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Блас Морт Содорнин

Блас Морт Содорнин
Блас Морт Содорнин

ТУАЛЬ , Испания
Умер 1921
ТУАЛЬ, Испания
Национальность испанский
Занятие предприниматель
Известен для политик
Политическая партия Карлизм

Blas Morte Sodornil (1849-1921) был испанским предпринимателем , региональным чиновником самоуправления и политиком Carlist . Он известен в основном как вице-президент и де-факто исполняющий обязанности президента Diputación Foral , регионального самоуправления Наварреса , занимая этот пост в течение двух последовательных сроков между 1913 и 1917 годами. В начале 1920-х годов он возглавлял региональную организацию Карлиста в Наварре и был почти назначил партию по всей стране. В бизнесе он поднялся от владельца мелкого семинара по Stonemasonry до бизнесмена с международными связями, активными в строительстве, лесной, торговой, сахарной и сельскохозяйственной промышленности.

Семья и молодежь

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с женой и детьми

В семье Наваррезе Морте нет ничего более близкого. И предки отдаленных BLAS неизвестны, хотя считается, что для поколений они стали частью сельского рабочего класса региона Риберы . Его отец, Антонио Морте Бургалета, был уроженцем Туделы и зарабатывал на жизнь, как грохот , а иногда как альпаргатеро , эспадрильский производитель. Во время первой войны Карлиста он добровольно вызвался легитимистическими войсками и служил в Терке Баталлон де Наварра; Его разговорное имя «requeté» было позже применено к военизированным единицам Carlist . В неопределенное время он женился на Мигеле Содоррорнл Итурре, также уроженца Туделы; [ 1 ] Ничто более близкое не известно ни о ней, ни о ее семье, за исключением того, что, как и борт, это был скромный социальный статус. [ 2 ] У пары было как минимум два сына, из которых Блас родился как старший.

В 1873 году Блас вызвался добровольным во время третьей войны с Карлистом и служил в 4. Компания «Компания грунтовки Баталлон де Наварра». [ 3 ] Он участвовал в большинстве ключевых действий войны в Наварре, в том числе битвы Эраула , Удабе, Монтежурра (1873), Соморростро , Сан -Педро Абарзуза (1874), осады Ируна и битва за Лачар (1875). [ 4 ] Ценится начальством, [ 5 ] Сначала он был повышен в капрале , а затем до сержанта ; Несмотря на отсутствие образования, он в конечном итоге поднялся на лейтенанта . Во время битвы при Лакаре он лично принимал заказы у Карлоса VII , когда артиллерия Карллери -Карлиста помещается на позиции стрельбы. [ 6 ] До прекращения военных действий он командовал 4А Compañía. После сдачи компании он передал документацию подразделения, сохранившуюся в идеальном порядке, со всеми деталями военного времени тщательно записаны; Теперь он служит историографическим источником. [ 7 ] Морте было предложено зачислять в правительственные войска, предложение, которое он отказался от измены на его идеалы. [ 8 ] Он вернулся домой только с беретом. [ 9 ]

Víctor Morte Celayeta
Víctor Morte Celayeta

Маловероятно, что BLAS получил образование, выходящее за рамки основного начального уровня, и с подростковых лет в 1860 -х годах он начал практиковать в качестве ученика в StoNemasonry. В 1876 году он женился на Грегории Селайета Паласиос (1846-1922), [ 10 ] дочь Индиано , который вернулся с Кубы , но возникла из региона Наварреса Бертиз-Арана . [ 11 ] У пары было трое детей, Луис, Виктор и Асунсьон Морте Селайета; Все были также карлистами [ 12 ] А в 1936 году Víctor представлял Туделу в исполнительном исполнительном директоре Carlist Navarrese Wartime. [ 13 ] Французская смерть служила запросам; [14] Blas recognized Don Juan as the Carlist king in 1957, served as consejero foral[15] and co-founded Alianza Foral in the 1970s;[16] Javier was honorary president of CTC in the 1990s.[17] Great-grandchildren from the Abascal Morte family[18] are active in the media industry;[19] among descendants from the Guelbenzu Morte family[20] Ignacio is a painter,[21] while José[22] and Ricardo[23] являются признанными предпринимателями и авторами вина.



Following practice in stonemasonry Morte developed his own workshop and delivered minor stone cutting works. His status changed in 1883 as he became “contratista de obras”,[24] a building contractor responsible for construction projects. Morte's first major contract was the portico of Iglesia de San Nicolás in Pamplona, designed in eclectic style by the local architect Angel Goicoechea; it was located at the corner of San Miguel and Plazuela streets.[25] In 1884, he was agreed by the Tudela ayuntamiento to build a municipal water reservoir, but the project ended in a lawsuit; the construction proved faulty, Morte blamed the architect and the council blamed him. The case lasted 3 years before he eventually emerged victorious.[26] In 1888, Morte was contracted by the Tudela Jesuits to build a San Francisco Javier college in Tudela; the work was completed in 1891.[27] In the early 1890s he was among builders hired to erect the building of Audiencia de Pamplona, today Parlamento de Navarra.[28] In 1896, Morte started his most ambitious and prestigious contract; the Jesuits who thanks to the donation of duquesa de Villahermosa became owners of the Javier castle decided to turn it into a missionary centre. Apart from other works, Morte was contracted to build a basilica adjacent to the compound. Completion of the shrine, again designed by Goicoechea, took 5 years and the entire Morte family lived on the premises throughout the construction process.[29]

basilica and castle in Javier

The basilica in Javier turned out to be the last of major Morte’ construction projects. At the turn of the centuries he tried to diversify his commercial endeavors. In the 1890s he purchased some estates in Tudela and then rented them to French wine companies. As French vineyards suffered from the phylloxera plague, the Tudela premises served as storage and spedition centers for French wine imports from Spain.[30] In 1903, Morte opened in Tudela a sawmill, which processed wood delivered by water from the Pyrenees; it grew into a major company and over time offered 12 types of timber.[31] After his death it was reformatted as Sociedad Colonial de Guinea and focused on wood imported from Spanish Guinea.[32] In 1912, Morte commenced construction of a sugar mill in Zaragoza; with the rupture of traditional sugar deliveries from Cuba, it was based on processing Ebro-grown sugar cane and as Azucarera de Luceni it proved hugely profitable.[33] Finally, in 1917 Morte and his business partners rented some 1,700 ha of agricultural land and created Agrícola Sancho Abarca, another largely successful business.[34] Before death Morte was a major Navarrese entrepreneur with international links, who during less than 40 years converted a small stonemasonry workshop into a diversified business conglomerate and a county industrial powerhouse.


Carlist standard

During almost 20 years following his military deeds during the Civil War, Morte was not recorded as particularly busy within Carlism, which in the 1880s was suffering from post-war crisis and fragmentation.[35] He resumed activity in the early 1890s; in 1894, he purchased a centrally located building in Tudela and rented it to the local Círculo Católico Tradicionalista, the organization he animated himself. The premises became the local Carlist headquarters, which would operate until the 1970s. In the early 20th century it grouped some 300 members[36] of mostly humble social background;[37] during crisis years, e.g. when suspended by authorities, it operated as a regular cafeteria until return to original status was possible.[38] He also turned into a key party personality in the town and county;[39] apart from co-founding Juventud Carlista[40] and serving as its “socio-protector”[41] he was also president of the county party organization.[42] In 1897 Morte entered Junta Regional de Navarra, the Navarrese party executive.[43]

In 1897, Morte co-founded El Pensamiento Navarro, a daily which until the 1980s was the iconic party mouthpiece in the region.[44] He remained in executive board of its managing companies, the post which later he ceded to his sons; until its disappearance the daily was controlled mostly by the Baleztena and the Morte families.[45] In his Navarrese party engagements Morte tended to focus on the Tudela county, e.g. supporting or organizing Carlist electoral campaigns. During the 1907 and 1910 elections to the Cortes he managed to terminate the string of liberal triumphs and to ensure the success of Traditionalist candidates;[46] afterwards the district fell under the conservative dominance.[47]

Junta de Biarritz (Morte in first row, second from right)

The conflict between the party theorist Vázquez de Mella and the claimant Don Jaime produced major breakup within Carlism and in the late 1910s membership in the Tudela círculo was decimated by defections, either to the Mellistas or to Sindicato Agrícola Tudelano.[48] Morte remained totally loyal to his king.[49] As Navarrese leaders like Cesareo Sanz Escartín opted for the rebels, he emerged as one of the most prestigious regional politicians who stood by Don Jaime, even though for the time being the Navarrese party leadership went to Ignacio Baleztena.[50] In late 1919 Morte travelled to Biarritz to take part in a grand party assembly known as Magna Junta de Biarritz, supposed to point the way forward.[51] Some time afterwards he ascended to Jefe Regional de Navarra y Rioja, the position he would hold until death;[52] leadership in the key Carlist region in Spain elevated Morte into the very top elite of Carlist politicians of the time. Some sources claim that when the nationwide party leader Luis Hernando de Larramendi resigned in mid-1921, Don Jaime was very seriously pondering upon asking Morte to replace him. However, the claimant suspected that because of age and poor health Morte would not accept the nomination;[53] eventually the post went to José Selva Mergelina, marqués de Villores.[54]

In self-government

Morte as Diputación representative during a Navarrese ceremony, 1915

In the 1890s, Morte was the first time elected to the Tudela town hall; in numerous successive elections he was getting his ticket confirmed, at times as the most-voted candidate.[55] In the county which was getting increasingly left-wing and anti-Carlist[56] he managed to achieve a very stable political position and his tenure as concejal in the ayuntamiento lasted over 30 years.[57] However, he has never risen to the mayor, though periodically he was holding the post of teniente de alcalde, the deputy.[58] Though engaged in electoral campaigns to the Cortes, he has never stood for the parliament himself.

In 1913, Morte was elected for the regular 2-year term to Diputación Foral de Navarra, the regional self-government. The post of its president was by definition held by the civil governor; Morte became the vice-president. His rise from barely literate stone-cutter to holder of the highest electable post available in Navarre marked Morte's personal advancement and was sort of an exceptional achievement. Following the first tenure, because of Carlist domination dubbed “Diputación Carlista”,[59] in 1915, he got his post confirmed in another election campaign;[60] all in all, Morte's tenure lasted 4 years until 1917. He co-operated with 4 civil governors and in the mid-1910s remained perhaps the most influential politician in Navarre.[61] It is not clear whether in 1917 he decided not to stand for renewal of his ticket or whether he was defeated in successive electoral campaign.

Morte is not known for specific personal initiatives and remained engaged in regular, routine administrative work of the diputación. The most lasting undertaking decided during his tenure was construction of Canal de Lodosa, a 130-km-long water route which ran parallel to the Ebro river. The project was multi-purpose. Its main objective was irrigation of lands located on the right bank of the river, located partially in Navarre and partially in La Rioja.[62] It was also supposed to facilitate all-year-long navigation and removing problems related to operations in the rambling Ebro riverbed. However, Morte attracted some criticism as his opponents claimed he benefitted from the project personally.[63]

Navarrese Diputación Foral

In 1917, Morte was among co-authors of the motion which produced formal and official dedication of Diputación Foral to the Sacred Heart of Jesus;[64] as the period was marked by growing secularism and anti-religious violence, the act stood out as a demonstration or religious conservatism prevailing in Navarre. The same year Morte initiated the motion[65] which eventually produced the call for a so-called reintegración foral, addressed to the central Madrid government.[66] The self-government demanded that traditional historical legal establishments, abolished in course of the 19th century as part of the homogenization process, be restored. Today this motion is viewed by some scholars as a step towards revindication of traditional Basque rights,[67] embodied in separate provincial regulations.[68]

See also



  1. ^ Ricardo Guelbenzu Morte, Blas Morte, un carlista tudelano, [in:] Aportes 104 (2020), p. 235
  2. ^ also Mamerto Blas Sodornil, the younger brother of Blas, married a girl of humble social status, she was daughter to a local jornalero, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 235
  3. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 236
  4. ^ Juan Pardo San Gil, La segunda Guerra Carlista en «El Norte»: Los Ejércitos Contendientes, [in:] Bilduma: Revista del Servicio de Archivo del Ayuntamiento de Errenteria 14 (2000), p. 388
  5. ^ “desempeñando todos sus cargos con gran celo y acierto, mereciendo siempre el be-neplácito de todos sus jefes”, 50 aniversario de la muerte de Blas Morte, [in:] El Pensamiento Navarro 10.12.71
  6. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 238-239
  7. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 240-246
  8. ^ 50 aniversario de la muerte de Blas Morte, [in:] El Pensamiento Navarro 10.12.71
  9. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 239
  10. ^ Ricardo Guelbenzu Morte, Los Morte en la República y en la Guerra Civil, [in:] Aportes 107 (2021), p. 215
  11. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 246
  12. ^ and were active in the local Tudela Carlist executive, Alberto Garcia Umbon, El Municipio de Tudela ante las Elecciones Municipales del 12 de Abril de 1931, [in:] Principe de Viana 5 (1985), pp. 341, 345, 347, 348
  13. ^ Ricardo Ollaquindia, La Oficina de Prensa y Propaganda Carlista de Pamplona al comienzo de la guerra de 1936, [in:] Principe de Viana 56 (1995), pp. 486, 499
  14. ^ Javier Nagore, En la 1. de Navarra, Pamplona 1986, ISBN 9788486169374, p. 117, Pablo Larraz Andía, Víctor Sierra-Sesúmaga Ariznabarreta, Requetés: de las trincheras al olvido, Madrid 2011, ISBN 9788499700465, p. 830
  15. ^ Fernando Mikelarena Pena, Los posicionamientos de la Diputación Foral de Navarra y de la derecha navarrista entre 1976 y 1978 en relación al debate preautonómico, [in:] Iura Vasconiae 11 (2014), p. 208
  16. ^ Jaime Ignacio del Burgo, La epopeya de la foralidad vasca y navarra, vol. 2, Pamplona 2015, ISBN 9788494503702, p. 248
  17. ^ Fallece Javier Morte, [in:] service Carlistas 15.12.09, available here
  18. ^ Carmen Morte Francés married Manuel Abascal Manuel Abascal (1908-1979), delegado of FET in Tudela and longtime secretary of the ayuntamiento, Abascal Pujadas, Manuel entry, [in:] Aunamendi Euzko Entzkilopedia, available here, Carmen Morte entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
  19. ^ Carmen Abascal Morte profile, [in:] LinkedIn service, available here; Teresa Abascal Morte profile, [in:] LinkedIn service, available here
  20. ^ Pilar Morte Francés married Julio Guelbenzu, Patxi Mendiburu, Bombardeos en Navarra (1937 y 1938), [in:] PatxiMendiburu blog 14.02.18 [site blocked by WP]
  21. ^ Guelbenzu Morte, Ignacio entry, [in:] Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa Online, доступная здесь архивировано 2022-05-27 на машине Wayback
  22. ^ Виктор Хосе Гелбензу Морте , [в:] Академия гастрономической службы арагона, доступная здесь
  23. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 233 с.
  24. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 235
  25. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 247
  26. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 248
  27. ^ Монастырь принял 13 членов обычного персонала и 56 выпускников, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, с. 249
  28. ^ Первоначально он был спроектирован Goicoechea, но позже прошел некоторые изменения, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, с. 249-250
  29. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 250
  30. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 250
  31. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 251
  32. ^ Смерть 3520, с. 252
  33. ^ Морте вступила в сотрудничество с немецким инвестором, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, с. 252-253
  34. ^ Смерть смерть 2020, стр. 253-254
  35. ^ a massive study which deals with Carlism at the turn of the centuries does not mention Morte a single time, see Agustín Fernández Escudero, El Marqués de Cerralbo (1845-1922): biografía política [PhD thesis Universidad Complutense], Madrid 2012
  36. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 267-268
  37. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 256-257
  38. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 258
  39. ^ the Morte sawmill named La Sierra became a must-see point for all Carlists visiting Tudela, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 252
  40. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 258
  41. ^ “socios protectores” did not have the right to vote, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 259
  42. ^ named Junta de la Merindad de Tudela, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 257-258
  43. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 257-258
  44. ^ Manuel de Santa Cruz Alberto Ruiz de Galarreta, Apuntes y documentos para la historia del tradicionalismo español: 1939–1966, vols. 4-5, Seville 1979, p. 6
  45. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 257
  46. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 259-260
  47. ^ supporters of Morte's conservative countercandidate used to harass him by launching fireworks in front of his home, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 260-261
  48. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 267-268
  49. ^ Morte, Blas entry, [in:] Aunamendi Eusko Entzikopedia, available here
  50. ^ Juan María Roma (ed.), Album historico del carlismo, Barcelona 1933, p. 285
  51. ^ Melchor Ferrer, Historia del tradicionalismo español, vol. XXIX, Sevilla 1960, p. 128
  52. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 276
  53. ^ Don Jaime confessed to one of the Navarros when pondering upon Morte as Larramendi's successor: “creo de un modo casi seguro que no aceptará lo que le proponéis y le propongo por su mucha edad y alguna otra circunstancia”, Guelbenzu Morte 2020, pp. 276-277
  54. ^ José Carlos Clemente Muñoz, El carlismo en el novecientos español (1876-1936), Madrid 1999, ISBN 9788483741535, p. 71
  55. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 257
  56. ^ see Alberto Garcia Umbon, Elecciones y partidos politicos en Tudela 1931-1933, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 50 (1989), pp. 221–262
  57. ^ Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 257
  58. ^ El Eco de Navarra 15.03.13, available here
  59. ^ Morte, Blas entry, [in:] Aunamendi Eusko Entzikopedia, available here
  60. ^ Mercedes Vázquez de Prada, La crisis de la Diputación Foral de Navarra en 1915, [in:] Principe de Viana 15 (1993), p. 622
  61. ^ civil governors in question were Alfredo Meléndez (liberal), Álvaro Szechenyi, Fernando González Regueral (both conservatives) and Ignacio María Despujol (liberal), Guelbenzu Morte 2020, p. 269-270
  62. ^ Lodosa, канал входа, [в:] Великая энциклопедия Наварры, доступная здесь
  63. ^ Смерть смерть 2020, стр. 274-275
  64. ^ Montejujura 24 (1967), p. 11
  65. ^ Idoia sneezes Zubizarreta , строительство баскской национальности. Автономизм Eusko-Myaskuntza (1918-1931) [Проблема № 14 № 14 Васконии: записные книжки-географии ], Доностия 1990, с. 106
  66. ^ Morte, Blas entry, [in:] Aunamendi Eusko -Izkopedia , доступная здесь
  67. ^ Не ясно, был ли Блас Морте на этническом баскском фоне. Поскольку «Ранний современный» был уже за пределами восточной границы баскской зоны, Карлос Сид Абасоло, баскские языковые границы на протяжении всей истории , [в:] Romanesque Philology Magazine 19 (2002), с. 26, см. Также карты на страницах 31-35
  68. ^ Estortés Zubizarreta 1990, p. 147 Городская часть Корте, Мордиан, является постфранкуистом государством: дель- 2780
Смерть с де Меллой, 1915

Дальнейшее чтение

[ редактировать ]
  • Рикардо Гелбензу Морте, Блас Морте, Карлист Туделано , [в:] Взносы 104 (2020), стр. 233–281
  • Рикардо Гелбензу Морте, Лос -Морт в Республике и в гражданской войне , [в:] Взносы 107 (2021), стр. 215-265
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