Lev Belkind
Lev Davidovich Belkind (Russian: Лев Давидович Белькинд, Профессор, Доктор Технических наук; (27 August 1896, Myrhorod – November 16, 1969) was a Soviet scientist, engineer and historian; author of numerous publications on the history of science and technology.
His academic activity is associated with the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) (Russian: Московский энергетический институт (технический университет)), where he has founded the department of Lighting Engineering (Russian: Кафедра Светотехники) in the Physics-Energy Faculty (Russian: Физико-энергетический факультет (ФИЗЭН)) in 1932.[1][2][3][4] In 1937, he became the first dean of the faculty of Electro-Physics upon its formation (Russian: Электрофизический факультет (ЭлФИЗ)).[5] Later he has headed the department of History of Engineering (Russian: Кафедра истории техники)[6]
Fluent in Russian, English, French and German, and knowledgeable in additional languages, Prof. Belkind was a prominent researcher and collector of materials on the history of science and technology, both Russian and International. He was considered an authority in the field of scientific history, being an author of unique biographical research work of a number of influential figures in the Russian science.[7][8][9]
In recognition of his scientific achievements and contribution he was awarded the "Honored Scientist and Technologist" title (Russian: Заслуженный деятель науки и техники).[2][7] by the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Partial list of works and publications
[edit]Biographical Books
[edit]- "Aleksander Nikolayevich Ladygin", (Russian: Александр Николаевия Ладыгин, Очерк Жизни и Деятельности, Государственное Энергетическое Издательство, Москва, 1948)
- "Aleksander Ilyich Shpakovsky", (Russian: Александр Ильич Шпаковский, Государственное Энергетическое Издательство, Москва, 1949)
- "Pavel Nikolayevich Yablochkov", (Russian: Павел Николаевич Яблочков, Жизнь и Труды, Государственное Энергетическое Издательство, 1950), Second Edition: (Russian: Павел Николаевич Яблочков 1847-1894, Иэдательство Академии Наук СССР, Москва, 1962) [10][11]
- "Karl Adolfovich Krug" (Russian: Карл Адольфович Круг, Москва-Ленинград, 1956)[12]
- "Thomas Alva Edison", Short edition: (Russian: Томас Альва Эдисон, Краткая Брошюра-Лекция, Издательство "Знание", Москва, 1957), Full edition:(Russian: Томас Альва Эдисон 1847-1931, Издательство "Наука", Москва, 1964) [13]
- "Charles Proteus Steinmetz", (Russian: Чарлз Протеус Штейнмец, Издательство "Наука", Москва, 1965)
- "André-Marie Ampère", (Russian: Андре-Мари Ампер, Издательство "Наука", Москва, 1968), Bulgarian translation: Bulgarian: Държавно Издательство "Техника", София, 1974 [13]
Technical Dictionaries
[edit]- English-Russian tank dictionary (Russian: Англо-русский танковый словарь, учебное пособие / Гл. ред. Л. Д. Белькинд; Ред.: Е. А. Чудаков, Д. С. Лотте., ГОСТехсиздат, 1943) [14]
- English-Russian dictionary on caoutchouc and rubber, Yashunskaya F.I., Chief Editor: L.D. Belkind (Russian: Яшунская Ф.И. Англо-русский словарь по каучуку и резине. Главный редактор профессор Л.Д.Белькинд, М. Гостехиздат 1944г)
- English-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary (Russian: Белькинд Л.Д. Англо-Русский Политехнический Словарь, 1946) [15][16]
- French-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary (Russian: Французско-русский политехнический словарь, Л.Д. Белькинд, Гостехиздат, 1948) (French: Dictionary polytechnique francais-russe) [14][17]
- German-Russian Hydrotechnical Dictionary (Russian: Немецко-русский гидротехнический словарь. издание 1949г. - под. ред. проф. д-ра тех. наук Гришина М.М., гл.ред. проф. Белькинд Л.Д) [18]
- International Electro-Technical Dictionary (Russian: Международный электротехнический словарь. Под ред. Л.Д. Белькинда. 350 терминов. М., Физматгиз, 1958., Международный электротехнический словарь. Ред. Л.Д. Белькинд и Г. А. Тягунов. Пер. А. С. Гасюка. 600 терминов. М., Физматгиз, 1959.)[19]
- International dictionary of lighting engineering, Russian-English-French-German (Russian: Белькинд Л.Д. Международный светотехнический словарь. Русско-английский-французский-немецкий, 1963)
- German-Russian Chemico-Technological Dictionary (Russian: Немецко-Русский химико-технологический словарь) [20]
- English-Russian Dictionary of Machine Elements (Russian: Англо-русский словарь по деталям машин, (с приложением алфавитного указателя русских терминов) / ред. : Л. Д. Белькинд. - М. : Физматлит, 1959) [13][21]
Books on the History of Science and Technology
[edit]- "History of Engineering", L.D. Belkind, I.Ya. Konfederatov, Ya. A. Shneyberg (Russian: Белькинд Л. Д., Конфедератов И. Я., Шнейберг Я. А.), История техники, Москва-Ленинград, 1956) [22][23]
- "History of Energy Engineering", L.D. Belkind, O.I. Veselovsky, I.Ya. Konfederatov & Ya.A. Schneiberg (Russian: Л.Д. Белькинд, О.И. Веселовский, И.Я Конфедератов и Я.А. Шнейберг. История энергетической техники, Издание второе, переработанное, Государственное энергетическое издательство, 1960) [24]
- "50 years of Moscow Power Engineering Institute", (Russian: 50 лет Московского ордена Ленина энергетического института имени В.М. Молотова 1905-1955, Белькинд Л.Д., Елизаров П.П., Мешков В.В. и др., Москва, 1955)[25]
Articles Published in Collections of Works by Different Authors
[edit]- Collection of works on the History of Technology, #3, 1953, Aleksandr Ilyich Shpakovski (Russian: Труды по Истории Техники, Выпуск III, Издательство Академии Наук СССР, Москва, 1953, А.И.Шпаковский (Из фонда портретов детелей науки и техники))
- Collection of works on the History of Technology, #6, 1953, (Russian: Труды по Истории Техники, Выпуск VI, Издательство Академии Наук СССР, Москва, 1953, Из истории открытия явления электрической дуги)
- "Figures in Russian Science" Articles about prominent figures in science (Russian: Люди русской науки: Очерки о выдающихся деятелях естествознания и техники, Издательство "Техника", Москва, 1965, "Владимир Николаевич Чиколев (1845-1898)", "Михаил Осипович Доливо-Добровольский (1862-1919) / Л. Д. Белькинд; О. Н. Веселовский. ", "Павел Николаевич Яблочков (1847-1894)","Шпаковский Александр Ильич (1823-1881)","Василий Владимирович Петров (1761—1834) С предисл. и вступ. статьей акад. С. И. Вавилова"") [26]
- Co-editor and author of articles in the Technical Encyclopedia, published in 1927[27]
[edit]- Belkind L. D., My Autobiography, 1946 (Russian: Белькинд Л. Д., Моя автобиография, 1946)
- Belkind L. D., My Autobiography (Publication of M. V. Kalashnikova), 100 years from the birth of historian of technology (Russian: Белькинд Л. Д., Моя автобиография (публикация М.В.Калашниковой), К 100-летию со дня рождения историка техники, Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, 1998, #3) [28]
- Belkind L. D., Memories of my past. 1957-1969 [29]
Publications about Prof. Belkind by other authors
[edit]- In memory of Lev Davidovich Belkind, G. I. Ashkenazi, Svetotekhnika Journal №8, 1986 (Russian: * Памяти Льва Давидовича Белькинда, Г.И. Ашкенази, Светотехника , №8, 1986.)
- Historian of Technology L.D. Belkind and his written legacy, M. V. Kalashnikova, VIET Journal #3, 1998 (Russian: Историк техники Л.Д.Белькинд и его рукописное наследие, М.В.Калашникова, Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, 1998)[28]
[edit]- ^ Illuminator - Magazine of Lighting Solutions, Number 1, 2002 (Russian) - Interview with Prof. Ataev, Head of Department (Russian) "Иллюминатор - журнал световых решений :: Ученье- свет, а неученье - тьма ::". Archived from the original on 2007-10-16. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Illuminator - Magazine of Lighting Solutions, Number 3(17), 2005 (Russian) "Иллюминатор - журнал световых решений :: СВЕТОТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ: традиции и современность :: светотехеническое образолвание, световое освещение, светотехника, электрическое освещение, осветительная установка, прожекторостроение, светотехнический центр страны, источник света". Archived from the original on 2007-10-16. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ History of Lighting Engineering Department, Clio Soft free indexed collection of reference works. Copyright © 2008 Clio Soft (Russian) [1]
- ^ Article mentioning Archived 2007-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ History of the Department of Lighting Engineering, Moscow Power Engineering Institute site (Russian) - "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2008-03-17. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ Memoirs of Erwing Nagi, MPEI Student in the 1950s (Russian)
- ^ Jump up to: a b Citation in the article regarding Thomas Edison (Russian)[permanent dead link]
- ^ Sources mentioning in the article regarding Karl Krug
- ^ Mentioning in the article "Analysis of priorities in science and technologies", Slovo (Russian) "К вопросу о приоритетах в науке и технике :: История науки и техники :: Естествознание :: Слово. Православный образовательный портал". Archived from the original on 2008-04-08. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ "Short content summary (Russian)". Archived from the original on 2013-04-16. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ Reference on the book (Russian)
- ^ Short reference on the monograph
- ^ Jump up to: a b c In the library of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Russian)[permanent dead link]
- ^ Jump up to: a b Reference in the V. V. Mayakovsky Library (Russian)
- ^ English-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary @ Amazon.co.uk
- ^ Dictionary for Sale at the Purabelle Books - in Cambridge Archived 2008-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ The dictionary in the library of Hokkaido University (Japanese)
- ^ Reference of the dictionary
- ^ List of scientific and technical russian dictionaries (Russian)
- ^ Dictionary for Sale at the online Hungarian book store (Hungarian)[permanent dead link]
- ^ Dictionary of Machine Elements in the University Library in Tirol, Austria (German) [2]
- ^ "In the online library Нефть и Газ (Russian)". Archived from the original on 2011-10-02. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ The book in the library of the Hokkaido University (Japanese)
- ^ History of Energy Engineering in the Library of Energotrade.ru site (Russian) "Портал Энерготрейдера | История энергетической техники. Белькинд Л.Д., Веселовский О.Н., Конфедератов И.Я., Шнейберг Я.А.; Государственное энергетическое издательство, 1960". Archived from the original on 2007-11-09. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
- ^ 50 years of MPEI book @ urss.ru (Russian)
- ^ Articles in the library of the Russian State Technical University in Irkutsk (Russian) [3] Archived 2011-09-26 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ [4]Contributors and Editors for Volumes 10, 28
- ^ Jump up to: a b VIET Journal, 1998, #3 (Russian) Archived 2011-10-03 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Из прошлого. Отрывки Воспоминаний. (Russian)
External links
[edit]
- Key-cards of works by Prof. Belkind in the Russian National Library (Russian)[permanent dead link]
- Articles by Prof. Belkind in the library of the Russian State Technical University in Irkutsk (Russian)
- Books by Prof. Belkind in the library of the Russian State Technical University in Irkutsk (Russian)
- Works by Prof. Belkind in the library of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) (Russian)[permanent dead link]
- Archives of works and personal correspondence of Prof. Belkind at the Russian State Archives (Russian)
- Lighting Engineering Dictionary @ Scientific Bookstore Site (Russian)
- English-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary @ Scientific Bookstore Site (Russian)