses Website
The State Committee for Television and Radio-Broadcasting of Ukraine (Ukrainian : Державний комітет телебачення і радіомовлення України ), also known as Derzhkomteleradio (Ukrainian : Держкомтелерадіо ), is a central body of executive power with a special status, activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine .[ 1] Derzhkomteleradio is the main in the system of central bodies of the executive power in formation and realization of the state policy in the sphere of television, radio-broadcasting, informational and publishing spheres.
Supporting establishments [ edit ]
State enterprise Publishing and printing house "Tavrida"
State enterprise Information-Analytic Center "Donbasinform"
State enterprise "Poliservis"
State science institution "Ivan Fedorov's Book Chamber of Ukraine"
State specialized enterprise "Ukrtelefilm"
State specialized auto-transportational enterprise
Ukrainian institute for improvement of qualification for workers of television, radio, and press (Ukrteleradiopresinstytut)
All-Ukrainian information-cultural Center (Simferopol )
State enterprise "Directory of festival-exhibition activities"
State enterprise "State orchestra "RadioBand of Oleksandr Fokin"
Active government ministries Defunct government ministries
Communities and Territories Development
Information Policy
Higher [and Special General] Education
Fruits and Vegetables
Chemical Industry
Construction and Exploitation of Motorways
[Industrial] Construction [and Architecture]
Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises
Public Housing/Services
Consumer Services
Local [and Fuel] Industry
Local Fueling Industry
Water Resources
Rural Construction
Food Industry
Meat and Dairy Industry
Light Industry
Family and Children
Ferrous Metallurgy
Procurement/Bread Products
Installation and Special Construction
State Control
State Farms
Civil Housing (Urban and Rural) Construction
[Automobile] Transportation
Construction of Coal Mining Enterprises
Construction of Metallurgical and Chemical Enterprises
Cotton Industry
Industrial Crops
Tasting Industry
Furniture [and Woodworking]
Trade (Supply)
Textile Industry
Soviet Propaganda
Foreign Propaganda Department
Central offices of executive authority of
Ukraine Services Agencies Inspections
Architecture and Construction
on issues of Consumer Rights Protection
Energy Supervision
Nuclear Regulation
Educational Institutions
Other and special Ombudsmen
Deregulation of Economic Activity
Cooperation with international financial organizations and Attraction of international technical assistance
European Court of Human Rights
Ethno-National Policy
cooperation with the Russian Federation, state-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Cooperation and other regional associations
European Integration
Anti-Corruption Policy
Human Rights
Children Rights
Crimean Tatars
Health Rehabilitation of the ATO participants
Handicapped People Rights
Suspilne 1+1 Media Group Inter Media Group Starlight Media Free Media Holding(former assets of Petro Poroshenko ) Other terrestrial channels State owned channels
Rada TV (HD)
Army TV (HD)
Kyiv TV (HD)
Dim (HD)
FreeDom (HD)
Other channels
Channel 24 (HD)
Apostrophe TV (HD)
PravdaTut (HD)
Obozrevatel (HD)
8 channel (HD)
Islandiya (HD)
Black Sea TV
Sport 1
Sport 2
Sport 3
Sport 4
Kino 1
Kino 2
Raz 1
Raz 2
Dynamo Kyiv TV
Setanta Sports (HD)
Setanta Sports+ (HD)
Megogo Live (HD)
Megogo Gong (HD)
Megogo Football 1-18 (HD)
Muzvar (HD)
EU Music (HD)
UA Music (HD)
Black (HD)
4ever Music (HD)
4ever Cinema (HD)
4ever Theater (HD)
Niki Kids (HD)
Niki Junior (HD)
Lale (HD)
Eco TV (HD)
Milady Television
First auto TV (HD)
Televsesvit (HD)
Rybalka TV (HD)
Geniue TV (HD)
Trofey (HD)
Dacha (HD)
Nauka (HD)
Terra (HD)
Fauna (HD)
FilmUADrama (HD)
FilmUA Live (HD)
36,6 TV (HD)
Kus-Kus (HD)
U-travel (HD)
Bolt (HD)
Star Cinema (HD)
Star Family (HD)
English Club TV (HD)
HD Fashion & Lifestyle (HD)
ID Fashion (HD)
Fashion TV Ukraine (HD)
GNC Ukraine
New Christian
Defunct channels
Active members
Associate members
Approved participants