Ваддерин -святилище
Ваддерин -святилище - это проект по сохранению природы в Шире Нарембина в восточном пшеничном кувшине Западной Австралии. Это около 290 километров (180 миль) к востоку от Перта и в 8 километрах (5,0 миль) к северу от города Нарембин. Ваддерин окружен лисовым и кошачьим забором, который был завершен в начале 2008 года. Это позволило реинтродукции фауны, которая является необычной или местной выминкой в Wheatbelt, и включает виды, которым считаются угрожаемые на национальном уровне.
Wadderin - один из очень немногих проектов святилища в Австралии, управляемых местным сообществом. Общественная группа включает в себя нынешних и пенсионерских фермеров и горожан. Другой в Западной Австралии - Heirisson Prong проект [ 1 ] в бесполезной петле в Шак -Бэй. Эти проекты были созданы, чтобы исключить лисы и диких кошек и, таким образом, разрешить реконструкцию прошлой местной фауны.
[ редактировать ]Wadderin составляет 427 гектаров (1060 акров) в районе и состоит из серии больших гранитных обнажений, окруженных лесами, кустарниками и Малли. Он в значительной степени изолирован окружающими сельскохозяйственными угодьями. Он плохо связан с кустарниками на востоке (железнодорожный запас Сайдинга Уоддерина, 175 гектаров (430 акров) и в. 1,4 километра (0,87 миль) на расстоянии) и на западе ( природный заповедник Роуч и прилегающая кустарника, 515 га (1270 акров) и 6 километров (3,7 мили).
Wadderin is formally a water reserve (#20022) vested for water catchment and supply under the control of the Water Corporation of Western Australia.[2] Все гранитные обнажения имеют низкие стены, которые направляют воду в каналы и в конечном итоге в большую плотину в святилище. Большая часть этой инфраструктуры была построена в 1920 -х годах, но все еще функционирует сегодня.
In 2004 a licence agreement was established between the Water Corporation and the Shire of Narembeen (on behalf of a local community group) to manage for nature conservation and potential future eco-tourism.[2] Construction of the barrier fence commenced in 2006 and was completed in early 2008.
Narembeen has an annual average rainfall of 332 millimetres (13.1 in), with the bulk falling from May to September.
National conservation significance
[edit]Wadderin Sanctuary is one of seventeen fenced sanctuaries Australia-wide that have been constructed and maintained to preserve wild, self-sustaining populations of threatened mammals.[3] These sanctuaries exclude foxes and feral cats, which are seen as the key factors threatening the ongoing persistence of many Australian species of mammals and ground-nesting birds. Collectively, these sanctuaries preserve some 49 populations of 27 taxa of mammals – with Wadderin making a contribution to the preservation of three species (red-tailed phascogale, woylie, and banded hare-wallaby). These sanctuaries vary in size from 0.5 to 123 square kilometres (0.19 to 47.49 sq mi) in area - with Wadderin slightly larger than the median area of 4.0 square kilometres (1.5 sq mi).[citation needed]
[edit]The mammal fauna of the reserve prior to the fencing of the Sanctuary and the reintroductions detailed below included only the echidna, western grey kangaroo, and euro and introduced species such as the fox, feral cat, rabbit, house mouse and black rat.[2]
Bruce Leake, a farmer from nearby Kellerberrin, documented the rich past fauna of the eastern wheatbelt in the late 1800s.[4] These included possum, phascogale, tammar wallaby, brush wallaby, rock-wallaby, nailtail wallaby, banded hare-wallaby, rufous hare-wallaby, woylie, boodie, pig-footed bandicoot, dalgite, numbat and chuditch. Many of these species would have occurred in the Narembeen district also. Unfortunately, very little of this fauna remains. It has only been comparatively recently that this loss of fauna has been attributed largely to predation by introduced foxes and feral cats.[5]
Listed in the table below are the eight species that have been reintroduced to Wadderin Sanctuary since 2009. The category gives the status under the Commonwealth EPBC Act 1999.
Common name | Scientific name | Category |
Brushtail possum[6] | Trichosurus vulpecula | |
Red-tailed phascogale[7] | Phascogale calura | Endangered |
Brush-tailed bettong (woylie)[8] | Bettongia penicillata | Endangered |
Banded hare-wallaby[9] | Lagostrophus fasciatus | Vulnerable |
Western brush wallaby[10] | Macropus irma | |
Southern brown bandicoot (quenda)[11] | Isoodon obesulus | |
Malleefowl[12] | Leipoa ocellata | Vulnerable |
Bush stone-curlew[13] | Burhinus grallarius |
One other reintroduction is planned – that of the black-footed rock-wallaby.[14] This species status is "vulnerable".
The process and outcome of reintroductions of red-tailed phascogale and brushtail possum to Wadderin Sanctuary have been detailed in scientific publications.[15][16] The red-tailed phascogale now only occurs in the Western Australian wheatbelt[17] and has been subject to concerted conservation effort by farmers to improve its status.[18] Regular monitoring of reintroduced woylies, quenda, and other species at Wadderin Sanctuary is conducted by scientists and community volunteers. Photography of these activities by Vanessa Hunter, The Australian
Fifty three bird species are known from the Sanctuary.[2] Reptiles include rock dragons Ctenophorus ornatus (a fast running diurnal lizard abundant on the granite outcrops), bobtails Tiliqua rugosa, western bearded dragon Pogona minor, and Grey's skink Menetia greyii.[2]
The chocolate spotted frog Heleioporous albopunctatus has been observed in the Sanctuary as have tadpoles of an unidentified species of Neobatrachus.[2]
[edit]At least 241 native plant species have been recorded for the sanctuary.[2] The reserve includes areas of salmon gum, York gum, jam and rock she-oak woodland as well as areas of mallee and shrubland.
Twelve species of orchids were recorded from the reserve in a brief visit by the WA Naturalist Club in September 2003.[2] Students from Narembeen District High School have been involved in projects to do with plant identification and revegetation within the Sanctuary and in adjoining bushland.[19]
[edit]There are the remains of at least four water wells which pre-date the establishment of the water catchment scheme in the 1920s. Davis (1977, cited in Laing and Hauck 1997[20]) reported that hundreds of small excavated tanks were constructed in the cereal/sheep area as agriculture developed, at least some adjacent to granite outcrops to take advantage of the regular run-off. Farming began in the Narembeen area c. 1900.[21] Another possibility is that they were established and used by the early sandalwood cutters.
Wadderin is the site also for Wadderin Hill School that operated from 1919 to 1936. The school site is marked by a plaque within the Wadderin Sanctuary.
[edit]- ^ Short, J.; Turner, B. (2000). "Reintroduction of the burrowing bettong Bettongia lesueur (Marsupialia: Potoroidae) to mainland Australia". Biological Conservation. 96 (2): 185–196. Bibcode:2000BCons..96..185S. doi:10.1016/s0006-3207(00)00067-7.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h van Etten, E. (2008). Wadderin Water Reserve & Wildlife Sanctuary Environmental Management Plan 2008-2018. Joondalup: School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University. p. 36.
- ^ Legge, S.; et, al. (2018). "Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contribution of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators". Wildlife Research. 45 (7): 627–644. doi:10.1071/WR17172. hdl:1959.4/unsworks_77487.
- ^ Leake, B.W. (1962). Eastern Wheatbelt Wildlife. Perth: B.W. Leake.
- ^ Abbott, I.J; Peacock, D.; Short, J. (2014). "The new guard: the arrival and impacts of cats and foxes". In Glen, A.S.; Dickman, C.R. (eds.). Carnivores of Australia. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. pp. 69–104.
- ^ Kerle, J.A.; How, R.A. (2008). "Common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula". In Van Dyck, S.; Strahan, R. (eds.). The Mammals of Australia. Australia: Reed New Holland. pp. 274–276.
- ^ Bradley, A.J.; Foster, W.K.; Taggart, D.A. (2008). "Red-tailed Phascogale Phascogale calura". In Van Dyck, S.; Strahan, R. (eds.). The Mammals of Australia. Australia: Reed New Holland. pp. 101–102.
- ^ de Torres, P.; Start, A.N. (2008). "Woylie Bettongia penicillata". In Van Dyck, S.; Strahan, R. (eds.). The Mammals of Australia. Australia: Reed New Holland. pp. 291–292.
- ^ Richards, J.D.; Short, J. (2000). "Rare and Endangered - Banded Hare-wallaby". Nature Australia. 26: 22–23.
- ^ Morris, K.; Christensen, P. (2008). "Western Brush Wallaby Macropus irma". In Van Dyck, S.; Strahan, R. (eds.). The Mammals of Australia. Australia: Reed New Holland. pp. 340–341.
- ^ Paull, D.J. (2008). "Southern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon obesulus". In Van Dyck, S.; Strahan, R. (eds.). The Mammals of Australia. Australia: Reed New Holland. pp. 180–182.
- ^ Reader's Digest Encyclopedia of Australian Wildlife. Sydney: Reader's Digest. 1997. p. 126.
- ^ Энциклопедия Digest's Australian дикой природы австралийской дикой природы . Сидней: Digest's Digest. 1997. С. 176–177.
- ^ Элдридж, MDB; Пирсон, DJ (2008). "Чернопиочная рок-рок-валлаби Petrogale Lateralis ". В Ван Дейке, с.; Страхан, Р. (ред.). Млекопитающие Австралии . Австралия: Рид Новая Голландия. С. 376–380.
- ^ Short, J.; Хис, А. (2014). «Успешное повторное внедорожное пособие в заповеднику Уоддерина в восточном пшеничном поясе западной Австралии». Австралийская млекопитающая . 36 (2): 229–241. doi : 10.1071/am14005 .
- ^ Short, J.; Хия, А. (2015). «Успешное повторное внедрение красного хвоста Phascogale в Святилище Уаддерина в восточном пшеничном поясе западной Австралии». Австралийская млекопитающая . в прессе.
- ^ Short, J.; Хис, А. (2012). «Распределение и статус красного хвоста Phascogale ( Phascogale Calura )» . Австралийская млекопитающая . 34 : 88–99. doi : 10.1071/am11017 .
- ^ Short, J.; Стоун, М. (2009). «Фермеры подружились с Phascogale». Ландшай . 25 : 22–28.
- ^ "Wadderin Reserve School Project" . Wheatbelt NRM . Получено 30 июня 2015 года .
- ^ Laing, IAF; Hauck, EJ (1997). «Сбор воды из гранитных обнажений в Западной Австралии». Журнал Королевского общества Западной Австралии . 80 : 181–184.
- ^ «Краткая история Нарембина» . Западная Австралийская Vista - Нарембин . Получено 17 июня 2015 года .
31 ° 58′57,364 ″ с 118 ° 24′48,553 ″ E / 31,98260111 ° S 118,41348694 ° E