Чаффа Палата Deweerahmedo («Чаффа -камера и Deweerahmedo») была Вородом в регионе в Эфиопии Амхара Часть зоны Оромия , Чаффа Гола ДеВерахмеда, родилась на юге Артума Фуперси Джили , на юго -западе в зоне полуена Шева на , западе по Западу по зоны региону Дебюб. В городе в Чаффа -камере Dewerahmedo были Бора и Камиси ; Деревни Шонке и Т'Лоллаха также были расположены в этой Woreda, и это не соответствующие сообществам, где язык Аргоббы . говорят [ 1 ] Chaffa Gola Dewerahmedo была разделена на Dawa Chaffa и Dawa Harewa Woredas и Kamisee Town.
Высота в Chaffa Gola Dewerahmedo диапазон от 1000 до 2000 метров над уровнем моря. Мощеное шоссе, соединяющее Аддис -Абебу с городами на севере, когда Адигр проходит через эту Ворду. Примечательные реки включают в себя Боркана , чья болотистая долина используется в качестве зоны выпаса примерно для 100 000 крупного рогатого скота, 60 000 из которых поступают из -за пределов зоны Оромии. [ 2 ]
[ редактировать ]Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 226,523, of whom 112,732 are men and 113,791 are women; 9.28% or 21,031 of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 10.8%. With an estimated area of 1,212.03 square kilometers, Chaffa Gola Dewerahmedo has an estimated population density of 186.9 people per square kilometer, which is greater than the Zone average of 144.12.[3]
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 164,622 in 82,342 households, of whom 82,280 were men and 86,081 were women; 12,044 or 7.32% of its population were urban dwellers. The three largest ethnic groups reported in Chaffa Gola Dewerahmedo were the Oromo (67.29%), the Amhara (27.99%), and the Argobba (4.35%); all other ethnic groups made up 0.37% of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 66.37%, 32.55% spoke Amharic, and 0.85% spoke Argobba; the remaining 0.23% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 96.9% reporting that as their religion, while 2.95% observed Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.[4]
[edit]- ^ A. Wetter: The Argobba of T’ollaha - a comparative overview. In: S. Uhlig (ed.) Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg July 20–25, 2003, 2006, 899-907. See also Leyew, Zelealem and Ralph Siebert. (2001) "Sociolinguistic survey report of the Argobba language of Ethiopia", SIL International (accessed 25 May 2009)
- ^ "Field Assessment Report: North Wello, South Wello and Oromia Zones of Amhara Region", UNEUE report (accessed 25 June 2007)
- ^ CSA 2005 National Statistics Archived November 23, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, Tables B.3 and B.4
- ^ 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Results for Amhara Region, Vol. 1, part 1 Archived November 15, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, Tables 2.1, 2.7, 2.10, 2.13, 2.17, Annex II.2 (accessed 9 April 2009)