List of newspapers in Belarus
In Belarus, there are both privately held and state-owned newspapers.[1]
Below is a list of newspapers published in Belarus. These newspapers are published in Minsk, unless otherwise noted.
- Zviazda (Звязда, 40,000 copies) [4], the largest state-controlled Belarusian language newspaper.
- Novy Chas (Новы Час, 7,000 copies[2]) [5]
- Nasha Slova (Наша Слова, 7,000 copies[2]), newspaper about culture and history, published by the Francishak Skaryna Belarusian Language Society
- Naša Niva (Наша Ніва; 6,000 copies) [6], the oldest Belarusian weekly newspaper founded in 1906 and revived in 1991, pro-opposition
- Holas Radzimy (Голас радзiмы, 2,000 copies[3]) [7], government-controlled newspaper for the Belarusian diaspora
- Narodnya Naviny Vitsebska (Народныя навіны Віцебска) [8] - online newspaper from Vitsebsk
- Pahonia (Пагоня) [9] - pro-opposition newspaper formerly published in Hrodna. In 2001 closed down by the government, since then on-line
- Brestskaya Gazeta (Брестская газета) [10]
- Sovetskaya Belorussia (Советская Белоруссия; about 400,000 copies[4]) [11], the largest national newspaper, official newspaper of the Administration of the President of Belarus
- Vo Slavu Rodiny (Во славу Родины; 32,300 copies[5]) [12], official newspaper of the Belarusian Ministry of Defense
- Narodnaya Gazeta (Народная Газета, 25,042 copies) [13], official newspaper of the Parliament of Belarus
- BelGazeta (БелГазета, 21,200 copies[6]) [14], independent national newspaper on business and politics
- Belorusy i rynok (Белорусы и Рынок, 12,000 copies[7]) [15], weekly independent business newspaper
- 7 Dney (7 дней; Seven Days) [16] Archived 2005-12-10 at the Wayback Machine
- Belorusskaya Delovaya Gazeta (БДГ; BDG) [17], formerly the largest independent newspaper on politics and business in 1990s (with about 70,000 copies), closed down by officials in 2006
- Belaruski Chas (Беларускi час) [18]
- Belorusskaya Lesnaya Gazeta (Белорусская лесная газета; 23,000 copies[8]) [19], a specialized professional newspaper on forestry
- Bobruyskiy Kurier (Бобруйский курьер) [20] - published in Bobruysk
- Brestskiy Kurier (Брестский курьер) [21] - published in Brest
- Gomelskaya Pravda (Гомельская правда) [22] - published in Gomel
- Infa-Kurjer (Iнфа-Кур'ер) [23] - published in Slutsk
- Dnyaprovets (Дняпровец) [24] - published in Rechitsa
- Meditsinskiy Vestnik (Медицинский вестник) [25]
- Minsk na Ladonyah (Минск на Ладонях; Minsk on the Palms) [26]
- Minskiy Kurier (Минский Курьер) [27]
- Muzykalnaya Gazeta (Музыкальная газета; Music Newspaper) [28]
- Nedvizhimost Belorussii (Недвижимость Белоруссии; Real Estate of Belarus) [29]
- Respublikanskaya Stroitel'naya Gazeta (Республиканская строительная газета; Republic Construction Newspaper) [9]
- Vecherniy Grodno (Вечерний Гродно) [30][permanent dead link] - published in Grodno
- Vecherniy Minsk (Вечерний Минск; Evening Minsk) [31]
- Vitebskiy Kurier (Витебский Курьер) [32] - published in Vitebsk
- Zheleznodorozhnik Belorussii (Железнодорожник Белоруссии; Railroad Worker of Belarus) [33]
- Narodnaja Volia (Народная воля, 15,000 copies[10]), the largest national pro-opposition newspaper on politics [34]
- Hazeta Slonimskaya (Газета Слонімская; Газета Слонимская; 7,000 to 8,000 copies[11]) [35], an independent local newspaper published in Slonim
- Intex-Press (Интекс-пресс, 17,300 copies[12]) [36], an independent local newspaper published in Baranavichy
- Zhodzinskiya Naviny (Жодзінскія Навіны; Zhodino News) [37] - published in Zhodzina
- Vecherniy Brest (Вечерний Брест; Evening Brest) [38] - published in Brest
See also
[edit]- ^ "Country profile - Belarus". Journalism Network. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ Jump up to: a b "Freemogilev Resources and Information". Freemogilev. Archived from the original on 30 July 2012. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ "Палата представителей Национального собрания Республики Беларусь". Government. Archived from the original on 7 September 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ "СБ. Беларусь сегодня" [SB. Belarus today] (in Russian).[permanent dead link]
- ^ [1] Archived November 28, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ [2] Archived June 17, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ "Наши партнеры: газета Из рук в руки, Автобизнес, Аиф, журнал Стройка, Цены и товары, Автогазета, Комсомольская правда в Белоруссии, Авто Из рук в руки, Строительная газета, Моя реклама". Indar. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ "О газете | Белорусская лесная газета". Archived from the original on 2009-08-30. Retrieved 2009-08-10.
- ^ [3] Archived September 12, 2006, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Газета "Народная Воля" появится в киосках на следующей неделе Беларускія навіны (in Russian). Newsby. 19 December 2010. Archived from the original on 13 August 2014. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ "Слонимская газета: новости, происшествия, расписание, реклама, частные объявления города Слоним - Рекламодателям". GS. Retrieved 13 August 2014.
- ^ "новости Барановичского региона". INTEX-PRESS Online. Intex-Press. Archived from the original on 7 September 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2014.