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Eithìona strong

Eithìona strong
Рожденный 1923
Лимерик , Ирландия
Умер 1999
Монкстаун, графство Дублин
Псевдоним Eithìona strong
OccupationPoet, writer

Eithne Strong (урожденная О'Коннелл; 1923–1999)) [ 1 ] Был двуязычным ирландским поэтом и писателем, который написал на ирландском и английском. Ее первые стихи на ирландцах были опубликованы в Комбхаре, а Glor 1943–44 под названием Eithne Ni Chonaill. Она была основателем Runa Press, чьи ранние вкладки показали художественные работы, среди прочего, Джек Б. Йейтс, Шон Китинг, Шон О'Салливан, Гарри Кернофф и другие. Пресса была отмечена для публикации в 1943 году на Marrowbone Lane Робертом Коллисом, которая изображает ожесточенные бои, которые произошли во время пасхального восхождения 1916 года.

Жизнь и работа

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Стронг родился в Гленсхарралде, округ Лимерик, у учителей школьных, Джона и Кэтлин (Леннон) О'Коннелл. [ 1 ] Она пошла в ирландскую школу Coláiste Muire, Эннис . Стронг переехал в Дублин , но в то время не смог позволить себе колледж. Она работала на государственной службе в течение года. [ 2 ]

She met her husband while in Dublin. Psychoanalyst Rupert Strong was twelve years her senior and though against the wishes of her family she stayed there and married him on 12 November 1943.[1][3] They had nine children the last of whom required full-time care due to a mental handicap.[4]

She went to Trinity College, Dublin in her forties where she got a B.A in 1973.[1] She was encouraged and admired in her poetry by Robert Graves, Bertrand Russell, Brendan Kennelly, Padraic Colum, Hilton Edwards, Bernard Share, John B. Keane and Kevin Casey . She participated in publishing, freelance journalism, teaching, work with the media. She taught creative writing and represented Irish writing in Europe: Denmark, France, Germany, Finland, England, the US and Canada. Her poetry and short stories have been published widely in magazines, literary pages and anthologies in Ireland and overseas including North America: Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, North Dakota Quarterly, Midland Review, The Thinker Review. In Spring 1994, she read in New York City before the American Conference for Irish Studies and to members of Conradh na Gaeilge in Washington. Her books include five of poetry in Irish.[5]

Author and poet Mary O'Donnell in her foreword-essay[6] to Strong's poems suggested that "diversity of thought and impulse makes these poems radiate humanity, belief and a revelatory sense of justice." The editor of Poethead Wordpress, Christine Elizabeth Murray has linked the poetry of Patrick Kavanagh, Padraic Colum and Eithne Strong,[7] describing their work "as an example of the triumph of art and literature providing an amazing root-system for new writers in terms of earthly estate, land and language".

In 1991 she won the Kilkenny Design Award for Flesh – The Greatest Sin. She was a member of Aosdána. She died in Monkstown, Dublin in 1999.[8][9]

The Dún Laoghaire Annual Book Festival,'Mountains to the Sea' awards the Rupert & Eithne Strong Poetry Prize now the Strong/Shine Award made possible by the generous support of Shine, the national organisation dedicated to the needs of those affected by mental ill health.[10] On International Women's Day 2000, an event was held to commemorate the life and work of Eithne Strong at the Irish Writer's Centre, Parnell Square, Dublin and a room was named in her honour in 2012. Her manuscripts are stored un-cataloged at the National Library of Ireland.[11]



Poetry in Irish

  • Nobel (Coiscéim 1999)
  • Cirt Oibre (Coiscéim 1980)
  • Fuil agus Fallaí (Coiscéim 1983)
  • Aoife faoi Ghlas (BAC: Coiscéim 1990)
  • An Sagart Pinc (Coiscéim 1990)

Poetry in English

  • Poetry Quatros. Dublin: Runa, 1943–45
  • Tidings. Dolmen for Runa (1958)
  • Songs of Living (1961)
  • Sarah, in Passing (Dublin: Dolmen 1974), (Illustrated by John Hodge)
  • Flesh – The Greatest Sin (Dublin: Runa Press 1980)
  • My Darling Neighbour (Belfast: Beaver Row Press 1985)
  • Let Live (Galway: Salmon Publ. Co. 1990)
  • Spatial Nosing: New and Selected Poems. (Galway: Salmon Poetry, 1993)


  • Degrees of Kindred (Tansy Books 1979), novel
  • Patterns and other Stories (Poolbeg 1981)
  • The Love Riddle (Attic Press 1993), novel

Other writings

  • "Mullaghareirk: Aspects in Perspective". Author writes about her youth in the Eire-Ireland Review, ed. Michael O'Siadhail
  • 'Thomas Mann Country' in Poetry Ireland Review, ed. Michael O'Siadhail


  • Tetrach of Galilee’, translated by Eithne Strong in The Finest Stories of Padraic Ó Conaire, 15 short stories, with other writers (Dublin, Poolbeg 1982) 32-45


  • Bertram, Vicki. ed. Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth Century Women Poets. Smyth, Ailbhe .Dodging Around the Grand Piano: Sex, Politics and Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry. Edinburgh University Press, 1997. 56–83.
  • Clifton, Harry. Available Air: The Role of Women in Contemporary Irish Poetry 1975–1985. Krino, No. 7, 1989, pp. 20–30.
  • Colum, Padraic. Introduction to Songs of Living, Dublin: Runa, 1961, 7 -8.
  • Consalvo, Deborah Mcwilliams. Review of the Love Riddle. Irish Studies Review 4, no. 3 (January 1996) 52-53.
  • Haberstroh, Patricia Boyle. "Eithne Strong" in Women Creating Women: Contemporary Irish Women Poets. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2001.
  • Haberstroh, Patricia Boyle. ed. My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2001.
  • Heininger, Joseph, Eithne Strong in Gonzalez, Alexander, (ed.) Irish Women Writers: an A to Z Guide, Greenwood, 2006, pp. 303–8.
  • O'Donnell, Mary. "Introduction". In Spatial Nosing: New and Selected Poems. Galway: Salmon, 1993
  • Ó Dúshláine Tadhg. Southword, Vol, 2, No.1, Winter 1999."The Magnanimous Poetry of Eithne Strong". Review of "Nobel" published by Coisceim 1998.
  • McWilliams, Deborah H. Eithne Strong in Gonzalez, Alexander (ed). Modern Irish Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, Aldwych Press, London, 1997, pp. 390–93.
  • Smyth, Ailbhe. ed. Wildish Things: An Anthology of New Irish Women's Writing. Attic, 1989, 1990.
  • Terente, Ines Praga. A Voice of Their Own? The Role of Women in Contemporary Irish Poetry. Universidad de Valladolid Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 5 (1992): 131–41.


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d "Contemporary Authors Online". Biography in Context. Gale. 2002. Retrieved 26 February 2016.
  2. ^ Strong, Eithne in The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
  3. ^ Patricia Boyle Haberstroh (1996). Women Creating Women: Contemporary Irish Women Poets. Syracuse University Press. pp. 250. ISBN 0815603576.
  4. ^ "Eithne Strong Poet and Novelist dies ages 76". The Irish Times.
  5. ^ "Biography and bibliography".
  6. ^ Strong, Eithne (1993). Spatial Nosing: New and Selected Poems. British Library: Salmon. 'O Magnificent Why!', Essay Foreword by Mary O'Donnell. ISBN 1-897648-04-9
  7. ^ Murray, Christine Elizabeth (March 2011). "'No Earthly Estate': the Poetry of Patrick Kavanagh, Padraic Colum and Eithne Strong". Poethead.
  8. ^ "Munster lit".
  9. ^ "Aosdána".
  10. ^ "Irish Writers Online".
  11. ^ Ní Dhuibhne, Éilís (2012). "Poetry in the Archive: Reflections of a Former Archivist on the Manuscripts of Twentieth-century Irish Poets in the National Library of Ireland". Irish University Review. 42 (1): 155–168. doi:10.3366/iur.2012.0014. ISSN 0021-1427. JSTOR 24577105.

Further reading

  • Aherne Tom, 'Memory of Poet Still 'Strong' in Limerick Leader, 25 August 2019. "Limerick-born poet Eithne Strong led an Incredibl Life".
  • Brady, Anne M. and Cleeve, Brian. eds. A Biographical Dictionary of Irish Writers, The Lilliput Press, 1985, p. 229
  • Buck, Clare. ed. Guide to Women's Literature, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1992, p. 1052.
  • Buckley Megan. "Midwives to Creativity", A Study of Salmon Publishing, 1981–2007.NUI Galway Aran-access to research,item record; http://hdl.handle.net/10379/3598 , 2012.
  • Canadian Journal of Irish Studies,'Women and Irish Politics', Poems by Eithne Strong, pp. 146–150, July 1992, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25512904
  • Casey Kevin. ed. Winter Tales from Ireland No 2. 1972. Gill and Macmillan
  • Campbell Fergus, 'British or Irish? Jonathan Hanaghan and the Monkstown Analysts (c.1928-1984) in Lacunae Issue 22 (pgs. 99–127), Special Themed Edition: A History of Psychoanalysis in Ireland,Ed. Eve Watson, June 2021.
  • Chapman 92: Irish Issue, Guest Editor: Hayden Murphy, (1999) pp. 11–13
  • Conlon, Evelyn & Oeser, Hans-Christian. ed. Cutting the Night in Two, Short Stories by Irish Women Writers, 'Thursday to Wednesday' by Eithne Strong, New Island, 2001, pp. 75–88.
  • Conlon, Evelyn. ed. An Cloigeann Is a Luach, What Worth the Head, Co. Limerick Anthology. An Cloigeann is a Luach by Eithne Strong, 196–204, published by Limerick County Council (1998) ISBN 9780953329908.
  • Cowman, R.. (1997). [Review of Women Creating Women: Contemporary Irish Women Poets]. The Poetry Ireland Review, (52), 107–110. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/25578747
  • Crowe,Thomas Rain et al. eds. Writing The Wind: A Celtic Resurgence: The New Celtic Poetry, New Native Press, 1997, pp. 154–55.
  • Dunne, Sean. ed. Poets of Munster. London Anvil Press, 1985.
  • Fallon,Peter. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Irish Poetry, Hardmonsworth Penguin Books, 1990.
  • Fitzmaurice, Gabriel and Kiberd, Declan. eds. An Crann Faoi Blath / TheFlowering Tree, Wolfhound Press 1991, pp. 110–113.
  • Harris, Mary N.,'Beleaguered but Determined: Irish Women Writers in Irish', Feminist Review, No. 51, (Autumn 1995), pp. 26–40, Sage Publications Inc., https://www.jstor.org>stable/1395503
  • Hartman Mark,'Poetry Publications of the Runa Press', The Dublin Magazine (formerly The Dubliner), Vol.8, No.8, 1971, New Square Publications.
  • Heffernan, Valerie. "Mending the Torn Fragments of a Relationship" in Women: a Cultural Review, special issue, "Imagining Motherhood in the Twenty-First Century", Spring 2018, Volume 29, Number 1, ISSN 0957-4042
  • Heffernan, Valerie and Wilgus, Gay. 'Imagining Motherhood in the Twenty-First Century', Chap.7.Routledge 2021.
  • Hogan, Robert. ed . The Macmillan Dictionary of Irish Literature, The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1980 pp. 630–31.
  • Housen Severin. ed. Feathers & Bones, Ten Poets of the Irish Earth, Halcyon Press, 1981, ISBN 0-87961-120-0.
  • Jeffries, A. Norman. ed. Irish Love Poems, O'Brien Press, Dublin, 1997.
  • Kiely Benedict. ed. 'The Penguin book of Irish Short Stories', 'Red Jelly' by Eithne Strong, 1981.
  • Lawlor Brian, ed. Encyclopedia of Ireland, Gill and Macmillan 2003.'Red Jelly ' by Eithne Strong in The Penguin Book of Irish Short Stories, 1981
  • Means Wright Nancy and Hannan Dennis.Irish Literary Supplement,Vol.13, Number 1, 1 March 1994.'An Interview with Eithne Strong'. Boston College Libraries.
  • "Poetry in the Archive: Reflections of a Former Archivist on the Manuscripts of Twentieth-century Irish Poets in the National Library of Ireland" by Eilis Ni Duibhne in Irish University Review, Vol. 42, Issue 1, May 2012, 155–168. Describes process of acquiring one poetry archive, that of Eithne Strong . Available on-line. www.eupjournals.com/iur
  • Kelly, Angeline A. ed. The Pillars of the House: An Anthology of Verse by Irish Women from 1690 to the Present. Wolfhound, 1997. p. 114.'Necessity for Reverence'from the Irish.
  • Morgan, Jack. New World Irish: Notes on 100 Years of Lives and Letters in American Culture:The Celtic Carnivalesque'by 'Muriel Rukeyser's 'Irish Journey of Passion and Transformation.' Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, Chap. 13.
  • Ник Конгайл Риона, Ник Эон Марин. 334–364, то есть литература, изд; Cliiona o '' gallchoir ucc.
  • Ник Тайд, Андреа. Немецкий перевод Cheile Na Triocha Mbliain In и ищет мой язык из Oh Words, издание Druckhaus, Neunkehn, 1996.
  • О'Рурк Крис, Эд, Инконгнито: «Говоря с Эйтном Стронгом», Cognito, Vol.3 (весна 1998).
  • Стронг, E .. (1992). Стихи. Канадский журнал ирландских исследований , 18 (1), 146–150. http://doi.org/10.2307/25512904
  • Хармон, М. (1985). [Обзор неординарного рассказчика; Трещина на льду; Яркая маска. Новые и избранные стихи; Беспокойный фактор; После грома; Новые и избранные стихи; Рейвен представления 3. Новое письмо из Ирландии; Возраст исследования; Собранные стихи, том I; Мой дорогой сосед; Тайн; Blas Meala. Глоток от медового петуха; Томас Транстремер, дикий рынок; Собранные стихи 1960-1984 ]. Обзор Ирландского университета , 15 (2), 234–243. Получено с https://www.jstor.org/stable/25477596
  • Weekes, Энн Оуэнс, изд. Раскрытие сокровищ: «Акдад» по ирландским литературным писателям, «Чердачная пресса», Дублин 1993, с. 331–3.
  • Уэлч, Роберт. Краткий Оксфордский компаньон с ирландской литературой, издательство Оксфордского университета, 2000.
  • Уилсон/Сомервиль-Арджат. Сон с монстрами: беседы с шотландскими и ирландскими поэтами, Polygon, 1990, с. 109–119.
  • Белая страница/Бхилеог Бхан: ирландские поэты двадцатого века. Salmon Publishing 1999, перепечатано 2000, 2007.
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