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(Перенаправлен из скоростного бадминтона )
Международная организация Crossminton
Аббревиатура Ico
Основан 25 августа 2011 ; 13 лет назад ( 2011-08-25 )
Тип Федерация национальных ассоциаций
Юридический статус Руководящий орган Кроссминтон
Цель Спортивное управление
Штаб -квартира Берлин , Германия
Регион обслуживается
Во всем мире
31 national associations[1]
Official languages
Matjaž Šušteršič
Financial officer
Yoko Koizumi
Board of Executives
Maximilian Franke
Petr Marklik
Daniel Robles Rodríguez
Charly Knobling[2]
Secretary General
René Lewicki
Main organ
General Assembly
Crossminton players on a rooftop in Berlin

Crossminton , ранее известный как Speed ​​Badminton , - это игра ракетки , которая сочетает в себе элементы из разных видов спорта, таких как бадминтон , сквош и теннис . Он играет без какой -либо сети и не имеет предписанной игровой площадки, поэтому она может быть выполнена на теннисных кортах, улицах, пляжах, месторождениях или спортивных залах.

Спорт часто ассоциируется с брендом Speedminton из -за их исторического отношения. С 1 января 2016 года название Racket Sport было изменено с Speed ​​Badminton на Crossminton. Сегодня Crossminton играет по всему миру. В настоящее время по всему миру существуют турниры, которые организованы растущим числом клубов. 25 августа 2011 года Международная организация Crossminton (ICO) была основана под названием International Speed ​​Speed ​​Badminton Organization (ISBO) в Берлине. К 2018 году ICO уже имело 26 членов - национальные федерации из Европы, Америки, Азии и Африки.

The special shuttlecock and the idea of the game were invented in 2001 in Berlin by Bill Brandes.[3] The game was refined into the final game of crossminton by the Speedminton company. The inventor first named his new sport "shuttleball", but soon the game was renamed "speed badminton". Starting from January 2016 the name was changed again, to crossminton. Originally, the idea of the inventor was to create an outdoor variant of badminton, so he changed the ball to be smaller and heavier (today called speeder). The analogy of badminton now exists only in a technical way: there is no net and the game tempo is faster. In 2003, there were already 6,000 active players in Germany. The sport is growing steadily and there are numerous international tournaments across Europe.





The court consists of two squares of 5.50 m (18 ft) length. They are fixed opposite to each other at a distance of 12.8 m (42 ft).


Match Speeder

Both of the players need a racket.[4] The rackets are similar to the ones used in squash but are specially produced for Crossminton. They are 58–60 cm long, and the material and the strings are different. The ball is called a speeder and is heavier than a conventional badminton shuttlecock, meaning it can be used up to wind force 4.

Speeder-Type Flight distance Speed
Fun Speeder 13–18 m 260 km/h
Match Speeder 17–25 m 290 km/h



The field consists of two squares measuring 5.5 meters (18 ft) on each side. The distance between the squares is 12.8 meters (42 ft). Crossminton can be played on half of a tennis court which can easily be modified with elastic lines. Match Speeders are used for normal games. Children and adolescents (U12) play with fun speeders on a smaller court (4x4 m) over a smaller distance (9 meters).[5]

The aim of the game is to reach the square of the opposite player with the speeder. If the speeder falls outside the opposite square, the other side gains a point. Both players are allowed to step out of, or anywhere inside their square during play.

The game ends when one player has at least 16 points and has at least 2 points advantage over their opponent. Every time a set/round finishes, the players switch sides.



A game ends when one player reaches 16 points. If the score is tied at 15 or greater, play continues until one player has a two-point advantage. A match usually consists of two winning sets (best of three).



The right to serve first is drawn by throwing a coin or a speeder. Every player has three serves. Every rally scores. At a score of 15:15 the serve switches after every point. The serve must be done out of the designated zone which is 3 m behind the front offensive line. This line must not be crossed and the serve is played bottom-up. The first serve of the next set is done by the loser of the previous set.



Every rally scores if there is no necessity to repeat it. Points can be gained if:

  • the serve is not correct
  • the speeder touches the floor or the roof
  • the speeder lands in the opposite court and cannot be returned
  • the speeder lands outside the court (the lines count as being within the court)
  • the speeder is touched two times immediately after each other
  • the speeder touches the body

If a player returns a speeder from outside the court, it is considered to still be in play.

Change of ends


After every set, there is a change of ends to guarantee equal opportunities concerning wind and lighting conditions. If a third game (tiebreak) becomes necessary, players change sides after every 6 points.


  • Doubles : The doubles match is played on a single court.

At the double division, both players are standing in the same court. The coin or speeder decides the side who serves first. The serving player stands at the backline, and their partner stands in front. The serves rotate between the four players. The first serve in the following set goes to the loser of the previous one.

Crossminton can be played outside and inside; the court can be painted or pegged off. There is even the possibility to use a portable court. Crossminton, which is played in the dark, is called Blackminton. With black lights, fluorescent paints, rackets and special speeders (night speeders) with glow sticks (speedlights) it is possible to play even at night.

World & European Championships


The first Crossminton (former Speed Badminton) World Championships took place on 26 and 27 August 2011. It was officially named ‘ISBO Azimut Hotels Speedminton® World Championships’. Over 380 participants from 29 countries played in Berlin, in 10 categories. Players from Canada, the US and Australia also attended. Per Hjalmarson from Sweden won the men’s title, Janet Köhler from Germany won the women’s title and Rene Lewicki & Daniel Gossen from Germany won the doubles title in the final games. Since then the World and European Championships alternate every year.

Overview of World & European Crossminton Championships - adults & U18 (U19 since 2021)
Year Tournament City Open division Female open Open doubles Female doubles Mixed doubles U18 (U19 since 2021) male U18 (U19 since 2021) female
Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up
2011 1. ICO Crossminton World Championships Германия Berlin Швеция Per Hjalmarson Германия Daniel Gossen Германия Janet Köhler Словения Jasmina Keber Германия Daniel Gossen

Германия René Lewicki

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Швеция Björn Karlsson

not played not played Словакия Tomáš Pavlovský Хорватия Dasen Jardas Словакия Alexandra Kacviňská Словакия Lenka Levková
2012 3. ISBO European Championships Хорватия Poreč Швеция Per Hjalmarson Швеция Mattias Aronsson Словения Jasmina Keber Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Словения Samo Lipušček

Словения Robi Titovšek

Венгрия Krisztina Bognar

Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik

Словения Helena Halas

Словения Jasmina Keber

Германия Daniel Gossen

Германия Jennifer Greune

Словакия Tomáš Pavlovský

Словакия Alexandra Kacviňská

Словакия Tomáš Pavlovský Польша Jakub Kosicki Венгрия Zita Ruby Словакия Alexandra Kacviňská
2013 2. ICO Crossminton World Championships Германия Berlin Германия Patrick Schüsseler Швеция Melker Ekberg Словения Jasmina Keber Польша Marta Soltys Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Швейцария Ivo Junker

Швейцария Severin Wirth

Венгрия Krisztina Bognar

Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik

Словакия Barbora Syč-Kriváňová

Словакия Lucia Syč-Kriváňová

Германия Daniel Gossen

Германия Jennifer Greune

Словакия Tomáš Pavlovský

Словакия Alexandra Kacviňská

Венгрия Bence Pálinkás Словакия Tomáš Pavlovský Словакия Alexandra Kacviňská Хорватия Tea Grofelnik
2014 4. ISBO European Championships Польша Warsaw Швеция Per Hjalmarson Сербия Mladen Stankovic Словения Jasmina Keber Германия Jennifer Greune Польша Tomasz Kaczmarek

Польша Marcin Ociepa

Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Венгрия Krisztina Bognar

Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik

Польша Janina Karasek

Польша Marta Soltys

Германия Daniel Gossen

Германия Jennifer Greune

Словения Matjaž Šusteršič

Словения Jasmina Keber

Венгрия Bence Pálinkás Словения Jaša Jovan Словакия Nikola Bariaková Словакия Terezia Gibalová
2015 3. ICO Crossminton World Championships Германия Berlin Швеция Per Hjalmarson Украина Myhailo Mandryk Словения Jasmina Keber Германия Janet Köhler Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Германия David Zimmermanns

Польша Janina Karasek

Польша Marta Soltys

Германия Andrea Horn

Германия Verena Horn

Швеция Melker Ekberg

Швеция Rebecca Nielsen

Словения Matjaž Šusteršič

Словения Jasmina Keber

Германия Nico Franke Испания Saudo Tejada Dámaso Чешская Республика Eliška Andrlová Словения Danaja Knez
2016 5. ICO European Championships Франция Gouesnou Германия David Zimmermanns Германия Sönke Kaatz Словения Danaja Knez Швеция Rebecca Nielsen Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Германия David Zimmermanns

Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Германия Andrea Horn

Германия Franziska Ottrembka

Франция Alexandra Desfarges

Франция Julie Guyot

Швеция Melker Ekberg

Швеция Rebecca Nielsen

Венгрия Tamás Dósza

Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik

Германия Nico Franke Польша Szymon Andrzejewski Словения Lori Škerl Словения Rebeka Škerl
2017 4. ICO Crossminton World Championships Польша Warsaw Швеция Per Hjalmarson Польша Marcin Ociepa Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik Германия Janet Köhler Германия Robin Joop

Германия Sönke Kaatz

Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Германия David Zimmermanns

Венгрия Krisztina Bognar

Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik

Германия Anna Hubert

Германия Franziska Ottrembka

Швеция Melker Ekberg

Швеция Rebecca Nielsen

Словакия Ján Ščavnický

Словакия Tamara Lukáčová

Словения Jaša Jovan Германия Nico Franke Чешская Республика Eliška Andrlová Словения Lori Škerl
2018 6. ICO Speedminton European Championships 2018 Норвегия Skien Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Швеция Per Hjalmarson Чешская Республика Eliška Andrlová Польша Marta Urbanik Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Чешская Республика Daniel Knoflíček

Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Германия David Zimmermanns

Германия Andrea Horn

Германия Anja Rolfes

Польша Sabina Schabek

Польша Marta Urbanik

Швеция Melker Ekberg

Швеция Rebecca Nielsen

Хорватия Nikola Kucina

Хорватия Paula Barković

Венгрия Dávid Takács Польша Maciej Filipowicz Чешская Республика Anna Andrlová Хорватия Nika Miškulin
2019 5. ICO Crossminton World Championships Венгрия Budapest Швеция Per Hjalmarson Украина Myhailo Mandryk Словения Jasmina Keber Словения Lori Škerl Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Германия David Zimmermanns

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Чешская Республика Daniel Knoflíček

Словения Lori Škerl

Словения Danaja Knez

Германия Andrea Horn

Германия Anja Rolfes

Япония Yurina Abe

Япония Akihiko Nishimura

Германия Sebastian Christoph Германия Anna Hubert Маврикий Shameem Elaheebocus Польша Maciej Filipowicz Маврикий Sendilla Mourat Венгрия Georgina Veres
2020 6. ICO European Championships 2020 (Cancelled : Covid-19 pandemics)
2021 6. ICO Crossminton World Championships (played in 2022 due to Covid-19 pandemics) Хорватия Zagreb Япония Akihiko Nishimura Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Япония Yurina Abe Словения Jasmina Keber Šušteršič Швейцария Ivo Junker

Швейцария Severin Wirth

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Чешская Республика Daniel Knoflíček

Словения Jasmina Keber Šušteršič

Словения Danaja Knez

Чешская Республика Tereza Hogenová

Чешская Республика Tereza Šimková

Япония Yurina Abe

Япония Akihiko Nishimura

Венгрия Pál Pádár

Венгрия Edit Osvay

Латвия Arturs Dzirkalis Польша Mateusz Faska Чешская Республика Zuzana Holesinska Словакия Katarína Daduľáková
2023 7. ICO Crossminton World Championships 2024 Чешская Республика Brno
2024 7. ICO European Championships 2024 Венгрия Balatonboglár

International tournaments


There are many international crossminton tournaments taking place all around the world under the supervision of the International Crossminton Organization.[6] Every member country can host up to one 1000/500 points tournament and four 250 points tournaments every year. There are only five 1000 points tournaments every year, chosen by the ICO based on the applications sent by member federations. The series of 1000 and 500 points tournaments is called World Series.

By participating in international ICO tournaments the players receive ranking points based on their results.[7] Ranking points are used to determine seeding for upcoming tournaments.

World Series Tournaments in 2018
Date Tournament City Open Division Female Open Open Doubles
Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up Champion Runner-up
17.-18.3.2018 10. ICO Speedminton® Slovenian Open Словения Laško Украина Myhailo Mandryk Швеция Melker Ekberg Словения Jasmina Keber Словения Lori Škerl Швеция Melker Ekberg

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Словения Jaša Jovan

Германия David Zimmermanns

28.-29.4.2018 10. ICO Speedminton® Hungarian Open Венгрия Kiskunfélegyháza Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Швеция Per Hjalmarson Словения Jasmina Keber Венгрия Ágnes Darnyik Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Польша Grzegorz Chmielewski

Польша Tomasz Moskal

5.-6.5.2018 11. ICO Speedminton® Croatian Open Хорватия Zagreb Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Словения Jaša Jovan Словения Lori Škerl Чешская Республика Eliška Andrlová Словакия Adam Kakula

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Германия Marcel Herrmann

Германия David Zimmermanns

19.-20.5.2018 9. ICO Speedminton® SLOVAK Open Словакия Banská Bystrica Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Украина Myhailo Mandryk Словения Lori Škerl Словакия Barbora Syč-Kriváňová Швеция Melker Ekberg

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Словакия Adam Kakula

Словакия Andrej Ostrihoň

1.-2.6.2018 ICO Speedminton® Japan Open Япония Tokyo Германия David Zimmermanns Венгрия Olivér Vincze Япония Yuka Nishimura Германия Andrea Horn Япония Shinichi Nagata

Германия Patrick Schüsseler

Япония Akihiko Nishimura

Германия David Zimmermanns

22.-23.6.2018 ICO Speedminton® Polish Open Польша Warsaw Германия Nico Franke Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík Словения Danaja Knez Польша Marta Urbanik Швеция Melker Ekberg

Чешская Республика Petr Makrlík

Германия Robin Joop

Германия Adrian Lutz

21.7.2018 2018 ICO Speedminton® Swedish Open Швеция Gothenburg Швеция Per Hjalmarson Швеция Melker Ekberg Швеция Rebecca Nielsen Чешская Республика Eliška Andrlová Швеция Mattias Aronsson

Швеция Per Hjalmarson

Германия Robin Joop

Германия Sönke Kaatz

8.-9.9.2018 2018 ICO Speedminton® Serbian Open Сербия Sombor (future event)
29.-30.9.2018 8. ICO Speedminton® Czech Open 2018 Чешская Республика Brno (future event)
19.-21.10.2018 2018 ICO Speedminton® German Open Германия Fürstenfeldbruck (future event)
9.-10.11.2018 2018 ICO Speedminton® Latvian Open Латвия Riga (future event)
17.-18.11.2018 2018 ICO Speedminton® Spanish Open Испания Las Palmas (future event)

* 1000 points tournaments are denoted in bold characters

Nations Cup


Since 2013 the ICO has organized a national team competition called ICO Nations Cup.[8] The concept is derived from tennis competitions like David Cup or Fed Cup, but in crossminton mixed teams consisting of both male and female players are competing. First, Regional tournaments are played in group- or elimination system and then the winners of Regional tournaments – Regional Champions – battle it out for the title of ICO Nations Cup Champion at the Final tournament.[9]

A national team consists of at least three players – 2 male players (open category, but not as a rule) and 1 female player (women’s category, but not as a rule) – and not more than five players (3 players + 2 reserves that can step in for either singles or doubles matches). A clash between two national teams consists of 6 matches – 4 singles and 2 doubles matches.

ICO Nations Cup Results[10]
Year Final Tournament Venue Champion Runner-up
2013 Португалия Guimaraes Словения Slovenia Германия Germany
2014 Венгрия Budapest Швеция Sweden Германия Germany
2015 Франция Eragny sur Oise Словения Slovenia Германия Germany
2016 Чешская Республика Brno Германия Germany Польша Poland
2017 Хорватия Zabok Словения Slovenia Чешская Республика Czech Republic
2018 Словения Laško Чешская Республика Czech Republic Словения Slovenia
2019 Чешская Республика Prague Германия Germany Чешская Республика Czech Republic
2020 (not played) (not played)
2021 (not played) (not played)


  1. ^ crossminton.org. "Members - International Crossminton Organisation". Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  2. ^ crossminton.org. "Executives - International Crossminton Organisation". Retrieved 8 August 2018.
  3. ^ "Speed Badminton - ein Sport, den es ohne Berliner nicht gäbe - Berlin-Sport - Berliner Morgenpost"
  4. ^ "Equipment". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  5. ^ "The Rules". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  6. ^ "Tournament calendar". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  7. ^ "World Rankings". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  8. ^ "Past results". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  9. ^ "Tournament mode". International Crossminton Organisation. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  10. ^ "Past results". International Crossminton Organisation. Archived from the original on 2020-06-18. Retrieved 2020-06-18.
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