Гравийная яма
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Гравел -яма -это шахта с открытой питкой для извлечения гравия .
Гравийные ямы часто лежат в речных долинах , где высокий уровень воды , поэтому они могут естественно наполнить водой, образуя пруды или озер . [ 1 ] Гравел -пит -озера, как правило, богаты питательными веществами и могут поддерживать процветающие экосистемы, но также могут представлять экологические проблемы, такие как выпуск токсичных металлов в водоразделах из обнаженной породы. [ 2 ] Старые, заброшенные гравийные ямы обычно используются либо в качестве природных заповедников , либо в качестве областей для водных видов спорта , свалок и ходьбы . В Германии бывшие гравийные или песчаные ямы, которые наполнены водой, известны как Баггерси («Силовое озеро») и популярно для развлекательного использования. Кроме того, многие гравийные ямы в Великобритании были снабжены пресноводной рыбой, такой как общий карп, для создания грубых мест для рыбалки. Гравел -пит -озера также были нанесены карпом в Дании, а также радужную форель . [ 3 ]
[edit]Gravel pits are a main source of aggregates such as gravel and sand, which are extracted then processed extensively to be suitable for various uses.[4] Aggregates are mined to make concrete, be crushed into construction aggregate, and for other industrial mineral uses. Gravel pits are located where there are rich sources of materials suitable to be crushed into aggregate, often at sites of fluvial, glacial, or floodplain geological deposits.[4] Sedimentary and igneous rocks typically produce good quality aggregates of various sizes, but metamorphic rocks are rarely mined at gravel pits as they tend to have weaker geological structures.[4] The strength of the aggregates mined at gravel pits is important to ensure that the products created using them have good structural integrity.
Production Process
Once a deposit of aggregate material is located (often in river valleys where rock has been carried downstream and settled overtime) the surface vegetation and topsoil is cleared to reveal the rock.[5] Once a pit is dug into the aggregate, it can be lifted out by bulldozers that load it onto a conveyor or dredged out if the pit fills with water.[5][6] It is then separated by particle size, crushed, and washed in preparation for use.[5][6] Washing removes unwanted small particulate matter such as clay, silt, and sand, and is also a safety measure for dust control.[6]
Product Uses
[edit]A major direct use of the aggregates produces at gravel pits is road construction. Road structure typically includes pavement and multiple sub-layers of aggregates of increasing sizes with depth beneath the pavement, up to several meters.[7] All the layers of the road structure requires naturally occurring aggregates that are extracted from gravel pits or other surface material extraction sites.[7][8] Beyond the initial construction of paved roads, gravel pits are important for the ongoing maintenance of unpaved roads because the surfaces of unpaved roads must be continually graded and re-surfaced with new loads of aggregate.[9] In remote regions served by isolated unpaved roads, gravel pit operations are often located at strategic intervals every few hundred kilometers along the roadway in conjunction with road maintenance camps to provide the maintenance crews working out of these camps with the necessary materials.[10] For example, along the Dempster Highway that stretches across the isolated northern region of Yukon Territory, Canada, there are several gravel pits in use for road maintenance and several more that have fallen into disuse.[10] However, most are expected to be put back into operation in the near future as permafrost changes the road structure over time, which is a challenge affecting many isolated roads in the north, and one of the ways that gravel pits are particularly important to remote regions that face unique challenges.[11]
Issues Surrounding Gravel Pits
[edit]Environmental Impacts
[edit]Gravel pits disrupt the natural processes of the landscapes in which they are operating by displacing vegetation, soil, and rock.[12] This in turn re-routes surface water flow changing runoff patterns, which can create further environmental problems for entire watersheds.[12] Habitats are destroyed, displacing wildlife and removing plants, which changes the ecology of the region.[12] Silica dust caused by aggregate extraction is stirred up and carried in the wind coating plant leaves and minimizing photosynthesis, which not only disrupts natural vegetative processes but also affects agriculture and can therefore disrupt rural economies.[13][14] Environmental impact assessments must be conducted before such projects to mitigate negative affects, and rehabilitation efforts should be undertaken after projects to restore the natural ecosystem.[12][15][16] Unfortunately, most old gravel pits have not been rehabilitated after aggregate extraction has ceased, and their potential to be restored to accommodate improved ecosystem function is wasted.[12]
Human Health Impacts
[edit]The negative impacts on human health from gravel pit operations are well documented. Both workers of gravel pits and residents close to gravel pits are at risk of pulmonary issues ranging from shortness of breath and airway restriction to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and silicosis.[17][14] The culprit of these issues is the fine silica dust created and stirred up by aggregate extraction processes and carried in the wind, which people breathe in and coats surfaces such as nearby homes and plants.[17][18] There are also concerns that agricultural plants coated in dust from gravel pit operations pose a risk to human health through consumption if the plant contains the dust.[13] There have been widespread movements by communities affected by gravel pit operations to have them moved away to less windy, residential, or agricultural areas, and for better safety precautions to be adopted for worker health.[13][17][18]

Rehabilitation Potential of Abandoned Gravel Pits
[edit]Once a gravel pit site is no longer producing aggregate it will often fall into disuse and be left abandoned.[19][20] Many become informal recreation sites or transition into wetlands, lakes, or ponds as they fill with water, but remediation can help this process and reduce safety hazards they impose in their industrial state.[20][21] Remediation programs can be undertaken to build abandoned gravel pits into sites of thriving wildlife habitats, parks or farmland, and/or be flooded and stocked for recreational fishing and to create aquatic ecosystems. [19][20][21]
Kensington Gravel Pits, an 1812 painting by John Linnell
A gravel pit in Germany
A naturalized gravel pit, now Silver Springs Park in East St. Paul, Manitoba.
Tennessee quarry
Overhead view of the Thornton Quarry.
See also
- ^ Deere, Don W.; Hayden, Colby J.; Church, Glen G. (2006-11-03). Gravel Pit Reservoirs — Colorado's Water Storage Solution. American Society of Civil Engineers. pp. 158–173. doi:10.1061/40890(219)12. ISBN 978-0-7844-0890-2.
- ^ Mollema, Pauline N.; Antonellini, Marco (2016-08-01). "Water and (bio)chemical cycling in gravel pit lakes: A review and outlook". Earth-Science Reviews. 159: 247–270. Bibcode:2016ESRv..159..247M. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.05.006. hdl:11585/566462. ISSN 0012-8252.
- ^ Søndergaard, Martin; Lauridsen, Torben L.; Johansson, Liselotte S.; Jeppesen, Erik (2018-01-15). "Gravel pit lakes in Denmark: Chemical and biological state". Science of the Total Environment. 612: 9–17. Bibcode:2018ScTEn.612....9S. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.163. ISSN 0048-9697. PMID 28846908.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c Eden, M. A.; French, W. J. (2005-01-01). "AGGREGATES". In Selley, Richard C.; Cocks, L. Robin M.; Plimer, Ian R. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Geology. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 34–43. doi:10.1016/b0-12-369396-9/00254-9. ISBN 978-0-12-369396-9. Retrieved 2024-02-18.
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- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в "Может ли гравийная добыча и вишневые сады мирового класса сосуществовать в Юте?" Полем Соленое озеро Трибьюн . Получено 2024-04-09 .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Немер, Мэйсаа; Джакаман, Рита; Хусейни, Абдуллатиф (17 сентября 2020 года). «Функция легких и респираторное здоровье населения, живущих рядом с участками карьера в Палестине: перекрестное исследование» . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 17 (17): 6068. doi : 10.3390/ijerph17176068 . PMC 7504702 . PMID 32825513 .
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- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Исследование вызывает проблемы со здоровьем для работников песка и гравия» . Спартанский новостей . 2022-04-29 . Получено 2024-04-09 .
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- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Wisniewski, Dominik (2013-05-30). «Ямы в Нортумберленде» . Нортумберлендские новости . Получено 2024-04-09 .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в McCullough, Cherie D.; Шульце, Мартин; Ванденберг, JA (февраль 2020 г.). «Осознание полезного конечного использования от заброшенных пит -озер» . Минералы . 10 (2): 133. Bibcode : 2020mine ... 10..133M . doi : 10.3390/min10020133 - через ResearchGate.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Путь от ямы к раю» . Утки неограниченная Канада . Получено 2024-04-09 .