Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
The Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) is an award granted by the Academy of Social Sciences to leading academics, policy-makers, and practitioners of the social sciences.
Fellows were previously known as Academicians and used the post-nominal letter "AcSS". This was changed in July 2014 to bring the academy in line with other British learned societies.[1]
Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences
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[edit]The first fellows (then known as academicians) were elected in 1999. The inaugural fellows were:[2]
- John Alderson, former Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police
- Ron Amann, director-general of the Centre for Management and Policy Studies, Cabinet Office
- Margaret Archer, University of Warwick
- Alan Baddeley, University of Bristol
- Sally Baldwin, director, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
- Colin Bell, vice-chancellor, University of Bradford
- Ken Binmore, University College London
- Patricia Broadfoot, University of Bristol
- Margaret Brown, King's College, London
- Archie Brown, St Anthony's College, Oxford
- Christopher Brumfit, University of Southampton
- Beatrix Campbell, University of Newcastle
- John Carpenter, University of Durham
- Tony Chapman, principal and chief executive officer, University of Wales Institute
- Richard Chapman, University of Durham Business School
- Mary Chapman, director-general, The Institute of Management
- Christine Chinkin, London School of Economics
- Nicholas Crafts, London School of Economics
- Ivor Crewe, vice-chancellor, University of Essex
- Gavyn Davies, Goldman Sachs International
- Lord Desai, London School of Economics
- Ian Diamond, University of Southampton
- Andrew Dilnot, director, Institute for Fiscal Studies
- Hastings Donnan, Queen's University, Belfast
- Patrick Dunleavy, London School of Economics
- Stuart Etherington, director, National Council for Voluntary Organisations
- Janet Finch, vice-chancellor, Keele University
- Ronnie Frankenberg, Keele University
- Denis Galligan, Wolfson College, University of Oxford
- Fred Halliday, London School of Economics
- David Hargreaves, University of Cambridge
- Patsy Healey, University of Newcastle
- Peter Hennessey, Queen Mary and Westfield College
- Tim Holt, director, Office of National Statistics
- Pat Hudson, Cardiff University
- Will Hutton, editor-in-chief, The Observer
- Sue Iversen, University of Oxford
- Michael Jacobs, Nicholson Graham and Jones
- Ronald Johnston, University of Bristol
- Bill Jordan, University of Exeter
- Roger Jowell, director, National Centre for Social Research
- Anthony King, University of Essex
- Julian Le Grand, London School of Economics
- Jane Lewis, University of Nottingham
- Janet Lewis, research director, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Ruth Lister, Loughborough University
- Moss Madden, University of Liverpool
- Jean Martin, social survey division, Office for National Statistics
- Doreen Massey, Open University
- Elizabeth Meehan, Queen's University, Belfast
- Richard Mottram, permanent secretary, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
- Howard Newby, vice-chancellor, University of Southampton
- Bhikhu Parekh, University of Hull
- Andrew Pettigrew, Warwick Business School
- Geoffrey Shindler, partner, Halliwell Landau
- Susan Smith, University of Edinburgh
- Bruce Smith, chairman, Economic and Social Research Council
- Elliot Stern, the Tavistock Institute
- Anthea Tinker, King's College, London
- Peter Townsend, University of Bristol
- Polly Toynbee, journalist
- John Urry, Lancaster University
- Alan Walker, University of Sheffield
- Stephen White, University of Glasgow
- Christine Whitehead, London School of Economics
- Lord Young of Dartington
[edit]There were 91 people elected to the fellowship in 2002:[3]
- Dominic Abrams
- Jane Aldgate
- Floya Anthias
- Jane Askham
- John Bachtler
- Robert Benewick
- John Benyon
- Robert Blackburn
- Mary Boyle
- Avtar Brah
- Glynis Breakwell
- Stephen Broadberry
- Alice Brown
- David Budge
- Joan Busfield
- Michael Byram
- David Byrne
- Jane Campbell, Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
- David Canter
- Ronald Carter
- Simon Clarke
- John Clarke
- Matthew Colton
- Gary Craig
- Gillian Dalley
- Richard Daugherty
- Graham Davey
- Robert Dingwall
- David Dyker
- John Eldridge
- Nigel Fielding
- Ian Forbes
- Janet Ford
- Norah Frederickson
- Maurice Anthony Gale
- Andrew Gamble
- Andrew Gillespie
- Peter Golding
- Ian Gordon
- Ian Gough
- Sarah E. Hampson
- Irene Hardill
- Stephen Harrison
- Mike Hepworth
- Roger Hood
- Dorota Iwaniec
- Stevi Jackson
- Robert Jessop
- Ray Jones
- Martin Knapp
- Stephen Lea
- Roger Lee
- Karen Legge
- Richard Little
- David N. Livingstone
- Robert Logie
- Paul Longley
- Thomas MacKay
- John Mawson
- Susan McRae
- Roger Middleton
- Mary S. Morgan
- Robert Morris
- Susan Owens
- Edward Page
- David Phillips
- David Pitfield
- Jennifer Platt
- Andrew Pollard
- Ken Prandy
- Michael Preston-Shoot
- Richard Pring
- Roderick Rhodes
- Jean Rudduck
- Mike Rustin
- Richard Sakwa
- Kevin Schürer
- John Scott
- Jim Stevenson
- June Thoburn
- Brian Tomlinson
- Peter Tyler
- Janet Walker
- Oliver Westall
- Margaret Wetherell
- Sarah Whatmore
- Geoff Whitty
- Allan Williams
- Fiona Williams
- Charles W. J. Withers
- Robert E. Wright
[edit]There were 60 people elected to the fellowship in 2003:[4]
- Peter Alcock
- Kay Anderson
- Madeleine Arnot
- Paul Atkinson
- Christine Bellamy
- Michael Beloff
- Tim Blackman
- David Blane
- Ian Butler
- Bruce Campbell
- Cara Carmichael Aitchison
- Guy Cook
- Philip Cooke
- John Corner
- Ann Davis
- Simin Davoudi
- Bob Deacon
- J. Richard Eiser
- Ivan Eisler
- John Furlong
- John Gardner
- Angela Glasner
- Caroline Glendinning
- Susan Hallam
- Geoffrey Harcourt
- Sheila Henderson
- Amer Hirmis
- John Holmwood
- Gillian Hundt
- Ian Jamieson
- Lynn Jamieson
- Elidir King
- Ullrich Kockel
- Hilary Land
- Stephen Linstead
- Angela Little
- Ingrid Lunt
- Neill Marshall
- Robin Means
- Kevin Morgan
- Kevin W Morgan
- Mark Overton
- Ray Pahl
- David Parker
- Michael Parkinson
- Diane Perrons
- Ann Phoenix
- Peter Ramsden
- Nirmala Rao
- Peter Roberts
- Adrian Sinfield
- Maggie Snowling
- John Solomos
- Peter Stratton
- Harry Torrance
- Jane Wardle
- Andrew Whiten
- Robert Woods
- Ted Wragg
- Neil Wrigley
[edit]There were 51 people elected to the fellowship in 2004:[5]
- Peter Aggleton
- Alan Aldridge
- R. Allen
- Clive Archer
- John Bond
- Saxon Brettell
- Charlotte Burck
- John Burnham
- Chris Caswill
- Andrew Coleman
- Elisabeth Croll
- Anthony Crook
- Gordon Dabinett
- Alan Deacon
- John Dixon
- J. Dockrell
- Martin Everett
- Kenneth Gilhooly
- Usha Goswami
- Terence Gourvish
- Rebecca Harding
- Sally Hardy
- Michael Hoey
- Katrina Honeyman
- Ursula Huws
- Raymond Illsley
- Charlie Jeffery
- Richard Jenkins
- Grant Jordan
- Geoff Lindsay
- Jim Mansell
- Antony Manstead
- Linda McKie
- Tariq Modood
- Anton Muscatelli
- Joseph Nellis
- Jenny Ozga
- Gareth Rees
- David William Rhind
- Richard Rodger
- Graham Room
- David Rose
- Ajit Singh
- Bebe Speed
- Eddy Street
- Kathy Sylva
- Jonathan Tonge
- Christine Victor
- David Williams
- Colin Wren
- Andy Young
March 2006
[edit]There were 63 people elected to the fellowship in March 2006:[6]
- David Airey
- Martyn Barrett
- Saul Becker
- Mark Bennett
- Peter Beresford
- Neil Blake
- Joanna Bornat
- Ben Bowling
- Julia Brannen
- Christopher Bryant
- Peter Burns
- Gibson Burrell
- John Bynner
- Bill Bytheway
- David Charles
- Christopher Colclough
- Martin A. Conway
- Adam Crawford
- Michael Crossley
- John Dumbrell
- Mary Gilhooly
- Pamela Gillies
- Chris Hale
- Helen Haste
- Graham Haughton
- Clive Hollin
- Diane Houston
- Angela Hull
- Glyn W. Humphreys
- Peter Jackson
- Alun Jones
- Martin Jones
- Diana Leonard
- Michael Levi
- Colin Mason
- David Mason
- Kieran McEvoy
- Eileen McLeod
- Juliet Mitchell
- Rosamund Mitchell
- John Mohan
- Robert Moore
- Judith Mudd
- Tim Newburn
- Jane Oakhill
- Christine Oughton
- Christopher Pickvance
- Graham Powell
- Rosemary Preston
- Robert Reiner
- Harry Rothman
- Robert Rowthorn
- Richard Sparks
- David Stanley
- Steven Tipper
- John Tribe
- Philip Tucker
- Lorna Unwin
- Sandra Walklate
- David S. Wall
- Andrew Webster
- Jeffrey Weeks
- Veronica Wong
December 2006
[edit]There were 20 people elected to the fellowship in September 2006:[7]
Prior to 2007
[edit]These people are known to have been selected sometime prior to 2007:[8]
[edit]There were 64 people elected to the fellowship in 2009:[9]
- John Allen
- Michael Anyadike-Danes
- Vernon Bogdanor
- Martyn Bond
- Sophie Bowlby
- Thom Brooks
- Jacqueline Burgess
- Tim Butler
- Timothy Clark
- Alistair Cole
- Diana Coole
- Douglas Davies
- Lorraine Dearden
- John Dunn
- Lewis Elton
- Anthony Forster
- Keith Glaister
- Keith Grint
- Alexander Haslam
- Colin Hay
- Robert Hetherington
- Celia Hoyles
- Janet Hunter
- Chris Huxham
- Ron Iphofen
- Michael Keating
- Emil Kirchner
- Saville Kushner
- John Leach
- Kevin Lee
- Robert Leonardi
- Peter Malpass
- John Mingers
- Michael Moran
- Elizabeth Murphy
- Emma Murphy
- David Nelken
- Frank Peck
- John Peterson
- Judith Phillips
- Bob Picciotto
- Laurence Ray
- John Richardson
- Anne Rogers
- Jim Rollo
- Thomas Scharf
- Drew Scott
- Michael Shackleton
- David Shanks
- Michael Sheppard
- David Simon
- Iram Siraj-Blatchford
- Maria Slowey
- Guy Standing
- John Stewart
- Gerry Stoker
- Michael Swan
- Howard Thomas
- Claire Wallace
- Paul Whitely
- Allan Williams
- David Wilson
- Fiona Wishlade
- Cecilia Wong
February 2011
[edit]There were 70 people elected to the fellowship in February 2011:[10]
- Pauline Adair
- Paul Adamson
- Kathleen Armour
- Kate Barker
- John Baylis
- Andrew Beer
- Ron Boschma
- Allan Brimicombe
- Roger Burrows
- Noel Castree
- Ian Clarke
- Fiona Cownie
- Fiona Devine
- Philip Dewe
- Judith Dunn
- Kevin Durkin
- John Elliott
- Alan Felstead
- Bernard Fingleton
- Chris Gilleard
- Mark Goodwin
- Wyn Grant
- Ulrich Graute
- Robert Haining
- Alan Hamlin
- Seamus Hegarty
- Steve Hindle
- Wendy Hollway
- Barrie Houlihan
- Peter Jarvis
- Peter John
- Andrew Jones
- Allan Kellehear
- Peter Kemp
- Richard Kwiatkowski
- Wendy Larner
- Robert MacDonald
- Donald Angus MacKenzie
- Helen Margetts
- Duncan McCargo
- Colin J. McInnes
- Paul Milbourne
- Graham Moon
- Greg Myers
- Jamie Peck
- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
- Philip Powell
- Colin Pritchard
- Vicky Pryce
- Michael Reed
- Stephen Reicher
- Eve Rosenhaft
- Judy Sebba
- Paschal Sheeran
- James Shields
- Peter K. Smith
- Liz Stanley
- Michael Storper
- Mark Tewdwr-Jones
- Alan Tomlinson
- Max Velmans
- Alan Warde
- Christopher Webster
- Paul White
- Sue White
- Malcolm Wicks
- Antje Wiener
- Jane Wills
- Steve Woolgar
- Mike Wright
October 2011
[edit]There were 63 people elected to the fellowship in 2012:[12]
- Jackie Andrade
- Philip Arestis
- Clare Bambra
- Jonathan Beaverstock
- Nic Beech
- Tony Bennett
- Richard Black
- David Blunkett
- Alison Blunt
- Anthony Bradney
- Michael J. Bradshaw
- David Bridges
- Jacqui Briggs
- Pawan Budhwar
- Christopher Candlin
- James Conroy
- Terence Cox
- Philip Crang
- Heaven Crawley
- Teresa Cremin
- Paul Croll
- Leela Damodaran
- Christopher Day
- Klaus Dodds
- Lani Florian
- David Gibbs
- Jon Glasby
- Roger Goodman
- Robert Gray
- Morwenna Griffiths
- Peter Gronn
- James Hampton
- Philip Hanson
- Timothy Hatton
- David Forbes Hendry
- Valerie Hey
- Paul Heywood
- John Horne
- Rosemary Hunter
- Chris Husbands
- Anthony Kelly
- David Lavallee
- Michelle Lowe
- David Martin
- Matt Matravers
- John McCombie
- Paul Meara
- Bob Moon
- Edgar Morgenroth
- Rona Moss-Morris
- Debra Myhill
- Norbert Pachler
- Judith Pallot
- Michael Pidd
- Pat Pridmore
- David Raffe
- Peter Riddell
- Sheila Riddell
- Srikant Sarangi
- Peter Scott
- Keith Tester
- Peter Wostner
- Henry Wai-chung Yeung
March 2013
[edit]There were 35 people elected to the fellowship in March 2013:[13]
- Eric Anderson
- Judy Edworthy
- Paul Evans
- Marco Francesconi
- George Gaskell
- Grzegorz Gorzelak
- Mark D. Griffiths
- Sarah Grogan
- Malcolm Harrison
- Alan Holmans
- Barbara Harriss-White
- Jan Horwath
- David Hulme
- Hazel Johnson
- Naila Kabeer
- Keith Kirby
- Uma Kothari
- Michael Lamb
- Keith Lewin
- William Lindsay
- Fiona Mackay
- Lorna McKee
- Lydia Morris
- Paul Mosley
- Anne Phillips
- Kim Plunkett
- Jonathan Potter
- Peter Raynor
- Celia Roberts
- Constantine Sedikides
- Christopher Skelcher
- Gill Valentine
- Cyril Weir
- Ann Whitehead
- Ruth Wodak
August 2013
[edit]There were 51 people elected to the fellowship in August 2013:[14]
- Perri 6
- David Adams
- Martin Albrow
- Alison Anderson
- Adrian Bailey
- Jon Bannister
- Anne Barlow
- Michele Barrett
- Fran Bennett
- David Block
- Vanessa Burholt
- Matthew Carmona
- Neil Coe
- Philip Cowley
- Paul Crawford
- Stuart Cunningham
- John Curtice
- Stewart Fotheringham
- John Gabe
- Andrew Geddes
- Vincent Goodstadt
- Peter Hall
- Simon Halliday
- Stephen Hinchliffe
- Jenny Hockey
- Sarah Holloway
- Ian Rees Jones
- Desmond King
- Keith Kintrea
- Loretta Lees
- Constant Leung
- David Lyon
- Judith Masson
- Jon May
- David Morgan
- Linda Mulcahy
- Kevin Murray
- David Ormrod
- Stephen Osborne
- Joseph Painter
- Charles Pattie
- Christine Piper
- Lydia Plowman
- Philip Rees
- Tess Ridge
- Karen Rowlingson
- Neil Serougi
- Louise Stoll
- William Twining
- David Walker
- Anthony Gar-On Yeh
March 2014
[edit]There were 28 people elected to the fellowship in March 2014:[15]
- Peter Alldridge
- Jan Baars
- Suzy Braye
- Stephen Briggs
- Phillip Brown
- Mick Cooper
- Roger Cotterrell
- Brigid Featherstone
- Leslie J. Francis
- Susan Gathercole
- James Goodwin
- Owen Hargie
- Iain Hay
- John Heritage
- Jacqueline Hodgson
- Alan Irwin
- Robert Lindley
- Corinne May-Chahal
- Glynis Murphy
- Rory O’Connor
- John Pinkerton
- Denise Rousseau
- Peter Shirlow
- Bernard Silverman
- Carl Stychin
- Fran Wasoff
- Alison Wearden
- Bob Woods
September 2014
[edit]There were 34 people elected to the fellowship in September 2014:[16][17]
- Philip Allmendinger
- Arthur Aughey
- Ian Bache
- Jo Beall
- Richard Best, Baron Best
- Paul Boyle
- Peter Buckley
- Armando Carbonell
- Robert Chambers
- Michelle Cini
- Tony Dundon
- Louise Fitzgerald
- Francesca Gains
- Loraine Gelsthorpe
- Charles Gore
- Richard Hastings
- David Heald
- Glennys Howarth
- Stephen Hutchings
- Craig Jeffrey
- Jennifer Jenkins
- Peter Kirby
- Sarah Monk
- Nikos Ntoumanis
- Ian Rivers
- Elaine Sharland
- Nigel South
- Andrew Stark
- Corinne Swain
- Imogen Taylor
- Carole Torgerson
- Michael Wadsworth
- David Willetts
- Simon Williams
March 2015
[edit]There were 33 people elected to the fellowship in March 2015:[18]
- Yehuda Baruch
- Julian Birkinshaw
- Hugh Bochel
- Craig Calhoun
- Richard Collier
- Colin Copus
- David Crighton
- Vaneeta D'Andrea
- Nicholas Deakin
- Isabel Dyck
- Jane Elliott
- Jane Falkingham
- Becky Francis
- Theresa Gannon
- Rita Gardner
- Erica Haimes
- Sara Horrell
- Christopher Hughes
- David James
- David Jary
- Bob Kerslake
- Jill Manthorpe
- James Nazroo
- Edoardo Ongaro
- Deborah Oxley
- Martin Partington
- Andy Ross
- Hilary Sommerlad
- Aileen Stockdale
- Celia Wells
- Tim Whitaker
- Stephen Whittle
- James Wilsdon
October 2015
[edit]There were 46 people elected to the fellowship in October 2015:[19]
- Charles Alderson
- Alan Alexander
- Karl Atkin
- Dave Bartram
- John Beath
- Jan Bebbington
- David Bell
- Michael Bichard, Baron Bichard
- Genie Birch
- Jeffrey Braithwaite
- Ann Brooks
- Sylvia Chant
- Linda Clare
- Timothy M. Devinney
- Mark Exworthy
- Kiran Fernandes
- Stephen Frosh
- Nicholas Gallent
- Matthew Gandy
- Christopher Grey
- Karen Johnston
- Helen Kara
- David Lipsey, Baron Lipsey
- Kelvin MacDonald
- Anna Madill
- Russell Mannion
- Michael Murray
- Jane Ogden
- Eric Pentecost
- Jenny Phillimore
- Alison Pilnick
- Martin Powell
- Javaid Rehman
- Sasha Roseneil
- Louise Ryan
- Shamit Saggar
- Ingrid Schoon
- Neil Small
- Gareth Stansfield
- Ken Starkey
- Patricia Thomson
- Kavita Vedhara
- Judy Wajcman
- Ya Ping Wang
- Nicholas J. Wheeler
- Alys Young
[edit]There were 84 people elected to the fellowship in 2016:[20]
- Stephen Aldridge
- Davina Allen
- Ellen Annandale
- John Appleby
- Madeleine Atkins
- Jo-Anne Baird
- Jacqueline Barnes
- Steven Barnett
- Derek Birrell
- Martin Bull
- Frances Cairncross
- Paul Cairney
- Rona Campbell
- Clelio Campolina Diniz
- Eamonn Carrabine
- Nancy Cartwright
- Catherine Cassell
- Peter Cheese
- David Clark
- David M. Clark
- Greg Clark
- Bill Cooke
- Diane Coyle
- Leam Craig
- Angela Creese
- Mary Daly
- David Denyer
- Gillian Douglas
- Hamilton Fairfax
- Peter Fonagy
- Ann Francke
- Lynn Froggett
- Deborah Ghate
- Paul Ghuman
- Karen Glaser
- Brendan Gough
- Chris Green
- Emily Grundy
- Andy Haldane
- David Halpern
- Bernard Harris
- Neville Harris
- Steven Higgins
- Guy Holmes
- William Housley
- Charles Hulme
- John Kay
- David Lane
- Richard Layard, Baron Layard
- Robert MacIntosh
- Tim May
- David McCrone
- Derek McGhee
- Simon McGrath
- Hamish McRae
- Nigel Meager
- Janice Morphet
- Vanessa Munro
- Mee Kam Ng
- Gus O'Donnell
- Anthony O’Sullivan
- Barry O'Sullivan
- Joaquim Oliveira Martins
- Ben Page
- Alison Park
- Alan Petersen
- Catherine Pope
- Peter Pope
- Mark Priestley
- Bridget Rosewell
- Amanda Rowlatt
- Eileen Scanlon
- Mitchell Silver
- Nicholas Stern, Baron Stern of Brentford
- Patrick Sturgis
- Carol Tannahill
- Matthew Taylor
- Anthony Teasdale
- Claire Tyler, Baroness Tyler of Enfield
- Martin Walker
- David Webster
- Peter Williams
- Fulong Wu
- Gary Younge
March 2017
[edit]There were 47 people elected to the fellowship in March 2017:[21]
- Jo Aldridge
- Les Back
- Charles Baden-Fuller
- Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
- Paul Bartholomew
- Jeff Bishop
- Alison Bowes
- Adrian Burgess
- Jonathan Deer
- Theo Farrell
- Tess Fitzpatrick
- Luciano Floridi
- Ian Gazeley
- Gary Gillespie
- Barry Goldson
- John Haskey
- Anthea Hucklesby
- Mark Jenkins
- Carey Jewitt
- Alexandra Jones
- John Knagg
- Pauline Leonard
- Stephan Lewandowsky
- Desiree Lopez
- Katy Mason
- Ian Masser
- Nasar Meer
- Christopher Nobes
- Jim O'Neill, Baron O'Neill of Gatley
- Maury Peiperl
- Alison Phipps
- John Pullinger
- Helen Roberts
- Christopher Rodgers
- Joan R. Rosés
- Kirstein Rummery
- Eugene Sadler-Smith
- Andrew Seltzer
- Sally Sheldon
- Graham Smith
- Andy Stirling
- Patrick Tissington
- Azrini Wahidin
- Patrick Wallis
- Kaye Wellings
- Alan Wenban-Smith
- Jane Whittle
October 2017
[edit]There were 69 people elected to the fellowship in October 2017:[22]
- Svenja Adolphs
- Claire Alexander
- Louise Archer
- Michael Baynham
- Frans Berkhout
- William Bowring
- David Buchanan
- Pamela Campanelli
- Rebecca Chiu
- Peter Clinch
- Simon Collinson
- Paul Connolly
- Davina Cooper
- Viviene Cree
- Jonathan Crook
- Emma Donaldson-Feilder
- Joanne Duberley
- Simon Duncan
- Keri Facer
- Colette Fagan
- Sarah Franklin
- Trevor Gale
- Rachel Griffith
- Anthony Hall
- Richard Harris
- Marianne Hester
- Simona Iammarino
- Mark Israel
- Robyn Jones
- Andrew Kendrick
- Martin Kitchener
- Susanne Küchler
- Heather Laurie
- George Chu-sheng Lin
- Sonia Livingstone
- Vivien Lowndes
- Celia Lury
- Peter Lynn
- Fiona Magowan
- Jackie Marsh
- Natasha Mauthner
- Mariana Mazzucato
- Timothy McNamara
- Geoffrey Meen
- Paul Miller
- Arthur C. Nelson
- Alan Paterson
- Adrian Penfold
- Stephen Platt
- Sally Power
- Zoe Radnor
- Justin Rosenberg
- Andrew Sanders
- Jackie Scully
- Jonathan Spencer
- Karl Spracklen
- William Spurlin
- Jeanette Steemers
- Wendy Sykes
- Brian Taylor
- Vera Tolz
- Susan Van Scoyoc
- Peter Waldron
- Craig Watkins
- Matthew Weait
- Stephen Webb
- Cynthia Weber
- Teresa Williams
- Wei Yang
[edit]There were 58 people elected to the fellowship in 2018:[23]
- Julie Allan
- Vivienne Marie Baumfield[24]
- Kalwant Bhopal
- Sarah Birch
- Mark Birkin
- Katrina Brown[24]
- Wändi Bruine de Bruin
- Rosie Campbell
- Christopher Cramer
- Garry Crawford
- Elizabeth Dowler
- Rosaleen Duffy
- Peter Dwyer
- Trudi Elliott
- Rebecca Endean
- Terry Farrell
- Scott Fleming
- John Flint
- Jefferson Frank
- Caroline Gatrell
- Frank Geels
- Ann-Marie Gray
- Jane Green
- Chris Greer
- Debrah Harding
- Alma Harris
- Colette Henry
- Kathryn Hochstetler
- Peter Hopkins
- Paula Hyde
- Beate Jahn
- Deborah James
- Will Jennings
- Paul Johnson
- Michael Keith
- Ray Land
- Liz Lloyd
- Simon Marginson
- Kenneth McPhail
- Kathleen Montgomery
- Rachel Pain
- Gavin Parker
- Nicholas Pearce
- Jonathan Portes
- Claudio Radelli[24]
- Diane Richardson
- Nikolas Rose
- Dale Southerton
- Matthew Taylor, Baron Taylor of Goss Moor
- Peter Tufano
- John Turner
- Jeffrey Unerman
- Satnam Virdee
- Richard Wakeford
- Angelia Wilson
- Michael Woods
- Ian Wray
- Nuala Zahedieh
[edit]There were 73 people elected to the fellowship in 2019:[25]
- Neil Adger
- Stephen Anderson
- Georgios Antonopoulos
- Christopher Armitage
- Linda Bauld
- Tony Blackshaw
- Alice Bloch
- Christina Boswell
- Susan Bright
- Rachel Brooks
- Michael Burton
- Judith Cashmore
- Tarani Chandola
- David Collings
- Ross Coomber
- Roisin Corcoran
- Howard Davis
- David Demeritt
- Jean-Louis Denis
- Joe Devine
- Jenny Dibden
- Helga Dittmar
- Jane Duckett
- Leon Feinstein
- Simone Fullagar
- Alison Fuller
- Kristian Gleditsch
- Dabo Guan
- Mark Harrison
- Jo Hart
- David Hughes
- Adele Jones
- Caroline Knowles
- Tim Leunig
- Louise Locock
- Louise Mallinder
- William Maloney
- Robin Mansell
- Stephen McKay
- Paul Mizen
- Richard Moorhead
- Victor Murinde
- Karim Murji
- Anastasia Nesvetailova
- Melanie Nind
- Wendy Olsen
- Kevin O’Rourke
- Carrie Paechter
- Inderjeet Parmar
- Susan Parnell
- Hester Parr
- Steve Pile
- Jane Pollard
- Gary N. Powell
- Carol Propper
- Sarah Radcliffe
- Rafael Ramirez
- Gillian Rose
- Mark Saunders
- Joanne Scott
- Elizabeth Shepherd
- Julie-Marie Strange
- Mark Stuart
- Andrew Tatem
- Ian Tonks
- Christopher Tunnell
- Imogen Tyler
- Sarah Vickerstaff
- Justin Waring
- Rorden Wilkinson
- Daniel Wincott
- Sharon Wright
- Belinda Yuen
[edit]There were 73 people elected to the fellowship in 2020:[26]
- Claire Annesley
- Diamond Ashiagbor
- Sheena Asthana
- Suma Athreye
- Paul Baker
- Susan Banducci
- Ruth Boaden
- Frances Bowen
- Bridget Byrne
- Nigel Campbell
- Siobhan Campbell
- Jackie Carter
- Claire Colomb
- Andrea Cornwall
- Harry Dimitriou
- lain Docherty
- Sheila Dow
- Bobby Duffy
- Anthony Elliott
- Hugh Ellis
- Akwugo Emejulu
- James Fairhead
- Rory Fitzgerald
- Jacqui Gabb
- David Gadd
- Peter Geraghty
- Susan Golombok
- John Goodwin
- Irina Grugulis
- Gemma Harper
- Jackie Harrison
- Katy Hayward
- Karin von Hippel
- Damian Hodgson
- Tobias Kelly
- Michael Kenny
- Eleonore Kofman
- Martin Laffin
- Charlie Lewis
- Hui Lin
- Yipeng Liu
- Phil Macnaghten
- Ziyad Marar
- Graham Martin
- Fiona Matthews
- Aoife McDermott
- Susan McVie
- Christoph Meyer
- Daniel Miller
- Maxine Molyneux
- Catia Montagna
- Jonathan Morris
- Geoff Mulgan
- Kate Nation
- Waheed Nazir
- Jeremy Neathey
- David Owen
- John Pendlebury
- David Phinnemore
- Lucinda Platt
- Gillian Prior
- Kate Reed
- Heather Rolfe
- Natalie Shlomo
- Crispin Shore
- Christina Silver
- Richard Simmons
- Richard Walker
- Rob White
- Karl Wilding
- John Wilson
- Matthew Woollard
- Maja Zehfuss
[edit]There were 74 people elected to the fellowship in 2021:[27]
- Tahir Abbas
- Sabina Alkire
- Véronique Ambrosini
- Thankom Arun
- Andrew Barry
- Kelly Beaver
- Sam Beckett
- lain Bell
- Gurminder Bhambra
- Lorraine van Bierk
- David Booth
- Dermot Bowler
- Paul Bradshaw
- Jonathan Breckon
- Lucie Byrne-Davis
- Robert Chote
- Viki Cooke
- Jeremy Crampton
- Patricia Daley
- Pamela Maureen Denicolo
- Adam Dennett
- Meryem Duygun
- Mark Easton
- Stuart Fancey
- Xiaolan Fu
- Mark Galeotti
- Frances Gardner
- Sayantan Ghosal (economist)
- Samuel Greene
- Margaret Greenfields
- Mordechai Haklay
- Laura Hammond
- Shenjing He
- Kate Henderson
- Jane Holgate
- Jennifer Howard-Grenville
- Cecile Jackson
- Clare Kelliher
- Stewart Lansley
- Nina Laurie
- Sergio lavicoli
- Antonia Layard
- Melissa Leach
- Stavroula Leka
- Jo Little
- Clare Lombardelli
- Graham Miller
- Diana Mitlin
- Giles Mohan
- Emmanuel Ogbonna
- Adrian Pabst
- Sabu Padmadas
- Kathryn Pain
- Jamie Pearce
- John Preston
- Campbell Robb
- Kimberley Scharf
- Monika Schmid
- Tim Schwanen
- Minouche Shafik
- Wenzhong Shi
- Elisabete Silva
- Frances Stewart
- Andy Sumner
- Philip Taylor
- Malcolm Tight
- Michaela Trippl
- Liz Varga
- Bhaskar Vira
- Tim Vorley
- Anne White
- Dariusz Wójcik
- Kataryna Wolczuk
- Kathryn Woodward
March 2022
[edit]There were 47 people elected to the fellowship in March 2022:[28][29]
- Lynn Ang
- Neil Chakraborti
- Ha-Joon Chang
- William Clark
- Matthew Cole
- Fiona Copland
- Kavita Datta
- Feyisa Demie
- Esther Dermott
- Pauline Dixon
- Miatta Fahnbulleh
- Susan Fainstein
- John Field
- Edward Fieldhouse
- Robert Ford
- Glenn Fulcher
- Peter Fussey
- Paula Giliker
- Penelope Green
- Damian Grimshaw
- Philip Haynes
- Geraldine Healy
- Nola Hewitt-Dundas
- Klaus Hubacek
- Patricia Hynes
- Misa Izuhara
- Rodney Jones
- Tatia Lee
- David Ley
- Cathy Mcllwaine
- Chris Millward
- Richard Murphy
- Polly Neate
- Martin Orrell
- Lesley Palmer
- Jenny Pickerill
- Kate Pickett
- Jennie Popay
- Erika Rackley
- Allen J. Scott
- Lisa Scullion
- Katherine Smith
- Lynda Taylor
- Athina Vlachantoni
- Jackline Wahba
- Tracey Warren
- Joanna Wilde
September 2022
[edit]There were 40 people elected to the fellowship in September 2022:[30][31]
- Paul Barnard
- Michaela Benzeval
- Gargi Bhattacharyya
- Gillian Bristow
- Alison Brown
- Alex Bryson
- Andrew Chadwick
- Joanna Chataway
- Rosie Cox
- Tom Crick
- Bronwyn Curtis
- Caroline Dyer
- Qing Gu
- Ghassan Hage
- Nicky Hayes
- Andrew Hudson-Smith
- Helen Kennedy
- Helen Lambert
- Cristina lannelli
- Louise Mansfield
- Peter Merriman
- Aileen Murphie
- Alis Oancea
- Emma Parry
- Ian Preston
- Tracey Reynolds
- Emma Rich
- Michael Sanders
- Michele Schweisfurth
- Susie Scott
- Niamh Shortt
- Nidhi Singal
- Anthony Soares
- Matthew Spry
- Leon Tikly
- Paul Trowler
- Steve Tsang
- Denise Whitelock
- Carole Willis
- Tanya Wyatt
[edit]There were 55 people elected to the fellowship in 2023:[32]
- Nicola Ansell
- Natalie Armstrong
- Nick Bibby
- Elaine Campbell
- Louise Casey, Baroness Casey of Blackstock
- Andrew Choo
- John Denham
- Martin Dixon
- Thomas Dobson
- David Egan
- Giovanni Facchini
- Claire Farrow
- James Foreman-Peck
- Franz Fuerst
- Anthony Green
- Bishnupriya Gupta
- Paul Hibbert
- Helen Higson
- Bernardette Holmes
- Rusi Jaspal
- Rhys Jones
- Robert Klassen
- Anthony Liddicoat
- Chen Lin
- Hualou Long
- Carl Macrae
- Anne-Marie McAlinden
- Marie McHugh
- Friederike Mengel
- Anna Mountford-Zimdars
- Patricia Noxolo
- Franklin Obeng-Odoom
- Raquel Ortega-Argiles
- Tessa Parkes
- George Peretz
- Ann Pettifor
- Lisa de Propris
- Mo Ray
- Paula Reavey
- Deborah Riby
- Tirthankar Roy
- Toby Seddon
- Deirdre Shaw
- Nadia Siddiqui
- Diana Slade
- David Smith
- Laura Spence
- Kitty Stewart
- Philip Tomlinson
- Nick Vaughan-Williams
- Chris Warhurst
- Karen Wells
- Rebekah Widdowfield
- Tim Williams
- Dimitri Zenghelis
[edit]There were 41 people elected to the fellowship in 2024:[33]
- Michele Acuto
- Sarah Ayres
- John Boswell
- Tine Buffel
- Carlos Carrillo-Tudela
- Stephanie Decker
- Emilia Del Bono
- Kezia Dugdale
- Ruth Dukes
- Carl Emmerson
- Marie Fox
- Tim Gardam
- Karen Guldberg
- Paul Hackett
- Carol Holland
- Matthew Johnson
- Stephen D. King
- Dina Kiwan
- Melanie Klinkner
- Huck-ju Kwon
- Stuart Macdonald
- Ambreena Manji
- Ruth McAreavey
- Gráinne McKeever
- Chris Minns
- Daniel Monk
- Thérèse Murphy
- Jemina Napier
- Sarah Neal
- Catherine Needham
- Nicholas Phelps
- Lorna Philip
- Fernanda Pirie
- George Saridakis
- Rosalind Searle
- Sharifah Sekalala
- Gillian Tett
- Wendy Thomson
- Mark Walters
- Stian Westlake
- Tim Wildschut
See also
[edit]- ^ "Academicians now 'Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences'". News. Academy of Social Sciences. 4 July 2014. Archived from the original on 4 September 2014. Retrieved 4 September 2014.
- ^ "New Academicians", The Times Higher Education Supplement, 19 November 1999. Retrieved 4 February 2024.
- ^ "New Academicians 2002" (PDF). Social Science Bulletin. No. 4. Academy of Social Sciences. pp. 4–5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 July 2007.
- ^ "New Academicians 2003" (PDF). Social Science Bulletin. No. 6. Academy of Social Sciences. pp. 3–4. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 July 2007.
- ^ "New Academicians" (PDF). Social Science Bulletin. No. 9. Academy of Social Sciences. 2005. p. 4. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 July 2007. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "Congratulations to New Academicians" (PDF). AcSS Newsletter. Vol. 2, no. 1. Academy of Social Sciences. 2006. pp. 5–7. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 June 2007. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "Congratulations to New Academicians" (PDF). AcSS Newsletter. Vol. 2, no. 3. Academy of Social Sciences. 2006. pp. 5–8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 June 2007. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ a b "ALSSS Award". Comment. King's College London. May 2007. p. 12.
- ^ "CONFERMENT OF NEW ACADEMICIANS" (PDF) (Press release). Academy of Social Sciences. 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 February 2010. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "CONFERMENT OF NEW ACADEMICIANS" (PDF) (Press release). Academy of Social Sciences. 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 May 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "Appointments". Times Higher Education (THE). 13 October 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "New Academicians Welcomed". Academy of Social Sciences. Archived from the original on 12 October 2012. Retrieved 19 January 2024.
- ^ "New Academicians Welcomed". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 2013. Archived from the original on 29 March 2013. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "New Academicians" (PDF). Electronic Bulletin. Academy of Social Sciences. August 2013. pp. 5–7. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 May 2015. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
- ^ "New Academicians Announced". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 31 March 2014. Archived from the original on 13 April 2014. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "New Fellows Announced". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 2014. Archived from the original on 1 January 2015. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "CONFERMENT OF NEW FELLOWS" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). September 2014. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 August 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "New Fellows Announced". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). March 2015. Archived from the original on 5 August 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "Forty-six leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). Archived from the original on 6 July 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "Eighty-four leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 19 October 2016. Archived from the original on 25 October 2016. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "Forty-seven leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 31 March 2017. Archived from the original on 16 October 2018. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "Sixty-nine leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 13 October 2017. Archived from the original on 25 January 2018. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ "Fifty-eight leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 5 April 2018. Archived from the original on 15 April 2021. Retrieved 15 January 2024.
- ^ a b c "Articles | College of Social Sciences and International Studies | University of Exeter". socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk. 23 April 2018. Retrieved 11 October 2021.
- ^ "Seventy-three leading social scientists conferred as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 19 March 2019. Archived from the original on 25 April 2019. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Academy of Social Sciences Autumn Fellows – October 2020" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences. 2020. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 October 2020. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Autumn 2021 Fellows for conferment by institution" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences. 2021. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Academy of Social Sciences welcomes 47 leading social scientists to its Fellowship this spring". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 4 March 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Spring 2022 Fellows for Conferment by Institution" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences. 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Academy of Social Sciences confers Fellowship to 40 outstanding social scientists". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 1 September 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Autumn 2022 Fellows for Conferment by Institution" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences. 2022. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "Spring 2023 Fellows for Conferment by Institution" (PDF). Academy of Social Sciences. 2023. Retrieved 14 January 2024.
- ^ "The Academy of Social Sciences welcomes 41 leading social scientists to its Fellowship". Academy of Social Sciences (Press release). 4 March 2024. Retrieved 22 July 2024.