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Мишель Рвагасана

Мишель Рвагасана
Член Руандинского законодательного собрания для Ньянзы
В офисе
Личные данные
Рожденный 1927
Район Руханго , Руанда-Урунди
Умер 24 декабря 1963 года
Рухенгерри , Руанда
Политическая партия Руандинский национальный союз
Отношения Грегоар Кайбанда (двоюродный брат)

Мишель Рвагасана был политиком Руванды, который занимал должность генерального секретаря Союза ( UNAR) и представлял Ньянзу в Руандинском законодательном собрании с 1961 года (1927-24 декабря 1963 г. ) Руандайза Руанде-Урунди, Рвагасана работала на колониальную администрирование, и в Руанде работал в колониальном управлении и доголовало и работала в Руанду-Урунди, Рвагасана работала на колониальную администрирование и и в в Руанде-Уранди , Рвагасана работала на колониальную администрирование и и в Руанде, Рвагасана, и работал на колониальную администрирование и и в Руанде, Рвагасана. Сообщал королю Мутару III Рудхигва из Руандан Руанды до соучредителя Unar, монархистской политической партии, в которой доминирует тутси. проиграл партии большинства, во главе с двоюродным братом Рвагасаны Грегуара Кайбанда Унар Пармехуту Он был убит в чистке в 1963 году и в настоящее время признан правительством Руанды как национальный герой.

Ранний период жизни

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Мишель Рвагасана родился в 1927 году в районе Руханго , провинция Гитарама, Руанда-Урунди [ 1 ] Отец Хуту и ​​Мать Тутси . [ 2 ] Он учился в начальной школе в Кабгаи с 1945 по 1950 год, а затем учился еще пять лет в Groupe Scolaire de Astrida в Butare . Окончив диплом по административной помощи, он присоединился к Бельгийской колониальной администрации в январе 1950 года, работая в местном отделении труда в Буджумбуре . Он женился на Сюзане Нзайире в 1956 году [1] and had five children with her.[3]

Political career


"Our party can assure you that it will spare no effort in working for the achievement of a genuine understanding between the majority and the opposition, which, by virtue of its entry into the government, can no longer be considered an opposition, but a partner."

Rwagasana on UNAR joining the governing coalition with Parmehutu, May 17, 1962[4]

Ideologically, Rwagasana was a nationalist.[5] He acted as a special secretary for King Mutara III Rudahigwa[1] and served as secretary of the Conseil Superieur du Pays from 1958 until 1959.[6] He cofounded the Union Nationale Rwandaise (UNAR),[3] a monarchist, Tutsi-dominated political party,[7] and became its first secretary general in September 1959.[1] He also emerged as a leader of the progressive faction within the party.[8] Shortly thereafter a relative of Rwagasana, Grégoire Kayibanda,[9][5] founded the Parti du Mouvement de l'Emancipation Hutu (Parmehutu), which pushed for the democratization of Ruanda's institutions and the political empowerment of Hutu people at the expense of Tutsis. Faced with this exclusionary trend in national politics,[10] Rwagasana and other UNAR leaders went into self-imposed exile in British Tanganyika in 1960.[9] He later returned to continue campaigning for UNAR.[3]

In January 1961 thousands of Rwandan municipal officials gathered in Gitarama and, acting as a constituent assembly, voted to dissolve the monarchy and replace it with a presidential system. The proposed president then requested that Kayibanda form a new government.[11] In the September 1961 Rwandan parliamentary election, Paremhutu won an overwhelming majority of the seats, though Rwagasana was elected on an UNAR ticket in the Nyanza constituency.[12] He subsequently represented the constituency in the Legislative Assembly from 1961 to 1963.[1] Concurrent to the elections was a referendum on the decision to abolish the monarchy; the population voted in favor of abolition.[12] In February 1962 the United Nations brokered a compromise, the New York Accord,[13] in attempt to ensure Rwandan politics remained inclusive. The agreement called for Kayibanda and Parmehutu to form a coalition government with UNAR. The accord split UNAR into an accommodationist faction committed to working through the coalition, and a restorationist faction intent on using armed force to attack the new government.[14] Rwasagana led the accommodationists,[13] but when Kayibanda offered him a ministerial portfolio in his government he refused the position.[3] Rwanda became independent as a republic later that year.[15]

Death and legacy


On 21 December 1963 Rwandan Tutsi exiles from Burundi attacked a military camp in Gako, Bugesera. They then advanced on Kigali before being stopped and defeated by the Rwandan National Guard.[16] The Rwandan regime subsequently moved to purge moderate Hutu politicians and UNAR members, including Rwagasana.[17] Pierre Claver Karyabwite, vice president of the UNAR youth wing, was tipped off by a local official that UNAR's leadership was to be executed. He drove to Nyamirambo, where UNAR was headquartered and where Rwagasana lived to warn him of the danger. According to Karyabwite, he refused to flee, saying, "Don't you get it? I came back to remain with the people. They will only be killed after I am dead. Under no circumstances will I flee to leave them to be killed by Parmehutu."[3] On 23 December Rwagasana and other moderates were detained and taken to Ruhengeri. Over the course of the night they were tortured and early the following morning they were brought to Nyamagumba hill and executed.[17]

Rwagasana's last child was born after his death. His wife died in 1988, and one of his sons died in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.[3] In February 2002 Ibuka, a genocide remembrance organization, published a list of suggested Rwandan "national heroes", including Rwagasana.[5] He is currently recognized as a national hero by the Rwandan Chancellery for Heroes, National Orders and Decorations of Honour under the Imena category.[18]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Mutavu, Viola (31 January 2017). "Ibigwi byihariye by'Intwari Rwagasana Michel umaze imyaka 54 atabarutse". Igihe (in Kinyarwanda). Retrieved 28 April 2021.
  2. ^ Lemarchand 1970, p. 202.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Kimenyi, Felly (31 January 2013). "The life and times of Michel Rwagasana". The New Times. Retrieved 28 April 2021.
  4. ^ Lemarchand 1970, p. 203.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c Rosoux 2005, paragraph 53.
  6. ^ "Ruanda-Urundi". Memo from Belgium. No. 9. Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs. September 1961.
  7. ^ Mamdani 2002, p. 120.
  8. ^ Mamdani 2020, p. 128.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b Atterbury 1970, p. 79.
  10. ^ Mamdani 2002, pp. 121, 126.
  11. ^ Mamdani 2002, p. 124.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b Harroy 1989, p. 475.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b Mushemeza 2007, p. 65.
  14. ^ Mamdani 2020, pp. 126–128.
  15. ^ Mamdani 2002, p. 126.
  16. ^ Kimonyo, Жан-Поль (24 марта 2014 г.). " Qui Est Génocide? ' или «Кто такой геноцид?» " . Новое время . Получено 28 апреля 2021 года .
  17. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Гасана, Винсент (26 декабря 2018 г.). «Резня невинных, Руанда, 1963» . Новое время . Получено 28 апреля 2021 года .
  18. ^ Нтиргая, Эммануэль (25 января 2020 года). «Правительство открывает дорожную карту Дня Героев» . Новое время . Получено 28 апреля 2021 года .

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