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Tata Steel Chess Tournament

(Перенаправлен из шахмат Corus )

Игра в Зал 80 -го турнира Tata Steel, 2018

Tata Steel Chess Tournament - это ежегодный шахматный турнир, состоявшийся в январе в Wijk Aan Zee , Нидерландах. Он был назван турниром Hoogovens из своего создания в 1938 году до того, как спонсор Koninklijke Hoogovens объединился с британской сталью , чтобы сформировать группу Corus в 1999 году, после чего турнир назывался The Corus Chess Tournament . Corus Group стала Tata Steel Europe в 2007 году. Несмотря на изменения имени, серия пронумерована последовательно от его начала Hoogovens; Например, мероприятие 2011 года было названо 73 -м турниром Tata Steel Chess. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Лучшие внуки соревнуются в турнире, но регулярные клубные игроки тоже могут играть. Группа Masters набирает четырнадцать лучших в мире друг против друга в турнире по круглосуточному турниру и иногда называют « Уимблдоном шахмат». [ 3 ] [ 4 ] С 1938 года был проведен длинный список известных победителей, в том числе Макс Эуве , Бент Ларсен , Тигран Петросиан , Пол Керс , Ладжос Портиш , Борис Спасский , Михаил Ботвиновник , Михаил Тал , Виктор Корчной , Ян Тимман , Анатолия Карпов , Васал Ивачук , Владимир Крамник , Гарри Каспаров , Вишванатан Ананд , Веселин Топалов , Левон Арониан , Сергей Карджакин и Магнус Карлсен . Из десяти чемпионов мира по шахматам с момента первого турнира в 1938 году только четыре - Александр Алехин , Васили Смисли , Бобби Фишер и Дин Лирен - не выиграли его. В 2001 году приняли участие девять из лучших игроков в мире.

Magnus Carlsen holds the record for most wins at the tournament, with eight titles to his name. Anand is the only other player to have won the event five or more times. Anand also holds the record of most consecutive games played at the tournament without a loss (70 – from 1998 to 2004).

Tournament history


Hoogovens Beverwijk


The early tournaments were very small, starting with groups of four in 1938, and entry restricted to Dutch players. The first five tournaments continued this way, with the contest held annually early in January. In 1943 and 1944 the tournament field was doubled in size to eight players. No tournament was held in 1945 due to World War II. The first international tournament was held in 1946. The main tournament field was expanded to ten, with invitations to Alberic O'Kelly de Galway (Belgium) and Gösta Stoltz (Sweden) along with a Dutch contingent of eight.

The tournament field remained at ten until 1953 when it was increased to twelve, and an international women's tournament was also held. In 1954 the tournament field was returned to ten players, but the strength of the competitions increased. The field was greatly enlarged to 18 in 1963, and although it reduced to 16 in 1964, the event had become the strongest international chess tournament in the world (Golombek 1977, p. 143).

As the tournament grew in stature, the ancillary women's tournament became a regular feature, as did a 'Masters' event and 'Masters Reserves' events. There also began a tradition to operate a year on year invitation policy that resembled the system used in football 'league tables'; the winner of a lesser category event would receive an invitation to the next higher event the following year.

The 1946 tournament was one of the first European international chess tournaments after World War II. Food shortages were still a problem in Europe, so the post-tournament banquet featured pea soup, inexpensive fare of the common people. In subsequent years pea soup has been served as the first course of the concluding banquet, a tradition continued when the tournament was moved from Beverwijk to Wijk aan Zee (Damsky & Sugden 2005, p. 164).

Tigran Petrosian, Hoogovens 1960
Jan Hein Donner vs. Bruno Parma, Hoogovens 1963

Winners of the top group:[5]

# Year Winner(s)
1 1938  Jilling Van Dijk (Netherlands)
 Philip Bakker (Netherlands)
2 1939  Nicolaas Cortlever (Netherlands)
3 1940  Max Euwe (Netherlands)
4 1941  Arthur Wijnans (Netherlands)
5 1942  Max Euwe (Netherlands)
6 1943  Arnold van den Hoek (Netherlands)
7 1944  Theo van Scheltinga (Netherlands)
1945 No competition (due to World War II)
8 1946  Alberic O'Kelly de Galway (Belgium)
9 1947  Theo van Scheltinga (Netherlands)
10 1948  Lodewijk Prins (Netherlands)
11 1949  Savielly Tartakower (France)
12 1950  Jan Hein Donner (Netherlands)
13 1951  Hermann Pilnik (Argentina)
14 1952  Max Euwe (Netherlands)
15 1953  Nicolas Rossolimo (France)
16 1954  Hans Bouwmeester (Netherlands)
 Vasja Pirc (Yugoslavia)
17 1955  Borislav Milić (Yugoslavia)
18 1956  Gideon Ståhlberg (Sweden)
19 1957  Aleksandar Matanović (Yugoslavia)
20 1958  Max Euwe (Netherlands)
 Jan Hein Donner (Netherlands)
21 1959  Friðrik Ólafsson (Iceland)
22 1960  Bent Larsen (Denmark)
 Tigran Petrosian (Soviet Union)
23 1961  Bent Larsen (Denmark)
 Borislav Ivkov (Yugoslavia)
24 1962  Petar Trifunović (Yugoslavia)
25 1963  Jan Hein Donner (Netherlands)
26 1964  Paul Keres (Soviet Union)
 Iivo Nei (Soviet Union)
27 1965  Lajos Portisch (Hungary)
 Efim Geller (Soviet Union)
28 1966  Lev Polugaevsky (Soviet Union)
29 1967  Boris Spassky (Soviet Union)

Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee

Mark Taimanov, Hoogovens 1970
Mikhail Tal, Hoogovens 1973
Nigel Short, Hoogovens 1986

The tournament was moved to the Dutch seaside town Wijk aan Zee in 1968. In this period, the tournament was popularly called both "Hoogovens" and "Wijk aan Zee". Winners of the Grandmaster A group since 1968 have been:

# Year Winner(s)
30 1968  Viktor Korchnoi (Soviet Union)
31 1969  Mikhail Botvinnik (Soviet Union)
 Efim Geller (Soviet Union)
32 1970  Mark Taimanov (Soviet Union)
33 1971  Viktor Korchnoi (Soviet Union)
34 1972  Lajos Portisch (Hungary)
35 1973  Mikhail Tal (Soviet Union)
36 1974  Walter Browne (United States)
37 1975  Lajos Portisch (Hungary)
38 1976  Ljubomir Ljubojević (Yugoslavia)
 Friðrik Ólafsson (Iceland)
39 1977  Gennadi Sosonko (Netherlands)
 Efim Geller (Soviet Union)
40 1978  Lajos Portisch (Hungary)
41 1979  Lev Polugaevsky (Soviet Union)
42 1980  Walter Browne (United States)
 Yasser Seirawan (United States)
43 1981  Gennadi Sosonko (Netherlands)
 Jan Timman (Netherlands)
44 1982  John Nunn (United Kingdom)
 Yuri Balashov (Soviet Union)
45 1983  Ulf Andersson (Sweden)
46 1984  Alexander Beliavsky (Soviet Union)
 Viktor Korchnoi (Switzerland)
47 1985  Jan Timman (Netherlands)
48 1986  Nigel Short (United Kingdom)
49 1987  Nigel Short (United Kingdom)
 Viktor Korchnoi (Switzerland)
50 1988  Anatoly Karpov (Soviet Union)
51 1989  Viswanathan Anand (India)
 Predrag Nikolić (Yugoslavia)
 Zoltán Ribli (Hungary)
 Gyula Sax (Hungary)
52 1990  John Nunn (United Kingdom)
53 1991  John Nunn (United Kingdom)
54 1992  Valery Salov (Russia)
 Boris Gelfand (Belarus)
55 1993  Anatoly Karpov (Russia)
56 1994  Predrag Nikolić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
57 1995  Alexey Dreev (Russia)
58 1996  Vasyl Ivanchuk (Ukraine)
59 1997  Valery Salov (Russia)
60 1998  Viswanathan Anand (India)
 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)
61 1999  Garry Kasparov (Russia)

Corus tournament


From 2000, the popular name for the tournament was more or less equally shared between "Wijk aan Zee" and "Corus".

# Year Winner(s)
62 2000  Garry Kasparov (Russia)
63 2001  Garry Kasparov (Russia)
64 2002  Evgeny Bareev (Russia)
65 2003  Viswanathan Anand (India)
66 2004  Viswanathan Anand (India)
67 2005  Peter Leko (Hungary)
68 2006  Viswanathan Anand (India)
 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)
69 2007  Levon Aronian (Armenia)
 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)
 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)
70 2008  Levon Aronian (Armenia)
 Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
71 2009  Sergey Karjakin (Russia)
72 2010  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)

Tata Steel tournament

Magnus Carlsen, Tata Steel 2013

From 2011, the popular name for the tournament was changed from 'Corus' to 'Tata Steel'.

# Year Winner(s)
73 2011  Hikaru Nakamura (United States)
74 2012  Levon Aronian (Armenia)
75 2013  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
76 2014  Levon Aronian (Armenia)
77 2015  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
78 2016  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
79 2017  Wesley So (United States)
80 2018  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
81 2019  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
82 2020  Fabiano Caruana (United States)
83 2021  Jorden van Foreest (Netherlands)
84 2022  Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
85 2023  Anish Giri (Netherlands)
86 2024  Wei Yi (China)

Multiple winners


Until recently, players ending on the same score shared the title.

The first tie-break was held in 2018, with Magnus Carlsen defeating Anish Giri 1½–½. The two players sharing first place after the regular games play two Blitz games and then possibly also an Armageddon game to decide a sole winner.[6]

Player Wins Tournaments Won
Норвегия Magnus Carlsen 8 (1 shared) 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022
Индия Viswanathan Anand 5 (3 shared) 1989, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2006
Нидерланды Max Euwe 4 (1 shared) 1940, 1942, 1952, 1958
Армения Levon Aronian 4 (2 shared) 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014
Советский СоюзШвейцария Viktor Korchnoi 4 (2 shared) 1968, 1971, 1984, 1987
Венгрия Lajos Portisch 4 (1 shared) 1965, 1972, 1975, 1978
Нидерланды Jan Hein Donner 3 (1 shared) 1950, 1958, 1963
Советский Союз Efim Geller 3 (3 shared) 1965, 1969, 1977
Россия Garry Kasparov 3 1999, 2000, 2001
Великобритания John Nunn 3 (1 shared) 1982, 1990, 1991
Соединенные Штаты Walter Browne 2 (1 shared) 1974, 1980
Советский СоюзРоссия Anatoly Karpov 2 1988, 1993
Дания Bent Larsen 2 (2 shared) 1960, 1961
Социалистическая федеральная Республика ЮгославияБосния и Герцеговина Predrag Nikolić 2 (1 shared) 1989, 1994
Исландия Friðrik Ólafsson 2 (1 shared) 1959, 1976
Советский Союз Lev Polugaevsky 2 1966, 1979
Россия Valery Salov 2 (1 shared) 1992, 1997
Нидерланды Gennadi Sosonko 2 (2 shared) 1977, 1981
Великобритания Nigel Short 2 (1 shared) 1986, 1987
Нидерланды Jan Timman 2 (1 shared) 1981, 1985
Болгария Veselin Topalov 2 (2 shared) 2006, 2007
Нидерланды Theo van Scheltinga 2 1944, 1947

Summary by year






Magnus Carlsen finished first with a score of 8½/13, winning his second title.



Hikaru Nakamura finished first with a score of 9/13, winning his first title and his first super-tournament.



Levon Aronian finished first with a score of 9/13, winning the title for a third time.



Magnus Carlsen finished first with a score of 10/13, winning the title for a third time and matching Garry Kasparov's record score for the event, set in 1999.



Levon Aronian finished first with a score of 8/13, winning the title for a fourth time.



Magnus Carlsen finished first with a score of 9/13, winning the title for a fourth time.



Magnus Carlsen finished first with a score of 9/13, winning the title for a record-equalling fifth time.



Wesley So defeated defending champion Magnus Carlsen by one point, with a score of 9/13.



Magnus Carlsen won for a record sixth time, defeating Anish Giri on tiebreak after both finished with a score of 9/13.



Magnus Carlsen was the winner of this tournament, with a score of 9/13.





Fabiano Caruana was the winner of this tournament, with a score of 10/13.



Jorden van Foreest was the winner of this tournament, with a score of 8½/13. He defeated Anish Giri in an Armageddon playoff.



Magnus Carlsen was the winner of this tournament, with a score of 9½/13.



Anish Giri won the 85th edition Tata Steel Chess 2023 finishing the tournament with 8½ out of 13 points. He defeated the world's top two ranked players (Magnus Carlsen and Ding Liren) in the process.



Wei Yi was the winner of this tournament, with a score of 8½/13. He was tied with Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Gukesh D, and Anish Giri, but won against Abdusattorov and then Gukesh (who had defeated Giri) in the blitz single-elimination tiebreak.

See also





  1. ^ "Anand leads at Tata Steel Chess". IndiaVoice. 25 January 2011. Archived from the original on 8 June 2017. Retrieved 25 January 2011.
  2. ^ "Participants Tata Tournament announced". ChessVibes. 21 October 2010. Archived from the original on 24 October 2010.
  3. ^ Barden, Leonard (12 January 2018). "Magnus Carlsen aims for strong showing at 'Wimbledon of chess' event". The Guardian.
  4. ^ "Magnus Carlsen wins Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2018". FIDE. 29 January 2018. Archived from the original on 28 January 2019. Retrieved 18 March 2018. the Tata Steel Chess, often called as "Wimbledon of Chess", celebrated its 80th anniversary
  5. ^ "All-time Tournaments – Tata Steel Chess".
  6. ^ "Tournament – Tata Steel Chess Tournament".


  • Короли, Квинс и Скалистые горы. Tata Stel Chess Tournament. Празднование 85 лет. Полем Ред.: Питер Боэль и Дирк Янва Десен Гейзендам. Alkmar, New in Ches, 2023. ISBN 9789493257777
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