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This is an incomplete list of statutory codes from the U.S. states, territories, and the one federal district.
Most states use a single official code divided into numbered titles. Pennsylvania's official codification is still in progress.
California, New York, and Texas use separate subject-specific codes (or in New York's case, "Consolidated Laws") which must be separately cited by name. Louisiana has both five subject-specific codes and a set of Revised Statutes divided into numbered titles. The Maryland Code was formerly divided into numbered titles, but was recodified into subject-specific articles which must be cited by name.
From the Code of 1650 to the Revision of 1958 (revised to January 1, 2017), 16 complete revisions have been done. From 1918 to 1972, revision updates were carried out by means of supplements.[2]
Originally published in 1857 by A. O. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, as The Revised Code of the District of Columbia, prepared under the Authority of the Act of Congress, entitled "An act to improve the laws of the District of Columbia, and to codify the same," approved March 3, 1855.
Replaced the "General Statutes" in 1920; currently updated via session laws referred to as chapters within yearly acts (i.e., Chapter 75 of the Acts of 1986).
Before 1970, there was no official codification of Pennsylvania's statutes; the proprietary codification by Purdon was a de facto standard. As the official code is incomplete, the Purdon code is still in use for some topics. [2]