Meanings of minor planet names: 25001–26000
As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center (MPC), and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified number-range that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names.
Official naming citations of newly named small Solar System bodies are approved and published in a bulletin by IAU's Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature (WGSBN).[1] Before May 2021, citations were published in MPC's Minor Planet Circulars for many decades.[2] Recent citations can also be found on the JPL Small-Body Database (SBDB).[3] Until his death in 2016, German astronomer Lutz D. Schmadel compiled these citations into the Dictionary of Minor Planet Names (DMP) and regularly updated the collection.[4][5]
Based on Paul Herget's The Names of the Minor Planets,[6] Schmadel also researched the unclear origin of numerous asteroids, most of which had been named prior to World War II. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: SBDB New namings may only be added to this list below after official publication as the preannouncement of names is condemned.[7] The WGSBN publishes a comprehensive guideline for the naming rules of non-cometary small Solar System bodies.[8]
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25001 Pacheco | 1998 OW6 | Rafael Pacheco (born 1954), a Spanish amateur astronomer, astrometrist and co-discoverer of minor planets | JPL · 25001 |
25014 Christinepalau | 1998 QT | Christine Palau (born 1964), a computer specialist who worked on an artificial-intelligence industrial project. | JPL · 25014 |
25015 Lairdclose | 1998 QN2 | Laird M. Close (born 1967), Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, is an expert in adaptive optics, particularly as applied to the study of brown dwarfs, exoplanets and asteroids. He was a co-discoverer of the satellite of (45) Eugenia, the first asteroid satellite imaged from Earth, as well as (90) Antiope, and others. | JPL · 25015 |
25018 Valbousquet | 1998 QN6 | Franck Valbousquet (born 1959), a French optician and amateur astronomer. | JPL · 25018 |
25019 Walentosky | 1998 QO10 | Matthew James Walentosky, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his physics and astronomy project. | JPL · 25019 |
25020 Tinyacheng | 1998 QY13 | Tinya Cheng, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 25020 |
25021 Nischaykumar | 1998 QV17 | Nischay Kumar, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 25021 |
25022 Hemalibatra | 1998 QK18 | Hemali Chandramohan Batra, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her plant sciences project. | JPL · 25022 |
25023 Sundaresh | 1998 QA19 | Sushant Sundaresh, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his plant sciences project. | JPL · 25023 |
25024 Calebmcgraw | 1998 QL19 | Caleb John McGraw, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 25024 |
25025 Joshuavo | 1998 QW20 | Joshua Tristan Vo, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 25025 |
25029 Ludwighesse | 1998 QO28 | Ludwig Otto Hesse (1811–1874), German mathematician known for his work in analytic geometry | JPL · 25029 |
25032 Randallray | 1998 QV31 | Randall Scott Ray, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 25032 |
25034 Lesliemarie | 1998 QS32 | Leslie Marie Young, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her plant sciences team project. | JPL · 25034 |
25035 Scalesse | 1998 QN33 | Carlie Alexandra Scalesse, Canadian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 25035 |
25036 Elizabethof | 1998 QT36 | Elizabeth Olson Ferreira, Canadian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 25036 |
25038 Matebezdek | 1998 QK37 | Mate Jozsef Bezdek, Canadian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his mathematical sciences project. | JPL · 25038 |
25039 Chensun | 1998 QF38 | Chen Sun, Canadian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his microbiology project. | JPL · 25039 |
25042 Qiujun | 1998 QN42 | Qiu Jun, Chinese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 25042 |
25043 Fangxing | 1998 QQ42 | Fang Xing, Chinese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his materials and bioengineering project. | JPL · 25043 |
25045 Baixuefei | 1998 QU43 | Bai Xuefei, Chinese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her plant sciences project. | JPL · 25045 |
25046 Suyihan | 1998 QK44 | Su Yi-Han, Chinese (Taiwanese) 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner for her chemistry project and the recipient of the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award. | JPL · 25046 |
25047 Tsuitehsin | 1998 QN44 | Tsui Te Hsin, Chinese (Taiwanese) 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her physics and astronomy project. | JPL · 25047 |
25049 Christofnorn | 1998 QS45 | Christoffer Norn, Danish 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his energy and transportation project. | JPL · 25049 |
25050 Michmadsen | 1998 QN50 | Michael Kaergaard Madsen, Danish 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his environmental sciences team project. | JPL · 25050 |
25051 Vass | 1998 QE53 | Gheorghe Vass (born 1944), an astronomer at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy. | JPL · 25051 |
25052 Rudawska | 1998 QG54 | Regina Rudawska (born 1979), a postdoctoral fellow at Comenius University in Bratislava. | JPL · 25052 |
25053 Matthewknight | 1998 QB55 | Matthew M. Knight (born 1978), an astronomer at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. | JPL · 25053 |
25058 Shanegould | 1998 QO63 | Shane Gould (born 1956), Australian olympic swimmer | JPL · 25058 |
25062 Rasmussen | 1998 QH71 | Jesper Lykke Rasmussen, Danish 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his environmental sciences team project. | JPL · 25062 |
25065 Lautakkin | 1998 QW85 | Lau Tak Kin, Chinese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. | JPL · 25065 |
25073 Lautakshing | 1998 QM94 | Lau Tak Shing, Chinese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. | JPL · 25073 |
25074 Honami | 1998 QF96 | Sakaguchi Honami, Japanese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 25074 |
25075 Kiyomoto | 1998 QK98 | Kiyomoto Daisuke, Japanese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his energy and transportation team project. | JPL · 25075 |
25082 Williamhodge | 1998 RP1 | William Hodge (1903–1975) studied at Edinburgh and Cambridge and in 1936 was elected to the Lowndean chair of astronomy and geometry at Cambridge. His mathematical work was in algebraic geometry, specifically the theory of harmonic integrals and their applications to analysis. | JPL · 25082 |
25084 Jutzi | 1998 RP5 | Martin Jutzi (born 1979), a researcher at the University of Bern. | JPL · 25084 |
25085 Melena | 1998 RM6 | Robin Melena (born 1959) is secretary-treasurer of Lowell Observatory. She manages all the observatory's business functions, including accounting, auditing and human resources | JPL · 25085 |
25087 Kaztaniguchi | 1998 RK17 | Taniguchi Kazushige, Japanese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his energy and transportation team project. | JPL · 25087 |
25088 Yoshimura | 1998 RR19 | Yoshimura Fumiya, Japanese 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his energy and transportation team project. | JPL · 25088 |
25089 Sanabria-Rivera | 1998 RN25 | Betsaira Sanabria-Rivera, American (Puerto Rican) 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her biochemistry team project. | JPL · 25089 |
25091 Sanchez-Claudio | 1998 RH41 | Alex Antonio Sanchez-Claudio, American (Puerto Rican) 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his biochemistry team project. | JPL · 25091 |
25093 Andmikhaylov | 1998 RO45 | Andrey A. Mikhaylov, Russian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his chemistry team project. | JPL · 25093 |
25094 Zemtsov | 1998 RF46 | Artem A. Zemtsov, Russian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his chemistry team project. | JPL · 25094 |
25095 Churinov | 1998 RT46 | Andrey Anatolievich Churinov, Russian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his computer science team project. | JPL · 25095 |
25098 Gridnev | 1998 RQ47 | Maxim Gennadievich Gridnev, Russian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his computer science team project. | JPL · 25098 |
25099 Mashinskiy | 1998 RS47 | Leonid Andreevich Mashinskiy, Russian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his computer science team project. | JPL · 25099 |
25100 Zhaiweichao | 1998 RY47 | Zhai Weichao, Singaporean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her materials and bioengineering team project. | JPL · 25100 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25102 Zhaoye | 1998 RW50 | Zhao Ye, Singaporean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her materials and bioengineering team project. | JPL · 25102 |
25103 Kimdongyoung | 1998 RC51 | Kim Dongyoung, South-Korean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner for his computer science project and recipient of a Seaborg Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS) award | JPL · 25103 |
25104 Chohyunghoon | 1998 RY51 | Cho Hyunghoon, South-Korean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his microbiology team project. | JPL · 25104 |
25105 Kimnayeon | 1998 RJ52 | Kim Na Yeon, South-Korean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her microbiology team project. | JPL · 25105 |
25106 Ryoojungmin | 1998 RC53 | Ryoo Jung Min, South-Korean 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her microbiology team project. | JPL · 25106 |
25108 Boström | 1998 RV55 | Johan Ingemar Boström, Swedish 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his animal sciences team project. | JPL · 25108 |
25109 Hofving | 1998 RR56 | Tobias Olof Hofving, Swedish 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his animal sciences team project. | JPL · 25109 |
25111 Klokun | 1998 RG64 | Vitaliy Mykhaylovych Klokun, Ukrainian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his chemistry team project. | JPL · 25111 |
25112 Mymeshkovych | 1998 RL65 | Maryna Yuriivna Meshkovych, Ukrainian 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her chemistry team project. | JPL · 25112 |
25113 Benwasserman | 1998 RS65 | Benjamin David Wasserman, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 25113 |
25115 Drago | 1998 RP66 | Claire Elizabeth Drago, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her behavioral and social sciences team project. | JPL · 25115 |
25116 Jonathanwang | 1998 RW68 | Jonathan Wang, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner for his medicine and health sciences team project and recipient of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) Award | JPL · 25116 |
25118 Kevlin | 1998 RM71 | Kevin Huang Lin, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for his microbiology project. | JPL · 25118 |
25119 Kakani | 1998 RA72 | Pragya Kakani, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 25119 |
25120 Yvetteleung | 1998 RN73 | Yvette Leung, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 25120 |
25122 Kaitlingus | 1998 RJ77 | Kaitlyn Jeanne Lingus, American 2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner, for her plant sciences project. | JPL · 25122 |
25124 Zahramaarouf | 1998 RC78 | Zahra Moein Maarouf, Lebanese 2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner for her computer science team project. | JPL · 25124 |
25125 Brodallan | 1998 RN78 | Broderick David Allan (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy, Saginaw, Michigan | JPL · 25125 |
25127 Laurentbrunetto | 1998 SZ | Laurent Brunetto (born 1972), a physics professor in Antibes, France. | JPL · 25127 |
25129 Uranoscope | 1998 SP1 | Uranoscope, a French amateur observatory, created in 1983 by Christian Bourdeille (see 372305 Bourdeille) in Gretz Armainvilliers, near Paris. | JPL · 25129 |
25131 Katiemelua | 1998 SY3 | Katie Melua (born 1984), a Georgian-born British singer, songwriter and musician whose songs have included astronomical culture. | JPL · 25131 |
25133 Douglin | 1998 SU14 | Douglas N. C. Lin (born 1949), a theoretical astrophysicist at the University of California, Santa Cruz. | JPL · 25133 |
25137 Seansolomon | 1998 SS23 | Sean Solomon (born 1945), director of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, is a geophysicist and planetary scientist who has studied the Earth's mid-ocean ridges and the surfaces of Venus, Mars and the Moon. He is the Principal Investigator for NASA's MESSENGER mission | JPL · 25137 |
25138 Jaumann | 1998 SM24 | Ralf Jaumann (born 1954), a research scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and a member of the geology working group for the Dawn mission to Vesta. | JPL · 25138 |
25139 Roatsch | 1998 SN25 | Thomas Roatsch (born 1958), a cartographer of planetary satellite and asteroid surfaces. | JPL · 25139 |
25140 Schmedemann | 1998 SU25 | Nico Schmedemann (born 1978), a researcher at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität in Berlin. | JPL · 25140 |
25142 Hopf | 1998 SA28 | Heinz Hopf (1894–1971), a professor of mathematics at ETH Zurich in Switzerland | JPL · 25142 |
25143 Itokawa | 1998 SF36 | Hideo Itokawa (1912–1999), Japanese rocket scientist. He is regarded as the Father of Japanese rocketry. | JPL · 25143 |
25146 Xiada | 1998 SN43 | Established in 1921, Xiamendaxue (Xiamen University, XMU, known by the abbreviation Xiada) is one of the leading universities in China, and has been listed on China's "211 Project", "985 Project", and "Double First-class Initiative", which have been launched by the Chinese government to support selected universities. | IAU · 25146 |
25151 Stefanschröder | 1998 SS53 | Stefan E. Schröder (born 1970), a planetary imaging specialist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin | JPL · 25151 |
25152 Toplis | 1998 SX53 | Michael J. Toplis (born 1969), a geochemist at the University of Toulouse. | JPL · 25152 |
25153 Tomhockey | 1998 SY53 | Thomas Arnold Hockey (born 1959) is a professor of astronomy at the University of Northern Iowa. | JPL · 25153 |
25154 Ayers | 1998 SZ54 | Robert Martin Ayers (born 1941) is a long-time supporter of Lowell Observatory, currently serving as secretary of the executive committee and a multi-year member of the advisory board. He spent the summer at Lowell as an undergraduate in 1961. He retired as principal scientist from Adobe in 2005 | JPL · 25154 |
25155 van Belle | 1998 SA55 | Gerard van Belle (born 1968), an American astronomer at the Lowell Observatory | JPL · 25155 |
25156 Shkolnik | 1998 SL55 | Evgenya Shkolnik (born 1976), a Canadian astronomer at the Lowell Observatory | JPL · 25156 |
25157 Fabian | 1998 SA56 | Andrew Fabian (born 1948), a British astronomer and astrophysicist at the University of Cambridge. He has worked with a number of orbiting X-ray observatories to advance our knowledge of such X-ray sources as black holes, their accretion disks, and gas in active galactic nuclei and clusters of galaxies. | JPL · 25157 |
25158 Berman | 1998 SF57 | Alan Berman (born 1925) is a physicist who played a seminal role in developing modern electronic communications systems. In 15 years as Director of Research at the US Naval Research Laboratory, he oversaw development of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and advanced satellite communications. | JPL · 25158 |
25159 Michaelwest | 1998 SN57 | Michael West (born 1959) is the deputy director for Science at Lowell Observatory. His research focuses on star clusters and galaxies. He was PI for six Hubble Space Telescope projects and has authored two books, including A Sky Wonderful with Stars. | JPL · 25159 |
25160 Joellama | 1998 SN58 | Joseph "Joe" Llama (born 1988) is a tenure track astronomer at Lowell Observatory. He started at Lowell as a postdoc working with Evgenia Shkolnik. His research is broadly focused on stars and extrasolar planets. Joe is also an amateur photographer. | JPL · 25160 |
25161 Strosahl | 1998 SR58 | Susan Strosahl (born 1960) has been an employee of Lowell Observatory since 2003. She has a degree in computer engineering. She started working in the public program and is currently working as an observer at Lowell's Navy Precision Optical Interferometer. | JPL · 25161 |
25162 Beckage | 1998 ST59 | Michael (Mike) Beckage (born 1959) is a long-time supporter of Lowell Observatory, currently serving as Chair of Lowell Observatory's executive committee and the Lowell Observatory Foundation. He shares his love of astronomy through outreach programs to the community and amateur astronomy clubs | JPL · 25162 |
25163 Williammcdonald | 1998 SC60 | William "Bill" McDonald (born 1935) is an avid amateur astronomer. He has volunteered in Lowell Observatory's evening outreach programs since 2012, spearheading the reintroduction of the public program's video observing system (Mallincam) and assisting staff with its upgrade and maintenance. | JPL · 25163 |
25164 Sonomastate | 1998 SJ62 | Sonoma State University, located in Rohnert Park, California, has been educating students in the liberal arts and sciences since 1961. It has a nationally recognized Education and Public Outreach program for space missions and STEM teacher education, and its physics students have built a successful CubeSat. | JPL · 25164 |
25165 Leget | 1998 SK62 | Robert Leget (born 1935) is an American educator who taught high school earth science, chemistry and math for 30 years, mostly at Buckeye High in Medina, Ohio. Named Outstanding Secondary Earth Science Teacher for Ohio by the National Assoc. of Geology Teachers, he inspired generations of students. | JPL · 25165 |
25166 Thompson | 1998 SM62 | Samantha Thompson (born 1985) is the curator of exhibits at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ. She has degrees in history and in physics & astronomy. In 2016 she designed Lowell's Spaceguard Academy exhibit that highlighted the science and exploration of asteroids | JPL · 25166 |
25175 Lukeandraka | 1998 SX75 | Luke Steven Andraka (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his environmental sciences project. He attends the Chesapeake Science Point Public Charter School, Hanover, Maryland | JPL · 25175 |
25176 Thomasaunins | 1998 ST81 | Thomas Rudolf Aunins (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his physical sciences project. He attends the Lenape Middle School, Doylestown, Pennsylvania | JPL · 25176 |
25178 Shreebose | 1998 SA96 | Shree Bose (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her environmental sciences project. She attends the Trinity Valley School, Fort Worth, Texas | JPL · 25178 |
25180 Kenyonconlin | 1998 SM107 | Kenyon Rex Conlin (born 1996) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his physical sciences project. He attends the Rocky Mountain Middle School, Heber City, Utah | JPL · 25180 |
25182 Siddhawan | 1998 ST110 | Sidharth Dhawan (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Meadow Park Middle School, Beaverton, Oregon | JPL · 25182 |
25183 Grantfisher | 1998 SJ115 | Grant Garrett Fisher (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his animal and plant sciences project. He attends the Pi Beta Phi Elementary School, Gatlinburg, Tennessee | JPL · 25183 |
25184 Taylorgaines | 1998 SL115 | Taylor Diahann Gaines (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her animal and plant sciences project. She attends the Iva E. Wells Middle School, Seneca, Missouri | JPL · 25184 |
25189 Glockner | 1998 SD118 | Katherine Whittemore Glockner (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her biochemistry, medicine, health science and microbiology project. She attends the Rhoades School, Encinitas, California | JPL · 25189 |
25190 Thomasgoodin | 1998 SM118 | Thomas J. T. Goodin (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Mid-Pacific Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii | JPL · 25190 |
25191 Rachelouise | 1998 SE123 | Rachel Louise Graham (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her engineering project. She attends the Riverton Middle School, Riverton, Wyoming | JPL · 25191 |
25193 Taliagreene | 1998 SV126 | Talia Kate Greene (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her mathematics and computer science project. She attends the Cocoa Beach Junior Senior High School, Cocoa Beach, Florida | JPL · 25193 |
25198 Kylienicole | 1998 SC138 | Kylie Nicole Grissom (born 1993) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her earth and space sciences project. She attends the North Ogden Junior High School, North Ogden, Utah | JPL · 25198 |
25199 Jiahegu | 1998 SB139 | Jiahe Gu (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his animal and plant sciences project. He attends the Martin Luther King Jr., Magnet High School, Nashville, Tennessee | JPL · 25199 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25212 Ayushgupta | 1998 SU149 | Ayush Gupta (born 1993) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his physical sciences project. He attends the Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon | JPL · 25212 |
25216 Enricobernardi | 1998 TU1 | Enrico Bernardi (1841–1919), an Italian engineer and professor of mechanics. | JPL · 25216 |
25225 Patrickbenson | 1998 TN30 | Patrick "Pat" Benson (born 1951) has volunteered in Lowell Observatory's evening outreach programs since 2012 as a portable telescope operator. He also participates in community astronomy outreach activities. His decades of experience in amateur astronomy make him a highly valued member of the volunteer team. | JPL · 25225 |
25226 Brasch | 1998 TP30 | Klaus Brasch (born 1940) began volunteering at Lowell Observatory in 2008 as a portable telescope operator in our evening outreach programs. He is also an astrophotographer and writer; many of his images as well as Lowell-related articles have been published in Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines, among others. | JPL · 25226 |
25227 Genehill | 1998 TQ30 | Gene Hill (born 1933) began volunteering at Lowell Observatory in 2009, and has since shared his passion for teaching and astronomy, giving daytime tours of the Observatory's historic campus and operating our solar telescopes. He always brings in the latest astronomy news to include on his tours. | JPL · 25227 |
25228 Mikekitt | 1998 TR30 | Michael Kitt (born 1941) is an amateur astronomer who has written numerous articles about lunar observing and is author of The Moon: an Observing Guide for Backyard Telescopes. He is a long-standing Lowell Observatory Advisory Board member and a supporter of preservation activities there. | JPL · 25228 |
25229 Karenkitt | 1998 TV30 | Karen Kitt (born 1949) has been a volunteer in the Lowell Observatory Archives since 2013. She has organized and cataloged the Pluto Collection, the Comet Halley Collection, and the correspondence of former Lowell astronomer C.O. Lampland. She is currently digitizing Lampland's letters for the observatory's digital archives. | JPL · 25229 |
25230 Borgis | 1998 TT31 | Steven Borgis (born 1953) is an American educator and coach, who taught language arts for three decades at Buckeye Junior High School in Medina, Ohio. He coached both girls and boys basketball, as well as football, cross country, golf, volleyball, and softball, and inspired students with both his words and his actions. | JPL · 25230 |
25231 Naylor | 1998 TW32 | Kris Naylor (born 1966) has been utilizing her amateur astronomy skills since 2005 as a Lowell Observatory volunteer, operating portable telescopes during our evening outreach programs. Kris has helped to mentor new volunteers, and been involved in astronomy outreach activities throughout the Flagstaff community. | JPL · 25231 |
25232 Schatz | 1998 TN33 | Dennis Schatz (born 1947) is an American astronomer and educator who was vice-president of the Pacific Science Center, President & workshop leader for the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, author of 23 children's books on science, and co-developer of educational programs like Project ASTRO & Portal to the Public. | JPL · 25232 |
25233 Tallman | 1998 TD34 | Gary Tallman (born 1943) has volunteered in Lowell Observatory's daytime outreach programs since 2012, leading tours of the historic campus and hosting Putnam Collection Center open houses. He also operates the solar telescopes, explaining visible features of the Sun to visitors. | JPL · 25233 |
25234 Odell | 1998 TW34 | Andy Odell (born 1949) is a professional astronomer. He's been involved with Lowell's evening outreach programs since 2002, operating portable telescopes and sharing his knowledge of the night sky with visitors. He is Lowell's longest-tenured volunteer. | JPL · 25234 |
25237 Hurwitz | 1998 UG7 | Adolf Hurwitz (1859–1919), German mathematician | JPL · 25237 |
25240 Qiansanqiang | 1998 UO8 | Sanqiang Qiang (1913–1992), a Chinese nuclear scientist and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and one of the founders of China's atomic energy program | JPL · 25240 |
25250 Jonnapeterson | 1998 UX23 | Jonna Peterson (born 1945) has been familiar with the night sky since childhood, and a dedicated volunteer in Lowell Observatory's evening outreach programs since 2012. She enjoys using binoculars to teach visitors about the night sky. | JPL · 25250 |
25256 Imbrie-Moore | 1998 UG34 | Annabel Imbrie-Moore (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her mathematics & computer science project. She attends the Peabody School, Charlottesville, Virginia | JPL · 25256 |
25257 Elizmakarron | 1998 UF42 | Elizabeth Marie Karron (born 1996) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her animal and plant sciences project. She attends the Whitefish Bay Middle School, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin | JPL · 25257 |
25258 Nathaniel | 1998 VU | Nathaniel Brian Marsden (born 1997), second grandson of Minor Planet Center director Brian G. Marsden (the asteroid was discovered on his first birthday) | MPC · 25258 |
25259 Lucarnold | 1998 VK4 | Luc Arnold (born 1965) is an astronomer working at the Observatoire de Haute Provence. His research fields are exobiology and optics, but he observes comets with his homemade telescope | JPL · 25259 |
25264 Erickeen | 1998 VP16 | Eric C. Keen (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his environmental sciences project. He is homeschooled in Bethesda, Maryland | JPL · 25264 |
25266 Taylorkinyon | 1998 VS20 | Taylor Frances Kinyon (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her engineering project. She attends the Plankinton School District, Plankinton, South Dakota | JPL · 25266 |
25273 Barrycarole | 1998 VN32 | Barry Paul Keith Griffin (born 1943) and Carole Anne Griffin (born 1944), the parents of British astronomer Ian P. Griffin who discovered this minor planet | JPL · 25273 |
25275 Jocelynbell | 1998 VF33 | Jocelyn Bell Burnell (born 1943), British astrophysicist from Northern Ireland, who co-discovered the first radio pulsar in 1967 | JPL · 25275 |
25276 Dimai | 1998 VJ33 | Alessandro Dimai (born 1962), Italian amateur astronomer and discoverer of supernovae. He is an active observer at the Cortina Observatory (154) and a friend of the discoverer. | JPL · 25276 |
25290 Vibhuti | 1998 WH14 | Vibhuti Krishna (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her biochemistry, medicine, health science and microbiology project. She attends the Solon Middle School, Solon, Ohio | JPL · 25290 |
25294 Johnlaberee | 1998 WA17 | John Alfred Laberee (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his environmental sciences project. He is homeschooled in Medford, New Jersey | JPL · 25294 |
25298 Fionapaine | 1998 WB22 | Fiona Ann Paine (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her environmental sciences project. She attends the Barrington Middle School, Barrington, Rhode Island | JPL · 25298 |
25300 Andyromine | 1998 VJ33 | Andrew Romine, 2008 SSP/MSP national science fair finalist | JPL · 25300 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25301 Ambrofogar | 1998 XZ2 | Ambrogio Fogar, Italian sailor (yachtsman), explorer and author ‡ | MPC · 25301 |
25302 Niim | 1998 XW3 | Yoshihiro Niim, Japanese space engineer | JPL · 25302 |
25309 Chrisauer | 1998 XQ87 | Christopher Peterson Sauer (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Corte Madera School, Portola Valley, California | JPL · 25309 |
25312 Asiapossenti | 1998 YU6 | Asia Possenti (born 2008) is a nephew of the discoverer | JPL · 25312 |
25316 Comnick | 1999 AH23 | Richard "Rich" Comnick (born 1940) has been a volunteer in the Lowell Observatory archives since 2007. He has digitized and catalogued historic observation logbooks, photographs and manuscript material for the Archives website and the Arizona Memory Project. | JPL · 25316 |
25321 Rohitsingh | 1999 FR27 | Rohit Kumar Singh (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Lincoln Middle School, Gainesville, Florida | JPL · 25321 |
25322 Rebeccajean | 1999 FM28 | Rebecca Jean Smouse (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her animal and plant sciences project. She attends the Kyrene Middle School, Tempe, Arizona | JPL · 25322 |
25326 Lawrencesun | 1999 JB32 | Lawrence Sun (born 1996) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his mathematics and computer science project. He attends the Highland Park Middle School, Beaverton, Oregon | JPL · 25326 |
25331 Berrevoets | 1999 KY4 | Cor Berrevoets, Dutch developer of Registax, astronomical image-processing freeware | JPL · 25331 |
25333 Britwenger | 1999 KW13 | Brittany Michelle Wenger (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her mathematics and computer science project. She attends the R. Dan Nolan Middle School, Bradenton, Florida | JPL · 25333 |
25337 Elisabetta | 1999 PK | Elisabetta Masi (b. 2019) is the daughter of the discoverer. | IAU · 25337 |
25340 Segoves | 1999 RX31 | Segovesus, Central European Celtic prince † ‡ | MPC · 25340 |
25348 Wisniowiecki | 1999 RJ124 | Anna Marie Wisniowiecki (born 1993) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for her earth and space sciences project. She attends the McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, Texas | JPL · 25348 |
25354 Zdasiuk | 1999 RD211 | Jonathan Andrew Zdasiuk (born 1995) is a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition, for his engineering project. He attends the Corte Madera School, Portola Valley, California | JPL · 25354 |
25358 Boskovice | 1999 TY3 | Boskovice a town in Middle Moravia, was settled in prehistoric times. A gothic castle from the 13th century and a Jewish quarter are among its many tourist attractions | JPL · 25358 |
25364 Allisonbaas | 1999 TD26 | Allison Baas mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Plankinton School District, Plankinton, South Dakota | JPL · 25364 |
25365 Bernreuter | 1999 TC27 | John Bernreuter mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the R. Dan Nolan Middle School, Bradenton, Florida | JPL · 25365 |
25366 Maureenbobo | 1999 TH30 | Maureen Bobo mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Rocky Mountain Middle School, Heber City, Utah | JPL · 25366 |
25367 Cicek | 1999 TC96 | Kazim Cicek mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. He teaches at the Chesapeake Science Point Public Charter School, Hanover, Maryland | JPL · 25367 |
25368 Gailcolwell | 1999 TQ96 | Gail Colwell mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, Texas | JPL · 25368 |
25369 Dawndonovan | 1999 TR108 | Dawn Donovan mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Martin Luther King Jr., Magnet High School, Nashville, Tennessee | JPL · 25369 |
25370 Karenfletch | 1999 TW144 | Karen Fletcher mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Barrington Middle School, Barrington, Rhode Island | JPL · 25370 |
25371 Frangaley | 1999 TS153 | Fran Galey mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Riverton Middle School, Riverton, Wyoming | JPL · 25371 |
25372 Shanagarza | 1999 TB164 | Shana Garza mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Pi Beta Phi Elementary School, Gatlinburg, Tennessee | JPL · 25372 |
25373 Gorsch | 1999 TC166 | Lisa Gorsch mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Peabody School, Charlottesville, Virginia | JPL · 25373 |
25374 Harbrucker | 1999 TC178 | Roberta Harbrucker mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Lincoln Middle School, Gainesville, Florida | JPL · 25374 |
25375 Treenajoi | 1999 TR180 | Treena Joi mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Corte Madera School, Portola Valley, California | JPL · 25375 |
25376 Christikeen | 1999 TS180 | Christine Keen mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at a homeschool, Bethesda, Maryland | JPL · 25376 |
25377 Rolaberee | 1999 TZ196 | Rosemary Laberee mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at a homeschool, Medford, New Jersey | JPL · 25377 |
25378 Erinlambert | 1999 TY197 | Erin Lambert mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Kyrene Middle School, Tempe, Arizona | JPL · 25378 |
25381 Jerrynelson | 1999 TE213 | Jerry Nelson mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. He teaches at the North Ogden Junior High School, North Ogden, Utah | JPL · 25381 |
25383 Lindacker | 1999 UN1 | Jan Tadeáš Lindacker (1768–1816) was a Czech geologist and botanist. He worked in Osek, near Rokycany, in iron ore mines, where he assembled a unique collection of Carboniferous fossil plants and minerals and joined it with that of Kaspar Maria von Sternberg. The collection was donated to the National Museum in Prague. | JPL · 25383 |
25384 Partizánske | 1999 UW1 | Partizánske, western Slovakia (originally Symoni), home to a public observatory | JPL · 25384 |
25399 Vonnegut | 1999 VN20 | Kurt Vonnegut (born 1922), a revolutionary U.S. science-fiction writer who crossed over into mainstream literature and is often referred to as the "Mark Twain of the second half of the twentieth century". | JPL · 25399 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25402 Angelanorse | 1999 VA27 | Angela Norse mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Highland Park Middle School, Beaverton, Oregon | JPL · 25402 |
25403 Carlapiazza | 1999 VE31 | Carla Piazza mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy, Saginaw, Michigan | JPL · 25403 |
25404 Shansample | 1999 VU31 | Shannon Sample mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Iva E. Wells Middle School, Seneca, Missouri | JPL · 25404 |
25405 Jeffwidder | 1999 VM32 | Jeff Widder mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. He teaches at the Whitefish Bay Middle School, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin | JPL · 25405 |
25406 Debwysocki | 1999 VR32 | Deborah Wysocki mentored a finalist in the 2008 Society for Science and the Public middle school science competition. She teaches at the Lenape Middle School, Doylestown, Pennsylvania | JPL · 25406 |
25410 Abejar | 1999 VG36 | Patrick Jeffrey Abejar (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his earth and planetary science project. He attends the Smithtown High School West, Smithtown, New York | JPL · 25410 |
25412 Arbesfeld | 1999 VZ38 | Noah Maxwell Arbesfeld (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project. He attends the Lexington High School, Lexington, Massachusetts | JPL · 25412 |
25413 Dorischen | 1999 VE39 | Doris Chen (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project. She attends the Tenafly High School, Tenafly, New Jersey | JPL · 25413 |
25414 Cherkassky | 1999 VH48 | Michael Sheng Cherkassky (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. He attends the Edina High School, Edina, Minnesota | JPL · 25414 |
25415 Jocelyn | 1999 VL53 | Jocelyn Chuang (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York | JPL · 25415 |
25416 Chyanwen | 1999 VY58 | Wen Chyan (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project. He attends the Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science, Denton, Texas | JPL · 25416 |
25417 Coquillette | 1999 VZ65 | Elizabeth Charlotte Coquillette (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her engineering project. She attends the Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, Ohio | JPL · 25417 |
25418 Deshmukh | 1999 VG66 | Aniruddha Sandeep Deshmukh (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his botany project. He attends the Bellarmine College Preparatory School, San Jose, California | JPL · 25418 |
25421 Gafaran | 1999 VL86 | Gabriela Aylin Faran (born 1990) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her earth and planetary science project. She attends the West High School, Madison, Wisconsin | JPL · 25421 |
25422 Abigreene | 1999 VL111 | Abigail Sara Greene (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the John Jay High School, Cross River, New York | JPL · 25422 |
25424 Gunasekaran | 1999 VQ158 | Suvai Gunasekaran (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her materials science project. She attends the James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Wisconsin | JPL · 25424 |
25425 Chelsealynn | 1999 VR169 | Chelsea Lynn Jurman (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York | JPL · 25425 |
25426 Alexanderkim | 1999 VU169 | Alexander Mee-Woong Kim (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his zoology project. He attends the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science nce and Technology, Alexandria, Virginia | JPL · 25426 |
25427 Kratchmarov | 1999 VP170 | Radomir Kratchmarov (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his microbiology project. He attends the Livingston High School, Livingston, New Jersey | JPL · 25427 |
25428 Lakhanpal | 1999 VM172 | Nitish Lakhanpal (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project. He attends the University High School, Irvine, California | JPL · 25428 |
25430 Ericlarson | 1999 VT189 | Eric Kerner Larson (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project. He attends the South Eugene High School, Eugene, Oregon | JPL · 25430 |
25432 Josepherli | 1999 VG225 | Josepher Li (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project. He attends the Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York | JPL · 25432 |
25434 Westonia | 1999 WS2 | Elizabeth Jane Weston (1581–1612), known as "Westonia", was an English-Czech poet, known mostly for her Neo-Latin poetry. Her Parthenicon was published in 1608. She is considered the first female Czech poet. | JPL · 25434 |
25455 Anissamak | 1999 XP12 | Anissa Yuenming Mak (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project. She attends the Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York | JPL · 25455 |
25456 Caitlinmann | 1999 XQ12 | Caitlin Maureen Mann (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her engineering project. She attends the Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, Ohio | JPL · 25456 |
25457 Mariannamao | 1999 XH13 | Marianna Yuling Mao (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project. She attends the Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, California | JPL · 25457 |
25462 Haydenmetsky | 1999 XV18 | Hayden Craig Metsky (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. He attends the Millburn High School, Millburn, New Jersey | JPL · 25462 |
25464 Maxrabinovich | 1999 XA24 | Maxim Rabinovich (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project. He attends the Shorecrest Preparatory School, St. Petersburg, Florida | JPL · 25464 |
25465 Rajagopalan | 1999 XT25 | Aditya Rajagopalan (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project. He attends the Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut | JPL · 25465 |
25468 Ramakrishna | 1999 XS33 | Smitha Ramakrishna (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her environmental science project. She attends the Corona del Sol High School, Tempe, Arizona | JPL · 25468 |
25469 Ransohoff | 1999 XC34 | Julia Dory Ransohoff (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project. She attends the Menlo-Atherton High School, Atherton, California | JPL · 25469 |
25472 Joanoro | 1999 XL36 | Joan Oro, Spanish (Catalan)-American biologist and public science advocate | JPL · 25472 |
25475 Lizrao | 1999 XY40 | Elizabeth Jie Rao (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project. She attends the Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois | JPL · 25475 |
25476 Sealfon | 1999 XU42 | Adam Benjamin Sealfon (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. He attends the Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York | JPL · 25476 |
25477 Preyashah | 1999 XC44 | Preya Shah (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her chemistry project. She attends the Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, New York | JPL · 25477 |
25478 Shrock | 1999 XR45 | Christine Lee Shrock (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her bioinformatics and genomics project. She attends the Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, New York | JPL · 25478 |
25479 Ericshyu | 1999 XD54 | Eric Shyu (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project. He attends the Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy, Aurora, Illinois | JPL · 25479 |
25481 Willjaysun | 1999 XU68 | William Jayang Sun (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project. He attends the Parkway Central High School, Chesterfield, Missouri | JPL · 25481 |
25482 Tallapragada | 1999 XM72 | Narendra Pundarik Tallapragada (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his physics project. He attends the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Virginia | JPL · 25482 |
25483 Trusheim | 1999 XF74 | Stephen Walter Trusheim (born 1990) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project. He attends the Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota | JPL · 25483 |
25486 Michaelwham | 1999 XF81 | Michael Tyler Wham (born 1990) is a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his zoology project. He attends the Sterling Ridge Home School, Woodlands, Texas | JPL · 25486 |
25488 Figueiredo | 1999 XD83 | Joanne Figueiredo mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Smithtown High School West, Smithtown, New York | JPL · 25488 |
25490 Kevinkelly | 1999 XN84 | Kevin Kelly mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Lexington High School, Lexington, Massachusetts | JPL · 25490 |
25491 Meador | 1999 XS84 | Granger Meador mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Bartlesville High School, Bartlesville, Oklahoma | JPL · 25491 |
25492 Firnberg | 1999 XF85 | Anat Firnberg mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Tenafly High School, Tenafly, New Jersey | JPL · 25492 |
25495 Michaelroddy | 1999 XW86 | Michael Roddy mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Edina High School, Edina, Minnesota | JPL · 25495 |
25497 Brauerman | 1999 XV87 | Susan Brauerman mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York | JPL · 25497 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25509 Rodwong | 1999 XF97 | Rod Wong mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Bellarmine College Preparatory School, San Jose, California | JPL · 25509 |
25510 Donvincent | 1999 XJ97 | Don Vincent mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the West High School, Madison, Wisconsin | JPL · 25510 |
25511 Annlipinsky | 1999 XM97 | Ann Lipinsky mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the John Jay High School, Cross River, New York | JPL · 25511 |
25512 Anncomins | 1999 XT97 | Ann Comins mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Wisconsin | JPL · 25512 |
25513 Weseley | 1999 XM98 | Allyson Weseley mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York | JPL · 25513 |
25514 Lisawu | 1999 XJ99 | Lisa Wu mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Virginia | JPL · 25514 |
25515 Briancarey | 1999 XU99 | Brian Carey mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Livingston High School, Livingston, New Jersey | JPL · 25515 |
25516 Davidknight | 1999 XS100 | David Knight mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the University High School, Irvine, California | JPL · 25516 |
25517 Davidlau | 1999 XD101 | David Lau mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, California | JPL · 25517 |
25518 Paulcitrin | 1999 XO101 | Paul Citrin mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Millburn High School, Millburn, New Jersey | JPL · 25518 |
25519 Bartolomeo | 1999 XS101 | Michael Bartolomeo mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Shorecrest Preparatory School, St Petersburg, Florida | JPL · 25519 |
25520 Deronchang | 1999 XV102 | Deron Chang mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut | JPL · 25520 |
25521 Stevemorgan | 1999 XH103 | Steve Morgan mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Corona del Sol High School, Tempe, Arizona | JPL · 25521 |
25522 Roisen | 1999 XK103 | Patrick Roisen mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Menlo-Atherton High School, Atherton, California | JPL · 25522 |
25531 Lessek | 1999 XE133 | Justin Lessek mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois | JPL · 25531 |
25538 Markcarlson | 1999 XN158 | Mark Carlson mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy, Aurora, Illinois | JPL · 25538 |
25539 Roberthelm | 1999 XA159 | Robert Helm mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Methacton High School, Norristown, Pennsylvania | JPL · 25539 |
25541 Greathouse | 1999 XB160 | Kenneth Greathouse mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Parkway Central High School, Chesterfield, Missouri | JPL · 25541 |
25542 Garabedian | 1999 XH160 | Wayne Garabedian mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the Clovis West High School, Fresno, California | JPL · 25542 |
25543 Fruen | 1999 XR160 | Lois Fruen mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota | JPL · 25543 |
25544 Renerogers | 1999 XU161 | Rene Rogers mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. She teaches at the Sterling Ridge Home School, Woodlands, Texas | JPL · 25544 |
25549 Jonsauer | 1999 XZ167 | Jonothon Sauer mentored a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. He teaches at the William Mason High School, Mason, Ohio | JPL · 25549 |
25551 Drewhall | 1999 XP168 | Drew Hall (born 1982), together with Richard Gaster, a fellow student at Stanford University, won the "Change the World" competition, arranged by the IEEE presidents in conjunction with the organization's 125th anniversary in 2009. Their winning project was entitled "Nanolab: A Handheld Diagnostic Laboratory" | JPL · 25551 |
25552 Gaster | 1999 XS168 | Richard Gaster (born 1984), with Drew Hall, won the 2009 Student Humanitarian Supreme Prize of the IEEE "Change the World" competition. Their "Nanolab" project applies engineering and leadership skills to benefit humanity by solving the problem of limited availability of medical laboratories in third-world countries | JPL · 25552 |
25553 Ivanlafer | 1999 XC169 | Ivan Lavander Candido Ferreira (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his microbiology project. He attends the Colégio Guilherme Dumont Villares, São Paulo, SP, Brasil | JPL · 25553 |
25554 Jayaranjan | 1999 XG169 | Nirusan Jayaranjan (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | JPL · 25554 |
25555 Ratnavarma | 1999 XJ169 | Ratna Varma (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the A. B. Lucas Secondary School, London, Ontario, Canada | JPL · 25555 |
25560 Chaihaoxi | 1999 XD173 | Chai Haoxi (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. He attends the No.1 High School Attached to Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China | JPL · 25560 |
25561 Leehyunki | 1999 XN173 | Lee Hyun Ki (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science team project. He attends the Chengdu International School, Chengdu, Sichuan, China | JPL · 25561 |
25562 Limdarren | 1999 XJ174 | Lim Darren (born 1993) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science team project. He attends the Chengdu International School, Chengdu, Sichuan, China | JPL · 25562 |
25565 Lusiyang | 1999 XM175 | Lu Siyang (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences team project. She attends the No. 1 Middle School Attached To Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China | JPL · 25565 |
25566 Panying | 1999 XM177 | Pan Ying (born 1989) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her materials and bioengineering project. She attends the Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China | JPL · 25566 |
25570 Kesun | 1999 XT194 | Sun Ke (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences team project. She attends the No.1 Middle School Attached To Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China | JPL · 25570 |
25573 Wanghaoyu | 1999 XT205 | Wang Haoyu (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. He attends the Beijing 101 Middle School, Beijing, China | JPL · 25573 |
25577 Wangmanqiang | 1999 XN213 | Wang Manqiang (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. He attends the No.80 High School of Beijing, Beijing, China | JPL · 25577 |
25580 Xuelai | 1999 XU220 | Xue Lai (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science team project. He attends the Chengdu International School, Chengdu, Sichuan, China | JPL · 25580 |
25584 Zhangnelson | 1999 XO221 | Zhang Nelson (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. He attends the Shanghai American School, Shanghai, China | JPL · 25584 |
25589 Danicamckellar | 1999 XY231 | Danica McKellar (born 1975) is an American actress, mathematician, and author. McKellar has published research works and wrote several popular books on math. She has been a strong advocate for math education, particularly encouraging young girls and woman to pursue math. | IAU · 25589 |
25593 Camillejordan | 1999 YA5 | Camille Jordan (1838–1921), a French mathematician. | JPL · 25593 |
25594 Kessler | 1999 YA9 | Marvin Kessler, American member of the Northeast Kansas Amateur Astronomer's League | JPL · 25594 |
25597 Glendahill | 1999 YS14 | Glenda Hill (born 1948) has volunteered in the Lowell Observatory Archives since 2010. She has catalogued the correspondence of V.M. Slipher, Percival Lowell and Wrexie Louise Leonard. Glenda has become quite adept at deciphering poor handwriting. She is married to outreach volunteer Gene Hill. | JPL · 25597 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25601 Francopacini | 2000 AX2 | Franco Pacini, Italian astrophysicist † | MPC · 25601 |
25602 Ucaronia | 2000 AA3 | Umberto Caronia, father of co-discoverer Alfredo Caronia † | MPC · 25602 |
25604 Karlin | 2000 AM6 | Samuel Karlin, American statistician and mathematician, member of the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of the National Medal of Science | JPL · 25604 |
25606 Chiangshenghao | 2000 AT7 | Chiang Sheng-Hao (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his mathematical sciences project. He attends the National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City, Chinese Taipei | JPL · 25606 |
25607 Tsengiching | 2000 AN10 | Tseng I-Ching (born 1993) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. She attends the National Taichung Girl's Senior High School, Taichung, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei | JPL · 25607 |
25608 Hincapie | 2000 AY10 | Melisa Hincapie (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her energy and transportation project. She attends the Colegio La Compania de Maria La Ensenanza, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia | JPL · 25608 |
25609 Bogantes | 2000 AA12 | Fabiola Bogantes Jimenez (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her electrical and mechanical engineering team project. She attends the Colegio Tecnico Profesional de San Sebastian, San Jose, Costa Rica | JPL · 25609 |
25611 Mabellin | 2000 AY20 | Mabellin Fallas Quesada (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her electrical and mechanical engineering team project. She attends the Colegio Tecnico Profesional de San Sebastian, San Jose, Costa Rica | JPL · 25611 |
25612 Yaoskalucia | 2000 AZ22 | Yaoska Lucia Hernandez Duarte (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her electrical and mechanical engineering team project. She attends the Colegio Tecnico Profesional de San Sebastian, San Jose, Costa Rica | JPL · 25612 |
25613 Bubenicek | 2000 AL24 | Petr Bubeníček (born 1990) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. He attends the Gymnazium Aloise Jiraska, Litomyšl, Czech Republic | JPL · 25613 |
25614 Jankral | 2000 AE28 | Jan Král (born 1989) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. He attends the Gymnazium Aloise Jiraska, Litomyšl, Czech Republic | JPL · 25614 |
25615 Votroubek | 2000 AR31 | Marek Votroubek (born 1990) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. He attends the Gymnazium Aloise Jiraska, Litomyšl, Czech Republic | JPL · 25615 |
25616 Riinuots | 2000 AJ32 | Riinu Ots (born 1989) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. She attends the Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, Tartu, Estonia | JPL · 25616 |
25617 Thomasnesch | 2000 AN32 | Thomas Nesch (born 1989) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the Technische Oberschule Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany | JPL · 25617 |
25619 Martonspohn | 2000 AQ34 | Marton Spohn (born 1989) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. He attends the Fazekas Mihaly Secondary Grammar School, Budapest, Hungary | JPL · 25619 |
25620 Jayaprakash | 2000 AL40 | Vishnu Jayaprakash (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation project. He attends the Chettinad Vidyashram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India | JPL · 25620 |
25624 Kronecker | 2000 AK48 | Leopold Kronecker, German mathematician. | JPL · 25624 |
25625 Verdenet | 2000 AN48 | Michel Verdenet, French amateur astronomer, chairman of the Association française des observateurs d'étoiles variables (AFOÉV, French Association of Variable Star Observers) † ‡ + | MPC · 25625 |
25628 Kummer | 2000 AZ50 | Ernst Eduard Kummer, 19th-century German mathematician | JPL · 25628 |
25629 Mukherjee | 2000 AH52 | Anish Mukherjee (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. He attends the South Point High School, Kolkata, West Bengal, India | JPL · 25629 |
25630 Sarkar | 2000 AT53 | Debarghya Sarkar (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. He attends the South Point High School, Kolkata, West Bengal, India | JPL · 25630 |
25636 Vaishnav | 2000 AS62 | Hetal Kanjibhai Vaishnav (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management project. She attends the Late Shree S.G Dholakiya Memorial High School, Rajkot, Gujarat, India | JPL · 25636 |
25638 Ahissar | 2000 AB64 | Shira Ahissar (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Aharon Katzir High School, Rehovot, Israel | JPL · 25638 |
25639 Fedina | 2000 AV64 | Ksenia G. Fedina (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. She attends the Moscow Chemical Lyceum # 1303, Moscow, Russia | JPL · 25639 |
25640 Klintefelt | 2000 AA65 | Philippe Klintefelt Collet (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his behavioral and social sciences project. He attends the Goteborgs Hogre Samskola, Goteborg, Sweden | JPL · 25640 |
25642 Adiseshan | 2000 AW65 | Tara Anjali Adiseshan (born 1994) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. She also received the Intel Young Scientist Award. She attends the Ramana Academy, Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A | JPL · 25642 |
25645 Alexanderyan | 2000 AZ73 | Ryan Cherian Alexander (born 1993) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation project. He attends the R. C. Clark High School, Plano, Texas, U.S.A | JPL · 25645 |
25646 Noniearora | 2000 AL74 | Shubhangi Arora (born 1993) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. She attends the Novi High School, Novi, Michigan, U.S.A | JPL · 25646 |
25648 Baghel | 2000 AJ77 | Prateek Singh Baghel (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. He attends the Shaker High School, Latham, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25648 |
25650 Shaubakshi | 2000 AX79 | Shaunak Krishan Bakshi (born 1993) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his behavioral and social sciences team project. He also received the European Union Contest for Young Scientists Award. He attends the Manhasset High School, Manhasset, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25650 |
25652 Maddieball | 2000 AQ83 | Madeleine Amanda Ball (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. She attends the Ursuline Academy of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A | JPL · 25652 |
25653 Baskaran | 2000 AV84 | Akshai Baskaran (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation project. He attends the Kennewick High School, Kennewick, Washington, U.S.A | JPL · 25653 |
25655 Baupeter | 2000 AU86 | Peter Bau (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his animal sciences project. He attends the Chamblee Charter High School, Chamblee, Georgia, U.S.A | JPL · 25655 |
25656 Bejnood | 2000 AF87 | Alborz Bejnood (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his microbiology team project. He attends the Oak Ridge High School, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A | JPL · 25656 |
25657 Berkowitz | 2000 AM87 | Hannah M Berkowitz (born 1993) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management team project. She attends the Long Beach High School, Lido Beach, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25657 |
25658 Bokor | 2000 AE88 | Jacqueline B Bokor (born 1993) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management team project. She attends the Long Beach High School, Lido Beach, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25658 |
25659 Liboynton | 2000 AG88 | Li Sallou Boynton (born 1991) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. She also received the Intel Young Scientist Award. She attends the Bellaire High School, Bellaire, Texas, U.S.A | JPL · 25659 |
25662 Chonofsky | 2000 AA89 | Mark Adrian Chonofsky (born 1992) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences project. He attends the Lexington High School, Lexington, Massachusetts, U.S.A | JPL · 25662 |
25663 Nickmycroft | 2000 AD89 | Nicholas Mycroft Christensen (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS) for his physics project. He was also awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. He attends the Wetumpka High School, Wetumpka, Alabama, U.S.A | JPL · 25663 |
25669 Kristinrose | 2000 AJ95 | Kristin Rose Cordwell (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her mathematical sciences project. She attends the Manzano High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25669 |
25670 Densley | 2000 AT95 | Riley Taylor Densley (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the Bingham High School, South Jordan, Utah, U.S.A | JPL · 25670 |
25673 Di Mascio | 2000 AJ99 | Michael Vincent Di Mascio (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. He attends the Waynesville High School, Waynesville, Ohio, U.S.A | JPL · 25673 |
25674 Kevinellis | 2000 AT99 | Kevin Michael Ellis (born 1991) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. He attends the Catlin Gabel School, Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25674 |
25676 Jesseellison | 2000 AG102 | Jesse Kane Ellison (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the Bayfield High School, Bayfield, Colorado, U.S.A | JPL · 25676 |
25677 Aaronenten | 2000 AK102 | Aaron Christopher Enten (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. He attends the American Heritage School Plantation, Plantation, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25677 |
25678 Ericfoss | 2000 AU105 | Eric A. Foss (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. He attends the Kentwood High School, Covington, Washington, U.S.A | JPL · 25678 |
25679 Andrewguo | 2000 AX105 | Andrew Yi Guo (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health science s team project. He attends the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A | JPL · 25679 |
25680 Walterhansen | 2000 AP106 | Walter Preston Hansen (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the Bingham High School, South Jordan, Utah, U.S.A | JPL · 25680 |
25683 Haochenhong | 2000 AA114 | Haochen Hong (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the La Cueva High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25683 |
25685 Katlinhornig | 2000 AK116 | Katlin Jayne Hornig (born 1991) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Sargent High School, Monte Vista, Colorado, U.S.A | JPL · 25685 |
25686 Stephoskins | 2000 AF117 | Stephanie Page Hoskins (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. She attends the Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25686 |
25688 Hritzo | 2000 AV120 | Bernadette Ann Hritzo (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. She attends the Villa Joseph Marie High School, Holland, Pennsylvania, U.S.A | JPL · 25688 |
25689 Duannihuang | 2000 AL121 | Duanni Huang (born 1990) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the La Cueva High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25689 |
25690 Iredale | 2000 AP123 | Marley Elizabeth Iredale (born 1992) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and planetary science project. She attends the Sequim High School, Sequim, Washington, U.S.A | JPL · 25690 |
25693 Ishitani | 2000 AQ124 | Catherine Elizabeth Ishitani (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Mayo High School, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A | JPL · 25693 |
25695 Eileenjang | 2000 AD125 | Eileen Kao Jang (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. She attends the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A | JPL · 25695 |
25696 Kylejones | 2000 AE125 | Kyle Jones (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. He attends the Villages High School, The Villages, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25696 |
25697 Kadiyala | 2000 AA126 | Vishnu Kiran Kadiyala (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences team project. He attends the duPont Manual Magnet High School, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A | JPL · 25697 |
25698 Snehakannan | 2000 AQ126 | Sneha Trichy Kannan (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A | JPL · 25698 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25701 Alexkeeler | 2000 AE128 | Alex Keeler (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry team project. He attends the Villages High School, The Villages, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25701 |
25704 Kendrick | 2000 AO128 | Alexander Kent Kendrick (born 1993) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25704 |
25706 Cekoscielski | 2000 AU139 | Caitlyn Elizabeth Koscielski (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry team project. She attends the Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana, U.S.A | JPL · 25706 |
25708 Vedantkumar | 2000 AU141 | Vedant Subramaniam Kumar (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. He attends the duPont Manual Magnet High School, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A | JPL · 25708 |
25710 Petelandgren | 2000 AL151 | Peter Chal Landgren (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. He attends the Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25710 |
25711 Lebovits | 2000 AE152 | Elias Lebovits (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering team project. He attends the Ramaz Upper School, New York, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25711 |
25714 Aprillee | 2000 AW160 | April S. Lee (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences project. She attends the Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25714 |
25715 Lizmariemako | 2000 AY162 | Elizabeth Marie Mako (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her electrical and mechanical engineering project. She attends the W.T. Woodson High School, Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A | JPL · 25715 |
25717 Ritikmal | 2000 AW168 | Ritik Malhotra (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California, U.S.A | JPL · 25717 |
25720 Mallidi | 2000 AO172 | Sandeep Mallidi (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and planetary science team project. He attends the Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25720 |
25721 Anartya | 2000 AA174 | Anartya Mandal (born 1990) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. He attends the Boston Latin School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A | JPL · 25721 |
25722 Evanmarshall | 2000 AV174 | Evan George Marshall (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and planetary science team project. He attends the Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25722 |
25723 Shamascharak | 2000 AX174 | Shamik Mascharak (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. He attends the Santa Cruz High School, Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A | JPL · 25723 |
25725 McCormick | 2000 AW180 | Lydia L McCormick (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. She attends the Jefferson County International Baccalaureate, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A | JPL · 25725 |
25727 Karsonmiller | 2000 AN182 | Karson M. Miller (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. He attends the John L. Miller-Great Neck North High School, Great Neck, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25727 |
25742 Amandablanco | 2000 AV228 | Amanda Blanco (born 1933) is a photographer who has volunteered at Lowell since 2011. Her projects have included photographing Lowell children's summer camps and Observatory special events. Her current project is photographing flowers and trees on the Observatory campus to be used in future outdoor signage. | JPL · 25742 |
25743 Serrato | 2000 AA229 | Roger Serrato (born 1954) has volunteered at Lowell Observatory since 2012. He has recently been involved in special projects, among them creating a comprehensive file about the Discovery Channel Telescope and indexing/digitizing all of the Observatory's newsletters dating back to 1988. | JPL · 25743 |
25744 Surajmishra | 2000 AW233 | Suraj K. Mishra (born 1991) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. He attends the Mills E. Godwin High School, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A | JPL · 25744 |
25745 Schimmelpenninck | 2000 AC242 | Marie Schimmelpenninck (born 1952) has been a Lowell Observatory volunteer since 2002. She was a daytime tour guide and solar telescope operator for 13 years. She is presently working on identifying the Observatory's flowers and trees for future Lowell campus signage. | JPL · 25745 |
25746 Nickscoville | 2000 AF242 | Nicholas Z. Scoville (born 1945) is an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology. | JPL · 25746 |
25747 Nicerasmus | 2000 AH242 | Nicolas Erasmus (born 1985) is an instrument scientist at the South African Astronomical Observatory (Cape Town, South Africa). His early research was in experimental laser physics, and he transitioned into working on photometric observations of asteroids and astronomical instrumentation. | IAU · 25747 |
25750 Miwnay | 2000 BB4 | Miwnay was the name of a Sogdian abandoned wife from Samarkand. | JPL · 25750 |
25751 Mokshagundam | 2000 BS6 | Shilpa Mokshagundam (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences team project. She attends the duPont Manual High School, Prospect, Kentucky, U.S.A | JPL · 25751 |
25760 Annaspitz | 2000 BF34 | Anna Spitz (born 1954) is Education and Public Outreach Lead for the NASA OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission | JPL · 25760 |
25763 Naveenmurali | 2000 CN4 | Naveen Murali (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering team project. He attends the Staples High School, Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A | JPL · 25763 |
25764 Divyanag | 2000 CQ11 | Divya Nag (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and planetary science project. She attends the Mira Loma High School, Sacramento, California, U.S.A | JPL · 25764 |
25765 Heatherlynne | 2000 CS11 | Heather Lynne Nielsen (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry team project. She attends the Villages High School, The Villages, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25765 |
25766 Nosarzewski | 2000 CX17 | Benjamin Lee Nosarzewski (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics project. He attends the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A | JPL · 25766 |
25767 Stevennoyce | 2000 CG20 | Steven Gary Noyce (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. He attended the American Fork High School, American Fork, Utah, U.S.A | JPL · 25767 |
25768 Nussbaum | 2000 CD24 | Trisha Paige Nussbaum (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25768 |
25769 Munaoli | 2000 CL24 | Muna Oli (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Eastside High School, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25769 |
25772 Ashpatra | 2000 CB27 | Ashutosh Patra (born 1991) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation team project. He attends the Sunset High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25772 |
25775 Danielpeng | 2000 CF31 | Daniel Y. Peng (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering team project. He attends the Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, California, U.S.A | JPL · 25775 |
25778 Csere | 2000 CQ34 | Elemír Csere, 20th-century Slovak amateur astronomer, founder of the public observatory in Hlohovec and its first director | JPL · 25778 |
25781 Rajendra | 2000 CF38 | Ashoka Sanjaya Rajendra (born 1991) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences project. He attends the Loudoun County Academy of Science, Sterling, Virginia, U.S.A | JPL · 25781 |
25783 Brandontyler | 2000 CM39 | Brandon Tyler Ramirez (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. | JPL · 25783 |
25793 Chrisanchez | 2000 CS65 | Christopher Allen Sanchez (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences project. | JPL · 25793 |
25798 Reneeschaaf | 2000 CU82 | Renee Louise Schaaf (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her energy and transportation project. | JPL · 25798 |
25799 Anmaschlegel | 2000 CC83 | Angela Marie Schlegel (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences project. | JPL · 25799 |
25800 Glukhovsky | 2000 CG83 | Lisa Doreen Glukhovsky (born 1986), a 2004 Talent finalist, was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2003 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and space sciences project. She is also Recipient of the Young Scientist Award. | JPL · 25800 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25801 Oliviaschwob | 2000 CR84 | Olivia Catherine Schwob (born 1992) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. She also received the Intel Young Scientist Award. She attends the Boston Latin School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A | JPL · 25801 |
25807 Baharshah | 2000 CU93 | Bahar Bipin Shah (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Canterbury School, Fort Myers, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25807 |
25811 Richardteo | 2000 DE1 | Richard Teo Keng Siang (1972–2012), a Singapore cosmetic surgeon. | JPL · 25811 |
25813 Savannahshaw | 2000 DW18 | Savannah Shaw (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry team project. She attends the Villages Charter High School, The Villages, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 25813 |
25814 Preesinghal | 2000 DF24 | Preeti Singhal (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. She attends the Arlington High School, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A | JPL · 25814 |
25815 Scottskirlo | 2000 DM26 | Scott Alexander Skirlo (born 1990) was awarded first place and Best in Category in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. He attends the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A | JPL · 25815 |
25817 Tahilramani | 2000 DQ31 | Mayank Tahilramani (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his microbiology project. He attends the Peachtree Ridge High School, Suwanee, Georgia, U.S.A | JPL · 25817 |
25819 Tripathi | 2000 DW32 | Maanas Tripathi (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. He attends the Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25819 |
25822 Carolinejune | 2000 DH72 | Caroline June Trippel (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry team project. She attends the Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana, U.S.A | JPL · 25822 |
25823 Dentrujillo | 2000 DV73 | Dennis Paul Trujillo (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the McCurdy High School, Espanola, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25823 |
25824 Viviantsang | 2000 DU75 | Vivian Connie Tsang (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management project. She attends the Sunset High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25824 |
25832 Van Scoyoc | 2000 EN9 | Amy Elizabeth Van Scoyoc (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental science project. She attends the East Hampton High School, East Hampton, New York, U.S.A | JPL · 25832 |
25834 Vechinski | 2000 EN19 | Ashley Kate Vechinski (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her computer science team project. She attends the Life Christian Academy, Harvest, Alabama, U.S.A | JPL · 25834 |
25835 Tomzega | 2000 EO20 | Tom Zega (born 1973), a scientist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. | JPL · 25835 |
25836 Harishvemuri | 2000 ER29 | Harish Srikar Vemuri (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. He attends the Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25836 |
25851 Browning | 2000 EE120 | Joyce R. Browning, (1943–2019) was a long time member of Lowell Observatory's advisory board. She volunteered her time and talent helping Lowell Observatory during special events, including the 2017 solar eclipse. Joyce was dedicated to volunteering and sharing her knowledge. | JPL · 25851 |
25858 Donherbert | 2000 EO204 | Don Herbert (a.k.a. "Mr. Wizard", 1917–2007) was the creator and host of Watch Mr. Wizard and Mr. Wizard's World, programs that brought science to millions of children from 1950 to 1990 and that inspired generations of budding scientists. | JPL · 25858 |
25864 Banič | 2000 GR82 | Štefan Banič, 19th–20th-century Slovak-American inventor of the parachute | JPL · 25864 |
25867 DeMuth | 2000 HK66 | Mary DeMuth (born 1954) has worked at Lowell Observatory since 2001, starting as the Observatory's front office receptionist, then in Public Programs as an educator, then in scheduling and now as Volunteer Coordinator. | JPL · 25867 |
25869 Jacoby | 2000 JP70 | George Jacoby (born 1948) is currently deputy director for Technology at Lowell Observatory, responsible for the oversight of Lowell's observing facilities as well as the instrument, engineering, and IT groups. Previously he was director of WIYN and program head of the NOAO Office of Science. | JPL · 25869 |
25870 Panchovigil | 2000 KB14 | Francisco ("Pancho") Martin Vigil (born 1990) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics team project. He attends the McCurdy High School, Espanola, New Mexico, U.S.A | JPL · 25870 |
25875 Wickramasekara | 2000 OT52 | Sajith M. Wickramasekara (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences team project. He attends the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A | JPL · 25875 |
25877 Katherinexue | 2000 QN41 | Katherine Shaohua Xue (born 1991) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology team project. She attends the Oak Ridge High School, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A | JPL · 25877 |
25878 Sihengyou | 2000 QW77 | Siheng S. You (born 1991) was awarded first place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation team project. He attends the Sunset High School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A | JPL · 25878 |
25884 Asai | 2000 SQ4 | Yoshihiko Asai (born 1957), a professor at Higashi Nippon International University. | JPL · 25884 |
25885 Wiesinger | 2000 SD144 | Christoph Wiesinger (born 1989) was awarded second place in the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. He attends the HTL Braunau School, Braunau am Inn, Austria | JPL · 25885 |
25890 Louisburg | 2000 VG38 | Louisburg, Kansas, home of the Powell Observatory | JPL · 25890 |
25892 Funabashi | 2000 WP9 | The Japanese city of Funabashi located near Tokyo. There is good fishing offshore, and during the Edo era fish caught there were donated to the Shogun. Sports are popular in the city now, and it is the home town of several sports teams. | JPL · 25892 |
25893 Sugihara | 2000 WR9 | Chiune Sugihara, Japanese diplomat in Lithuania, who defied orders and assisted asylum-seekers fleeing Nazi persecution in Europe during World War II † | MPC · 25893 |
25898 Alpoge | 2000 YJ41 | Levent Alpoge (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. He attends the Half Hollow Hills High School West, Dix Hills, New York | JPL · 25898 |
25899 Namratanand | 2000 YE61 | Namrata Anand (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project. She attends the Harker School, San Jose, California | JPL · 25899 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
25901 Ericbrooks | 2000 YX99 | Eric David Brooks (born 1993) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project. He attends the George W. Hewlett High School, Hewlett, New York | JPL · 25901 |
25903 Yuvalcalev | 2000 YC116 | Yuval Yaacov Calev (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project. He attends the Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, New York | JPL · 25903 |
25905 Clerico | 2000 YO134 | Domenico Clerico (1950–2017), from the Langhe region of Piemonte, was a world-famous Italian winemaker. Name suggested by E. Bowell, A. W. Harris (JPL) and V. Zappalà. | JPL · 25905 |
25906 Morrell | 2000 YV139 | Nidia I. Morrell (born 1953) is an astronomer at Las Campanas Observatory known for her work on O-type and Wolf-Rayet stars as well as massive binaries. As a member of the Carnegie Supernova Project, she also studies the spectacular explosions these stars make at the end of their lives. | JPL · 25906 |
25907 Capodilupo | 2001 AR20 | John Vincenzo Capodilupo (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his physics project. He attends the Catholic Central High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan | JPL · 25907 |
25912 Recawkwell | 2001 CP9 | Rachel Elizabeth Cawkwell (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Byram Hills High School, Armonk, New York | JPL · 25912 |
25913 Jamesgreen | 2001 CB29 | James L. Green (born 1951) is an American space physicist who has published widely on the Earth's and Jupiter's magnetospheres, as well as data systems and networks. As director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, he has overseen missions that explored Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, the Moon and asteroids. | JPL · 25913 |
25914 Bair | 2001 CC30 | Allison Bair (born 1977) works at Lowell Observatory as a research assistant performing studies of the chemical composition and physical properties of comets. | JPL · 25914 |
25915 Charlesmcguire | 2001 CF30 | Charles J. McGuire (born 1932) is a retired aerospace engineer from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo era, and is the grandfather of planetary scientist Elisabeth R. Adams. | JPL · 25915 |
25919 Comuniello | 2001 DV15 | Michael John Comuniello (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project. He attends the Division Avenue High School, Levittown, New York | JPL · 25919 |
25920 Templeanne | 2001 DT18 | Temple Anne Douglas (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, Alexandria, Virginia | JPL · 25920 |
25924 Douglasadams | 2001 DA42 | Douglas Adams, 20th-century British author; the provisional designation for this asteroid references the year of his death, his initials, and the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (42), as given in his novel serial The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | JPL · 25924 |
25925 Jamesfenska | 2001 DW48 | James Evan Fenska (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his microbiology project. He attends the Miami High School, Miami, Oklahoma | JPL · 25925 |
25927 Jagandelman | 2001 DE51 | Jason A. Gandelman (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project. He attends the Staples High School, Westport, Connecticut | JPL · 25927 |
25930 Spielberg | 2001 DJ54 | Steven Spielberg (born 1946), an American film director | MPC · 25930 |
25931 Peterhu | 2001 DJ70 | Peter Danming Hu (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials science project. He attends the Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science, Denton, Texas | JPL · 25931 |
25933 Ruoyijiang | 2001 DM73 | Ruoyi Jiang (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project. He attends the Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, New York | JPL · 25933 |
25937 Malysz | 2001 DY92 | Adam Małysz (born 1977) is a Polish ski jumper who won several medals at the Winter Olympic Games in 2002 and 2010. He is also a four-time winner of the World Ski Championship and the World Cup. | IAU · 25937 |
25938 Stoch | 2001 DC102 | Kamil Stoch (born 1987), is a Polish ski jumper, who won three gold medals at the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 and 2018, and who won the Four Hills Tournament (Vierschanzentournee) several times as well as the World Ski Championship in 2013, 2017 and 2019. | IAU · 25938 |
25940 Mikeschottland | 2001 ET5 | Michael R. Schottland (1889–1962), was an American industrialist and founder of the Virginia Mirror Company. As a philanthropist and amateur astronomer, he donated the original astrograph for the LONEOS telescope, with which a large number of minor planets were discovered. | JPL · 25940 |
25941 Susanahearn | 2001 EB9 | Susan Ahearn (born 1949) first visited Lowell Observatory as a child, with her family, on vacation. She became enthralled with the dark night skies of Arizona at that time and has supported astronomy research and education with her husband, Bill, for twenty-six years. | JPL · 25941 |
25942 Walborn | 2001 EH9 | Nolan R. Walborn (born 1945) is a stellar spectroscopist specializing in the optical and ultraviolet morphology of hot, massive stars, such as O and B, Wolf-Rayet, and Luminous Blue Variables. His studies have included star forming regions in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. | JPL · 25942 |
25943 Billahearn | 2001 EL10 | William "Bill" Ahearn (born 1946) first visited Lowell Observatory as a teenager. He has been a supporter of astronomy and astronomy education ever since. He and his wife, Susan, have supported Lowell Observatory's research and education for twenty-six years. | JPL · 25943 |
25944 Charlesross | 2001 EP10 | Charles "Charlie" Ross (born 1934) is a long-time admirer of astronomy and STEM education at Lowell Observatory. He and his wife, Pam, have been engaged with the observatory for over 25 years. | JPL · 25944 |
25945 Moreadalleore | 2001 EQ10 | Cristina Morea Dalle Ore (born 1958) is an Italian-American astronomer, who has published papers on stellar atmospheres and planetary science. As a team associate on NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, she developed complex techniques for the spectral analysis of planetary surfaces. | JPL · 25945 |
25951 Pamross | 2001 EZ21 | Pam Ross (born 1949) is a long time supporter of Lowell Observatory. She has served on the Lowell Observatory Advisory Board for over 25 years. | JPL · 25951 |
25953 Lanairlett | 2001 FM5 | Lanair Amaad Lett (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health sciences project. He attends the North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina | JPL · 25953 |
25954 Trantow | 2001 FM13 | Donald "Don" Trantow (born 1942) is a long-time supporter of Lowell Observatory, currently serving on the Lowell Advisory Board. He operates a private observatory on Bainbridge Island, Washington. Don shares his love of astronomy with friends, neighbors, school groups and amateur astronomy clubs. | JPL · 25954 |
25955 Radway | 2001 FX14 | John Radway (born 1936) is a long-time supporter of Lowell Observatory, currently serving on the advisory board and the Lowell Observatory Foundation Board. In retirement, John has focused on learning about astronomy and physics. He writes and distributes philosophical essays about the cosmos. | JPL · 25955 |
25956 Spanierbeckage | 2001 FE16 | Bridget Spanier-Beckage (born 1950) is a long-time supporter of Lowell Observatory. As a former teacher, Bridget encourages Lowell's STEM education programs for children. | JPL · 25956 |
25957 Davidconnell | 2001 FO16 | W. David Connell (born 1954) is an avid supporter of dark skies in Northern Arizona. He is a long-time member of the Lowell Observatory Advisory Board. In 2014, he assisted in the creation of the Lowell Observatory Foundation and has served as chair of the Foundation board since its founding. | JPL · 25957 |
25958 Battams | 2001 FF18 | Karl Battams (born 1979) is an astrophysicist and computational scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. He has been in charge of the Sungrazer Project since 2003, overseeing most of the project's 3400+ sungrazing comet discoveries, and has contributed to the study of numerous near-Sun comets. | JPL · 25958 |
25959 Gingergiovale | 2001 FZ18 | Virginia "Ginger" Gore Giovale (born 1943) is a long-time supporter of math and science education. She and her husband, John, have been engaged with astronomy research and education since 1988. She serves as a trustee of the Lowell Observatory Foundation. | JPL · 25959 |
25960 Timheckman | 2001 FQ20 | Timothy Martin Heckman (born 1951), an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University, is a highly cited researcher who has concentrated on the evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes. A multi-wavelength observer, he was involved in development of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. | JPL · 25960 |
25961 Conti | 2001 FL22 | Peter S. Conti (born 1934) is an astronomer known for his studies of hot luminous stars and the evolutionary connection between them. Specifically, he has studied O-type, Wolf-Rayet and Luminous Blue Variables. | JPL · 25961 |
25962 Yifanli | 2001 FF26 | Yifan Li (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health sciences project. He attends the Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Maryland | JPL · 25962 |
25963 Elisalin | 2001 FP26 | Elisa Bisi Lin (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her environmental science project. She attends the Plano West Senior High School, Plano, Texas | JPL · 25963 |
25964 Liudavid | 2001 FY26 | David Chienyun Liu (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. He attends the Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California | JPL · 25964 |
25965 Masihdas | 2001 FB27 | Paul Masih Das (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project. He attends the Lawrence High School, Cedarhurst, New York | JPL · 25965 |
25966 Akhilmathew | 2001 FP28 | Akhil Mathew (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematical sciences project. He attends the Madison High School, Madison, New Jersey | JPL · 25966 |
25970 Nelakanti | 2001 FD35 | Raman Venkat Nelakanti (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his plant sciences project. He attends the Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California | JPL · 25970 |
25972 Pfefferjosh | 2001 FV35 | Joshua William Pfeffer (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematical sciences project. He attends the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, Great Neck, New York | JPL · 25972 |
25973 Puranik | 2001 FP38 | Arjun Ranganath Puranik (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematical sciences project. He attends the William Fremd High School, Palatine, Illinois | JPL · 25973 |
25978 Katerudolph | 2001 FS48 | Katherine Rebecca Rudolph (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematical sciences project. She attends the Naperville Central High School, Naperville, Illinois | JPL · 25978 |
25979 Alansage | 2001 FC49 | Alan Robert Sage (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his plant sciences project. He attends the Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York | JPL · 25979 |
25981 Shahmirian | 2001 FT53 | Sarine Gayaneh Shahmirian (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her chemistry project. She attends the Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills, California | JPL · 25981 |
25986 Sunanda | 2001 FW65 | Sunanda Sharma (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project. She attends the Shrewsbury High School, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts | JPL · 25986 |
25987 Katherynshi | 2001 FJ66 | Katheryn Cheng Shi (born 1993) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her chemistry project. She attends the Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science, Denton, Texas | JPL · 25987 |
25988 Janesuh | 2001 FA67 | Jane Yoonhae Suh (born 1991) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Rolling Hills Estates, California | JPL · 25988 |
25992 Benjamensun | 2001 FT78 | Benjamen Chang Sun (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his environmental science project. He attends the Red River High School, Grand Forks, North Dakota | JPL · 25992 |
25993 Kevinxu | 2001 FJ80 | Kevin Young Xu (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project. He attends the Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York | JPL · 25993 |
25994 Lynnelleye | 2001 FK80 | Lynnelle Lin Ye (born 1992) is a finalist in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematical sciences project. She attends the Palo Alto Senior High School, Palo Alto, California | JPL · 25994 |
[edit]- ^ "WGSBN Bulletin Archive". Working Group Small Body Nomenclature. 14 May 2021. Retrieved 16 May 2021.
- ^ "MPC/MPO/MPS Archive". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ "JPL – Solar System Dynamics: Discovery Circumstances". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Retrieved 25 June 2019.
- ^ Schmadel, Lutz D. (2003). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-00238-3. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ Schmadel, Lutz D. (2006). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – Addendum to Fifth Edition: 2003–2005. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-34360-8. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ Herget, Paul (1968). The Names of the Minor Planets. Cincinnati, Ohio: Minor Planet Center, Cincinnati Observatory. OCLC 224288991.
- ^ "Guide to Minor Body Astrometry – When can I name my discovery?". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
- ^ "Minor Planet Naming Guidelines (Rules and Guidelines for naming non-cometary small Solar-System bodies) – v1.0" (PDF). Working Group Small Body Nomenclature (PDF). 20 December 2021.