Список жертв черной январской трагедии

Черный январь, также известный как январская резня, стал жестоким подавлением гражданского населения Баку 19–20 января 1990 года в рамках чрезвычайного положения во время роспуска Советского Союза. Генеральный секретарь Советской коммунистической партии Михаил Горбачев и министр обороны Дмитрий Язов утверждали, что военное право необходимо, чтобы помешать усилиям азербайджанского движения независимости, чтобы свергнуть правительство Советского Азербайджани. Согласно официальным оценкам Азербайджана, 147 гражданских лиц были убиты, 800 человек получили ранения, а пять человек пропали без вести. В резолюции от 22 января 1990 года Верховный Совета Азербайджанского ССР заявил, что указ о Президиуме Верховного Совета СССР от 19 января использовался для наведения чрезвычайного правила в Баку и военного развертывания, представляло собой акт агрессии.
Этот список содержит 138 человек, которые стали жертвами кровавого январского атаки, большинство из которых умерли 20 января 1990 года во время работы советских войск в столице Азербайджанского ССР . [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Большинство из них были похоронены в переулке мучеников . Несколько человек считаются пропавшими без вести, убиты или похоронены в другом месте. [ 3 ]
№ | Имя мученика | Дата рождения | Национальность | Занятие | Обстоятельства смерти | Дата смерти |
1 | Аллахвердиев Илхам Адждар | 1962 | Азербаньяни | Работник верфи | Застрелен. [ 4 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
2 | Аллахвердиев Нариман Амир | 1939 | Азербаньяни | Уборщик | Умер в результате умственного шока | 20 января 1990 года |
3 | Аллахвердиева Фарриза Чабан | 1970 | Азербаньяни | Студент | Совершил самоубийство после смерти ее мужа. [ 4 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
4 | Аббасова Фарида Зариман дочь | 1952 | Азербаньяни | Застрелил на балконе ее дома. [ 5 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
5 | Аббасов Зохраб Хейдарали Оглу | 1970 | Азербаньяни | Избитый на площади 11 -й Красной Армии. [ 6 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
6 | Аббасов Сабир Рзагулу Оглу | 1968 | Азербаньяни | Работник в аэропорту Бина | Выстрелил, умер в больнице. [ 7 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
7 | Абдуллав Тариэль Оруэль Оруй Онг | 1949 | Азербаньяни | Работник | Умер на площади 11 -й Красной Армии. Машина, которая отвезла его в больницу, попала под огонь и перевернулась. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] | 27 января 1990 года |
8 | Абдуллав Захид Абдулла Оглу | 1959 | Азербаньяни | Работник | Выстрелил в голову во время стрельбы в автобусе. [ 10 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
9 | Абдуллав Тариэль Хаджлу | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Работник, член популярного фронта | Арестован в Ланкаране. По дороге в Баку он был задушен военными в вертолете. [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] | 26 января 1990 года |
10 | Abdullaev Eyys Mahmoud Oglu | 1967 | Азербаньяни | Работник | Убит в отеле Нахичевана. [ 15 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
11 | Абилхансановский Иргар Юсайф Сын | 1967 | Азербаньяни | Полицейский сержант | Был остановлен на улице для контроля документов. Его застрелили, достигнув документов. [ 16 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
12 | Абабатов. | 1958 | Азербаньяни | Вышел на шум стрельбы, помог раненым и был ранен сам. Умер по дороге в больницу. [ 17 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
13 | Aghaverdiyev lion alikram oglu | 1952 | Азербаньяни | Продавец | Умер от множественных ран в брюшной полости. [ 18 ] | 21 января 1990 года |
14 | Аамассова из Яри медленно | 1957 | Азербаньяни | Электрик | Был застрелен, пытаясь помочь раненым. [ 19 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
15 | Агахусеиновский Нёндин Аслан сын | 1951 | Азербаньяни | Готовить | Выстрелил в свою машину по дороге домой. [ 20 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
16 | Азизов Хабил Кунар Оглу | 1968 | Азербаньяни | Студент Азербайджанского экономического института | Услышав стрельбу, он и его друзья пошли в казармы Салиана. Был найден утром в морге больницы Семашко. [ 21 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
17 | Аляскаров Заур Расим Оглу | 1969 | Азербаньяни | Выстрелил в спину на 11 -й Красной Армейской площади. [ 22 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
18 | Алакбаров Ази | 1967 | Азербаньяни | Студент режиссерского факультета Азербайджанского государственного университета. [ 23 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
19 | Алиев Аруз Ахмадали Оглу | 1969 | Азербаньяни | Убит во время обстрела военными патрулями, когда ехал по Московскому Просекту. | 20 января 1990 года | |
20 | Алиевский праздник мадат Оглу | 1950 | Азербаньяни | Мастер | Умер из -за огнестрельных ранений, травм тупого оружия, переломов и травм внутренних органов и ребер. [ 24 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
21 | Aliyev Zabulla Kheyrulla oglu | 1946 | Азербаньяни | Водитель | Выстрелил в голову на 11 -й площади Красной Армии. [ 25 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
22 | Алиев Zahid Holiday Oglu | 1963 | Азербаньяни | Убит в результате получения трех пулевых ран. [ 26 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
23 | Алиев Рустам Шахмад Оглу | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Водитель автобуса | После блокирования вспышек пулемета автобусом он открыл двери для раненых. Одна из пуль серьезно пострадала Рустам. Несмотря на это, на высокой скорости ему удалось доставить автобус в больницу, где он умер. [ 27 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
24 | Алиев Намик Кемал Оглу | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Готовить [ 28 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
25 | Алиев Халган Юсиф Оглу | 1969 | Азербаньяни | Плотник | Выстрелил перед фабрикой, где он работал. [ 29 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
26 | Aliyev Chingiz Mirzahuseyn oglu | 1963 | Азербаньяни | Умер из -за его полученных ран в 1994 году. | 1994 | |
27 | Оглу | 1953 | Азербаньяни | Работник | Снят на станции метро Ganjlik. Умер в больнице. [ 30 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
28 | Алимов Рамис Харисович | 1958 | Татар | Слесарь | Вышел на балкон и, услышав стрельбу на улице и призывая к помощи, пошел на помощь и был убит. [ 31 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
29 | Аллахвердиев Руслан Кемал Оглу | 1957 | Азербаньяни | Выстрелил сзади, бегите за танком. [ 32 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
30 | Алмаммадок Теймур Яхья Оглу | 1972 | Азербаньяни | Студент медицинского института | Ранен в голову 26 января, умер в больнице. [ 33 ] | 31 января 1990 года |
31 | Aspullaev Ass | 1952 | Азербаньяни | Инженер | В ночь на 19-20 января, возвращаясь в Сабунчу, они встретились с советскими солдатами возле деревни Рамана. Солдаты открыли огонь по машине без предупреждения, оба в машине были серьезно ранены, Асиф погиб на месте. [ 34 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
32 | Askerov Novruz Faik Oglu | 1968 | Азербаньяни | Работал в строительном кооперативе | Услышав, что в городе есть мертвые гражданские лица, он отправился с другом на станцию метро «Машади Азизбайов» , где он был смертельно ранен в голове. [ 35 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
33 | Atakishiev Bahruz Tofik oglu | 1961 | Азербаньяни | Работник | Был ранен на станции метро Ганджлик, когда он ушел после того, как услышал стрельбу. Он был доставлен в больницу и работал, но 21 января он умер от огнестрельного ранения. [ 36 ] | 21 января 1990 года |
34 | Агакишьев Шакир Кхандадаш Оглу | 1960 | Азербаньяни | Слесарь | По дороге домой был застрелен из прохождения мимо танка. У него было пять пулевых ранений в груди. [ 37 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
35 | Ахмадов Илгар Хамт Оглс | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Студент Азербайджанского политехнического института | Получил глазу из -за выстрела, когда вместе со своими друзьями загружали мертвых и ранены в машины, чтобы отправить их в больницы. [ 38 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
36 | Ашрафов Рахман Исмихан Оглу | 1955 | Азербаньяни | Драйвер скорой помощи | Был ранен во время транспортировки раненых в больницу. Умер три дня спустя в нейрохирургической больнице. [ 39 ] | 24 января 1990 года |
37 | Babayev flames hidayat oglu | 1948 | Азербаньяни | Отсутствующий [ 40 ] | 20 января 1990 года | |
38 | Бабайева Сурайя Латиф Гизи | 1913 | Азербаньяни | Был убит 22 января, когда здание, в котором она находилась, было выпущено из проходящих танков и бронированных транспортных средств. [ 41 ] | 22 января 1990 | |
39 | Бабаев Рахим Вагиф Оглу | 1970 | Азербаньяни | Студент Азербайджанского института нефти и химии, названного в честь Am Azizbayov | Ушел из дома в полночь, услышав стрельбу. Был обнаружен только 25 января в морге больницы Семашко, где, согласно показаниям врачей, он был доставлен из военной больницы. [ 42 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
40 | Бабаев Фуад Явер Оглу | 1967 | Азербаньяни | 3 -й курс студента Азербайджанского института гражданского строительства | Услышав стрельбу и выходя на улицу вместе с другими встревоженными людьми, он отправился на 11 Красной армейской площади, чтобы помочь раненым. Он был застрелен по дороге. [ 43 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
41 | Багхиров Балогхан Хабиб Оглу | 1966 | Азербаньяни | Ветеринар | 23 января, в 16:00, недалеко от заправочной станции на проспекте Тбилиси, военные без причины уволены в машине, в которой находился Балоглан. Он был ранен в груди и животе. Хотя он был доставлен в больницу, он умер 29 января от огнестрельных ранений. [ 44 ] | 22 января 1990 |
42 | Багхиров Телман Мелик Оглу | 1960 | Азербаньяни | Младший полицейский сержант | Застрелен советскими солдатами. [ 45 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
43 | Бадалов Ровшан Сейфулла Оглу | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Поездка из Хафтони деревни в деревню Киров , регион Ланкаран , на мотоцикле, 26 января, он был застрелен советскими военными, а затем сгорел. [ 46 ] [ 47 ] | 26 января 1990 года | |
44 | Bayramov Isabala Ali Oglu | 1967 | Азербаньяни | Работник | В первые минуты советских войск он был смертельно ранен в голове на 11 -й площади Красной армии. [ 48 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
45 | Bakhshaliyev Elchin Mirza oglu | 1965 | Азербаньяни | Водитель | Выстрелил, помогая раненым. [ 49 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
46 | Бахшиев Салман Бабахан Оглу | 1949 | Азербаньяни | Работал в торговле | 26 января, находясь в лесу со своим братом, его уволили с вертолета. Пуля ударила его шею. Умер на месте. [ 50 ] | 26 января 1990 года |
47 | Бессантина Вера Лвовна | 1973 | Еврейский | Ученик 11 -го класса средней школы № 258 [ 51 ] | Смертельно ранен в ее квартире. Дом продолжал увольнять, и в квартире начался пожар. [ 52 ] [ 53 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
48 | Bogdanov Valery Zakirovich [ 54 ] | 1958 | Русский | Полицейский лейтенант | Автомобиль, в которой Валерея дежурила, была уволена военными, а Валери погиб вместе с лейтенантом Аганазаром Исрафиловым. [ 55 ] [ 56 ] [ 57 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
49 | Bunyadzade ulvi yusif oglu | 1969 | Азербаньяни | Студент Азербайджанского педагогического института иностранных языков . [ 55 ] [ 58 ] | Умер на площади 11 -й Красной Армии. [ 59 ] [ 60 ] | 20 января 1990 года |
50 | Hajiyev Mubariz Mahammad oglu | 1952 | Azerbaijani | Went out to cries for help. He crawled to the hospital with injuries to his leg, shoulder and lungs. However, he lost a lot of blood and died.[61] | January 20, 1990 | |
51 | Gayibov Alasgar Yusif oglu | 1966 | Azerbaijani | Student of the Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute | While helping the wounded, he himself was wounded. Died early in the morning of 21 January.[62][63] | January 21, 1990 |
52 | Hamzayev Balahuseyn Mirgazab oglu | 1929 | Azerbaijani | Driver | Shot while returning home. On March 24, he died from gunshot wounds.[64] | March 24, 1990 |
53 | Hamidov Izzet Atakishi oglu | 1930 | Azerbaijani | Worked at the design institute. | Shot on his way to work. He was taken to the hospital, but died on January 22.[65] | January 22, 1990 |
54 | Ganiev Mirza Rzabala oglu | 1958 | Azerbaijani | Worker | On the way, their cars were shot at. Although he and the driver were injured, the soldiers dragged them out of the car and beat them. He was taken to the hospital. Died on 19 February due to the wounds received.[66] | February 19, 1990 |
55 | Garayev Ilgar Ali oglu | 1959 | Azerbaijani | Worker of the Baku Metro | He was shot in the forehead.[67] | January 20, 1990 |
56 | Hasanov Ali Khudaverdi oglu | 1957 | Azerbaijani | Driver | At night, hearing the shooting, he went out into the yard and did not return. His body was found in the morgue on January 21.[68] | January 20, 1990 |
57 | Hasanov Mehman Ibrahim oglu | Azerbaijani | Worked in the information and computing center | Died on the square of the 11th Red Army.[69] | January 20, 1990 | |
58 | Hasanov Muzaffar Gazanfar oglu | 1939 | Azerbaijani | Driver | He transported the wounded to hospitals, was beaten on the head with a truncheon, resulting in a cerebral hemorrhage.[70] | January 29, 1990 |
59 | Hasanov Sahib Nasib oglu | 1959 | Azerbaijani | Seller | On the way to work by his car, he was fired upon by soldiers on the Inshaatchilar Avenue. The bullet hit his forehead. After that, the fire was again opened over the car, and its rear part was crushed by a tank. Sahib himself received 8 bullet wounds. He died at the Semashko hospital.[71] | January 20, 1990 |
60 | Gasimov Abbas Shammad oglu | 1966 | Azerbaijani | Died of wounds received on the square of the 11th Red Army.[72] | January 20, 1990 | |
61 | Gasimov Yusif Ibrahim oglu | 1948 | Azerbaijani | Worker | Shot in his own car.[73] | January 20, 1990 |
62 | Hashimov Israfil Aghababa oglu | 1964 | Azerbaijani | Seller | His body was found in the Semashko hospital with a bullet wound in the chest. It is assumed that the tragedy took place on the square of the 11th Red Army.[74] | January 20, 1990 |
63 | Geybullaev Elchin Siyaddin oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Worked in construction management | Shot in the street.[75] | January 20, 1990 |
64 | Gojamanov Aliyusif Bilal oglu | 1933 | Azerbaijani | Seller | Went out on the noise of shots and was shot.[76] | January 20, 1990 |
65 | Huseynov Alimardan Abil oglu | 1962 | Azerbaijani | Electrician at Azerelektroterm | Leaving work, he was first wounded in leg, then in chest. Afterwards was beaten with truncheons (there were a lot of bruises on the right side of his body) [77] | January 20, 1990 |
66 | Huseynov Nariman Vali oglu | 1975 | Azerbaijani | 8th grade student | At night, having heard the shooting, he went out into the street. Near the Salyan barracks he was wounded by machine gun bullet. Was taken to Semashko hospital. In the morning, Narimans body was found in the morgue. The death note reads: "Many bullet wounds in the chest."[78][79] | January 20, 1990 |
67 | Huseynov Rahib Mammad oglu | 1939 | Azerbaijani | Trade worker | On 12 February, driving the car by the Khazar cinema, was killed when his car was fired upon. He was father of eight children.[80] | January 20, 1990 |
68 | Javanshirov Ilkin Zulgadar oglu | 1933 | Azerbaijani | Taxi driver | Shot while driving a wounded man to the hospital. There were 18 bullet holes left on the taxi car. Died on 23 January at the Semashko hospital.[81][82] | January 23, 1990 |
69 | Jafarov Abulfaz Boyukagha oglu | 1966 | Azerbaijani | He was shot dead on January 25 after being beaten in Neftchala.[83] The soldiers cut off his finger to remove the ring from him. His body was found in one of the central Baku morgues.[84] | January 25, 1990 | |
70 | Durdyev Anageldi | 1954 | Azerbaijani | Declared missing by the Nizami District Court of Baku since 20 January 1990. | January 20, 1990 | |
71 | Efimichev Boris Vasilyevich | 1945 | Worked in the factory for the blind[51] | On 20 January, he returned home wounded, saying that on the Haqverdiyev Street the military had hit him with a bayonet and then fired. At the hospital, it turned out that Boris's internal organs were completely damaged. He died the next day. | January 21, 1990 | |
72 | Zulalov Isfandiyar Adil oglu | 1963 | Azerbaijani | Worked in the geological department | He was killed in the area of the Salyan barracks. His body was disfigured beyond recognition. He could only be recognized by his shoes. | January 20, 1990 |
73 | Ibrahimov Ibrahim Ismail oglu | 1928 | Azerbaijani | Professor, Doctor of Science | On 24 January, together with the professors Svetlana Mamedova and Ismail Mirsagulov, he was driving to work in Sumgayit by his car which was hit by a military armored personnel carrier. All three scientists were killed. | January 24, 1990 |
74 | Ibrahimov Ilgar Rashid oglu | 1976 | Azerbaijani | 7th grade student | That evening he went with his friends to the 11th Red Army square to help people. In the morning, Ilgar's body was found in the morgue. | January 20, 1990 |
75 | Imanov Elchin Beydulla oglu | 1967 | Azerbaijani | Student of Azerbaijan Medical University | Mortally wounded in front of the House of Culture of the Sattarkhan plant. | January 20, 1990 |
76 | Isayev Mushvig Aghaali oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Wrestler, brother of the world freestyle wrestling champion Khazar Isayev | Shot at the Ganjlik metro station | January 20, 1990 |
77 | Isayev Rauf Soltanmejid oglu | 1962 | Azerbaijani | Locksmith | Killed in front of Salyan barracks when the soldiers opened the fire on unarmed people | January 20, 1990 |
78 | Isayev Fakhraddin Khudu oglu | 1963 | Azerbaijani | Shot at point-blank range on the 11th Red Army Square, while helping the wounded | January 20, 1990 | |
79 | Ismayilov Javad Yunis oglu | 1962 | Azerbaijani | Worker, a relative of the Azerbaijani poet Mikayil Mushfig (Mikayil Ismayilzade) | Passing through the square of the 11th Red Army, he received a fatal bullet wound | January 20, 1990 |
80 | Ismayilov Mammadali Novruz oglu | 1946 | Azerbaijani | Killed in a car shelling near the road to Mardakan. | January 20, 1990 | |
81 | Ismayilov Rashid Islam oglu | 1949 | Azerbaijani | Worked on the railroad | During the shelling, he was at home, but went out on the street to the sound of shooting and people shouting. Before leaving, he asked his wife to take care of the children and give her the food stamps. | January 20, 1990 |
82 | Ismayilov Tofig Babakhan oglu | 1956 | Azerbaijani | Shot while assisting the ambulance workers | January 20, 1990 | |
83 | Israfilov Aghanazar Araz oglu | 1960 | Azerbaijani | Police lieutenant | Killed by shelling of a car on Tbilisi Avenue | January 20, 1990 |
84 | Karimov Alexander Ramazan oglu | 1970 | Azerbaijani | Shot while helping the wounded. Died 17 days later. | February 6, 1990 | |
85 | Karimov Ilgar Isa oglu | Azerbaijani | Worked in a factory | Returning from work, he was shot at the railway hospital in Biləcəri. | January 20, 1990 | |
86 | Karimov Oktay Eyvaz oglu | 1964 | Azerbaijani | Worker in the repair and construction department No.28 | Killed at the Ganjlik metro station | January 20, 1990 |
87 | Guliev Sakhavet Balay oglu | 1940 | Azerbaijani | Worked in trade | Shot in the back as he left the house on the noise of gunfire | January 20, 1990 |
88 | Kazimov Aflatun Gasim oglu | 1959 | Azerbaijani | Worker | Killed on Moskovsky Prospekt. There were 14 bullet wounds found in the body. | January 20, 1990 |
89 | Mamedova Larisa Farman qizi | 1977 | Azerbaijani | 7th grade student[51] | Died from a gunshot wound to the heart during the shelling of a bus. | January 20, 1990 |
90 | Mamedova Svetlana Hamid qizi | 1939 | Azerbaijani | Professor, Doctor of Chemistry, author of 110 scientific papers, and more than 40 inventions | On the way to work in Sumgayit on 24 January. Being in a Zhiguli car together with the professors Ismail Mursagulov and Ibrahim Ibrahimov, they stopped at the side of the road after which they were run over by a military armored vehicle. | January 24, 1990 |
91 | Mammadov Vagif Mahammad oglu | 1960 | Azerbaijani | Worker, an activist of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan in Lankaran | After the events in Baku, he and his comrades hid in the forest, where he was shot by the military.[85][86] | January 20, 1990 |
92 | Mammadov Vidadi Uzeyir oglu | 1944 | Azerbaijani | Engineer | He was shot point-blank in the back on the square of the 11th Red Army. | January 20, 1990 |
93 | Mammadov Ibish Behbud oglu | 1961 | Azerbaijani | Killed at the Salyan barracks. | January 20, 1990 | |
94 | Mamedov Kamal Seidgurban oglu | 1955 | Azerbaijani | Shot by soldiers near the village of Surakhany | January 20, 1990 | |
95 | Mamedov Mamed Yarmamed oglu | 1959 | Azerbaijani | Bus driver | Mamedov's bus came under fire. Mamed himself was hit by 35 automatic bullets. | January 20, 1990 |
96 | Mamedov Mehman Sahibali oglu | Azerbaijani | Killed by bullet wounds. | January 20, 1990 | ||
97 | Mamedov Rahim Magomed oglu | 1969 | Azerbaijani | Died on 26 January in the Istisu forest (Lankaran), where he was hiding together with other PFA activists. | January 26, 1990 | |
98 | Mammadov Sakhavet Heydar oglu | 1958 | Azerbaijani | Driver | Killed by shelling a car | January 20, 1990 |
99 | Mammadov Shahin Zahid oglu | 1972 | Azerbaijani | Studied at the vocational school number 113 | On 26 January, together with his friends, he came under fire from the military on the way from the village of Khoftomi to the village of Kirov, the Lenkoran region. | January 26, 1990 |
100 | Mamedov Eldar Zeynal oglu | 1966 | Azerbaijani | Worker | Shot on the Stroiteley Avenue. | January 20, 1990 |
101 | Markhevka Alexander Vitalievich | 1958 | Emergency doctor[53] | Killed by shelling an ambulance car on the Turkan highway. | January 20, 1990 | |
102 | Meerovich Yan Maksimovich | 1955 | Businessman-Entrepreneur | Brutally killed on the night of 19–20 January. Went with his friend Mirzoev Elchin to the airport, to drove their neighbour. 22 bullets were found in his body. | January 20, 1990 | |
103 | Mirzoev Azad Aligeydar oglu | 1961 | Azerbaijani | Hearing the shooting, he and his mother went out onto the porch. Several bullets flew into the room through the open doors. Mortally wounded | January 20, 1990 | |
104 | Mirzoev Vagif Samed oglu | 1959 | Azerbaijani | Electrician | On the road Bina-Mardakan, he was first stabbed in the heart with a bayonet, and then a machine gun was fired at him. | January 20, 1990 |
105 | Mirzoev Elchin Huseyngulu oglu | 1961 | Azerbaijani | Graduate of Azerbaijan Medical University | On the evening of 19 January, the car in which Elchin and two neighbors were on their way to the airport were fired upon by soldiers. Elchin and Yan Meerovich were killed. 19 bullet wounds were found on his body | January 20, 1990 |
106 | Movludov Fuad Farhad oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Firefighter | On the night of 19–20 January, he was near the Northern State District Power Plant. When the tanks began to approach, he tried to flee, but was stabbed to death with a bayonet. Died in hospital on 25 January | January 20, 1990 |
107 | Muradov Mehman Asad oglu | 1961 | Azerbaijani | Foreman in the repair and production association "Azelectroterm" | Shot near the gate of the Salyan barracks | January 20, 1990 |
108 | Mursagulov Ismail Hasan oglu | 1939 | Azerbaijani | Professor, Doctor of Science | On 24 January, on the way to work in Sumgayit. The car of the Professor Ibragim Ibragimov, in which, there were other scientists, was crushed by a military armored vehicle | January 20, 1990 |
109 | Musaev Tofik Ayvaz oglu | 1962 | Azerbaijani | Declared missing by the Nasimi District Court of Baku city since 19 January 1990 | January 20, 1990 | |
110 | Mustafayev Mahir Vagif oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Driver | Shot on his way back to the 11th Red Army square to pick up the wounded and take them to the hospital | January 20, 1990 |
111 | Mukhtarov Rasim Mustafa oglu | 1958 | Azerbaijani | Locksmith | Shot in head while driving the car on the night of 26 February | January 20, 1990 |
112 | Nasibov Allahyar Iskender oglu | 1952 | Azerbaijani | He died on the square on 11 January. His body was found in the morgue in the morning. | January 20, 1990 | |
113 | Nasibov Yanvar Shirali oglu | 1957 | Azerbaijani | Killed due to bullet wounds. Details are unknown | January 20, 1990 | |
114 | Nikolaenko Alla Alekseevna | 1972 | Shot to death in her house on the evening of 19 January | January 20, 1990 | ||
115 | Nishchenko Andrey Alexandrovich | 1972 | Studied at the railway school | Killed after being hit with a bayonet near the Khazar cinema | January 20, 1990 | |
116 | Novruzbeyli Aghabek Oktay oglu | 1971 | Azerbaijani | Second year student of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (now Azerbaijan State Oil Academy) | Committed suicide in protest against the entry of Soviet troops into Baku and the inaction of the local puppet government | January 20, 1990 |
117 | Nuriev Zahir Zabi oglu | Azerbaijani | By the decision of the Nasimi court, Baku was declared missing since 19 January 1990 | January 20, 1990 | ||
118 | Orudzhev Shamsaddin Abilgasan oglu | 1950 | Azerbaijani | Engineer | Mortally wounded by a stray bullet that smashed the window of his house | January 20, 1990 |
119 | Poladi Saleh Aligulu oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Killed on the night of 20 January on the square of the 11th Red Army | January 20, 1990 | |
120 | Rakhmanov Islam Oktay oglu | 1968 | Azerbaijani | Worker | Armored vehicles opened the fire on him. Islam received three bullet wounds. He died on 29 January | January 29, 1990 |
121 | Rzayev Azad Allahverdi oglu | 1965 | Azerbaijani | Kamaz, in which Azad was, came under fire at the 2nd kilometer of the Alaty settlement. Azad was wounded. He died on the way to hospital | January 20, 1990 | |
122 | Rustamov Rovshan Mamed oglu | 1961 | Azerbaijani | On the evening of 19 January, he left the house. Died in the morning due to the received bullet wounds | January 20, 1990 | |
123 | Sadigov Yusif Allahverdi oglu | 1964 | Azerbaijani | Graduate student | Left home after midnight. Only his right hand was found. It was recognized by the shirt tied by the mother's hands. His right hand remained buried in the cemetery | January 20, 1990 |
124 | Salaeva Sevda Mamedagha qizi | Azerbaijani | On 22 December 1990, at 2 am, near the Karl Marx monument, the car Sevda was in came under fire. She died due to the head wounds | January 20, 1990 | ||
125 | Salakhov Sherafeddin Muzaffar oglu | 1963 | Azerbaijani | Worked in a publishing house | The bullet pierced the top of the neck and shattered the brain | January 20, 1990 |
126 | Semyonov Alexander Vladimirovich | 1947 | On the night of 20 January, while in a car on Tbilisi Avenue, he was wounded by a firearm. Died on 25 January | January 20, 1990 | ||
127 | Safarov Bafadar Aghamirza oglu | 1923 | Azerbaijani | Retired, veteran of the Great Patriotic War | Shot in his own car | January 20, 1990 |
128 | Tokarev Vladimir Ivanovich | 1954 | Azerbaijani | Driver working in a taxi fleet | Shot on his way to the airport | January 20, 1990 |
129 | Turabov Tengiz Mamed oglu | 1965 | Azerbaijani | Student | The bus in which Tengiz was traveling was shot | January 20, 1990 |
130 | Tuktamyshev Fergat Sharifullaevich | 1958 | Azerbaijani | Locksmith | Came under fire at the Salyan barracks. He was wounded in head. His body was found only on 24 January in the morgue of the Semashko hospital. | January 20, 1990 |
131 | Khammedov Baba Magomed oglu | 1939 | Azerbaijani | Physics teacher | Shot on his way home | January 20, 1990 |
132 | Khanmamedov Jebrail Huseynkhan oglu | Azerbaijani | Killed on the night of 20 January by bullet wounds | January 20, 1990 | ||
133 | Kharitonov Vladimir Alexandrovich | 1949 | Police Major | Shot on the way home in his car at Darnagul Bridge (the second bullet hit the head) | January 20, 1990 | |
134 | Sharifov Murvat Rahim oglu | 1932 | Azerbaijani | Former employee of the Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine | Shot in his home yard | January 20, 1990 |
135 | Eminov Vafadar Osman oglu | 1966 | Azerbaijani | Shot dead on 23 January, when walking down to the Olimp store past the Vodnikov hospital. Died in hospital due to blood loss | January 23, 1990 | |
136 | Yusupov Oleg Kerimovich | 1944 | Firefighter, senior sergeant | Heading to the place of a fire (the building of the Kommunist publishing house was on fire), the fire engine in which Oleg was traveling was shot. He was taken to the hospital. Died 2 hours later | January 20, 1990 | |
137 | Yagubov Nusrat Ismail oglu | 1958 | Azerbaijani | Worked at the Dubendi oil refinery near Mardakan | On the night of 20 January, while driving home from the Gala village, near the military unit, he was fired upon by soldiers. Died on 22 January in Mardakan hospital | January 22, 1990 |
138 | Unknown | The pathological description stated that he was 25–30 years old. | Azerbaijani | Unknown | The bullet went through the forehead | January 20, 1990 |
139 | Azerbaijani | January 20, 1990 | ||||
140 | Azerbaijani | January 20, 1990 |
[edit]In 2010, a monument was erected in Baku in the memory of the victims of the tragedy. The names of 147 victims are carved on the granite pedestal of the monument in gold letters.
In the building of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Moscow, there is a memorial plate on which the names of the victims of the 20 January tragedy are engraved.
On 16 January 2015, the "Həyatın və ölümün dərsləri" ("Lessons of Life and Death") event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the 20 January tragedy was held at the Azerbaijan Museum of Independence in Baku. Within the framework of the event, an exhibition was presented, the exposition of which included the personal belongings of the victims of the tragedy donated to the museum in the same year by their relatives. Among the exhibits were the personal belongings of Azer Alekperov, Ulvi Bunyadzade, Ilham Allahverdiyev, Fariza Allahverdiyeva, Alasgar Gaibov, Larisa Mamedova, Andrey Nishchenko, Aghabek Novruzbeyli.
[edit]- ^ Chapay Sultanov (2004). The last blow from the Empire (PDF). Baku. p. 101. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-07-07.
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[ редактировать ]- Кенгарли, Гулу (1992). Черные январские мученики / викаливы Черного января (PDF) . Баку : Ганджлик.