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XXVI Army Corps (Wehrmacht)

(Перенаправлен из XXVI. Армейский корпус (Wehrmacht) )
XXVI. Армейский корпус
Активный Август 1939 - Эрли 1945
Страна  Германия
Ветвь Армия
Размер Корпус
Прозвище (ы) Корпус Водриг
Занятия Битва при Млаве

Осада Ленинграда

Операция Bagration
Альберт Водриг

Корпус армии XXVI ( немецкий : XXVI. Armeekorps ) был Вермахта корпусом армии во время Второй мировой войны . Он существовал с 1939 по 1945 год. Он также был известен как Корпус Водриг (немецкий: Корпс Водриг ) во время вторжения в Польшу.

Корпус армии XXVI был сформирован под названием Führungsstab ZB V. под надзором AOK 1 в Кенигсберге 22 августа 1939 года. Его первоначальным командиром был Альберт Водриг , заработав его в прозвище Корпс Водриг перед официальным назначением в качестве армии 1 октября. Полем [ 1 ] Водриг оставался командованием до 1 октября 1942 года. [ 2 ]

Во время вторжения в Польшу корпус Водриг курировал 1 -й и 12 -й пехотной дивизии, а также 1 -й кавалерийской бригады . [ 3 ] Корпус Водриг был размещен на юге Восточной Пруссии в рамках 3 -й армии под командованием Георга фон Кюхлера . [ 4 ] Третья армия, в свою очередь, была под надзором армейской группы на севере под командованием Федор фон Бок . [ 3 ] В первые дни вторжения Корпус Водриг ударил прямо на юг в единицы польской армии Модлин в районе Млава . [ 4 ] Полученная битва при Млаве закончилась в немецкой победе. Корпус Водриг продвинулся дальше в сторону Варшавы , помогая немецкому движению клещей против польской столицы.

1 октября 1939 года Корпус Водриг был официально переименован в XXVI. Armeekorps , официально модернизируя его от ZB V. Специального персонала развертывания до полного армейского корпуса самостоятельно. В декабре 1939 года Корпус армии XXVI был прикреплен к 6 -й армии и переведен в район Нижней Рейн . [ 1 ]

В начале 1940 года армейский корпус был перетасывается и прошел через несколько армий в быстром последовательности, в том числе 4 -й армии , 18 -й армии и 2 -й армии . В возрасте до 18 лет армейский корпус XXVI принял участие в северном фланге немецких сил вторжения во время битвы во Франции . Корпус сражался в Нидерландах и во Фландрии . [ 1 ] Первоначальным макияжем 10 мая 1940 года были 207 -й , 254 -й и 256 -й пехотной дивизии, а также 4 -й SS Pancergrenadier -полк. [ 5 ] После краткого пребывания в районе Реймс после победы Германии над Францией Корпус был переведен обратно в свой родной регион, Восточная Пруссия. [1] There, its subordinate units remained consistent from 21 July 1940 to 12 March 1941 and were made up by the 161st, 217th and 291st Infantry Divisions.[5]

Soviet offensive operations against XXVI Army Corps in mid-1943 (Mga offensive)

For Operation Barbarossa, XXVI Army Corps operated under Army Group North and supervised the 61st, 217th and 291st Infantry Divisions.[5] It advanced through the Baltic region into the Leningrad area.[1] In the German advance towards the city of Leningrad, which was subsequently unsuccessfully besieged until the year 1944, the XXVI Corps advanced on the far left front of the army group, crossing the Luga river from Narva around 24 August 1941 and advancing along the shoreline of the Gulf of Finland, where it eventually stood opposite the Soviet 8th Army, which had been trapped in the Oranienbaum Bridgehead by the advance of German XXXVIII Corps to Petergof and Uritsk.[6]

The XXVI Corps remained in the vicinity of Leningrad throughout the entire duration of the Siege of Leningrad, which was broken by the Red Army on 27 January 1944.[1] Corps commanders switched frequently after Albert Wodrig left his post on 1 October 1942; subsequent corps commanders included Ernst von Leyser, Gustav Fehn, Ernst von Leyser, Carl Hilpert, Martin Grase, Anton Grasser, Gerhard Matzky, Kurt Chill and Gerhard Matzky.[2]

Between July and August 1943, the XXVI Army Corps was the defending unit of the primary urban target of the Soviet Mga offensive. Ultimately, the Soviet attack was repelled.

On 3 March 1944, the XXVI Army Corps joined the newly formed Armeeabteilung Narwa, the army-level promotion of the former LIV Army Corps that was designed to defend the Narva region.[1][7]

On 15 July 1944, XXVI Army Corps joined the 3rd Panzer Army, making it part of Army Group Centre at the time of Operation Bagration, the Soviet offensive that started on 23 June 1944 and that brought about the total collapse of Army Group Centre. The XXVI Army Corps was pushed back by the Red Army along with the rest of the German armed forces. At the time of German surrender on 8 May 1945, the remnants of XXVI Army Corps which had been fighting in the corps' home in East Prussia were no longer able to mount an organized resistance against the Red Army.[1]

Organizational chart

Organizational chart of the XXVI Army Corps[1]
Year Date Units attached to XXVI Army Corps[8][9][10][5][11][7][12] Army Army Group Operational Area
1939 1 September 1st Infantry, 12th Infantry 3rd Army Army Group North East Prussia and Poland
4 December 7th Infantry, 14th Infantry, 253rd Infantry 6th Army Army Group B Lower Rhine
1940 15 January None 4th Army Eifel
10 May 207th Infantry, 254th Infantry, 256th Infantry, 4th SS Pz.Gren. Regiment 18th Army Netherlands and Flanders
9 June 34th Infantry, 45th Infantry 2nd Army Army Group A Reims
21 July 161st Infantry, 217th Infantry, 291st Infantry 18th Army Under OKH East Prussia
1 August
13 September Army Group B
7 October
7 November
12 December
1941 15 January
10 February
12 March
5 April 61st Infantry, 161st Infantry, 217th Infantry, 291st Infantry
1 May 61st Infantry, 269th Infantry, 290th Infantry, 291st Infantry Army Group C
5 June 61st Infantry, 217th Infantry, 291st Infantry Army Group North Riga and Leningrad
1 July 1st Infantry, 61st Infantry, 217th Infantry
7 August 93rd Infantry, 254th Infantry, 291st Infantry
3 September 93rd Infantry, 291st Infantry
2 October 93rd Infantry, 217th Infantry
4 November
4 December 93rd Infantry, 212th Infantry, 217th Infantry
1942 2 January Leningrad
6 February
10 March
5 April 93rd Infantry, 217th Infantry
11 May 7th Infantry, 223rd Infantry, 227th Infantry
8 June 223rd Infantry, 227th Infantry
4 July
5 August
2 September 28th Infantry, 170th Infantry, 223rd Infantry, 227th Infantry
8 October 28th Infantry, 131st Infantry, 170th Infantry, 227th Infantry, 5th Mountain 11th Army Under OKH
5 November 24th Infantry, 223rd Infantry, 227th Infantry 18th Army Army Group North
1 December 24th Infantry, 96th Infantry, 223rd Infantry, 227th Infantry
1943 1 January 1st Infantry, 96th Infantry, 170th Infantry, 221st Infantry, 223rd Infantry
3 February 11th Infantry, 21st Infantry, 28th Infantry, 61st Infantry, 96th Infantry, 170th Infantry
4 March 11th Infantry, 21st Infantry, 28th Infantry, 212th Infantry
9 April 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry, 28th Infantry, 69th Infantry, 212th Infantry, 223rd Infantry, 5th Mountain
1 May
1 June
7 July 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry, 28th Infantry, 69th Infantry, 212th Infantry, 290th Infantry, 5th Mountain
5 August 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry, 28th Infantry, 58th Infantry, 69th Infantry, 126th Infantry, 212th Infantry, 290th Infantry, 5th Mountain
5 September 21st Infantry, 58th Infantry, 61st Infantry, 69th Infantry, 212th Infantry, 215th Infantry, 225th Infantry, 254th Infantry, 290th Infantry, 5th Mountain
4 October 61st Infantry, 69th Infantry, 212th Infantry, 215th Infantry, 227th Infantry, 254th Infantry, 290th Infantry, 5th Mountain
8 November 61st Infantry, 212th Infantry, 227th Infantry, 254th Infantry, 5th Mountain
3 December 61st Infantry, 212th Infantry, 227th Infantry, 254th Infantry
1944 1 January
1 February None
3 March 11th Infantry, 225th Infantry Armeeabteilung Narwa

(formed from LIV Corps)

15 April 11th Infantry, 58th Infantry, 225th Infantry
15 May
15 June 170th Infantry, 225th Infantry, 227th Infantry
15 July 69th Infantry, 201st Infantry, Generalkommando Rothkirch, 6th Panzer 3rd Panzer Army Army Group Centre Lithuania
31 August 1st Infantry, 52nd Infantry, 549th Grenadier, 561st Infantry, Werthern, Schirmer, D
16 September 1st Infantry, 549th Grenadier, D, Schirmer, Werthern 4th Army East Prussia
13 October 1st Infantry, 56th Infantry, 349th Infantry
5 November 1st Infantry, 56th Infantry, 61st Infantry, 349th Infantry, 549th Volksgrenadier 3rd Panzer Army
26 November 1st Infantry, 61st Infantry, 69th Infantry, 349th Infantry, 549th Volksgrenadier
31 December 1st Infantry, 69th Infantry, 349th Infantry, 549th Volksgrenadier
1945 19 February 14th Infantry, 28th Infantry, 349th Infantry, 549th Volksgrenadier, Einem
1 March 28th Infantry, 299th Infantry, 349th Infantry, 24th Panzer 4th Army Army Group North
12 April Unclear AOK Ostpreußen Under OKH


  • General der Artillerie Albert Wodrig (22 August 1939 - 1 October 1942)
  • General der Infanterie Ernst von Leyser (1 October 1942 - 1 July 1943)
  • General der Panzertruppen Gustav Fehn (1 July - 19 August 1943)
  • General der Infanterie Ernst von Leyser (19 August - 31 October 1943)
  • General der Infanterie Carl Hilpert (31 October 1943 - 1 January 1944)
  • General der Infanterie Martin Grase (1 January - 15 February 1944)
  • General der Infanterie Anton Grasser (15 February - 11 May 1944)
  • General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin (11 May - 15 June 1944)
  • General der Infanterie Anton Grasser (15 June - 6 July 1944)
  • General der Infanterie Gerhard Matzky (6 July 1944 - May 1945)


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i Tessin, Georg (1977). "Generalkommando XXVI. Armeekorps (röm. 26. AK)". Die Landstreitkräfte 15-30. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945 (in German). Vol. 4. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag. pp. 236–237. ISBN 3764810971.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b MacLean, French L. (2014). "Appendix B — Korps Wodrig / XXVI Armeekorps". Unknown Generals: German Corps Commanders in World War II. Pickle Partners Publishing. ISBN 9781782895220.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Zaloga, Steven (2003) [2002]. Poland 1939: The Birth of Blitzkrieg. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. p. 35. ISBN 1841764086.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Zaloga, Steven (2003) [2002]. Poland 1939: The Birth of Blitzkrieg. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. p. 37. ISBN 1841764086.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Tessin, Georg (1977). "18. Armee". Die Landstreitkräfte 15-30. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945 (in German). Vol. 4. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag. pp. 80–84. ISBN 3764810971.
  6. ^ Forczyk, Robert (2009). Leningrad 1941–44: The Epic Siege. Osprey Publishing. p. 31. ISBN 9781846034411.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b Tessin, Georg (1977). "Armeeabteilung Narwa". Die Landstreitkräfte: Namensverbände. Luftstreitkräfte (Fliegende Verbände). Flakeinsatz im Reich 1943-1945. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945 (in German). Vol. 14. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag. pp. 171–172. ISBN 3764810971.
  8. ^ Tessin, Georg (1977). "3. Armee". Die Landstreitkräfte 1-5. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945 (in German). Vol. 2. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag. pp. 153–154. ISBN 3764810971.
  9. ^ Tessin, Georg (1977). "6. Armee". Die Landstreitkräfte 6-14. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945 (in German). Vol. 3. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag. pp. 1–8. ISBN 3764810971.
  10. ^ Тессин, Георг (1977). "4. Армия". Земельные силы 1-5 . Ассоциации и войска немецкого Вермахта и Ваффен-СС во Второй мировой войне 1939-1945 (на немецком языке). Том. С. ISBN  3764810971 .
  11. ^ Тессин, Георг (1977). "2. Армия". Земельные силы 1-5 . Ассоциации и войска немецкого Вермахта и Ваффен-СС во Второй мировой войне 1939-1945 (на немецком языке). Том. С. ISBN  3764810971 .
  12. ^ Тессин, Георг (1977). «3. Панковская армия (Pz. Aok 3)». Земельные силы 1-5 . Ассоциации и войска немецкого Вермахта и Ваффен-СС во Второй мировой войне 1939-1945 (на немецком языке). Том. С. ISBN  3764810971 .
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