Ричард Стейпледон

Сэр Ричард Стейпледон (умер в 1326 году) был английским судьей и политиком, старшим братом Уолтера Стейпледона (умер в 1326 году), епископ Эксетера . Его чучело и памятник выживают в Эксетерском соборе .
[ редактировать ]Стейпледами были незначительные Джентри , которые имели земли в Стейпледоне в приходе Кукбери в Девоне , его родителями были Уильям и Мейбл Стейнон и его младший брат Уолтер Стейнон. [ 2 ]
[ редактировать ]Стейпледон был юристом и судьей, судьей ассизов для западного округа. [ 3 ] Немногие записи сохранились в отношении его карьеры. В августе 1315 года он развлекал своего брата -епископа в своем усадьбе в Стейплдоне, когда он пришел, чтобы посвятить церковь Кукбери. Ему также был предоставлен его брат лицензию на получение частной часовни в Стейпледоне, общей просьбе, представленной многими средневековыми странами Джентри. Поместье Стейпледона спустилось как аннери. [ 4 ]
[ редактировать ]Records of a lawsuit brought against "Richard de Stapledon, knight, of Devon" in 1341/5, thus after his death, or perhaps referring to a son then living, for recovery of a debt of £28 5 shillings owed to Master Robert Hereward, Archdeacon of Taunton, reveal that Stapledon held lands in Devon including one knight's fee in Huish, Fremington Hundred; parts of a fee in Stapledon, Cookbury, etc. in Black Torrington Hundred; in West Down, Braunton Hundred and in Broad Harford in South Molton Hundred.[5]
Milton Damerel (demesne)
[edit]Stapledon was granted the demesnes of the manor of Milton Damerel by Hugh Courtenay, 2nd Earl of Devon (1303–1377),[6] whose effigy also survives in Exeter Cathedral. Milton Damerel later passed with Annery to the Hankfords.[7]
Drannack, land and advowson
[edit]In 1311 Stapledon received a grant of one acre in the parish of Drannack, near Gwinear in Cornwall, with the advowson of the Church of St Winneri, authorised by the overlord Gilbert de Clare, 8th Earl of Gloucester. In 1318 he conveyed the same to the Diocese of Exeter and the possessions, including the Gwinear great tithes, were then bestowed by his brother the bishop as part of the endowment of his foundation of Stapleton Hall, Oxford, later Exeter College.[8] The income from the tithes provided twelve scholarships, for "poor but sober boys", eight in Devon and four in Cornwall.
Marriage and progeny
[edit]No records survive concerning the identity of Stapledon's wife. It was stated by Prince that Stapledon's progeny continued in the male line at Annery for a further two or three generations,[9] and then on the failure of the male line passed via a daughter and sole heiress, Thomasine Stapledon, to her husband Sir Richard I Hankford,[10] son of Sir William Hankford (d. 1422), KB, Lord Chief Justice of England.
Death and burial
On 14 October 1326, Stapledon was murdered in the City of London,[11] whilst trying to rescue his brother the bishop from an angry mob, which shortly afterwards murdered the latter also. The events were as follows. Bishop Stapledon was associated in the popular mind with the misdeeds of King Edward II. On fleeing London before the advancing troops of Queen Isabella, that king appointed Stapledon Custos or "Keeper" of the City of London, the population of which was mostly in favour of the Queen. Foreseeing her forced entry into the City, Stapledon demanded from the Lord Mayor of London the keys to the gates, in order to lock her out. However, when the population heard of this they "lay in wait to surprise the bishop", who fled for safety from this mob into St Paul's Cathedral. According to Prince (d. 1723),[12] Sir Richard was with his brother at the time and attempted to save him from the mob. However, as they rode (presumably from Blackfriars where (according to William de Dene's history of the See of Rochester[13]) the Bishop of London and Bishop Stapledon had gathered together with a group of the Kings Justices) into the City towards St Paul's, through the gate called Cripplegate, a cripple took hold of one of the forelegs of Sir Richard's horse and by crossing it threw the horse and rider to the ground, whereupon Sir Richard was murdered by the mob. The bishop reached St Paul's, but found no safety there as the mob entered and dragged him out and proceeded to beat and wound him and dragged him to the Great Cross at Cheapside "where those sons of the devil most barborously murdered him"[14] on 15 October 1326.[15] The bishop was eventually given an honourable burial on the north side of the chancel of Exeter Cathedral, where his effigy and monument survive. The murder of Sir Richard Stapledon is described as part of a verse epitaph in Latin composed by John Hooker (d.1601) and formerly visible above the monument of his brother the bishop:[16]
- "Auxilio cupiit dum fratri frater adesse,
- Acriter in fratrem gens malesuada premit,
- Arrepto similem plebs infert effera mortem,
- Strage hac exultat sanguinolenta truci,
- Certe miles erat fortisque bonusque favori,
- Rarus ac in rabie suevit adesse locus".
("He desired the help of his brother, his brother being present; swiftly the evil-intentioned people pressed forward to his brother; who having been snatched likewise the people caused his death; and exulted by this bloody, savage slaughter; Certainly he was a knight, strong and good; of rare favour and accustomed to be present in a place of fury").
Monument in Exeter Cathedral
[edit]Sir Richard was also buried in Exeter Cathedral, near his brother the bishop, against the north wall across the north ambulatory from the bishop's tomb. His tomb is marked by an elaborate monument comprising a recessed ogee shaped niche set into the wall, containing his recumbent effigy, in the form of a cross-legged knight, which style supposedly represents crusaders. At the effigy's head stands a small statue of a man and at the feet a horse with an even smaller statue of a man holding its reins. According to Prince (d. 1723)[17] this last group refers to the tradition of the cripple who seised the foreleg of Sir Richard's horse at Cripplegate and thereby threw him off his horse into the hands of the murderous mob. It is however more likely that the figures are "a touching early fourteenth century visual representation of the Knight with his immediate following ... a knight is shown accompanied by his squire, page and horse".[18] The Devon historian Sir William Pole (d. 1635) stated that the arms of Stapledon (Argent, two bends wavy sable) were displayed on the shield of the effigy,[19] but today no trace of colour remains. These arms are however still visible (possibly restored) on the nearby monument to his brother the bishop.
[edit]- ^ Pole, Sir William (d.1635), Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon, Sir John-William de la Pole (ed.), London, 1791, p.502
- ^ M. C. Buck (23 September 2004). "Stapeldon, Walter(b. in or before 1265, d. 1326)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/26296. Retrieved 1 October 2023. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
- ^ Prince, p.726
- ^ "History".
- ^ National Archives C 241/129/48 [1]
- ^ Pole, p.365
- ^ Полюс, с
- ^ «Тонкин в Гилберте, том 2», цитируется в
- ^ Принц, с. 726.
- ^ Отчет и транзакции Девонширской ассоциации по развитию науки, литературы и искусства, 1876, с. 450-2. [2]
- ^ Принц, Джон , (1643–1723). Стоимость Devon, 1810 Edition, Лондон, с.726
- ^ Принц, с.725
- ^ Источник принца (как указано в маргинальной записке) по убийству епископа Стейпледона-история Уильяма де Дене о Свиде Рочестера ( Historia Roffensis ), охватывающего период 1314-1348 гг. И правление епископа Хеймо де Хет . (Denne, Samuel & Crubsole, William, «История и древности Рочестера и его окрестностей», 2-е издание, Рочестер, 1817, стр.72-3 [3] ) Рукопись в хлопковой библиотеке была опубликована в Генри Уортоне . Anglia Sacra , 1691 Edition, Vol.1. Отрывок, связанный с убийством епископа Стейпледона, находится на странице 366: Ad Fratres Praedicatores tunc Congregatos («Затем собрался у монахов проповедь») [4]
- ^ Принц, с. 724, переведенный им из цитируемого латинского текста
- ^ Принц, с.725
- ^ Принц, стр.725-6; Также напечатано в Westcote, Thomas, «Вид на Девоншир в MDCXXX: с родословной большинства его джентри», Книга 2, стр.165-6 [5]
- ^ Принц, с. 725.
- ^ Prestwich, Michael, Armies and Warfare в средние века: English Experience , Лондон, 1996, с.49 [6]
- ^ Пол, сэр Уильям (ум. 1635), Коллекции для описания графства Девон, сэр Джон-Уильям де ла Пол (ред.), Лондон, 1791, с. 110.