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Список окружных дорог в округе Карвер, штат Миннесота

Названия шоссе
Межгосударства Межгосударственный X (IX)
США шоссе US Highway X (США x)
Состояние Шоссе багажника x (Mn x или th x)
Государственные дорожки штата: Шатра штата Справочная дорожка x (CSAH X)
Дороги округа : Графство дорога X (CR x)
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Округ Карвер, штат Миннесота, имеет несколько окружных дорог . Многие из них считаются государственными дороги штата (CSAH). Округ Карвер использует белый квадратный щит, чтобы подписать дороги CSAH и округа. Дороги округа Карвер, как правило, соответствуют тем же правилам нумерации, что и на дороги США; Дороги о округе ровно идут с востока на запад, в то время как нечетные дороги округа идут с севера на юг. Исключения из этого включают дороги округа 10 , 40 , 61 и 92 .

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Округ дорога 10

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County Road 10-это маршрут по пересечению между восток-западом, пройдя северо-восточный округ Карвер. Он обслуживает города Часка , Вакония и Уотертаун . [ 1 ] Он начинается с Flying Cloud Drive ( округ 61 ) и направляется на запад в качестве бульвара Энглера. В Waconia (к западу от MN 5 ) округ -роуд 10 известен как 13 -я улица. К востоку от MN 5 , округ -роуд 10 известен как Waconia Parkway South. Затем он перемещается от маршрута с востока к западу к маршруту с севера на юг. Затем у него есть кольцевая развязка с государственным шоссе 7 в городке Уотертаун . County Road 10 затем входит в Уотертаун и известен как Уайт -стрит и территориальная улица. Затем он имеет небольшое перекрытие с государственным шоссе 25 , а затем выходит из Уотертауна и отправляется дальше на север до линии округа Райт , продолжая в качестве округа Road 13 . [ 1 ] Маршрут длиной около 23 миль (37 км). [ 2 ]

В Ваконии существует отрывка в округе 10, соединяющая государственную шоссе 5 с округом Road 10 Via Orchard Road. Споры имеют длину в одну милю (1,6 км). [ 3 ]

Графство дорога 11

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County Road 11-это маршрут по перекрестному графству с севера на юг в северо-восточном округе Карвер. Он обслуживает города Карвер и Виктория . [ 1 ] Он начинается на линии округа Скотт (продолжая из графства 9 ) и направляется на север как Джонатан Карвер Паркуэй. Он имеет небольшое совпадение с County Road 40 в Карвере. Как только он достигнет пересечения с бульваром Энглера ( округ 10 ), он известен как Виктория Драйв. Затем маршрут входит в Викторию и имеет небольшое совпадение с государственным шоссе 5 . Затем он путешествует по заповеднику Карвер -парка и заканчивается на кольцевой развязке с государственным шоссе 7 . [ 1 ] Маршрут длиной около 16 миль (26 км). [ 4 ]

Графство дорога 13

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County Road 13-короткий маршрут севера на юг в северо-восточном округе Карвер. Он обслуживает город Виктория . [ 1 ] Он начинается на 82 -й улице ( округ 18 ) и направляется на север как Бавария -роуд. Как только он достигнет государственного шоссе 5 , он известен как Rolling Acres Road. Он заканчивается на государственном шоссе 7 вскоре после. [ 1 ] Маршрут длиной около двух миль (3,2 км). [ 5 ]

Графство дорога 14

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County Road 14-это маршрут восток-запад в восточном округе Карвер. Он обслуживает города Часка и Чанхассена . [ 1 ] Он начинается в Виктории Драйв ( графство 11 ) в городке Лейктаун и направляется на восток как Pioneer Trail. Он имеет серьезный перекресток с государственным шоссе 41 в Часке и Государственном шоссе 101 в Чанхассене. Он продолжается до линии округа Хеннепин , где он продолжается как графство дорога 1 . [ 1 ] Маршрут длиной около семи миль (11 км). [ 6 ]

Графство дорога 15

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County Road 15-это маршрут с севера на юг в округе Восточный Карвер. Он обслуживает города Часка и Чанхассена . [ 1 ] Он начинается в Flying Cloud Drive ( округ 61 ) и направляется на север как Аудубон -роуд. Затем он имеет небольшое совпадение с бульваром Лимана ( округ 18 ). Затем он продолжается как бульвар Галпин в Чанхассен, пока не достигнет государственного шоссе 5 , где он продолжается как графство 117 . [ 1 ] Маршрут длиной около пяти миль (8 км). [ 7 ]

Округ дорога 17

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County Road 17-это маршрут с севера на юг в округе Восточный Карвер. Он обслуживает город Чанхассен . [ 1 ] Он начинается с Pioneer Trail ( графство 14 ) и направляется на север как бульвар Пауэрса. Он имеет серьезные перекрестки с County Road 18 и State Highway 5 . Он продолжается до линии округа Хеннепин, где она известна как County Road 82 . Маршрут длиной около пяти миль (8 км). [ 8 ]

Раунд -роуд 18

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County Road 18 разделена на два сегмента восток-запад в северо-восточном округе Карвер. Они служат городам Виктории , Часки и Чанхассена . [ 1 ] Первый сегмент начинается на бульваре Черч -Лейк ( графство 43 ) в Виктории и направляется на восток. Затем он заканчивается на Баварии -роуд ( округ 13 ) возле Миннесотского пейзажа . Второй сегмент начинается в тупике в Часке возле Шат -шоссе 41 и направляется на восток как бульвар Лимана. Он заканчивается на государственном шоссе 101 / графство Road 101 в Чанхассене. Комбинированная длина двух сегментов составляет около пяти миль (8 км). [ 9 ] [ 10 ]

Округ дорога 20

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County Road 20-это маршрут по пересечению между восток-западом в северном округе Карвер. Он обслуживает город Уотертаун . Он начинается на линии округа Маклеод (продолжая из графства 6 ) и направляется на восток. Он немного перекрывается с окружной дорогой 33 в Голливудском городке . Он также имеет небольшое перекрытие как с государственным шоссе 25 , так и с округом 10 в Уотертауне и Уотертауне . Затем он выходит из Уотертауна на своем собственном пути и заканчивается на линии округа Хеннепин, где он продолжается как графство дорога 6 . Это около 14 миль (23 км) в длину. [ 11 ]

County Road 21


County Road 21 is a north-south county route in northwestern Carver County. It serves Hollywood Township.[1] It starts at State Highway 7 and travels north to the Wright County line, where it continues as County Road 10. It is about five miles (8 km) long.[12]

County Road 23


County Road 23 is a short north-south county route in west-central Carver County. It serves the city of Mayer.[1] It starts at First Street (County 30) and heads north as Bluejay Avenue. Outside of Mayer, it is known as just "County Road 23". It ends at State Highway 7 and continues as County Road 123. The route is about one mile (1.6 km) long.[1]

County Road 24


County Road 24 is an east-west county route in northern Carver County. It serves the city of Watertown.[1] It starts at White Street (County 10) and heads east. It ends at the Hennepin County line, where it continues as County Road 15. It is about four miles (6.4 km) long.[1]

County Road 27


County Road 27 is a short north-south route in northern Carver County. It serves the city of Watertown.[1] It starts at Territorial Street (County 10 / 20) and heads north as Lewis Avenue. It ends at the Wright County line, where it continues as County Road 16.[1] The route is about two miles (3.2 km) long.[13]

County Road 30


County Road 30 is an east-west route in western Carver County. It serves the cities of New Germany, Mayer, and Waconia.[1] It starts at the McLeod County line (continuing from County 23) and heads east. In New Germany, it has a slight overlap with County 33 (State Avenue) before turning right onto Broadway Street. In Mayer, County 30 is known as First Street. It then has a slight overlap with State Highway 25 before turning left back onto its original alignment. It then ends at Waconia Parkway (County 10) in Waconia Township.[1] County Road 30 used to travel through Waconia and end at the Hennepin County line via present-day County Road 92.[14] The current route is about 11 miles (18 km) long.[15]

County Road 31


County Road 31 is a north-south route in southwestern Carver County. It serves the city of Norwood Young America. It starts at County Road 50 in Young America Township and heads north. It then turns right onto Elm Street in Norwood Young America and ends at Morse Street (County 33) in Norwood Young America.[1] It is about four miles (6.4 km) long.[16]

A westward spur of County Road 31 exists, connecting County Road 31 with U.S. 212 in Young America Township.[1] That segment is about one-half mile (0.8 km) long.[17]

County Road 32


County Road 32 is an east-west route in western Carver County. It serves the city of Waconia. It starts at County Road 30 in Camden Township and heads south. It then shifts to an east-west route and has a major intersection with State Highway 25 and County Road 51 before ending at Waconia Parkway (County 10) in Waconia Township.[1] A second segment of the route used to travel along 13th Street in Waconia from State Highway 5 to County Road 10.[14] It has since been replaced by County Road 10. The current route is about nine miles (14 km) long.[18]

County Road 33


County Road 33 is a north-south route in western Carver County. It serves the cities of Norwood Young America and New Germany. It starts at the Sibley County line (continuing from County 5) and heads north. It then has a very slight overlap with County Road 52 in the unincorporated town of Assumption. It then has another slight overlap; this time with County Road 50 in Young America Township before branching off into Norwood Young America. There, it follows Oak, Elm, Morse, Railroad, and Reform Streets. Soon after, it has a major intersection with U.S. 212 / State Highway 5 / State Highway 25. It then passes through New Germany, where it is known as State Avenue. It then has a major intersection with State Highway 7 in Hollywood Township. It then has a slight overlap with County Road 20 in Hollywood Township before reaching the Wright County line, where it continues as County Road 8.[1] The route is about 24 miles (39 km) long.[19]

County Road 34


County Road 34 is an east-west route in western Carver County. It serves the city of Norwood Young America.[1] It starts at the McLeod County line (continuing from County 3) and heads east. In Norwood Young America, it has a major intersection with State Highway 5. After the intersection, County 34 is known as First Street, Central Avenue, Main Street, Third Avenue, and Tacoma Avenue until it ends at U.S. 212.[1] The route is about six miles (9.7 km) long.[20]

County Road 36


County Road 36 is an east-west route in south-central Carver County. It serves the city of Cologne.[1] It starts at U.S. 212 in Benton Township and heads east through Cologne and ends back at U.S. 212 in Dahlgren Township.[1] The route is about 2.5 miles (4 km) long.[21] It was established in 1972 after a bypass was built for U.S. 212 around Cologne, and took the place of the old U.S. 212 route. This route could be considered a business spur of U.S. 212.

County Road 40


County Road 40 is a northeast-southwest route in southeastern Carver County. It mostly follows the course of the Minnesota River. It also serves the city of Carver.[1] It starts at Chaska Boulevard (County 61) in Carver and heads south as Old Carver Road. In downtown Carver, it is known as Fourth Street before turning left onto Broadway Street, then right onto Main Street. It then turns left onto Jonathan Carver Parkway (County 11). Instead of turning Jordan-bound with County 11, it keeps going straight. Ten miles (16 km) later,[22] it ends at State Highway 25 in San Francisco Township, where it continues as Sibley County Road 6.[1] The route is about 13 miles (21 km) long.[23]

County Road 41


County Road 41 is a north-south route in southeastern Carver County. It serves San Francisco Township and Dahlgren Township.[1] It starts at County Road 52 in San Francisco Township and heads north. It has a major intersection with County Road 50 on the San Francisco-Dahlgren Township border. County Road 41 zig-zags and turns right onto Market Avenue. It then has a major intersection with U.S. 212. It ends at County Road 36 near Cologne.[1] The route is about seven miles (11 km) long.[24]

County Road 43


County Road 43 is a north-south route in eastern Carver County. It serves the city of Victoria.[1] It starts at County Road 50 in East Union and heads north. It has an intersection with U.S. 212, also in Dahlgren Township. In Laketown Township, it has a slight overlap with County Road 10 before turning right onto Church Lake Boulevard into Victoria, where it ends at Victoria Drive (County 11) and continues as County Road 18.[1] The route is about 11 miles (18 km) long.[25]

County Road 44


County Road 44 is an east-west route in eastern Carver County. It serves the city of Chaska.[1] This route used to be the CSAH portion of County Road 140,[26] but that portion was renumbered.[1] It starts at the intersection with County Roads 43 and 140 in Dahlgren Township and heads east as Big Woods Boulevard. It then ends at Chaska Boulevard (County 61) in Chaska. The route is about four miles (6.4 km) long.[27]

County Road 45


County Road 45 was a north-south route in southeastern Carver County.[14] It served San Francisco Township and Dahlgren Township.[1] It started at the Scott County line (continuing from County 9) and ended at County Road 40. The route was about 4 miles (6.4 km) in length. The route is known today as the southernmost portion of County Road 11.[1]

County Road 50


County Road 50 is an east-west cross-county route in southern Carver County. It serves the city of Hamburg.[1] It starts at Jonathan Carver Parkway (County 11) in San Francisco Township and heads west until County Road 51 in Benton Township. It then has a slight overlap with County Road 51 for about one mile (1.6 km)[28] before turning left. In Hamburg, County Road 50 is known as Park Avenue, Railroad Street, Henrietta Avenue, Jacob Street, and Broadway Avenue, after which it exits Hamburg. County Road 50 continues heading west to the McLeod County line, where it turns left on Zebra Avenue and reaches the Sibley County line, where it continues as County Road 11.[1] The route is 20 miles (32 km) long.[29]

County Road 51


County Road 51 is a north-south route in south-central Carver County. It serves Hancock Township, Benton Township, and Waconia Township.[1] It starts at County Road 52 / 151 and heads north. It has two major intersections; one with U.S. 212 and one with State Highway 5. It ends at County Road 32 in Waconia Township. The route is about 11 miles (18 km) long.[30] The section between State Highway 5 and County Road 32 used to be a second segment of County Road 151, but it became a part of County Road 51.[31]

County Road 52


County Road 52 is an east-west route in southern Carver County. It serves Hancock Township and San Francisco Township.[32] It starts at County Road 33 and heads east. It has intersections with county roads 51, 53, and 41 before ending at County Road 40 in San Francisco Township. The route is about eight miles (13 km) long.[33]

County Road 53


County Road 53 is a north-south route in south-central Carver County. It serves the city of Cologne.[1] It starts at the Sibley County line (continuing from County 14) and heads north. It has major intersections with County Roads 52 and 50. It ends at a reduced-conflict intersection with U.S. 212 and State Highway 284 in Cologne. The route is about 6.5 miles (10.5 km) long.[34]

County Road 57


County Road 57 was[35] a short north-south route in central Carver County. It served the city of Waconia. It started at the junction of State Highways 5 and 284 and headed north as Olive Street before ending at Main Street (old County 59). The route was about one-half mile (0.8 km) long.[36]

County Road 59


County Road 59 is a short north-south route in central Carver County. It serves the city of Waconia.[1] It starts at Engler Boulevard (County 10) in Waconia and heads north as Main Street. It ends at State Highway 5 in Waconia Township. The route is about 0.7 miles (1.1 km) long.[37] County Road 59 used to continue north of State Highway 5 into downtown Waconia (via the old route of County Road 30[14]) and end at County Road 57, but that section was removed.[38]

County Road 61


County Road 61 is an east-west route in eastern Carver County. It serves the city of Chaska and Chanhassen.[1] It starts at Jonathan Carver Parkway (County 11) and heads east as Chaska Boulevard. It has a major intersection with State Highway 41 in Chaska. Once it reaches County Road 10, it is known as Flying Cloud Drive. It has another major intersection with State Highway 101 and County Road 101 in Chanhassen. It then continues to the Hennepin County line, where it continues as County Road 61. The route is about seven miles (11 km) long.[39] This route used to be old U.S. 212 before it was shifted onto the nearby freeway that was originally known as State Highway 312.[40]

County Road 92


County Road 92 is a short north-south route in central Carver County. It serves Laketown Township.[1] It starts at State Highway 5 and heads north as Laketown Parkway. It has an intersection with County Road 155 before ending at the Hennepin County line, where it continues as County 92. The route is about three miles (4.8 km) long.[41] The route used to be a part of County Road 30.[14] Crown College is located along the route.[41]

County Road 101


County Road 101 is split into two north-south segments. They serve the city of Chanhassen. The first one starts at the Scott County line (continuing from County 101) and heads north. It ends at County 61. The second segment starts at County 14 and heads north as Great Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard before ending at State Highway 5.[1] The combined segments have a total length of three miles (4.8 km).[42][43] The routes used to be portions of State Highway 101 that were turned back to Carver County maintenance.[44]

Route list

Number Length (mi) Length (km) Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Local names Formed Removed Notes
CSAH 10 23.2 37.3 County 61 in Chaska Wright County Line (County 13) Engler Boulevard (Chaska); 13th Street, Waconia Parkway South (Waconia); White Street, Territorial Street (Watertown)  
CSAH 10 1 1.6 MN 5 in Waconia Township County 10 in Waconia Township Orchard Road 02019-01-01c. 2019 current Spur of CSAH 10 providing a more direct connection between it and MN 5
CSAH 11 15.7 25.3 Scott County Line (County 9) MN 7 in Victoria Jonathan Carver Parkway (S of County 10); Victoria Drive (N of County 10) Southernmost section originally County 45
CR 11 4.7 7.6 Shady Oak Drive and County 11 in Victoria County 61 in Chaska Shady Oak Drive, Victoria Drive (Chaska), Crosstown Boulevard 02006-01-01c. 2006 Southern segment; this old alignment was slowly removed or replaced with trails until the rest was turned back to local management in 2006.
CSAH 13 1.9 3.1 County 18 in Victoria MN 7 in Victoria Bavaria Road (S of MN 5); Rolling Acres Road (N of MN 5)  
CSAH 14 8.7 14.0 County 11 in Victoria Hennepin County Line (County 1) Pioneer Trail  
CSAH 15 4.6 7.4 County 61 in Chaska MN 5 and County 117 in Chanhassen Audubon Road; Lyman Boulevard; Galpin Road Northernmost section originally part of County 19
CSAH 17 4.6 7.4 County 14 in Chanhassen Hennepin County Line (County 82) Powers Boulevard  
CSAH 18 1.3 2.1 County 11 and County 43 in Victoria County 13 in Victoria 82nd Street Western Segment
CSAH 18 4.6 7.4 Dead end near MN 41 in Chaska County 101 in Chanhassen Lyman Boulevard Eastern Segment
CSAH 19 1 1.6 County 18 in Chanhassen MN 5 and County 117 in Chanhassen Galpin Road 02008-01-01c. 2008 Became part of County 15.
CSAH 20 7.7 12.4 McLeod County Line (County 6) MN 25 in Watertown Township   Western Segment
CSAH 20 4.2 6.8 County 10 in Watertown Hennepin County Line (County 6)   Eastern Segment
CSAH 21 5 8.0 MN 7 in Hollywood Township Wright County Line (County 10)    
CSAH 23 1.4 2.3 County 30 in Mayer MN 7 and County 123 on the Hollywood/Watertown township line Bluejay Avenue (Mayer)  
CSAH 24 3.7 6.0 County 10 in Watertown Hennepin County Line (County 15)    
CSAH 27 1.8 2.9 County 10 in Watertown Wright County Line (County 16) Lewis Avenue (Watertown)  
CSAH 30 11.1 17.9 McLeod County Line (County 23) County 10 in Waconia Township State Avenue, Broadway Street (New Germany); 1st Street, MN 25 (Mayer) Originally continued to the Hennepin County line via present-day CSAH 59 and CSAH 92
CSAH 31 4.5 7.2 Sibley County Line (County 16) The other County 31 in Young America Township Upton Road; CSAH 50; Vera Avenue (Young America Twp.)  
CSAH 31 1.6 2.6 U.S. 212 in Young America Township County 33 in Norwood Young America Elm Street (Norwood Young America)  
CSAH 32 8.9 14.3 County 30 in Camden Township County 10 in Waconia Township   Originally continued into Waconia via present-day CSAH 10
CSAH 33 23.9 38.5 Sibley County Line (County 5) Wright County Line (County 8) Oak Street, Elm Street, Morse Street, Railroad Street, Reform Street (Norwood Young America); State Avenue (New Germany)  
CSAH 34 6.3 10.1 McLeod County Line (County 3) U.S. 212 in Norwood Young America 1st Street, Central Avenue, Main Street, 3rd Avenue, Tacoma Avenue (Norwood Young America)  
CSAH 36 2.5 4.0 U.S. 212 in Cologne U.S. 212 in Dahlgren Township Lake Street (Cologne) 01972-01-01c. 1972 current Old U.S. 212; established after a bypass was built for U.S. 212 around Cologne in 1972
CSAH 40 13.1 21.1 Sibley County Line (County 6) County 61 in Chaska Jonathan Carver Parkway, Main Street, Broadway Street, 4th Street (Carver)  
CSAH 41 7.3 11.7 County 52 in San Francisco Township County 36 on the Benton/Dahlgren township line    
CSAH 43 10.8 17.4 County 50 on the San Francisco/Dahlgren township line County 11 and County 18 in Victoria Church Lake Boulevard (Victoria)  
CSAH 44 3.9 6.3 County 43 and County 140 in Dahlgren Township County 61 in Chaska Big Woods Boulevard 02013-01-01c. 2013 current  
CSAH 45 3.8 6.1 Scott County Line (County 9) County 40 in Dahlgren Township   02006-01-01c. 2006 Became part of County 11.
CSAH 50 19.9 32.0 Sibley County Line (County 11) County 11 in San Francisco Township Zebra Avenue (Young America Twp.); Broadway Avenue, Jacob Street, Henrietta Avenue, Railroad Street, Park Avenue (Hamburg)  
CSAH 51 12.1 19.5 County 52 and County 151 in Hancock Township County 32 in Waconia Township   Section north of MN 5 section originally County 151
CSAH 52 8 13 County 33 in Hancock Township County 40 in San Francisco Township    
CSAH 53 6.5 10.5 Sibley County Line (County 14) U.S. 212 and MN 284 in Cologne Paul Street (Cologne) Superstreet intersection with U.S. 212
CSAH 57 0.5 0.80 MN 5 and MN 284 in Waconia Main Street (Old County 59 and 30) in Waconia Olive Street 02015-01-01c. 2015 Turned back to local maintenance.
CSAH 59 0.7 1.1 County 10 in Waconia MN 5 in Waconia Main Street Originally ended at CSAH 57 via Main Street/Old County 30; that section turned back to local maintenance circa 2011.
CSAH 61 7.2 11.6 County 11 in Chaska Hennepin County Line (County 61) Chaska Boulevard (W of County 10); Flying Cloud Drive (E of County 10) 02008-01-01c. 2008 current Old U.S. 212
CSAH 92 2.5 4.0 MN 5 in Waconia Hennepin County Line (County 92)   Old County 30
CSAH 101 0.7 1.1 Scott County Line (County 101) County 61 in Chanhassen   01988-01-011988 current Southern Segment; old MN 101
CSAH 101 2.4 3.9 County 14 and MN 101 in Chanhassen MN 5 in Chanhassen Great Plains Boulevard; Market Boulevard 01988-01-011988 current Northern Segment; old MN 101
CR 110 1.3 2.1 County 10 in Laketown Township County 10 in Laketown Township Klein Drive 02010-01-01c. 2010 02013-01-01c. 2013 Western Segment; turned back to local maintenance.
CR 110 2.6 4.2 County 10 in Dahlgren Township County 61 in Chaska Creek Road 02006-01-01c. 2006 Eastern Segment; turned back to local maintenance.
CR 111 1.1 1.8 County 14 in Chaska County 11 in Victoria Shady Oak Drive  
CR 111 1 1.6 County 11 in Dahlgren Township Pioneer Trail in Chaska Pioneer Trail 02006-01-01c. 2006 Became part of County 14
CR 117 2.1 3.4 MN 5 and County 15 in Chanhassen Hennepin County Line Galpin Road  
CR 122 6.4 10.3 County 33 in Hollywood Township MN 25 in Watertown Township    
CR 123 3.7 6.0 MN 7 and County 23 on the Hollywood/Watertown township line County 122 in Watertown Township    
CR 127 1.7 2.7 County 20 in Watertown Township County 24 in Watertown Township    
CR 131 1.7 2.7 U.S. 212 and MN 5 / 25 in Young America Township County 34 in Young America Township    
CR 133 0.5 0.80 County 20 in Hollywood Township Wright County Line    
CR 135 3.7 6.0 County 33 on the Young America/Camden township line County 32 in Camden Township    
CR 140 13.7 22.0 County 50 in Benton Township County 43 and County 44 in Dahlgren Township   Section between County 50 and MN 284 originally County 153; easternmost section became County 44
CR 141 3.5 5.6 County 10 in Laketown Township MN 5 in Laketown Township Laketown Road  
CR 147 5.4 8.7 County 40 in Carver County 14 in Chaska Бродвейская улица, Джонатан Карвер Паркуэй (только после вывода из эксплуатации), Гернси -авеню, Виктория Драйв (только после вывода из эксплуатации) 02001-01-01c. 2001 Часть к северу от США 212 стала частью графства 11 после того, как эта дорога стала Джонатаном Карвером Паркуэй, а часть к югу от США 212 (Бродвей -стрит) была возвращена обратно в местное управление, а затем навсегда закрыта.
CR 151 1 1.6 Линия округа Сибли ( округ 160 ) Графство 52 в городке Хэнкок    
CR 151 2.1 3.4 MN 5 и округ 51 в поселке Вакония Графство 32 в поселке Вакония   02016-01-01 c. 2016 Северный сегмент; стал частью графства 51 .
CR 152 3 4.8 Графство 51 в городке Бентон Графство 53 в городке Бентон    
CR 153 7 11 Графство 50 в городке Бентон MN 284 в городке Бентон   02019-01-01 c. 2019 Стал частью графства 140 .
CR 155 2.8 4.5 Графство 92 в городке Лакетаун MN 7 в городке Уотертаун    
  •      Бывший

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