List of French dictionaries
List of notable French dictionaries
- Monolingual dictionaries
Title | Year |
Catholicon - purported first French dictionary | 1499 |
Thresor de la langue françoyse tant ancienne que moderne (Jean Nicot) | 1606 |
Dictionnaire de l'Académie française | 1694 to present |
Littré | 1877 |
Grand Dictionnaire Encyclopédique Larousse | 1982-1985 |
Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle | 1866-1890 |
Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes | 1806-1809 |
Petit Larousse | 1905 to present |
Petit Robert | 1967 to present |
L'Officiel du jeu Scrabble | 1990 to present |
Trésor de la langue française informatisé | 1971 to present |
- French–English bilingual dictionaries
Title | Year |
Collins-Robert French Dictionary | 1978 to present |
Harrap's Shorter French Dictionary | 1940 to present |
Oxford–Hachette French Dictionary | 1994 to present |