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Стиче аббатство

Координаты : 45 ° 56′18 ″ с.ш. 14 ° 48′21 ″ E / 45,9383 ° N 14,8059 ° E / 45,9383; 14.8059
(Перенаправлено из монастыря Ситтича )
Стиче аббатство
Стиче аббатство
Руководящий орган Цистерцианский орден
Расположение Славеня , Словена, Славеня, Словена, Словена , Словения
Географические координаты 45 ° 57′25,19 ″ с.ш. 14 ° 48′20,70 ″ E / 45,9569972 ° N 14,8057500 ° E / 45,9569972; 14.8057500
Architect(s)Francesco Ferrata (1694), Candido Zulliani (middle 18th century)
FounderPellegrinus I., Patriarch of Aquileia
Official name: Stična - Abbey of Stična

Аббатство Стична ( Словен : Цистерцианская аббатство Стючна , также против ; немецкий : Клостер Ситтич , Латинский: Ситтикам ) - самый старый монастырь в Словении . Это единственный цистерцианский монастырь в стране, который все еще действует (другой был Аббатство Костанджевика и Костанджевика на Крка ). Его мать -дом был Аббатством Рейн и Австрии .

Хартия Фонда аббатства была опубликована в 1136 году Пеллегрином I , патриархом Акквийи , хотя монашеская жизнь началась годом ранее, в 1135 году. Монастырь в Стючне быстро стал важным религиозным, культурным и экономическим центром.

В дополнение к обычной школе, монастырь также управлял музыкальной школой, где, как полагают, композитор ренессанса Якобус Галсус получил самое раннее музыкальное образование. Успешную жизнь монастыря была затруднена османскими набегами, и была сожжена и разграблена дважды. В 1784 году император Джозеф II отменил монастырь, распущенный под реформами изефины , но в 1898 году он снова был переселен монахами из аббатства Меерерау на берегу озера Констанс .

During the Second World War, the Partisans use the abbey as a prison for priests that they had captured.[1][2][3]

Stična manuscript


The monastery's scriptorium was already producing illuminated Latin manuscripts in the 12th century, and it was here that the Stična manuscript, written in Slovene, was produced in the 15th century.

Valvasor's depiction of Stična from 1679



In terms of architecture, abbey has been repeatedly modified, leaving Romanesque and Gothic traces in Baroque buildings. The oldest core of the abbey has been preserved. The abbey has a basilica dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, which serves as a parish church. The abbey and Romanesque basilica are recognized as cultural monuments of national significance.

List of abbots

V. Dienersperg, abbot of Stična
The list of abbots[4]
Name Period
Vincencij 1135/36–1150 in 1163–1167/68
Aldeprand between 1150–1163
Folknand 1167/68–1180
Bernold 1181–21.

februar 1226

Konrad approx. 1230–approx. 1250
Janez Gall approx. 1250–approx. 1260
Ditrik approx. 1260–1266/67
Konrad 1266/67–approx. 1280
Henrik approx. 1280–1302
Rudolf 1303–approx. 1314/15
Friderik Limpach approx. 1315–approx. 1321
Nikolaj Hmeljniški approx. 1321–approx. 1326
Eberhard Planinski approx. 1326–1332
Štefan 1332–1333
Oton 1333–1335/36
Janez 1336–1341
Nikolaj 1341–1348
Peter 1348/49–1360 in 1365–1366
Arnold 1360–1365 in 1366–1370
Jakob 1370/71–1382
Andrej Čreteški 1382–1387/88
Albert Lindeški 1388–13.July 1405
Peter Limschak 13. July 1405 – 1427/28
Lavrencij Forrer 1427/28–1431/32
Emerik Perenny 1432–approx. 1441
Matej Zaletel 7.February 1441–10.September 1449
Gerhard 1449/50–1450
Ulrik approx. 1450–1481
Ožbalt 1481/82–1487/88
Tomaž 1487/88–13.December 1494
Martin 13.December 1494 – 1499/1500
Janez 1499/1500–approx. 1511
Tomaž 1511/12–before 13.March 1516
Urban Gall before 13.March 1516–22.August 1523
Janez Glavič 22.August 1523–4. September 1530
Klemen Gutsold before 14.November 1530 – 1533/34
Janez Cerar 1533/34–1549
Wolfgang Neff before 6.March 1549–18.March 1566
Janez Zeisel 24.April 1566–21.September 1576
Jakob Klafferle 31. januar 1577–7. marec 1580
Lavrencij Zupan 21.April 1580–26.December 1600
Jakob Reinprecht 14.April 1603–13.January 1626
Matej Majerle 21.March 1626–4.June 1628
Janez Anžlovar after 25.July in before 30.August 1628–13.March 1638
Janez Weinzirl 26.April 1644–2.December 1660
Maksimilijan Mottoch 2.January 1661–18.January 1680
baron Ludovik Raumbschüssel 26.May 1680–5.December 1687
baron Anton Gallenfels 14.February 1688–12.April 1719
baron Aleksander Engelshaus 28.June 1719–9.March 1734
Viljem Kovačič 25.July 1734–12.May 1764
baron Frančišek Ksaverij Taufferer 27.September 1764–25.Oktober 1784

They abbey at one point had a high school inside, at the present there is a Museum of Christianity and a parish of Stična. Every year there is a cultural youth festivity called Stična mladih.

Museum of Christianity in Slovenia


The Museum is state owned and serves as a central museum institution on the topic of sacral heritage.

Collectarium, manuscript from 1180

Sitik d.o.o.


Abbey of Stična made a part of the economical tourism and herbalic pharmacy available to the laymen. A small teahouse with kindergarten toys and tourist shop is pretty. Pharmacy of late cistercian herbalist Simon Ašič has become an important reminder of the gardening that was a traditional occupancy of the monks. Sittik d.o.o. handles even some serious gardening and nourishes on 4000 m2 about 250.000 room plants every year.

Festival Stična mladih


Festival Stična mladih is a yearly event where about 8000 young people come to have fun. The entire program in mostly organized and led by young people from Slovenia. The event was inspired by the World Youth Day, theme of a festival is copied from the theme of the World Youth Day, even the program of the festival is inspired by the Popes message to the young.

Stiška gimnazija, Gymnasium of Stična


Josip Jurčič High School was founded in 1945 as an incomplete high school. In 1946 the teachings began in the abbey. The School became complete in 1950, but more than once existence of the school was questionable. In 1970 school got the name after the known local writer and journalist. In 1980 Municipality of Grosuplje decided to move away from the Abbey in to bigger quarters. In June 1984 the last generation of students who were taught in the abbey concluded their high school education.


  1. ^ Ferenc, Tone; Ževart, Milan (2002). Dies irae: četniki, vaški stražarji in njihova usoda jeseni 1943. Ljubljana: Modrjian. p. 527.
  2. ^ Nadrah, Ignacij (2010). Spomini in semeniška kronika 1941–1944 Ignacija Nadraha. Ljubljana: Arhivsko društvo Slovenije. p. 192. ISBN 978-961-6143-32-5.
  3. ^ Benedik, Metod (1991). Zgodovina Cerkve na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino Cerkve (Teološka fakulteta v Ljubljani). p. 230.
  4. ^ Mlinarič, Jože (1995). Stiška opatija 1136–1784. Novo Mesto: Tiskarna Novo mesto, Dolenjska založba. pp. 881–882. ISBN 961-6000-32-2.


  • Jože Mlinarič, Stiška opatija 1136-1784, Novo mesto 1995, Dolenjska založba
  • Ivan Stopar, Hrami tišine, Ljubljana 2009, Viharnik
  • Vanja Požegar, Cistercijani in nastanek cisterc na Slovenskem, Maribor 2009, bachelor's thesis
  • http://cistercijani.sticna.si/
  • http://sticna.rkc.si/sl/
  • http://sitik.si/
  • Bahor, Stanislav: "Skriti knjižni zakladi" Ljubljana, NUK, 2009 COBISS 246170368
  • Trnovšek, Tadej: "Zaklad pisarja Bernarda" Stična, Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem, 2011 COBISS 259190784
  • Голубь, Наташа: «Средневековые коды из Стичны: XII век», Любляна, Словена Книга, 1994 Cobiss   34920193

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