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Муниципальная камера Порту Алегре

Муниципальная камера Порту Алегре

Городской совет Порту Алегре
18 -й законодательный орган
Пределы сроков
FoundedSeptember 6, 1773 (1773-09-06)
Hamilton Sossmeier, PRD
since January 2, 2023
Government Leader
Idenir Cecchim, MDB
Opposition Leader
Roberto Robaina, PSOL
Political groups
Government (22)
  PSDB (4)
  MDB (3)
  PRD (3)
  PP (3)
  PL (2)
  Republicanos (2)
  Cidadania (1)
  PSD (1)
  PSB (1)
  UNIÃO (1)

Non-aligned (4)

  PDT (2)
  NOVO (2)

Opposition (10)

  PT (4)
  PSOL (4)
  PCdoB (2)
Length of term
4 years
Open list proportional representation
Last election
November 15, 2020
Next election
October 6, 2024
Meeting place
Aloísio Filho Palace

Городской совет Порту Алегре является законодательным отделением Порту Алегри . Он состоит из 36 советников, которые избираются на открытых выборах в список. Совет служит балансом сил против мэра, поскольку у Порто Алегре есть сильный тип правительства совека . Городской совет Порту Алегре курирует все исполнительные учреждения, департаменты и аудиты муниципальных государственных счетов. У него есть единственная полномочия решать, может ли мэр или заместитель мэра покинуть Порту Алегре на течение более пяти дней. Совет также утверждает бюджетный счет. Там нет ограничения срока.

Текущий спикер совета - это Гумберто Гуларт ( PDT ). Также есть следующие офисы: первый заместитель спикера Luiz Braz ( PSDB ); Второй заместитель спикера Маргарет Морас ( PT ); Первый секретарь совета, Гарольдо де Соуза ( PMDB ); Второй секретарь, Элиас Нунес Видал ( PPS ); и третий секретарь, Вальдир Каэтано да Силва ( PL ). Нынешний лидер большинства - Кления Маранхао , пп.

Есть шесть комитетов, наблюдающих за несколькими предметами города. Членство в комитете определяется поломкой партии. Члены комитетов назначены партийными лидерами. Комитеты обычно встречаются утром, поскольку после обеда зарезервированы на полу.



The very first City Council meeting was on September 6, 1773, when members of the Viamão Council met in the Vila de Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus de Porto Alegre, former name of Porto Alegre, ordered by then-governor José Marcelino de Figueiredo. Members of the first Porto Alegre City Council were Domingos Moreira (Speaker), Manoel Velloso Tavares, Domingos Gomes Ribeiro, José Alves Velludo, and Ventura Pereira Maciel. In the early years, the City Council had both judicial and legislative powers.

In 1828, there had been a major change the way City Council was set up. Porto Alegre had 10,000 inhabitants, and 400 voters, who elected the new nine-member City Council. Under the rule of the Empire of Brazil, there was no mayor-like office, and activities of City Council were scrutinized by the Provincial Assembly. At that time, City Council had attributions that today are mayor's ones, like public works, police services, and tax collection. In 1864, it had begun the building of the first Council Hall in an open lot between Rua da Ponte (currently Riachuelo Street) and Pedro II Square (currently Marshall Deodoro Square). This building was destroyed by fire on November 19, 1949 and the lot is now the seat of Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice. 1873 was the year of the centennial and the members of Council were João Carlos Augusto Bordini, Joaquim Francisco Dutra Júnior, João Rodrigues Fagundes, Antônio Manuel Fernandes, Luís da Silva Flores Filho, João Pinto da Fonseca Guimarães, José Martins de Lima, Manuel Soares Lisboa and, Firmínio Martins de Oliveira Prates.

By the deposition of monarchy, there were 8 councilmen: João Antunes da Cunha Neto (speaker), Felicíssimo Manoel de Azevedo, Bibiano Dias de Castro, João da Mata Coelho, José Domingos da Costa, Antônio da Azevedo Lima, Guilherme Shell and, Rafael Gonçalves Ventura. After enactment of the Brazilian Constitution of 1891, City Council was responsible of auditing municipal public accounts, analyzing budget bills and, tax-related matters. At this time, there had been no opposition within City Council, as the PRP dominated state's political scene. The first oppositionist ever elected was a member of defunct Federalist Party in 1916. When Getúlio Vargas took over the rule in 1930, all city councils in Brazil were closed. Only in 1934, the city councils were re-opened. During this time, City Council was made up of 11 councilmen with annual sessions no longer than two months. This structure lasted until 1937, when that City Council was replaced by a Technical Administration Council.

In 1947, a new State Constitution was signed into law and City Council was authorized to have 21 members; these members now started out receiving monthly income paid up by city treasury, this led to increase of middle class representation. Between 1947 and 1949, Council sessions are hosted in today's City Hall. In 1949, City Council moved into José Mountary Building. When the military staged a coup in 1964, multi-party system was abolished, being replaced by a two-party system.

In 1988, a new Brazilian Constitution was enacted, granting powers to cities but, creating a rigid form of government for cities; in this constitution cities are federative units, unlike former constitutions that granted states full rights to legislate over municipal forms of government.

Membership to City Council


As of October 7, 2006,[1] these are the members of Porto Alegre City Council. Councilmen are sorted out by party, then by last name.

Councilperson Party Committee membership Official website
Manuela Pinto Vieira d'Ávila PCdoB Education, Culture and Youth Affairs [1]
Raul Kroeff Machado Carrion PCdoB Consumer and Human Rights [2]
Nereu D'Ávila PDT Constitution and Justice [3]
Ervino Besson PDT Consumer and Human Rights [4]
Neusa Celine Canabarro Elizeire PDT Health and Environment [5]
Mário Pinto de Fraga PDT Constitution and Justice [6]
Humberto Ciulla Goulart PDT Speaker of the Council [7]
João Bosco Granado Vaz PDT Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [8]
José Ismael Heinen DEM Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [9]
Maristela Meneghetti DEM Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur [10]
Valdir Caetano da Silva PL Constitution and Justice [11]
Sebastião de Araújo Melo PMDB Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs [12]
Ibsen Valls Pinheiro PMDB Constitution and Justice [13]
Haroldo Joaquim de Souza PMDB Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs [14]
Bernardino Vendrusculo PMDB Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [15]
João Antônio Dib PP Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur [16]
Mônica Leal Markusons PP Health and Environment [17]
João Carlos Cavalheiro Nedel PP Health and Environment [18]
Carlos Alberto Oliveira Garcia PPS Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur [19]
Clênia Leal Maranhão PPS Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [20]
Paulo Odone Ribeiro PPS Constitution and Justice [21]
Elias Nunes Vidal PPS Health and Environment [22]
Maristela Maffei PSB Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs [23]
Antônio Luiz Braz PSDB Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur [24]
Cláudio José de Souza Sebenelo PSDB Health and Environment [25]
Almerindo da Rosa PSL Constitution and Justice [26]
Carlos Roberto Comassetto PT Constitution and Justice [27]
Margarete Costa Moraes PT Consumer and Human Rights [28]
Sofia Cavedon Nunes PT Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs [29]
Aldacir José Oliboni PT Health and Environment [30]
Maria Celeste de Souza da Silva PT Consumer and Human Rights [31]
Adeli Sell PT Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur [32]
Carlos Atílio Todeschini PT Consumer and Human Rights [33]
Jorge Antônio Dornelles Carpes PTB Committee on Consumer and Human Rights [34]
Elói Francisco Pedroso Guimarães PTB Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [35]
Alceu de Oliveira da Rosa PTB Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing [36]

Committees of City Council


There are six committees with jurisdiction all over municipal affairs. Committee's works are regulated by the Porto Alegre City Charter (Chapter V, Section III) and the Porto Alegre City Council Rules of Procedure (Title II, Chapter II).

Committee on Constitution and Justice


Committee on Constitution and Justice (CCJ) oversees legal status before the City Charter of every bill in the Council. This committee drafts final versions of every bill in the Council before being voted in the floor. CCJ has an appellate jurisdiction on decisions of the Speaker and its deputies. Ibsen Valls Pinheiro (PMDB) is the Committee Chairman and Paulo Odone Ribeiro (PPS) is the Deputy Committee Chairman. Membership[2] to CCJ:

Councilperson Party
Nereu D'Ávila PDT
Carlos Roberto Comassetto PT
Mário Pinto de Fraga PDT
Almerindo da Rosa PSL
Valdir Caetano da Silva PL

Committee on Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur


Committee on Economy, Treasure, Budget, and Mercosur (CEFOR) oversees tax, economy and, budget affairs. CEFOR has sole authority to oversee public spendings as defined by budget bill. CEFOR drafts final versions of Budget, appropriation bills. Maristela Meneghetti (DEM) is the Committee Chairwoman and Adeli Sell (PT) is the Deputy Committee Chairman. Membership[3] to CEFOR:

Councilperson Party
Antônio Luiz Braz PSDB
Carlos Alberto Oliveira Garcia PSB
João Antônio Dib PP

Committee on Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing


Committee on Urbanization, Transportation, and Housing (CUTHAB) has jurisdiction on street, places naming, public works, municipal assets allocation, public transportation and, related affairs. Elói Francisco Pedroso Guimarães (PTB) is the Committee Chairman and Clênia Leal Maranhão (PPS) is the Deputy Committee Chairwoman. Membership[4] to CUTHAB:

Councilperson Party
José Ismael Heinen DEM
Alceu de Oliveira da Rosa PTB
João Bosco Granado Vaz PDT
Bernardino Vendrusculo PMDB

Committee on Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs


Committee on Education, Culture, and Youth Affairs (CECE) has jurisdiction on educational affairs, sport facilities and, youth-related initiatives. Manuela Pinto Vieira d'Ávila (PCdoB) is the Committee Chairwoman and Maristela Maffei (PSB) is the Deputy Committee Chairwoman. Membership[5] to CECE:

Councilperson Party
Sebastião de Araújo Melo PMDB
Sofia Cavedon Nunes PT
Haroldo Joaquim de Souza PMDB

Committee on Consumer and Human Rights


Committee on Consumer and Human Rights (CEDECONDH) oversees consumer relations, human rights violation and, public safety. Carlos Atílio Todeschini (PT) is the Council Chairman and Jorge Antônio Dornelles Carpes (PTB) is the Deputy Committee Chairman. Membership[6] to CEDECONDH:

Councilperson Party
Ervino Besson PDT
Raul Kroeff Machado Carrion PCdoB
Маргарет Коста Морас Пт
Мария Селеста де Соуза да Силва Пт

Комитет по здравоохранению и окружающей среде

[ редактировать ]

Комитет по здравоохранению и окружающей среде (COSMAN) обладает юрисдикцией в отношении финансируемой общественным медицинским обслуживанием, санитарной инспекции, служб канализации и охраны окружающей среды. Жуао Карлос Кавальгейро Недел (PP) является председателем комитета, а Клаудио Хосе де Соуза Себенело является заместителем председателя комитета. Членство [ 7 ] Косману:

Советный частный человек Вечеринка
Neusa Celine Canabarro Elizeire Тихоокеанское летнее время
Моника Лил Маркусонс Стр
Альдацир Хосе Олибони Пт
Элиас Нунес Видал Ппс

Смотрите также

[ редактировать ]
  1. «Дом рассказывает вашу историю». Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < http://www2.camarapoa.rs.gov.br/default.php?p_secao=118 Архивировал 2011-07-06 на машине Wayback >.


[ редактировать ]
  1. ^ «Советники (для алфавитного порядка)». Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < «Список советников в алфавитном порядке» . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  2. ^ «Комиссия по конституции и справедливости - CCJ». 26 мая 2006 г. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < "Comissões Permanentes - CCJ" . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  3. ^ «Комиссия по экономике, финансам, бюджету и Меркосул-С. 26 мая 2006 г. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября 2006 г. < "Comissões Permanentes - Cefor" . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  4. ^ «Урбанизация, транспортная и жилищная комиссия - Катхаб». 26 мая 2006 г. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < "Comissões Permanentes - Cuthab" . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  5. ^ «Комиссия по образованию, культуре, спорту и молодежи - Сеса». 13 июля 2006 года. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < "Comissões Permanentes - Cece" . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  6. ^ «Комиссия по защите прав потребителей и прав человека - CedeCondh». 24 июля 2006 года. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < «Постоянные комиссии - cedecondh» . Архивировано из оригинала 2004-12-09 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
  7. ^ «Комиссия по здоровью и окружающей среде - Космам». 26 мая 2006 г. Городской совет Порту Алегре. 7 октября. 2006 < "Comissões Permanentes - Cosmam" . Архивировано из оригинала 2007-06-13 . Получено 2006-10-08 . >.
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