List of pro-European political parties
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This is a list of pro-European political parties in Europe, both active and defunct.
By country
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for Equality and European Justice | Albanian: Aleanca për Barazi dhe Drejtësi Europiane, Aromanian: Ligãturea ti Egaliteati shi Ndrept European | |
Freedom Party of Albania | Albanian: Partia e Lirisë | [1][2] |
G99 | ||
Libra Party | Albanian: Partia Libra | [3] |
Macedonian Alliance for European Integration | Albanian: Aleanca Maqedonase për Integrimin Europian, Macedonian: Македонска Алијанса за Европска Интеграција | |
New Democratic Spirit | Albanian: Fryma e Re Demokratike | |
Republican Party of Albania | Albanian: Partia Republikane e Shqipërisë | |
Unity for Human Rights Party | Albanian: Partia Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut, Greek: Κόμμα Ένωσης Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων | |
Volt Albania | Albanian: Volt Shqipëria | [4] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Armenian National Movement Party | Armenian: Հայկական ազգային շարժում, romanized: Hayots' hamazgayin sharzhum kusakts'ut'yun | |
Bright Armenia | Armenian: Լուսավոր Հայաստան, romanized: Lusavor Hayastan | |
Conservative Party | Armenian: Հայաստանի պահպանողական կուսակցություն, romanized: Hayastani pahpanoghakan kusakts'ut'yun | |
European Party of Armenia | Armenian: Հայաստանի եվրոպական կուսակցություն, romanized: Hayastani yevropakan kusakts'ut'yun | |
Fair Armenia Party | Armenian: Արդար Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Ardar Hayastan kusakts'ut'yun | |
For The Republic Party | Armenian: Հանրապետություն կուսակցության համար, romanized: Hanrapetut'yun kusakts'ut'yan hamar | |
Free Democrats | Armenian: Ազատ դեմոկրատներ, romanized: Azat demokratner | [5] |
Heritage | Armenian: Ժառանգություն, romanized: Zhaṙangut'yun | [6] |
Republic Party | Armenian: Հանրապետություն կուսակցություն, romanized: Hanrapetut'yun kusakts'ut'yun | |
Rule of Law | Armenian: Օրինաց երկիր, romanized: Orenk'i gerakayut'yun | |
Sasna Tsrer Pan-Armenian Party | Armenian: Սասնա Ծռեր համահայկական կուսակցություն, romanized: Sasna Tsřer hamahaykakan kusaktsutyun | |
Sovereign Armenia Party | Armenian: Ինքնիշխան Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Ink'nishkhan Hayastan kusakts'ut'yun | |
Union for National Self-Determination | Armenian: Ազգային ինքնորոշում միավորում, romanized: Azgayin ink'noroshum miavorum |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Austrian People's Party | German: Österreichische Volkspartei | [7] |
Social Democratic Party of Austria | German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | [8] |
The Greens – The Green Alternative | German: Die Grünen – Die Grüne Alternative | [9][10] |
NEOS – The New Austria and Liberal Forum | German: NEOS – Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum | [11] |
Der Wandel (Change) | [12] | |
Volt Austria | German: Volt Österreich |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Republican Alternative Party | Azerbaijani: Respublikaçı Alternativ Partiyası |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Belarusian Christian Democracy | Russian: Белорусская христианская демократия, romanized: Belorusskaya khristianskaya demokratiya Belarusian: Беларуская хрысьціянская дэмакратыя, romanized: Bielaruskaja chryścijanskaja demakratyja | |
Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly | Russian: Белорусская социал-демократическая Грамада, romanized: Belorusskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya Gramada, Belarusian: Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная Грамада, romanized: Bielaruskaja sacyjal-demakratyčnaja Hramada | |
Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly) | Russian: Белорусская социал-демократическая партия (Громада́), romanized: Belarusskaya Social-Demokraticheskaya Partiya (Hromada), Belarusian: Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная партыя (Грамада́) | |
BPF Party | Russian: Партия БНФ, romanized: Partiya BNF, Belarusian: Партыя БНФ, romanized: Partyja BNF | |
Party of Freedom and Progress | Russian: Партия свободы и прогресса, romanized: Partiya svobody i progressa, Belarusian: Партыя свабоды і прагрэсу, romanized: Partyja svabody i prahresu | |
United Civic Party | Russian: Объединённая гражданская партия, romanized: Obyedinonnaya grazhdanskaya partiya, Belarusian: Аб'яднаная грамадзянская партыя, romanized: Abjadnanaja hramadzianskaja partyja | |
United Democratic Forces of Belarus | Russian: Объединённые демократические силы, Belarusian: Аб'яднаныя дэмакратычныя сілы Беларусі |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch: Christen-Democratisch en Vlaam, West Flemish: Christen Democratisch en Vlaams | |
DéFI | ||
Ecolo | ||
Groen (Green) | ||
Les Engagés (The Committed Ones) | ||
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch: Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten, French: Libéraux et Démocrates Flamands Ouverts | [13] |
Reformist Movement | French: Mouvement Réformateur | |
Socialist Party | French: Parti Socialiste, Walloon: Pårti Socialisse | |
Volt Belgium | Dutch: Volt België, French: Volt Belgique, German: Volt Belgien | |
Vooruit (Forward) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Front | Bosnian: Демократски фронт, romanized: Demokratska fronta | |
Independent Bloc | Bosnian: Независни блок, romanized: Nezavisni blok | |
Our Party | Bosnian: Наша странка, romanized: Naša stranka | |
Party of Democratic Progress | Serbian: Партија демократског прогреса, romanized: Partija demokratskog progresa, Bosnian: Partija Demokratskog Progresa | |
Social Democratic Party | Bosnian: Социјалдемократска партија, romanized: Socijaldemokratska partija | |
Union for a Better Future of BiH | Bosnian: Savez za Bollju Budućnost BiH |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bulgaria for Citizens Movement | Bulgarian: Движение България на гражданите, romanized: Bulgariya na grazhdanite | |
Bulgarian Euro-Left | Bulgarian: Българска Евролевица, romanized: Bulgarska Evrolevitsa | |
Bulgarian Socialist Party (factions) | Bulgarian: Българска социалистическа партия, romanized: Balgarska sotsialisticheska partiya | [14][15] |
Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria | Bulgarian: Демократи за силна България, romanized: Demokrati za silna Balgariya | [16] |
GERB | Bulgarian: ГЕРБ | [17][18] |
Movement 21 | Bulgarian: Движение 21, romanized: Dvizhenie 21 | [19] |
Republicans for Bulgaria | Bulgarian: Републиканци за България, romanized: Republikantsi za Balgariya | [20] |
Stand Up.BG | Bulgarian: Изправи се.БГ, romanized: Izpravi se.BG | |
There is Such a People | Bulgarian: Има такъв народ, romanized: Ima takav narod | |
Union of Democratic Forces | Bulgarian: Съюз на демократичните сили, romanized: Sayuz na demokratichnite sili | [21][22][16] |
United People's Party | Bulgarian: Единна народна партия, romanized: Edinna narodna partiya | [19] |
Volt Bulgaria | Bulgarian: Волт България | [4] |
We Continue the Change | Bulgarian: Продължаваме промяната, romanized: Prodalzhavame promyanata | [23] |
Yes, Bulgaria! | Bulgarian: Да, България!, romanized: Da, Bulgariya! |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre | Croatian: Centar | |
Civic Liberal Alliance | Croatian: Građansko-Liberalni Savez | [24] |
Croatian Democratic Union | Croatian: Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica, lit. 'Croatian Democratic Community' | [25] |
Croatian Peasant Party | Croatian: Hrvatska Seljačka Stranka | [26][27] |
Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats | Croatian: Hrvatska Narodna Stranka – Liberalni Demokrati | [26] |
Croatian Social Liberal Party | Croatian: Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka | [28] |
Istrian Democratic Assembly | Croatian: Istarski Demokratski Sabor, Italian: Dieta Democratica Istriana | |
People's Party – Reformists | Croatian: Narodna Stranka – Reformisti | |
Social Democratic Party of Croatia | Croatian: Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske | [29] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party | Greek: Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα, romanized: Dimokratikó Kómma, Turkish: Demokrat Parti | |
Democratic Rally | Greek: Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός, romanized: Dimokratikós Sinagermós, Turkish: Demokratik Seferberlik | |
Movement for Social Democracy | Greek: Κίνημα Σοσιαλδημοκρατών, romanized: Kinima Sosialdimokraton | |
New Wave – The Other Cyprus | Greek: Νέο Κύμα - Η Άλλη Κύπρος | |
Volt Cyprus | Greek: Βολτ Κύπρος |
Czech Republic
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Mayors and Independents | Czech: Starostové a nezávislí | |
TOP 09 | Czech: TOP 09 | [30] |
Czech Pirate Party | Czech: Česká pirátská strana | [31] |
KDU-ČSL | Czech: KDU-ČSL | [32][33] |
Social Democracy | Czech: Sociální demokracie | [34] |
Green Party | Czech: Strana zelených, lit. 'Party of Greens' | [35] |
Volt Czech Republic | Czech: Volt Česko |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative People's Party | Danish: Det Konservative Folkeparti | [36] |
Danish Social Liberal Party | Danish: Radikale Venstre, lit. 'Radical Left' | [37] |
Moderates | Danish: Moderaterne | |
Social Democrats | Danish: Socialdemokraterne | [38] |
The Alternative | Danish: Alternativet | [39] |
Venstre | Danish: Venstre, lit. 'Left' | [40] |
Volt Denmark | Danish: Volt Danmark |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Estonian Greens | Estonian: Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised | |
Estonian Reform Party | Estonian: Eesti Reformierakond | |
Isamaa (Fatherland) | ||
Social Democratic Party | Estonian: Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond | [41] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Finnish: Suomen Keskusta, Swedish: Centern i Finland | |
Green League | Finnish: Vihreä Liitto, Swedish: Gröna Förbundet | |
National Coalition Party | Finnish: Kansallinen Kokoomus, Swedish: Samlingspartiet | |
Social Democratic Party of Finland | Finnish: Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, Swedish: Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti | |
Swedish People's Party of Finland | Swedish: Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland, Finnish: Suomen Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Agir (Act) | ||
Centrist Alliance | French: Alliance Centriste | |
Democratic European Force | French: Force Européenne Démocrate | |
Democratic Movement | French: Mouvement Démocrate | [42] |
En Commun (In Common) | ||
Europe Ecology – The Greens | French: Europe Écologie les Verts | |
Génération.s | ||
Horizons | ||
New Deal | French: Nouvelle Donne | |
Ecologist Party | French: Parti Écologiste | |
Place Publique (Public Place) | ||
Radical Party of the Left | French: Parti Radical de Gauche | [43] |
Radical Party | French: Parti Radical | [44] |
Renaissance | ||
Socialist Party | French: Parti Socialiste | |
Territories of Progress | French: Territoires de Progrès | |
The Centrists | French: Les Centristes | [45] |
The New Democrats | French: Les Nouveaux Démocrates | |
The Republicans | French: Les Républicains | |
Union of Democrats and Independents | French: Union des Démocrates et Indépendants | |
Volt France | French: Volt France |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Ahali | Georgian: ახალი | |
Citizens | Georgian: მოქალაქეები | |
Droa | Georgian: დროა | |
Free Democrats | Georgian: თავისუფალი დემოკრატები | |
European Georgia — Movement for Liberty | Georgian: ევროპული საქართველო – მოძრაობა თავისუფლებისთვის | |
For Georgia | Georgian: საქართველოსთვის | |
For the People | Georgian: ხალხისთვის | |
Georgian Labour Party | Georgian: საქართველოს ლეიბორისტული პარტია | |
Girchi | Georgian: გირჩი | |
Girchi — More Freedom | Georgian: გირჩი — მეტი თავისუფლება | |
Lelo for Georgia | Georgian: ლელო საქართველოსთვის | |
Republican Party of Georgia | Georgian: საქართველოს რესპუბლიკური პარტია | |
Solidarity Alliance of Georgia | Georgian: ჩვენი საქართველო — სოლიდარობის ალიანსი | |
Strategy Aghmashenebeli | Georgian: სტრატეგია აღმაშენებელი | |
United National Movement | Georgian: ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance 90/The Greens | German: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | |
Christian Democratic Union of Germany | German: Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands | |
Christian Social Union in Bavaria | German: Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern | |
Die PARTEI (The PARTY) | [46] | |
Free Democratic Party | German: Freie Demokratische Partei | |
MERA25 | German: Europäische realistische Ungehorsamfront, lit. 'European realistic disobedience front' | [47] |
Party of Humanists | German: Partei der Humanisten | [48] |
Social Democratic Party of Germany | German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | |
Volt Germany | German: Volt Deutschland |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
MeRA25 | Greek: Μέτωπο Ευρωπαϊκής Ρεαλιστικής Ανυπακοής, lit. 'European Realistic Disobedience Front' | [49] |
Movement of Democratic Socialists | Greek: Κίνημα Δημοκρατών Σοσιαλιστών, romanized: Kinima Dimokraton Sosialiston | |
New Democracy | Greek: Νέα Δημοκρατία, romanized: Néa Dimokratía | |
PASOK – Movement for Change | Greek: ΠΑΣΟΚ – Κίνημα Αλλαγής | |
Syriza | Greek: Συριζα | |
Union of Centrists | Greek: Ένωση Κεντρώων, romanized: Énosi Kentróon | |
Volt Greece | Greek: Βολτ Ελλάδας | [4] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Coalition | Hungarian: Demokratikus Koalíció | [50] |
Dialogue – The Greens' Party | Hungarian: Párbeszéd - A Zöldek Pártja | |
Hungarian Liberal Party | Hungarian: Magyar Liberális Párt | |
Hungarian Socialist Party | Hungarian: Magyar Szocialista Párt | |
Jobbik | Hungarian: Jobbik | [51] |
LMP – Hungary's Green Party | Hungarian: LMP – Magyarország Zöld Pártja | |
Momentum Movement | Hungarian: Momentum Mozgalom | [52][53][54] |
New Start | Hungarian: Új Kezdet |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Reform Party | Icelandic: Viðreisn | [55] |
Social Democratic Alliance | Icelandic: Samfylkingin | [56] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Fianna Fáil (Soldiers of Destiny) | ||
Fine Gael (Family of the Irish) | [57] | |
Green Party | Irish: Comhaontas Glas, lit. 'Green Alliance' | |
Labour Party | Irish: Páirtí an Lucht Oibre, lit. 'Party of the Working People' | |
Social Democrats | Irish: Na Daonlathaithe Sóisialta | |
Volt Ireland | Irish: Volt Éire |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Action | Italian: Azione | |
Alliance of the Centre | Italian: Alleanza di Centro | |
Article One | Italian: Articolo Uno | |
Centrists for Europe | Italian: Centristi per l'Europa | |
Civic Commitment | Italian: Impegno Civico | [58] |
Democratic Party | Italian: Partito Democratico | |
Europeanists | Italian: Europeisti | |
European Republicans Movement | Italian: Movimento Repubblicani Europei | |
èViva | Italian: It is Alive | |
Forza Europa (Forward Europe) | ||
Forza Italia (Forward Italy) | ||
Green Europe | Italian: Europa Verde | |
Italia Viva (Italy Alive) | ||
Italian Radicals | Italian: Radicali Italiani | |
Italian Republican Party | Italian: Partito Repubblicano Italiano | |
Italian Socialist Party | Italian: Partito Socialista Italiano | |
Liberal Democratic Alliance for Italy | Italian: Alleanza Liberaldemocratica per l'Italia | |
Moderates | Italian: Moderati | |
More Europe | Italian: Più Europa | |
Possible | ||
Sicilian Socialist Party | Italian: Partito Socialista Siciliano, Sicilian: Partitu Sucialista Sicilianu | |
Social Democrats | Italian: Socialdemocratici | |
Solidary Democracy | Italian: Democrazia Solidale | |
Team K | [59] | |
Together for the Future | Italian: Insieme per il Futuro | [60] |
Us of the Centre | Italian: Noi di Centro | |
Volt Italy | Italian: Volt Italia |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Kazakhstan | Kazakh: Қазақстанның Демократиялық Партиясы, romanized: Qazaqstannıñ Demokratïyalıq Partïyası | |
Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan | Kazakh: Қазақстанның Демократиялық Таңдауы, romanized: Qazaqstannıñ Demokratïyalıq Tañdawı | |
Aq Jol | Kazakh: Қазақстанның «Ақ жол» демократиялық партиясы, romanized: Qazaqstannyñ «Aq jol» demokratialyq partiasy | [61] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for the Future of Kosovo | Albanian: Aleanca për Ardhmërinë e Kosovës | [62] |
Democratic League of Kosovo | Albanian: Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës | |
Partia e Fortë (Strong Party) |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
For Latvia's Development | Latvian: Latvijas Attīstībai | |
Movement For! | Latvian: Kustība Par! | |
The Conservatives | Latvian: Konservatīvie | |
The Progressives | Latvian: Progresīvie | |
Unity | Latvian: Vienotība |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Freedom Party | Lithuanian: Laisvės Partija | |
Homeland Union | Lithuanian: Tėvynės Sąjunga | [63] |
Labour Party | Lithuanian: Darbo Partija | |
Liberals' Movement | Lithuanian: Liberalų sąjūdis | |
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania | Lithuanian: Lietuvos Socialdemokratų Partija |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Social People's Party | Luxembourgish: Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei, French: Parti Populaire Chrétien-Social, German: Christlich Soziale Volkspartei | [64] |
Democratic Party | (Luxembourgish: Demokratesch Partei, French: Parti Démocratique, German: Demokratische Partei | |
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party | Luxembourgish: Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei, French: Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois, German: Luxemburger Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei | |
The Greens | Luxembourgish: Déi Gréng, French: Les Verts, German: Die Grünen | [65] |
Volt Luxembourg | Luxembourgish: Volt Lëtzebuerg, French: Volt Luxembourg, German: Volt Luxemburg |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
AD+PD | ||
Labour Party (factions) | Maltese: Partit Laburista | |
Nationalist Party | Maltese: Partit Nazzjonalista | |
Volt Malta |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Moldova | Romanian: Partidul Democrat din Moldova | [66] |
European People's Party of Moldova | Romanian: Partidul Popular European din Moldova | |
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova | Romanian: Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova | [67] |
Liberal Party | Romanian: Partidul Liberal | |
National Alternative Movement | Romanian: Mișcarea Alternativa Națională | |
Party of Action and Solidarity | Romanian: Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate | |
People's Party of the Republic of Moldova | Romanian: Partidul Popular din Republica Moldova | |
Pro Moldova |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bosniak Party | Bosnian: Bošnjačka stranka, Montenegrin: Бошњачка странка | |
Civis | Montenegrin: Цивис | |
Democratic Montenegro | Montenegrin: Демократска Црна Гора, romanized: Demokratska Crna Gora | [68] |
Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro | Montenegrin: Демократска партија социјалиста Црне Горе, romanized: Demokratska partija socijalista Crne Gore | |
DEMOS | Montenegrin: ДЕМОС | |
Liberal Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin: Либерална партија Црне Горе, romanized: Liberalna partija Crne Gore | |
Social Democratic Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin: Социјалдемократска партија Црне Горе, romanized: Socijaldemokratska partija Crne Gore | |
Social Democrats of Montenegro | Montenegrin: Социјалдемократе Црне Горе, romanized: Socijaldemokrate Crne Gore | |
Socialist People's Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin: Социјалистичка народна партија Црне Горе, romanized: Socijalistička narodna partija Crne Gore | |
United Reform Action | Montenegrin: Грађански покрет Уједињена реформска акција, romanized: Građanski pokret Ujedinjena reformska akcija | |
We Won't Give Up Montenegro | Montenegrin: Не дамо Црну Гору, romanized: Ne damo Crnu Goru |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic Appeal | Dutch: Christen-Democratisch Appèl | |
Democrats 66 | Dutch: Democraten 66 | |
GroenLinks (GreenLeft) | ||
Labour Party | Dutch: Partij van de Arbeid | |
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy | Dutch: Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie | |
Volt Netherlands | Dutch: Volt Nederland |
North Macedonia
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for Albanians | Albanian: Aleanca për Shqiptarët, Macedonian: Алијанса за Албанците, romanized: Alijansa za Albancite | |
Besa Movement | Albanian: Lëvizja Besa, Macedonian: Движење Беса, romanized: Dviženje Besa | |
Democratic Union for Integration | Albanian: Bashkimi Demokratik për Integrim, Macedonian: Демократска унија за интеграција, romanized: Demokratska unija za integracija | [69] |
Liberal Democratic Party | Macedonian: Либерално-демократска Партија, romanized: Liberalno-demokratska Partija | |
New Social Democratic Party | Macedonian: Нова социјалдемократска партија, romanized: Nova socijaldemokratska partija | |
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia | Macedonian: Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија, romanized: Socijaldemokratski sojuz na Makedonija, Albanian: Lidhja socialdemokrate e Maqedonisë | |
VMRO – People's Party | Macedonian: ВMPO–Народна Партија, romanized: VMRO–Narodna Partija | [70] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative Party | Bokmål: Høyre, lit. 'Right', Nynorsk: Høgre, lit. 'Right', Northern Sami: Olgešbellodat | |
Labour Party (factions) | Bokmål: Arbeiderpartiet, Nynorsk: Arbeidarpartiet, Northern Sami: Bargiidbellodat | |
Liberal Party | Norwegian: Venstre, lit. 'Left', Northern Sami: Gurutbellodat | [71] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic Platform | Polish: Platforma Obywatelska | |
Left Together | Polish: Lewica Razem | [72] |
Modern | Polish: Nowoczesna | |
New Left | Polish: Nowa Lewica | |
Poland 2050 | Polish: Polska 2050 | |
Polish Initiative | Polish: Inicjatywa Polska | |
Polish People's Party | Polish: Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe | |
Polish Socialist Party | Polish: Polska Partia Socjalistyczna | [73] |
The Greens | Polish: Partia Zieloni | |
Union of European Democrats | Polish: Unia Europejskich Demokratów | |
Your Movement | Polish: Twój Ruch, lit. 'Your Move' |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Liberal Initiative | Portuguese: Iniciativa Liberal | |
LIVRE (FREE) | [74] | |
People–Animals–Nature | Portuguese: Pessoas–Animais–Natureza | |
Social Democratic Party | Portuguese: Partido Social Democrata | |
Socialist Party | Portuguese: Partido Socialista | |
Volt Portugal |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Green Party | Romanian: Partidul Verde | |
National Liberal Party | Romanian: Partidul Național Liberal | |
People's Movement Party | Romanian: Partidul Mișcarea Populară | [75] |
PRO Romania | Romanian: PRO România | [76] |
Party of the Roma | Romanian: Partida Romilor „Pro Europa” lit. 'Party of the Roma “Pro Europe”', Vlax Romani: Partida le Romenge | [77] |
Renewing Romania's European Project | Romanian: Reînnoim Proiectul European al României | [78][79] |
Romanian Socialist Party | Romanian: Partidul Socialist Român | [80] |
Save Romania Union | Romanian: Uniunea Salvați România | |
Volt Romania | Romanian: Volt România |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Russia | Russian: Демократическая Партия России, romanized: Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii | |
Green Alternative | Russian: Зелёная альтернатива, romanized: Zelyonaya al'ternativa | |
People's Freedom Party | Russian: Партия народной свободы, romanized: Partiya narodnoy svobody | |
Russia of the Future | Russian: Россия Будущего, romanized: Rossiya Budushchego | |
Yabloko | Russian: Яблоко | [81] |
San Marino
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic 10 | Italian: Civico 10 | |
Euro-Populars for San Marino | Italian: Europopolari per San Marino | |
Future Republic | Italian: Repubblica Futura | |
Party of Democrats | Italian: Partito dei Democratici | |
Party of Socialists and Democrats | Italian: Partito dei Socialisti e dei Democratici | [82] |
Sammarineses for Freedom | Italian: Sammarinesi per la Libertà | |
Socialist Party | Italian: Partito Socialista | [83] |
Union for the Republic | Italian: Unione per la Repubblica | [84] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic Democratic Forum | Serbian: Грађански демократски форум, romanized: Građanski demokratski forum | |
Democratic Party | Serbian: Демократска странка, romanized: Demokratska stranka | |
Liberal Democratic Party | Serbian: Либерално демократска партија, romanized: Liberalno demokratska partija | |
Movement for Reversal | Serbian: Покрет за преокрет, romanized: Pokret za preokret | |
Movement of Free Citizens | Serbian: Покрет слободних грађана, romanized: Pokret slobodnih građana | |
New Party | Serbian: Нова странка, romanized: Nova stranka | |
Party of Freedom and Justice | Serbian: Странка слободе и правде, romanized: Stranka slobode i pravde | |
Party of Modern Serbia | Serbian: Странка модерне Србије, romanized: Stranka moderne Srbije | |
People's Party | Serbian: Народна странка, romanized: Narodna stranka | |
Serbia 21 | Serbian: Србија 21, romanized: Srbija 21 | |
Serbian Progressive Party | Serbian: Српска напредна странка, romanized: Srpska napredna stranka | |
Social Democratic Party | Serbian: Социјалдемократска странка, romanized: Socijaldemokratska stranka | |
Together for Serbia | Serbian: Заједно за Србију, romanized: Zajedno za Srbiju | [85][86] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic Movement | Slovak: Kresťanskodemokratické Hnutie | [87] |
Democrats | Slovak: Demokrati | |
For the People | Slovak: Za Ľudí | |
Hungarian Alliance | Hungarian: Magyar Szövetség, Slovak: Maďarská Aliancia | [88] |
Progressive Slovakia | Slovak: Progresívne Slovensko | |
Slovakia | Slovak: Slovensko | |
Voice – Social Democracy | Slovak: Hlas – Sociálna Demokracia | [88] |
Volt Slovakia | Slovak: Volt Slovensko |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia | Slovene: Demokratična Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije | [89] |
Freedom Movement | Slovene: Gibanje Svoboda | [90] |
New Slovenia | Slovene: Nova Slovenija | [91][92] |
Slovenian People's Party | Slovene: Slovenska Ljudska Stranka | [93] |
Social Democrats | Slovene: Socialni Demokrati | [94] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Citizens | Spanish: Ciudadanos, Catalan: Ciutadans, Basque: Hiritarrak, Galician: Cidadáns | [95] |
For a Fairer World | Spanish: Por un Mundo más Justo | [96] |
Greens Equo | Spanish: Verdes Equo | |
People's Party | Spanish: Partido Popular | [97] |
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party | Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español | |
Volt Spain | Spanish: Volt España |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Swedish: Centerpartiet | |
Christian Democrats | Swedish: Kristdemokraterna | |
Liberals | Swedish: Liberalerna | |
Moderate Party | Swedish: Moderata Samlingspartiet, lit. 'Moderate Coalition Party' | |
Swedish Social Democratic Party | Swedish: Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Parti | |
Volt Sweden | Swedish: Volt Sverige |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Green Liberal Party of Switzerland | German: Grünliberale Partei, French: Parti Vert'libéral, Italian: Partito Verde-Liberale, Romansh: Partida Verda-Liberala | |
Green Party of Switzerland (factions) | German: Grüne Schweiz, French: Les Vertes Suisses, Italian: Verdi Svizzeri, Romansh: Verda Svizra | [98] |
Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (factions) | German: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz, French: Parti Socialiste Suisse, lit. 'Swiss Socialist Party', Italian: Partito Socialista Svizzero, lit. 'Swiss Socialist Party', Romansh: Partida Socialdemocrata da la Svizra | [99][100] |
Volt Switzerland | German: Volt Schweiz, French: Volt Suisse, Italian: Volt Svizzera, Romansh: Volt Svizra |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Left Party | Turkish: Demokratik Sol Parti | [101] |
Democrat Party | Turkish: Demokrat Parti | [102] |
Democracy and Progress Party | Turkish: Demokrasi ve Atılım Partisi, lit. 'Democracy and Enterprise Party' | [103] |
Future Party | Turkish: Gelecek Partisi | [104] |
Good Party | Turkish: İyi Parti | [105][106] |
Homeland Party | Turkish: Memleket Partisi | [107] |
Liberal Democratic Party | Turkish: Liberal Demokrat Parti | |
Peoples' Democratic Party | Turkish: Halkların Demokratik Partisi, Kurdish: Partiya Demokratîk a Gelan[108] | |
Republican People's Party | Turkish: Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi | [109] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) | Ukrainian: Батьківщина | [110] |
European Party of Ukraine | Ukrainian: Європейська партія України, romanized: Yeropeys'ka partiya Ukraïni | |
European Solidarity | Ukrainian: Європейська солідарність, romanized: Yevropeis'ka solidarnist' | |
Holos (Voice/Vote) | Ukrainian: Голос | [111][112] |
Our Ukraine | Ukrainian: Наша Україна, romanized: Nasha Ukraïna | |
People's Front | Ukrainian: Народний фронт, romanized: Narodiny front | [110] |
Self Reliance | Ukrainian: Самопоміч, romanized: Samopomich | [113] |
Servant of the People | Ukrainian: Слуга народу, romanized: Sluha narodu | |
Ukrainian People's Party | Ukrainian: Українська Народна Партія, romanized: Ukrains'ka Narodna Partiya | |
Volt Ukraine | Ukrainian: Вольт Україна |
United Kingdom
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance EPP: European People's Party UK | [114] | |
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | [115] | |
Animal Welfare Party | [116] | |
Co-operative Party | [117] | |
Green Party Northern Ireland | [118] | |
Green Party of England and Wales | Welsh: Plaid Werdd Cymru a Lloegr, Cornish: Party Gwer Pow an Sowson ha Kembra | [119] |
Labour Party (factions) | [120] | |
Liberal Democrats | [121][122] | |
Mebyon Kernow (Sons of Cornwall) | [123] | |
Rejoin EU Party | [124] | |
Scottish Greens | Scots: Scots Green Pairty, Scottish Gaelic: Pàrtaidh Uaine na h-Alba | [125] |
Scottish National Party | Scots: Scots National Pairty, Scottish Gaelic: Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba | [126] |
Social Democratic and Labour Party | Irish: Páirtí Sóisialta Daonlathach an Lucht Oibre | [127] |
Volt UK | [128] | |
Women's Equality Party | [129] |
[edit]Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Union of Reform Forces of Yugoslavia | Serbo-Croatian: Савез реформских снага Југославије, romanized: Savez reformskih snaga Jugoslavije |
See also
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- ^ Partia Libra Official website of Partia Libra
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