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Голуэй с препятствием

Голуэй с препятствием
Темно -зеленый, белый обруч, белые рукава, темно -зеленая кепка Темно -синий и бордовый чек, темно -синие рукава, бордовые звезды на кепке Голубой, оранжевый обруч, оранжевая ручка, расквартированная крышка
Нюрбургринг Ндвави Мой приятель Моззи
Предыдущие годы
Emerald green, dark green sleeves, dark green cap, emerald green spots Red, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap Light blue, orange hoop, orange armlet, quartered cap
Zarak The Brave Jesse Evans My Mate Mozzie
Emerald green, yellow sleeves, white cap, yellow spots Red, white stars on sleeves, white star on cap Red, black seams, black and red check sleeves, black cap, red star
Tudor City Jesse Evans Prairie Dancer
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Light blue, black halved sleeves, yellow cap Red, white stars, black sleeves and cap
Saldier Milkwood Cape Gentleman
Emerald green, maroon chevron, white sleeves, white cap, maroon diamond Emerald Green and Orange Hooped, emerald green cap, white star Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star
Aramon Hearts Are Trumps Petit Mouchoir
Emerald green, yellow sleeves, white cap, yellow spots Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap
Tudor City Due Reward Band of Outlaws
Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves, light green cap Emerald Green and Orange Hooped, emerald green cap, white star White, black epaulettes, maroon and white diabolo on sleeves, black and maroon quartered cap
Sharjah Blazer Leoncavallo
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Pink and grey diamonds, pink sleeves and cap Royal blue, light blue star, white sleeves, royal blue stars, white cap, royal blue star
Tigris River Swamp Fox Airlie Beach
Grey, pink hoop, grey sleeves, grey cap Emerald green and mauve halved, sleeves reversed, white cap Emerald green and orange hoops, red cap
Clondaw Warrior Hidden Cyclone Princely Conn
Emerald green, yellow sleeves, white cap, yellow spots Pink, light green spots, pink sleeves and cap Emerald green, yellow sleeves, yellow cap
Quick Jack Max Dynamite Ted Veale
Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap Maroon, white triple diamond, white armlet, white star on cap Maroon, white star and armlet, white cap
Thomas Edison Bayan The Game Changer
Brown and yellow quartered, yellow sleeves, brown cap, yellow spots Dark blue, yellow diamond and sleeves, yellow cap, red diamond Maroon, white star and armlet, maroon cap, white star
Missunited Flaxen Flare Make Your Mark
Dark blue, orange and dark blue halved sleeves, dark blue cap Pink, white hollow box, pink cap Emerald green and orange hooped, white cap
Rebel Fitz Cause of Causes Captain Cee Bee
Royal blue, pink stars White, black and royal blue hooped sleeves, black and royal blue striped cap Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow stars on sleeves, quartered cap
Moon Dice Fosters Cross Dirar
Yellow, royal blue seams, grey sleeves, royal blue seams, royal blue cap Maroon, white panel and stars on sleeves, maroon cap, white star Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow stars on sleeves, quartered cap
Overturn Bahrain Storm Dirar
Yellow and purple hoops, black sleeves and cap Dark blue and white hoops, white chevrons on sleeves, striped cap Royal blue and white diamonds, royal blue sleeves, white star on cap
Bahrain Storm Deutschland Lucky Wish
PINK, brown stars, quartered cap EMERALD GREEN, yellow panel, emerald green cap ROYAL BLUE, white sash, quartered cap
Indian Pace Eagle's Pass Northern Alliance
Royal blue, tartan sash and sleeves, royal blue cap BLACK, yellow disc and armlet, yellow cap Emerald green, yellow panel, emerald green cap
Farmer Brown Freeloader Eagle's Pass
Yellow and purple quartered, yellow sleeves, purple armlet, quartered cap Yellow and purple chevrons, yellow sleeves, purple cap ROYAL BLUE, pink epaulettes and armlet, pink cap
Cuan Na Grai Shandon Star The Last Hurrah
EmGreen,royal blue chevron,green and white hooped slvs,yellow cap,green stars Maroon and white stripes, maroon cap, white hoop Mauve and royal blue (halved), mauve sleeves, quartered cap
More Rainbows Tiger Cry Callow Lake
ROYAL BLUE and YELLOW DIAMONDS,yellow sleeves,royal blue cap,yellow diamonds Yellow, green star and sleeves, red cap LIGHT BLUE and DARK BLUE STRIPES, light blue sleeves, light blue cap, orange star
Cloone River Gemini Guest Mirpour
DARK GREEN, orange triple diamond, dark green cap, orange diamond ROYAL BLUE and YELLOW DIAMONDS,yellow sleeves,royal blue cap,yellow diamonds WHITE, purple sash, white cap, purple spots
Sabadilla Cloone River Lafayette
Red, green sleeves, white cap, red spots YELLOW, royal blue epaulettes, yellow cap, royal blue star White, black hoop and armlets, red cap, black star
Say Again Mutakarrim Just Our Job
PINK, light blue stars, pink sleeves and cap Emerald green and yellow hoops, white cap Emerald green and yellow hoops, white cap
Ansar The Gatherer Vivo
Light green, black epaulets, green cap, black star DARK BLUE, yellow panel, check cap Dark green, white sleeves, dark green stars, white cap
Perugino Diamond Darialann Barba Papa
Maroon, white hoop, yellow cap Yellow, blue stripe, striped sleeves, spots on cap Emerald green and yellow hoops, white cap
Quinze Dance So Suite Vivo
DARK GREEN, royal blue sash and cap Emerald green and yellow hoops, white cap Pink, grey seams, grey cap, pink star
Black Queen Tidjani Shantarini
Orange, large dark blue spots, royal blue sleeves, orange spots, blue cap, orange star White, black stripe Royal blue, white hooped sleeves, white cap, green star
Toast The Spreece Kinnescash Valley Erne
Orange, black triple diamond, stars on cap Grey, maroon triple diamond and seams on sleeves, grey cap, maroon diamonds Light green, black epaulets, green cap, black star
Mystical City Space Trucker Just Little
Red, emerald green stripe and sleeves, quartered cap YELLOW, royal blue epaulettes, yellow cap, royal blue star YELLOW, royal blue epaulettes, yellow cap, royal blue star
No Tag Saibot Skipo
Grey, maroon triple diamond and seams on sleeves, grey cap, maroon diamonds Maroon and white check, white cap Red, emerald green stripe and sleeves, quartered cap
Oh So Grumpy Royal Print No Tag
Dark blue, yellow diamond, hooped cap Maroon and blue check, maroon sleeves, yellow cap Royal blue and red (quartered), white sleeves and cap
Camden Buzz Mubadir Native Portrait
Light green, white sleeves, yellow cap Royal blue, orange chevron, striped cap Orange, green sleeves, red cap, green star
Natalies Fancy Natural Ability Mansion House
Royal Blue, Red diamond, Red and Royal Blue diabolo on sleeves, Red cap, Royal Blue diamond YELLOW, royal blue epaulettes, yellow cap, royal blue star Black, red chevron, white sleeves, black and red hooped cap
Sagaman Cheering News Cock Cockburn

Halway Hurdle - это национальная гонка на охоту в Ирландии, которая открыта для лошадей в возрасте четырех лет и старше. Он работает в Голуэе на расстоянии около 2 миль (2 мили и 11 ярдов, или 3229 метров), и во время его бега есть девять препятствий, которые нужно подпрыгнуть. Это гонка с гандикапом , и она должна проводиться каждый год в конце июля или начале августа.

Мероприятие проводится во время семидневного фестивального собрания Голуэя . Он был основан в 1913 году, и в первом забеге была выиграна Красная девица . В течение первых шести лет он был оспорен на 1,5,5 мили. Гонка теперь спонсируется Гиннессом .

Самая успешная лошадь с 1988 года (2 победы):

  • Город Тюдор (2019, 2022)

Ведущий жокей с 1988 года (3 победы):

  • Патрик Маллинс - Шарджа (2018), Арамон (2020), Салдье (2021)

Ведущий тренер с 1988 года (6 побед):

  • Вилли Маллинс - Мистик Сити (1996), Клондав Воина (2016), Шарджа (2018), Арамон (2020), Салдье (2021), Зарак Храбрый (2023)

Победители с 1988 года

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Год Победитель Возраст Масса Жокей Тренер
1988 Попробуйте бренди 6 09-07 Гарри Роджерс Марти Данн
1989 Я уверен 5 09-07 Фрэн наводнение [ А ] М. Макдона
1990 Ати дух 5 10–11 Том Тааффе Вилли Феннин
1991 Бэкман 5 10–12 Филипп Фентон [ А ] LJ Codd
1992 Натали фантазии 6 10-03 Джейсон Титли Пэт Келли
1993 Камден Базз 5 10–12 Чарли Свон Пэдди Маллинс
1994 О, так сварливо 6 10-09 Марк Дуайер Джессика Харрингтон
1995 Нет дня 7 10–11 Джейсон Титли Пэт Келли
1996 Mystical City 6 10-01 David Casey Willie Mullins
1997 Toast the Spreece 5 10-09 Tony McCoy Aidan O'Brien
1998 Black Queen 7 10-02 Shay Barry John Kiely
1999 Quinze 6 11–12 Richard Dunwoody Pat Hughes
2000 Perugino Diamond 4 09-08 Jim Culloty Seamus O'Farrell
2001 Ansar 5 09-09 Paul Carberry Dermot Weld
2002 Say Again 6 10-07 John Cullen Paul Nolan
2003 Sabadilla 9 09-07 Pat Verling Pat Verling
2004 Cloone River 8 10-07 John Cullen Paul Nolan
2005 More Rainbows 5 09-10 Niall Madden Noel Meade
2006 Cuan Na Grai 5 10-09 Paddy Flood Paul Nolan
2007 Farmer Brown 6 10–11 Davy Russell Pat Hughes
2008 Indian Pace 7 09-10 Paul Townend John Kiely
2009 Bahrain Storm 6 10–12 Stephen Gray Pat Flynn
2010 Overturn 6 11-06 Graham Lee Donald McCain Jr
2011 Moon Dice 6 10-04 Tom Doyle Paul Flynn
2012 Rebel Fitz 7 11-05 Davy Russell Michael Winters
2013 Missunited 6 10-08 Robbie Power Michael Winters
2014 Thomas Edison 7 10-06 Tony McCoy Tony Martin
2015 Quick Jack 6 10-04 Denis O'Regan Tony Martin
2016 Clondaw Warrior 9 11-05 Ruby Walsh Willie Mullins
2017 Tigris River 6 10-09 Barry Geraghty Joseph O'Brien
2018 Sharjah 5 11-07 Patrick Mullins [a] Willie Mullins
2019 Tudor City 7 11-00 Robbie Power Tony Martin
2020 Aramon 7 11-10 Patrick Mullins [a] Willie Mullins
2021 Saldier 7 11-10 Patrick Mullins [a] Willie Mullins
2022 Tudor City 10 10-11 Liam McKenna Tony Martin
2023 Zarak The Brave 4 11-05 Paul Townend Willie Mullins
2024 Nurburgring 4 10-10 JJ Slevin Joseph O'Brien
  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e amateur jockey

Earlier winners

  • 1913 – Red Damsel
  • 1950 – Lady's Find
  • 1951 – Wye Fly
  • 1952 – Warrenscourt Lad
  • 1953 – Prince of Devon
  • 1954 – Cloudless Days
  • 1955 – Antigue II
  • 1956 - Айви Грин
  • 1957 - Замок Таймон
  • 1958 - Рыцарь
  • 1959 - Cashel View
  • 1960 - Поручение
  • 1961 - Cynge Noir / Newgrove *
  • 1962 – Tripacer
  • 1963 – Snow Trix
  • 1964 – Extra Stout
  • 1965 – Ticonderoga
  • 1966 – Warkey
  • 1967 – Muir
  • 1968 – Annalong
  • 1969 - Хорошо
  • 1970 - Dictora
  • 1971 - Вид на шоссе
  • 1972 - Хардбой
  • 1973 - Лесабель
  • 1974 - просто для развлечения
  • 1975 – Double Default / Spanner *
  • 1976 – Negrada
  • 1977 – Paddy Bouler
  • 1978 – Prince Tammy
  • 1979 – Hard Tarquin
  • 1980 – Pearlstone
  • 1981 - двойной завернутый
  • 1982 - Пинтератор
  • 1983 - Пинтератор
  • 1984 - Тара Ли
  • 1985 - Strathline
  • 1986 - Рашмур
  • 1987 - Bellilly

* Гонка 1961 года была мертвой и содержит совместных победителей.
* В 1975 году было два победителя, так как гонка была разделена на отдельные подразделения.

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