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Бейсбольная награда Америки Ист -конференция

В конце каждого регулярного сезона Америка Восточная конференция называет основными лауреатами наград в бейсболе. В настоящее время это называет тренера, кувшина, игрока и новичка года. За исключением новичка года, который был добавлен в 1996 году, награды датируются сезоном 1990 года, первого сезона бейсбола конференции. В течение сезона 1996 года награды были известны как главные награды Северной Атлантической конференции, бывшего имени Америки Востока.

В конце сезона 2019 года Stony Brook получил 21 Major Awards, большую часть любой школы на конференции. У Мэна есть вторая по величине общее количество, с 20. Три других школы имеют не менее десяти: Бингемтон (19), Делавэр (17) и Вермонт (10). [ 1 ]

В 25 -летней истории конференции одна команда охватила награды шесть раз. Три случая пришли до 1996 года (когда новичок года был добавлен в качестве четвертой награды): Центральный Коннектикут в 1990 году и Делавэр в 1992 и 1995 годах. С 1996 года Стоуни Брук получил награды в 2011 и 2012 годах , и Хартфорд сделал это в 2018. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Тренер года

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The conference's Coach of the Year award is presented annually to its most outstanding baseball coach, as chosen by a vote of the conference's coaches at the end of the regular season. The award was first presented in 1990 and was known as the North Atlantic Conference Coach of the Year award through the 1996 season, after which the conference adopted its current name.

In 2014, Stony Brook's Matt Senk won the award for the third time, after the Seawolves went 33–16 in the regular season and won the America East's regular season title. Senk won four awards in five years from 2011 to 2015.[3] 2014 was the sixth consecutive season in which the award was presented to the coach whose team won the conference's regular season title.[1]

Binghamton head coach Tim Sinicki has won the most Coach of the Year awards, with six.[1]

Maine is the only school to have multiple coaches win the award. Paul Kostacopoulos won it in 1997 and 2001, and Steve Trimper won it in 2013.[1]

Winners by season


The following is a table of the award's winners in each season since it was inaugurated in 1990. The table also includes the winner's school, conference record and rank in the standings, and overall record.

Season Coach School Conf. (Rk.) Overall
1990[1][4] George Redman Central Connecticut 9–5 (2nd) 25–14
1991[1][5] Neil McPhee Northeastern 12–3 (2nd) 35–15
1992[1][6] Bob Hannah Delaware 14–13 (3rd) 28–21
1993[1][7] Dave Bettencourt New Hampshire 15–10 (2nd) 23–20
1994[1][5] Neil McPhee (2) Northeastern 18–6 (2nd) 35–16
1995[1][6] Bob Hannah (2) Delaware 19–3 (1st) 45–14
1996[1][6] Bob Hannah (3) Delaware 19–5 (1st) 44–12
1997[1][8] Paul Kostacopoulos Maine 16–8 (2nd) 24–27
1998[1][6] Bob Hannah (4) Delaware 22–2 (1st) 43–10
1999[1][9] Mike Gottlieb Towson 20–7 (1st) 33–19
2000[1][6] Bob Hannah (5) Delaware 19–5 (1st) 37–20
2001[1][8] Paul Kostacopoulos (2) Maine 20–8 (2nd) 36–15
2002[1][10] Bill Currier Vermont 14–8 (2nd) 27–22
2003[1][10] Bill Currier (2) Vermont 17–5 (1st) 32–14
2004[1][11] Jon Mueller Albany 14–7 (T–2nd) 37–14
2005[1][12] Tim Sinicki Binghamton 12–8 (4th) 23–26
2006[1][10] Bill Currier (3) Vermont 16–8 (1st) 19–32
2007[1][12] Tim Sinicki (2) Binghamton 17–5 (1st) 28–19
2008[1][13] John Jancuska UMBC 13–11 (3rd) 21–29
2009[1][12] Tim Sinicki (3) Binghamton 13–7 (1st) 30–22
2010[1][12] Tim Sinicki (4) Binghamton 21–3 (1st) 31–20
2011[1][14] Matt Senk Stony Brook 22–2 (1st) 42–12
2012[1][14] Matt Senk (2) Stony Brook 21–3 (1st) 52–15
2013[1][15] Steve Trimper Maine 20–9 (1st) 37–22
2014[3][16] Matt Senk (3) Stony Brook 18–5 (1st) 35–18
2015 Matt Senk (4) Stony Brook 18–4–1 (1st) 35–16–1
2016 Tim Sinicki (5) Binghamton 19–5 (1st) 30–25
2017 Tim Sinicki (6) Binghamton 15–4 (1st) 30–13
2018 Justin Blood Hartford 16–8 (1st) 26–31
2019 Jon Mueller (2) Albany 14–9 (2nd) 28–21

Winners by school


The following is a table of the schools whose coaches have won the award, along with the year each school joined the conference, the number of times it has won the award, and the years in which it has done so.

School (year joined) Awards Seasons
Binghamton (2002) 6 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017
Delaware (1992)[a] 5 1992, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000
Stony Brook (2002) 4 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015
Maine (1990) 3 1997, 2001, 2013
Vermont (1990)[b] 3 2002, 2003, 2006
Northeastern (1990)[c] 2 1991, 1994
Albany (2002) 2 2004, 2019
Central Connecticut (1990)[d] 1 1990
Hartford (1990) 1 2018
New Hampshire (1990)[e] 1 1993
Towson (1996)[f] 1 1999
UMBC (2004) 1 2008
  1. ^ Following the 2001 season, Delaware left the America East to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  2. ^ Vermont cut its baseball program following the 2009 season.
  3. ^ Following the 2005 season, Northeastern left the America East to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  4. ^ Following the 1990 season, Central Connecticut left the NAC to join the East Coast Conference.
  5. ^ New Hampshire cut its baseball program following the 1997 season.
  6. ^ Following the 2001 season, Towson left the America East to re-join the Colonial Athletic Association.

Pitcher of the Year

2005 winner Adam Ottavino while pitching for the MLB's Colorado Rockies.

The conference's Pitcher of the Year award is given annually to the best pitcher in the America East, as chosen by a vote of the conference's coaches at the end of the regular season. The award was first presented in 1990 and was known as the North Atlantic Conference Pitcher of the Year award through the 1996 season, after which the conference adopted its current name.

Hartford pitcher Sean Newcomb won the award in 2014. Newcomb went 8–2 with a 1.25 ERA on the year. He was the first Hawk to receive the award and was selected in the first round of the 2014 MLB Draft by the Los Angeles Angels.[17] Newcomb became the first pitcher in the America East to be selected in the first round.[18]

Stony Brook's Nick Tropeano is the only pitcher to win the award twice. He won the award in both 2010 (when he shared it with Binghamton's James Guglietti) and 2011.[19]

Four of the award's winners – Maine's Larry Thomas, Northeastern's Adam Ottavino, Stony Brook's Nick Tropeano, and Hartford's Sean Newcomb – have gone on to pitch in the MLB.

Winners by season


The following is a table of the award's winners in each season since it was inaugurated in 1990.

Season Pitcher School
1990[1] David Adam Central Connecticut
1991[1] Larry Thomas Maine
1992[1][20] Jason Pierson Delaware
1993[1][21] Mark Ballard Maine
1994[1] Jeremy Benson Delaware
1995[1][22] Jamie Wilson Delaware
1996[1][23] Justin Romano Hofstra
1997[1][24] Garrett Quinn Maine
1998[1][25] Matt Phillips Delaware
1999[1][26] Greg Montalbano Northeastern
2000[1][27] Rich McGuire Delaware
2001[1][28] Rusty Tucker Maine
2002[1][29] Mike MacDonald Maine
2003[1][30] Jamie Merchant Vermont
2004[1][31] Jordan Thomson Northeastern
2005[1][32] Adam Ottavino Northeastern
2006[1][33] Zach Groh Binghamton
2007[1][34] Gary Novakowski Stony Brook
2008[1][35] Joe Serafin Vermont
2009[1][36] Murphy Smith Binghamton
2010[1][37] James Giulietti
Nick Tropeano
Stony Brook
2011[1][19] Nick Tropeano Stony Brook
2012[1][38] Tyler Johnson Stony Brook
2013[1][39] Tommy Lawrence Maine
2014[17] Sean Newcomb Hartford
2015 Conrad Wozniak UMBC
2016[1][40] Mike Bunal Binghamton
2017[1][41] Nick Gallagher Binghamton
2018 Nicholas Dombkoski Hartford
2019 Ben Anderson Binghamton

Winners by school


The following is a table of the schools whose pitchers have won the award, along with the year each school joined the conference, the number of times it has won the award, and the years in which it has done so.

School (year joined) Awards Seasons
Maine (1990) 6 1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2013
Binghamton (2002) 6 2006, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2019
Delaware (1992)[a] 5 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2000
Stony Brook (2002) 4 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012
Northeastern (1990)[b] 3 1999, 2004, 2005
Hartford (1990) 2 2014, 2018
Vermont (1990)[c] 2 2003, 2008
UMBC (2004) 1 2015
Central Connecticut (1990)[d] 1 1990
Hofstra (1995)[e] 1 1996
  1. ^ Delaware left following the 2001 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  2. ^ Northeastern left following the 2005 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  3. ^ Vermont cut its baseball program after the 2009 season.
  4. ^ Central Connecticut left after the 1990 season to join the East Coast Conference.
  5. ^ Hofstra left after the 2001 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.

Player of the Year

1991 recipient Mark Sweeney.
1998 and 1999 recipient Kevin Mench.

The conference's Len Harlow Player of the Year award is given annually to the best pitcher in the America East, as chosen by a vote of the conference's coaches at the end of the regular season. The award was first presented in 1990 and was known as the North Atlantic Conference Player of the Year award through the 1996 season, after which the conference adopted its current name. It is named for Len Harlow, who worked in athletic communications for Maine and the conference.[42]

In 2012, Stony Brook outfielder Travis Jankowski became the first America East Player of the Year award winner to be drafted in the first round of the MLB Draft, and the second America East player overall after Northeastern's Carlos Peña.[43]

Delaware's Kevin Mench is the only player to win the award twice. He did so in 1998 and 1999.[1]

Five recipients – Maine's Mark Sweeney, Delaware's Cliff Brumbaugh, Mench, Vermont's Matt Duffy, and Stony Brook's Travis Jankowski – have appeared in the MLB.

Winners by season


The following is a table of the award's winners in each season since it was inaugurated in 1990.

Season Pitcher School Ref
1990 Mike Sciortino Central Connecticut [1]
1991 Mark Sweeney Maine [44]
1992 Brian Wallace Delaware [1]
1993 Chad White Maine [1]
1994 Derek Gauthier Northeastern [45]
1995[22] Cliff Brumbaugh Delaware
1996[46] James Vallillo Towson
1997[47] Brian August Delaware
1998[48] Kevin Mench Delaware
1999[48] Kevin Mench Delaware
2000[49] Andrew Salvo Delaware
2001[50] Gregg Davies Towson
2002[51] Jeff Barry Vermont
2003[52] Bobby Tewksbury Vermont
2004[53] Dan Schoonmaker Albany
2005[54] Mathieu Bergeron Binghamton
2006[55] Kyle Brault Vermont
2007[34] Brendon Hitchcock Binghamton
2008[56] Curt Smith Maine
2009[57] Matt Duffy Vermont
2010[58] Corey Taylor Binghamton
2011[59] Willie Carmona Stony Brook
2012[60] Travis Jankowski Stony Brook
2013[56] Michael Fransoso Maine
2014 Kevin Krause Stony Brook [61]
2015 Jack Parenty Stony Brook [62]
2016 David MacKinnon Hartford [63]
2017 Toby Handley Stony Brook
2018 Nick Campana Sr. Hartford
2019 Nick Grande Stony Brook

Winners by school


The following is a table of the schools whose players have won the award, along with the year each school joined the conference, the number of times it has won the award, and the years in which it has done so.

School (year joined) Awards Seasons
Delaware (1992)[a] 6 1992, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Stony Brook (2002) 6 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019
Maine (1990) 4 1991, 1993, 2008, 2013
Vermont (1990)[b] 4 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009
Binghamton (2002) 3 2005, 2007, 2010
Hartford (1990) 2 2016, 2018
Towson (1996)[c] 2 1996, 2001
Albany (2002) 1 2004
Central Connecticut (1990)[d] 1 1990
Northeastern (1990)[e] 1 1994
  1. ^ Delaware left after the 2001 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  2. ^ Vermont cut its baseball program following the 2009 season.
  3. ^ Towson left after the 2001 season to re-join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  4. ^ Central Connecticut left after the 1990 season to join the East Coast Conference.
  5. ^ Northeastern left after the 2005 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.

Rookie of the Year


The conference's Rookie of the Year award is given annually to the best freshman in the America East, as chosen by a vote of the conference's coaches at the end of the regular season. The award was added in 1996.[1]

In 2014, Stony Brook closer Cameron Stone won the award. In the regular season, he had a 1.48 ERA and eight saves. He was the fifth consecutive Seawolf to win the award.[64]

Two of the award's recipients – Delaware's Kevin Mench and Binghamton's Scott Diamond – later played in the MLB.

Winners by season


The following is a table of the award's winners in each season since it was inaugurated in 1990. The table also includes the winner's school, conference record and rank in the standings, and overall record.

Season Pitcher School
1996[1][65] Lou Marchetti Drexel
1997[1][66] Kevin Mench Delaware
1998[1][25] Bruce Boehm Drexel
1999[1][67] Mike Ross Maine
2000[1][68] Joe Drapeau Maine
2001[1][68] Mike Collar Maine
2002[1][69] Jon Lewis Stony Brook
2003[1][68] Greg Norton Maine
2004[1][53] Miguel Magrass Vermont
2005[1][70] Scott Diamond Binghamton
2006[1][71] Kevin McAvoy Maine
2007[1][72] Myckie Lugbauer Maine
2008[1][73] Peter Bregartner Binghamton
2009[1] David Ciocchi Binghamton
2010[1][64] Willie Carmona Stony Brook
2011[1][64] Brandon McNitt Stony Brook
2012[1][64] Cole Peragine Stony Brook
2013[1][64] Jack Parenty Stony Brook
2014[1][64] Cameron Stone Stony Brook
2015 Justin Courtney Maine
2016 Bret Clarke Stony Brook
2017 Christian Torres UMBC
2018 Nicholas Dombkoski Hartford
2019 Thomas Babalis Binghamton

Winners by school


The following is a table of the schools whose players have won the award, along with the year each school joined the conference, the number of times it has won the award, and the years in which it has done so.

School (year joined) Awards Seasons
Maine (1990) 7 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2015
Stony Brook (2002) 7 2002, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016
Binghamton (2002) 4 2005, 2008, 2009, 2019
Drexel (1992)[a] 2 1996, 1998
Delaware (1992)[b] 1 1997
Hartford (1990) 1 2018
UMBC (2004) 1 2017
Vermont (1990)[c] 1 2004
  1. ^ Drexel left after the 2001 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  2. ^ Delaware left after the 2001 season to join the Colonial Athletic Association.
  3. ^ Vermont cut its baseball program after the 2009 season.


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca "2014 America East Baseball Record Book" (PDF). AmericaEast.com. Archived from the original (PDF) on June 9, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  2. ^ "Hartford Sweeps Major Awards as 2018 #AEBASE All-Conference Teams Announced". americaeast.com. Retrieved 2019-04-23.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Warner, Pete (May 21, 2014). "Lawrence, Heath Headline UMaine Picks for All-America East Baseball Squad". BangorDailyNews.com. Archived from the original on September 17, 2016. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  4. ^ "Remembering Blue Devil George Redman". CCSUBlueDevils.com. CCSU Sports Communications. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b McLoone, Dan (April 10, 2014). "Sports Column: Farewell Tour". HuntNewsNU.com. The Huntington News. Archived from the original on May 23, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e "A Long-Time Baseball Coach Announces Retirement". UDel.edu. Archived from the original on August 8, 2007. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  7. ^ Brown, Roger (June 12, 1999). "Bettencourt Turned WHS Around". SeacoastOnline.com. Archived from the original on June 29, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b Mahoney, Larry (June 27, 2005). "UM Baseball Coach Leaves, AD Next: Kostacopoulos Accepts 6-Year Contract at Navy". BangorDailyNews.com. Archived from the original on May 22, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  9. ^ Free, Bill (May 20, 1999). "Towson's Reversal of Fortune". BaltimoreSun.com. Archived from the original on December 19, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b c "UVM Baseball Eliminated from America East Tourney". WCAX.com. Channel 3 WCAX. Archived from the original on June 29, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  11. ^ "2006 Journalist: Jon Mueller, University at Albany". CollegeBaseballInsider.com. Archived from the original on September 5, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Mangan, Mike (June 3, 2014). "Five Questions: Binghamton University's Tim Sinicki". PressConnects.com. Press & Sun-Bulletin. Archived from the original on 2014-06-28. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  13. ^ "Jancuska Resigns from UMBC: Coach Rebuilt UMBC Baseball Program 34 Years Ago". BaltimoreSun.com. June 3, 2011. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b "Senk, Stricklin Share CBI Coach-of-the-Year Honors". CollegeBaseballInsider.com. July 5, 2012. Archived from the original on September 5, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  15. ^ Warner, Pete (May 21, 2013). "UMaine's Fransoso Named America East Baseball MVP: Lawrence, Trimper Also Honored". BangorDailyNews.com. Archived from the original on December 26, 2013. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
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  19. ^ Jump up to: a b "Profile of Astros RHP Nick Tropeano". The Futurists. Archived from the original on July 28, 2014. Retrieved July 19, 2014.
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