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1962 г. Северный Родезийский всеобщие выборы

Всеобщие выборы были проведены в Северной Родезии 30 октября 1962 года, а на дополнительных выборах-несколько мест, состоявшихся 10 декабря. Хотя Объединенная федеральная партия выиграла наибольшее количество мест в законодательном совете , а северный родезийский африканский лидер национального конгресса Гарри Нкумбула заключил секретный договор о выборах с UFP, Нкумбула решил сформировать правительство с Национальной партией независимости Объединенной Национальной независимости .

Избирательная система

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Выборы проводились под системой «15-15-15», с 15 местами, избранными верхним рулоном, 15 местами с помощью нижнего рулона и 15 мест на национальном рулоне; Национальные рулоны состояли из четырех «зарезервированных» двухместных избирательных округов, возвращающих африканского и европейского члена; Три из двух членов «Открытых» округов, которые вернут двух членов любой расы и одного общенационального избирательного округа для азиатов. [ 1 ] Первоначальный план для зарезервированных и открытых национальных рулонных мест заключался в том, что кандидаты должны были бы получить не менее 15% голосов от верхних и нижних рулонов, которые будут избраны. [ 2 ] Тем не менее, это было сильно противостоять премьер -министру федерации Родезии и Ньясаленда Роя Валенски , поскольку нижний ролл, вероятно, был полностью черным, что дает его UFP небольшие шансы на завоевание мест. [ 3 ] Система была позже изменена, чтобы потребовать от кандидатов получить не менее 10% голосов от каждой гонки, [ 4 ] и по крайней мере 20% голосов от верхнего или нижнего рулона. [ 5 ]

Чтобы претендовать на верхний ролл, избиратели должны были иметь доход не менее 720 фунтов стерлингов или владеть не менее 1500 фунтов стерлингов недвижимости. Это было сокращено до 480 фунтов стерлингов/1000 фунтов стерлингов для людей с полным начальным образованием и 300 фунтов стерлингов/1000 фунтов стерлингов для тех, у кого не менее четырех лет среднего образования. Несколько человек было автоматически разрешено зарегистрироваться в качестве избирателей верхних рулонов, в том числе начальников, наследственных советников, членов коренных властей и судов, муниципальных советов, городских жилищных советов и жилищных советов, министров религии, членов определенных религий с по крайней мере двух лет Среднее образование, пенсионеры, выпускники университетов, владельцы награды королевы, тех, кто имел письмо об освобождении в соответствии с Африканским постановлением о освобождении, датированном до 1 июля 1961 года или является женой квалифицированного избирателя верхнего рола Старшая жена квалифицировалась). [ 6 ] Нижние избиратели, избиратели, должны были иметь доход не менее 120 фунтов стерлингов или собственную недвижимое имущество на сумму не менее 250 фунтов стерлингов. Некоторые другие люди автоматически имели право быть избирателем с низким уровнем ролика, включая советников племен, членов коренных властей и судов, муниципальных советов, городских советов и жилищных советов городка, директоров, пенсионеров, членов определенных религиозных органов, держателей награды от Королева или люди, зарегистрированные как индивидуальные, крестьянские или улучшенные фермеры в течение двух лет до подачи заявления. Жена (или старшая жена) любого, кто имеет право быть избирателем нижнего ролла, также квалифицировалась. [ 6 ]

Верхний рулон имело в общей сложности 37 142 избирателя, из которых 27 893 были европейскими, 7 321 были африканскими и 1 928 были азиатскими. В нижнем ролле было 91 941 избирателя, из которых 91 913 были африканскими и 28 азиатами. [ 7 ]

In order to vote, voters had to dip their thumbs in red ink, which would remain for two days. In Lusaka two European voters refused to dip their thumbs, and were barred from voting. One, Colin Cunningham, a former leader of the Rhodesian Republican Party, claimed it would be "trespass against his person."[8]



UNIP originally planned to boycott the elections in protest at the failure to move to majority rule. However, the decision was later reversed after the outcome of the Delimitation Commission.[9] UNIP leader Kenneth Kaunda spoke at over a hundred meetings during the campaign.[10] In Sweden the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party started an appeal for £20,000 to contribute to UNIP's election campaign, calling federal UFP leader Roy Welensky "sabre-rattling" and a "leader of the white Fascists."[10] The campaign raised only £3,700.[10]



On 26 October NRANC official Danwell Kuseka was killed when he was ambushed after an election meeting near Kitwe; three others were injured, one with a broken back. Kaunda called for UNIP members to co-operate with the police in finding the attackers.[10] African candidates for the UFP were reported to have experienced a "living hell of intimidation."[10] Polling day took place largely without incident and saw a high turnout.[8] In the Congolese city of Elisabethville a group of 100 Northern Rhodesians attended the British Consul to vote. However, after they discovered that only 17 of them had registered, they stormed the building and stoned the consul, resulting in him being hospitalised. Congolese police arrested 15 of the group.[8]



On election day, 14 of the upper roll seats and all 15 lower roll seats were decided, but only five of the 15 national seats; the UFP won 15 seats, UNIP 14 and the NRANC five. By-elections were subsequently held on 10 December for the Livingstone upper roll seats, and for the ten remaining national seats, with the UFP winning in Livingstone, and the NRANC winning the only two national roll seats to have a winner, leaving the UFP with a final total of 16 seats and the NRANC with seven.

PartyUpper rollLower rollSeats
United National Independence Party4,51914.79159,64878.1612114New
United Federal Party21,55870.54131800.240215+2
Northern Rhodesian African National Congress1,0253.35016,26821.32347+6
Liberal Party1,4014.580830.11000–3
Rhodesia Republican Party650.21000New
Barotseland National Party1340.18000New
Valid votes30,56098.0876,31395.63
Invalid/blank votes5981.923,4884.37
Total votes31,158100.0079,801100.00
Registered voters/turnout34,52790.2492,25586.50
Source: Mulford, pp189–190

By constituency

Constituency Candidate Party Votes % Invalid/
Total Registered Turnout
Upper roll
Broken Hill John Roberts United Federal Party 1,801 67 2,193 2,634 83.3
Ibrahim Nkonde United National Independence Party 290
Alun Price Liberal Party 35
Chingola Samuel Magnus United Federal Party 1,668 16 2,330 2,492 93.5
C M Morris Independent 646
Eastern Rural Ebden Carlisle United Federal Party 1,243 50 2,244 2,520 89.0
Harry Gardner United National Independence Party 555
E Randolph Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 201
Oliver Carruthers Liberal Party 195
Kitwe East Jerry Steyn United Federal Party 2,328 43 2,610 2,794 93.4
G E Mushikwa United National Independence Party 179
J Percy Liberal Party 60
Kitwe West Hugh Stanley United Federal Party 1,936 50 2,400 2,624 91.5
U G Mwila United National Independence Party 311
K A Mills Liberal Party 103
Livingstone Election postponed due to death of candidate
Luanshya-Kansenji Cecil Dennistoun Burney United Federal Party 1,638 43 2,262 2,458 92.0
Thakorbhai Desai United National Independence Party 390
M W Wijnberg Liberal Party 191
Lusaka East Gabriel Musumbulwa United Federal Party 1,806 15 2,460 2,713 90.7
R Allard Liberal Party 297
Alan Wateridge Independent 236
L Terry Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 79
F J G Triegaardt Rhodesia Republican Party 27
Lusaka West Hugh Mitchley United Federal Party 1,607 78 2,592 2,863 90.5
Eric Kreft Independent 633
G S Mwanza Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 152
S Hutt Liberal Party 122
Mufulira Pieter Wulff United Federal Party 2,224 14 2,575 2,752 93.6
Alexander Stevens Independent 337
Ndola East Thomas Lawler United Federal Party 1,728 38 2,198 2,401 91.5
T M D Ntine United National Independence Party 221
C D Smith Liberal Party 211
Northern Rural John Mwanakatwe United National Independence Party 1,172 37 1,646 1,900 86.6
V A Shona Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 297
U J Moffat Independent 140
Roan Hendrick Liebenberg United Federal Party 1,564 46 1,986 2,302 86.3
M K Nayooto United National Independence Party 309
W Kirby Liberal Party 67
Southern Rural John Burnside United Federal Party 588 61 1,516 1,726 87.8
Maskekwa Nalumango United National Independence Party 491
G A Patel Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 296
R Harvey Liberal Party 42
C F Kirstein Rhodesia Republican Party 38
Western Rural Norman Coates United Federal Party 1,427 40 2,146 2,348 91.4
Joseph Shaw United National Independence Party 601
R E Farmer Liberal Party 78
Lower roll
Bangweulu Kenneth Kaunda United National Independence Party 4,347 126 4,702 5,134 91.6
H Kasokola Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 229
Barotseland East Arthur Wina United National Independence Party 1,057 66 1,188 1,460 81.4
F L Suu Barotseland National Party 65
Barotseland West Mubiana Nalilungwe United National Independence Party 688 151 985 1,271 77.5
Griffiths Mukande Barotseland National Party 69
Isaac Singulwani Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 42
B M Akombelwa Liberal Party 35
Copperbelt Central Alexander Grey Zulu United National Independence Party 14,371 56 16,474 19,460 84.7
L B Lombe Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 1,947
E M Daimon United Federal Party 100
Copperbelt East John Chisata United National Independence Party 11,896 447 13,172 14,933 88.2
Prise Chanda Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 829
Copperbelt West Sikota Wina United National Independence Party 5,217 298 5,740 6,683 85.9
N J Chindefu Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 225
Eastern Wesley Nyirenda United National Independence Party 1,655 305 2,783 3,120 89.2
Shadrach Soko Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 792
N D Chabinga Liberal Party 31
Lusaka Rural Edward Liso Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 1,606 199 2,894 3,399 85.1
Solomon Kalulu United National Independence Party 1,061
M J Nkabika United Federal Party 28
Midlands Elijah Mudenda United National Independence Party 7,819 827 11,926 14,569 81.9
Job Michello Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 3,280
Muchinga Aaron Milner United National Independence Party 2,742 109 2,934 3,211 91.4
Cuthbert Sinyangwe Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 55
G M Kabichi United Federal Party 28
Northern Simon Kapwepwe United National Independence Party 3,840 124 4,075 4,534 89.9
Dauti Yamba Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 87
D B Lisubu United Federal Party 24
North-Western Samuel Mblishi United National Independence Party 1,419 83 1,783 1,953 91.3
C S Chizawu Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 264
Y Chikombe Liberal Party 17
South-Eastern Reuben Kamanga United National Independence Party 1,468 320 2,476 2,872 86.2
Harry Thornicroft Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 688
Southern Chiwala Banda Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 2,300 184 3,936 4,444 88.6
Gwale Habanyama United National Independence Party 1,452
South-Western Harry Nkumbula Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 3,924 193 4,733 5,212 90.8
C S Mukando United National Independence Party 616
Source: Mulford, pp189–190
National seats
Constituency Candidate Party Votes Notes
European African Upper roll Lower roll
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Matthew Mwendapole United National Independence Party 69 1.6 11,286 93.6 774 15.0 10,581 93.8
Peter Chibuye United Federal Party 4,082 93.3 69 0.6 4,094 79.6 57 0.5
Sykes Ndilila Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 49 1.1 645 5.3 97 1.9 597 5.3
F M Chitimukulu Liberal Party 173 4.0 58 0.5 180 3.5 51 0.5
Stewart Gore-Browne United National Independence Party 55 1.3 11,264 93.4 756 14.7 10,563 93.6
John Mitchell United Federal Party 4,152 94.9 669 5.5 4,207 81.8 614 5.4
R L Moffat Liberal Party 166 3.8 125 1.0 182 3.5 109 1.0
Kabompo (2 seats) M. Chamululu Liberal Party No candidate achieved the vote share required
T.G. MacKay Liberal Party
K.T. Lewis Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
R. Mangangu Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
P. Byrne United Federal Party
I.H. Nkoloma United Federal Party
Andrew Sardanis United National Independence Party
William Nkanza United National Independence Party
D C Mwiinga United National Independence Party 65 1.2 12,081 92.9 767 12.7 11,379 93.1
Ernest Kapota Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 4,762 90.7 808 6.2 4,828 80.0 742 6.1
Z J Kafulubiti Liberal Party 422 8.0 111 0.9 438 7.3 95 0.8
Merfyn Temple United National Independence Party 65 1.2 12,030 93.2 688 11.6 11,407 93.4
Rodney Malcomson United Federal Party 4,853 92.5 769 6.0 4,910 82.6 712 5.8
L B S Escourt Liberal Party 329 6.3 111 0.9 343 5.8 97 0.8
Lower Kafue
Robinson Puta United National Independence Party 93 2.7 6,769 71.8 683 16.0 6,179 71.4
Francis Chembe Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 3,252 93.3 2,570 27.2 3,442 80.6 2,380 27.5 Elected
I E Kalima Liberal Party 142 4.1 94 1.0 146 3.4 90 1.0
Lower Kafue
A Tidder United National Independence Party 75 2.2 6,699 71.0 667 15.6 6,107 70.6
A H Duff Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 19 0.5 213 2.3 40 0.9 192 2.2
Jack Eaton United Federal Party 3,166 90.8 2,304 24.4 3,314 77.6 2,156 24.9 Elected
G Percy Liberal Party 159 4.6 108 1.1 172 4.0 95 1.1
H J Butler Rhodesia Republican Party 68 2.0 109 1.2 78 1.8 99 1.1
Isaac Mumpanshya United National Independence Party 148 4.2 5,418 63.8 767 17.6 4,799 62.5
Philemon Zindana United Federal Party 2,769 78.2 1,645 19.4 2,860 65.6 1,554 20.3 Elected
Alfred Gondwe Liberal Party 624 17.6 1,429 16.8 732 16.8 1,321 17.2
James John Skinner United National Independence Party 126 3.6 5,285 62.2 717 16.4 4,694 61.2
Charles Cousins Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 2,711 76.6 2,929 34.5 2,903 66.6 2,737 35.7 Elected
John Moffat Liberal Party 525 14.8 209 2.5 553 12.7 181 2.4
A Dahl Rhodesia Republican Party 179 5.1 69 0.8 186 4.3 62 0.8
Luapula (2 seats) R.H. Horward Liberal Party No candidate achieved the vote share required
Lakement Ngandu Liberal Party
Francis Stubbs Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
B.C. Chisunka Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
A.E. Beech United Federal Party
A.M.T. Mubanga United Federal Party
Wilson Chakulya United National Independence Party
Charles Thornicroft United National Independence Party
Zambezi (2 seats) G.B.M. Chalinga Barotseland National Party No candidate achieved the vote share required
Harry Franklin Liberal Party
E.N. Kamitondo Liberal Party
W.J. Curtis Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
J.M. Mayanda Northern Rhodesian African National Congress
G.A. Smith Rhodesia Republic Party
Maurice Rabb United Federal Party
J.S.S. Anderson United National Independence Party
Nakatindi Yeta Nganga United National Independence Party
Special National
Kashibhai Patel Independent (UNIP) 1,071 62.3 Elected
J D Naik Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 519 30.2
I M Bagas Independent 129 7.5
Source: Gray Zulu, Mulford, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Newsletter


Upper roll
Constituency Candidate Party Votes % Notes
Livingstone James MacMillan United Federal Party 1,584 72.8 Elected
R.V.Nayee United National Independence Party 417 19.2
N. Mabutwe Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 176 8.1
Invalid/blank votes 88
Total 2,265 100
Source: Northern Rhodesia Elections Office[11]
National seats
Constituency Candidate Party Votes Notes
European African
Votes % Votes %
Chambeshi (African) D C Mwiinga United National Independence Party 110 2.8 10,321 92.2 No candidate elected
L B Lombe Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 3,302 84.6 742 6.6
H Lungu United Federal Party 494 12.6 137 1.2
Chambeshi (European) Stewart Gore-Browne United National Independence Party 101 2.6 10,567 94.3 No candidate elected
John Mitchell United Federal Party 97.4 5.7
Kabompo (2 seats) William Nkanza United National Independence Party 140 4.8 11,439 93.9 No candidate elected
Andrew Sardanis United National Independence Party 139 4.7 11,363 93.2
P Byrne United Federal Party 2,696 91.8 61 0.5
A H Duff Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 1,223 41.6 609 5.0
I H Nkoloma United Federal Party 1,588 54.1 203 1.7
R Mangangu Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 88 3.0 693 5.7
T D Mtine United National Independence Party 237 5.2 11,001 91.9 No candidate elected
G M Kabichi United Federal Party 4,084 90.3 146 1.2
J M Mayanda Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 201 4.5 827 6.9
Joseph Shaw United National Independence Party 167 3.7 11,026 92.1 No candidate elected
Rodney Malcomson United Federal Party 4,278 94.6 164 1.3
L Terry Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 77 1.7 784 6.6
Luapula (2 seats) Matthew Mwendapole United National Independence Party 50 2.1 9,761 87.0 Not elected
Charles Thornicroft United National Independence Party 60 2.6 9,692 86.5
A E Beech United Federal Party 2,151 92.2 101 0.9
Francis Stubbs Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 628 26.9 1,390 12.4 Elected
M T Mubanga United Federal Party 1,672 71.6 136 1.1 Not elected
C E Kapota Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 107 4.6 1,352 12.1
Zambezi (2 seats) Job Michello Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 764 34.7 5,506 58.0 Elected
Merfyn Temple United National Independence Party 48 2.2 3,589 37.8 Not elected
W J Curtis Northern Rhodesian African National Congress 133 6.0 5,345 65.2
Nakatindi Yeta Nganga United National Independence Party 49 2.2 3,878 40.8
Maurice Rabb United Federal Party 1,983 90.1 207 2.2
G B Mapani Barotseland National Party 924 42.0 236 2.5
G A Smith Rhodesia Republican Party 317 14.4 161 1.7
W E Barret Independent 186 8.4 81 0.8
Source: East Africa and Rhodesia,[12] Gray Zulu



With almost all candidates losing their deposits, the three Liberal Party ministers (John Moffat, Harry Franklin and Alfred Gondwe) resigned immediately after the elections.[8] In mid-November the party announced that it was disbanding, with members advised to join or support UNIP instead.[13]

Nkumbula held talks with both Kaunda and Roberts about the formation of a coalition government, saying he would consider a coalition with UNIP "if Kaunda and his henchmen made a statement unreservedly condemning Communism and the use of violence and intimidation.", and a coalition with the UFP if "thy stated that they wanted to see the end of political federation and its replacement with only an economic association".[8] Kaunda subsequently released a statement stating "I believe that both Mr. Nkumbula and myself should forget the bitterness of the past and do what we can to establish majority rule in this country.[8] On 14 December Governor Evelyn Hone announced the formation of a coalition government by UNIP and the NRARNC.

Minister Party Position
Kenneth Kaunda United National Independence Party Minister of Local Government and Social Welfare
Simon Kapwepwe United National Independence Party Minister of African Agriculture
Harry Nkumbula Northern Rhodesian African National Congress Minister of African Education
Тревор Гарднер Из офиса Министр финансов
Рувим почка Рувим Объединенная национальная партия независимости Министр труда и шахт
Чарльз Казинс Северный Родезийский Африканский национальный конгресс Министр земельных и природных ресурсов
Брайан Андре Дойл Из офиса Министр юридических дел и генерального прокурора
Фредерик Томас Из офиса Министр по делам
Фрэнсис Стаббс Северный Родезийский Африканский национальный конгресс Министр транспорта и работ
Ричард Луит Из офиса Главный секретарь
Источник: Восточная Африка и Родезия [ 12 ]

Смотрите также

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  1. ^ Александр Грей Зулу (2007) Мемуары Александра Грея Зулу , Таймс Пеллпак Замбия, P219–221
  2. ^ Дэвид С. Малфорд (1964). Северные родезийские всеобщие выборы 1962 , издательство Оксфордского университета, стр. 22 - 23
  3. ^ Эндрю Сарданис (2011) Африка: другая сторона монеты: последние годы Северной Родезии и государственность Замбии , Ibtauris, стр .89–91
  4. ^ Малфорд, P29
  5. ^ Малфорд, P28
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Малфорд PP50–51
  7. ^ Дольф Стернбергер , Бернхард Фогель , Дитер Нохлен и Клаус Ландфрид (1978) Выбор парламентов: Том II: Африка, вторая половина , р1790
  8. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон «Первые выборы в Северной Родезии все всеобщие выборы», Восточная Африка и Родезия , 8 ноября 1962 года, стр .217–218
  9. ^ Серый Зулу, P217
  10. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и «Высокий опрос, без насилия», Восточная Африка и Родезия , 1 ноября 1962 г., стр .202
  11. ^ Северная Родезия-Доторонные выборы законодательного совета-10 декабря 1962 года: Анализ результатов , Управление выборов в Северной Родезии
  12. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Коалиционное правительство Unip -ANC для северной Родезии», Восточная Африка и Родезия, 20 декабря 1962 г., p345
  13. ^ «Законодательный совет бойкотирует угрозу», Восточная Африка и Родезия , 15 ноября 1962 г., стр. 243
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