Геркулес Турати

Граф Геркулес Турати или Эрколе Турати (1829–1881, Милано ) был богатым миланским банкиром и натуралистом. Он приобрел образцы естественной истории и создал очень большую частную коллекцию из более чем 20 000 образцов птиц, в основном установленных, которые включают в себя вымерший великий AUK . Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Di Milano был построен, чтобы разместить образцы, которые его наследники пожертвовали городу после его смерти. Однако большое количество образцов было уничтожено во время воздушного налета в 1943 году.
Иллюстрация Аквила Nipalensis и A. heliaca от Vittorio Turati, напечатанной с использованием процесса Sincromio
Портрет Турати Себастьяно де Альбертис (1828–1897)
Along with his brother Ernesto, he also made collections of the nests and eggs of the birds of Lombardy.[1] Along with Tommaso Salvadori, he described Pharomachrus xanthogaster in 1874 as the yellow-billed quetzal from Bogota which was considered later as a colour variant of Pharomachrus auriceps but may represent a hybrid.[2] After his death, his collection was transferred to the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano which was constructed to house it.[3] This collection was curated by Giacinto Martorelli and Edgardo Moltoni.[4][5][6] Several species of birds are named after him including Picoides pubescens turati and Laniarius turatii. A brother, Vittorio Turati was a pioneer photographer who developed a process of printing varying tints called Sincromia or Synchromie. Some prints made using this process were included in Martorelli's catalogue of Turati's raptor collections.[7] His son Emilio Turati (1858 - 1938) was an entomological collector.
[edit]- ^ Bolle, Carl (1867). "Storia naturale degli uccelli che nidificano in Lombardia, ad illustrazione della raccolta ornitologica dei fratelli Ercole ed Ernesto Turati". Journal für Ornithologie. 15 (4): 278–281. Bibcode:1867JOrni..15..278B. doi:10.1007/BF02317661. S2CID 36881728.
- ^ Turati, Count; Salvadori, T. (2009). "Description of a New Trogon of the Genus Pharomacrus". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 42: 652. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1874.tb02521.x.
- ^ Anon. (1888). "Letters, Extracts, Notices, &c. - The Turati Collection". Ibis. 6: 150. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1888.tb07732.x.
- ^ Martorelli, Giacinto (1895). Monografia Illustrata degli Uccelli di Rapina in Italia. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli.
- ^ Martorelli, Giacinto (1918). "Obituary". Ibis. 60 (3): 496–498. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1918.tb00793.x.
- ^ Violani, Carlo (2008). "Obituary: Edgardo Moltoni". Ibis. 123 (2): 251–252. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1981.tb00935.x.
- ^ "[Editorial]". The Photogram. 3 (32): 199. 1896.