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108th Territorial Defense Brigade (Ukraine)

108th Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces
Ukrainian: 108-ма окрема бригада територіальної оборони
Active2 July 2018 - present
Country Ukraine
BranchArmed Forces of Ukraine
TypeMilitary reserve force
RoleLight infantry
Part of Territorial Defense Forces
Garrison/HQ Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
MUN А7036

The 108th Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces (Ukrainian: 108-ма окрема бригада територіальної оборони) is a military formation of the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. It is part of Operational Command East.





On 2 July 2018 the brigade was formed in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. From January to mid February 2022 brigade formed all headquarters of its subordinate units. From 24 February brigade began filling its ranks to the full wartime state.[1]

A rifle company of the Brigade began training on 27 September 2018. Brigade and battalion commanders with combat experience also took part in exercises.[2]

From 15 to 17 May 2019 a joint exercise with police, national guard, security service, civilian medics, local government officials and fire rescue took place in various areas of the Oblast.[3]

On 3 September 2019 the 101st Defense Battalion held exercise on the training ground of 17th Tank Brigade.[4]

On 30 July 2021 103rd Defense Battalion held a one-day joint training in Pavlohrad.[5]

Russo-Ukrainian War


2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine


During February and March 2022 Brigade was used in defense of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. However, in April, some units were transferred to Donetsk Oblast on border with Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Their first action was defending Velyka Novosilka and Vremivka villages. A unit of the Brigade was used to attack enemy lines in direction of Mariupol, to draw out enemy forces and allow Marines to join Azov Regiment. Colonel Dmytro Herasymenko September was appointed brigade commander in September. On 2 October, the brigade received its battle flag.[6] Until November, Brigade was stationed in Donetsk Oblast. After heavy fighting units were transferred out from front lines for rest and replenishment. During the next month units underwent more training and were sent to Zaporizhzhia Oblast border near city of Orikhiv. During December part of the brigade joined newly formed 3rd Assault Brigade.[1] The 98th Defense Battalion 'Azov-Dnipro' became 1st Mechanized Battalion of the new Assault brigade.[7] After the Azov fighter were transferred, the 98th battalion received a new commander and is continuing service with the 108th Brigade.[8]

101st Defense Battalion had a peace time strength of 44[9]-46[10] soldiers and officers. On 25 February its strength was already 545.[9] On 11 March 2022[11] the battalion which by this point was a large formation, became the 129th Territorial Defense Brigade.[10]



As of 2022 the brigade's structure is as follows:


  • Lieutenant Colonel Oleksandr Padetskyi 2018-2022[19]
  • Lieutenant Colonel Oleh Syvokon 2022[20]
  • Colonel Dmytro Herasymenko September 2022[1] – present

See also



  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c Shkarupa, Svitlana (1 August 2023). "Дніпропетровські тероборонівці: від Великої Новосілки до Оріхова" [Dnipropetrovsk Territorial Defense: from Velyka Novosilka to Orikhiv]. mig.com.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  2. ^ "На Дніпропетровщині розпочалися навчання бійців територіальної оборони" [Training of territorial defense fighters has begun in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast]. dnipro.depo.ua (in Ukrainian). 27 September 2018. Archived from the original on 19 August 2019. Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  3. ^ "На Дніпропетровщині пройдуть штабні навчання з територіальної оборони" [Staff exercises on territorial defense will be held in Dnipropetrovsk region]. adm.dp.gov.ua (in Ukrainian). 14 May 2019. Archived from the original on 6 November 2022. Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  4. ^ "Єдиний стрілецький день: вишкіл для бійців тероборони на полігоні 17-ої танкової бригади" [The only shooting day: training for territorial defense fighters at the training ground of the 17th tank brigade]. rudana.com.ua (in Ukrainian). 3 September 2019. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b "Бойцы территориальной обороны Павлограда играючи отбили атаку российских наемников" [Soldiers of the territorial defense of Pavlograd effortlessly repulsed the attack of Russian mercenaries]. beg.dp.ua (in Russian). 30 July 2021. Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  6. ^ Kovalchuk, Oksana (3 October 2022). "115 окрема Житомирська бригада Сил територіальної оборони ЗСУ отримала Бойовий прапор" [The 115th separate Zhytomyr Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received the Battle Flag]. Suspilne (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  7. ^ Liskovych, Myroslav (5 May 2023). "Незламні, нескорені, неспинні — легендарні: "Азову" — 9 років" [Unbreakable, unconquered, unstoppable - legendary: "Azov" - 9 years]. ukrinform.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b ""Азов-Дніпро" у ході контрнаступальних дій ліквідував окупантів" ["Azov-Dnipro" in the course of counteroffensive actions eliminated the occupiers]. mil.in.ua (in Ukrainian). 10 August 2022. Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b "Юрій Сіньковський: Ми створили мобільні штурмові групи та допомагали десантникам, які потрапили у засідку" [Yurii Sinkovskyi: We created mobile assault groups and helped paratroopers who were ambushed]. armyfm.com.ua (in Ukrainian). 2 February 2023. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b "Лайфхаки зв'язківців" [Life hacks of communicators]. tro.mil.gov.ua (in Ukrainian). 7 March 2023. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  11. ^ Khomenko, Hanna (11 March 2023). "Сьогодні перша річниця створення Криворізької окремої бригади територіальної оборони" [Today is the first anniversary of the creation of the Kryvyi Rih Separate Territorial Defense Brigade]. 0564.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  12. ^ "Військові подякували Олені Плахотнік за волонтерську допомогу" [The military thanked Olena Plakhotnik for her volunteer assistance]. ba.org.ua (in Ukrainian). 16 July 2023. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  13. ^ "Воєнком Кам'янського подякував Олегу Нагорному за допомогу і підтримку" [Military Commissar of Kamiansky thanked Oleh Nahornyi for his help and support]. metallurg.dp.ua (in Ukrainian). 31 March 2020. Archived from the original on 12 January 2020. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  14. ^ "Профутбол Digital організував збір коштів на тепловізори для ЗСУ" [Profutbol Digital organized a fundraiser for thermal imagers for the Armed Forces]. champion.com.ua (in Ukrainian). 3 July 2022. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  15. ^ Nimchenko, Svitlana (4 August 2023). ""У військових завжди багато потреб і допомоги їм буде достатньо тільки тоді, коли вони вийдуть на державні кордони", – волонтер Руслан Чупрін" ["The military always have a lot of needs and help will be enough for them only when they go to the state borders", - volunteer Ruslan Chuprin]. venal-nk.com.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  16. ^ Kibarov, Olha (23 February 2022). "Тероборона Новомосковська: де знаходиться та про сам батальйон" [Teroborona Novomoskovsk: where it is located and about the battalion itself]. 0569.com.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  17. ^ "Про введення комендантської години" [About the introduction of curfew]. slovsr.dp.gov.ua (in Ukrainian). 25 February 2022. Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  18. ^ Davydenko, Hryhorii (16 March 2023). "Добровольці Межівщини воюють і ростять хліб" [Volunteers of the Mezhiv region fight and grow bread]. gazeta-fp.com.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  19. ^ Zaliubovskyi, Ihor (2 November 2021). "Територіальна оборона як основа національного спротиву" [Territorial defense as the basis of national resistance]. ArmyInform (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 16 August 2023.
  20. ^ Kolmohorov, Serhii (22 February 2022). "Територіальна оборона Дніпра: Як Філатов задумав створити у місті свій Ізраїль" [Territorial defense of the Dnipro: How Filatov planned to create his own Israel in the city]. dnipro.depo.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 16 August 2023.
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