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Реал -мир/дорожные правила. Вызов: свежее мясо

(Перенаправлен из Кенни Сантуччи )

Свежее мясо
12 сезон
Представлено TJ Lavin
Количество участников 24
  • Даррелл Тейлор
  • Авив Мелмед
Расположение Миокум , Австралия
Вступительная тема "Хорошо идти", исполняемый генералом Миди [ 1 ]
Количество эпизодов 16
Оригинальная сеть MTV
Original releaseMay 29 (2006-05-29) –
September 11, 2006 (2006-09-11)
Season chronology
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The Gauntlet 2
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The Duel

Реал -мировой/дорожный вызов: Fresh Meat - это 12 -й сезон игрового шоу MTV Reality , The Challenge (в то время, известное как Challenge как реальные миры/дорожные правила ).

Свежее мясо - первый сезон, включающий ранее неизвестных участников в рамках актеров. До свежего мяса все сезоны функционировали исключительно на торговой марке программы: строго используя участников, которые ранее были составлены в прошедшие сезоны реального мира или дорожных правил .

Снятый в Австралии, Fresh Meat представляло собой команды с двумя игроками; У каждой команды был выпускник реального мира или дорожных правил , в партнерстве с новичком в сериале (коллективно известный как «свежее мясо»). Специальный запуск вышел в эфир 22 мая 2006 года, за неделю до премьеры сезона. [ 2 ]

Это первое издание серии Fresh Meat , со свежим мясом II после 2010 года.



Prior to the season, each of the 12 newcomers (referred to as "Fresh Meat") participates in a series of challenges to test their skills. Each alumnus selects one of the rookies of the opposite sex to be their partner for the entire season, using the stats from the pre-season challenges.[3]

In odd-numbered episodes, teams participate in a challenge. (Challenges are sometimes called "missions.") The winner of the challenge has immunity from going into Exile, and selects one team to go into Exile. They also get the chance to pick the order in the next challenge. The remaining teams get together to vote for the other Exile team; the winning team and their pick for the Exile are not present during the process. Each individual gets a vote, and voting is not secret. The team with the most votes is picked to go into Exile.[3]

In even-numbered episodes, teams participate in another challenge. If one of the two teams picked for Exile wins the challenge (sometimes referred to on the show as winning the "pardon"), they can select another team to go into Exile in their place, however, they cannot pick the team that won the previous challenge as that team has immunity. They also receive a prize and will get to pick the order in the next challenge. The challenge of this episode is followed by the Exile.[3]

Exile is a race between two teams. Unlike the elimination games of other seasons of The Challenge, the remaining teams do not watch the battle between the two Exile teams. The Exile teams run a course and whoever crosses the finish line first stays, while the other team goes home. Along the way, there are two optional puzzle stations where, if the puzzle is solved correctly, they will get a prize that will benefit them in the race (such as dropping their bags or taking minutes off their total time.) To make matters more difficult, each member will be carrying bags equal to the weight of the luggage they brought to the Challenge.[3]

A car picks them up and they are taken, blindfolded, to the race course. Once the car stops, they must jump out and go on with the race. Both team members must cross the finish line, but it doesn't matter who carries what bags.[3]

Initially, the final challenge was to consist of four teams, with first-place winning $250,000, second place $30,000, third place $20,000 and fourth place winning nothing.[3] However, due to the medical disqualification of Team Coral & Evan, the final challenge only featured three teams, with all finalists winning money.[4]


Alumni Original season Fresh Meat Age Origin Finish
Darrell Taylor Road Rules: Campus Crawl Aviv Melmed 21 Columbus, Ohio Winners
Tina Barta Road Rules: South Pacific Kenny Santucci 22 Cedar Grove, New Jersey Runners-up
Wes Bergmann The Real World: Austin Casey Cooper 18 The Woodlands, Texas[1] Third place
Derrick Kosinski Road Rules: X-Treme Diem Brown 25[5] Roswell, Georgia[5] Episode 15
Theo Vonkurnatowski Road Rules: Maximum Velocity Tour Chanda Sneed 24 Long Island, New York Episode 14
Shane Landrum Road Rules: Campus Crawl Linette Gallo 21 Palmetto, Florida Episode 12
Coral Smith The Real World: Back to New York Evan Starkman 20 Perth, Ontario Episode 11[a]
Katie Doyle Road Rules: The Quest Eric Banks 23 Nicholasville, Kentucky Episode 10
Tonya Cooley The Real World: Chicago Johnnie McBride 24 Savannah, Georgia[5] Episode 8
Johanna Botta The Real World: Austin Jesse Stark 19 Albuquerque, New Mexico Episode 6
Melinda Stolp The Real World: Austin Ryan Kehoe 24 Paramus, New Jersey Episode 4
Danny Jamieson The Real World: Austin Evelyn Smith 18 Harrison, New York Episode 2





Each of the 12 Fresh Meat cast members participated in a multi-challenge obstacle course, testing their strength, stamina, and mental ability. The multi-challenge obstacle course included:

  1. A 40-yard dash
  2. A series of wall climbs
  3. Precision throwing
  4. A brainteaser puzzle

The alumni used the stats from each player's obstacle course performance to determine their partner.[3]

Fresh Meat 40-yard Dash Up and Over Hand-Eye Coord. Logic
Aviv Melmed 6.28 sec 0 min 52.87 sec 0 of 5 0 min 3.16 sec
Casey Cooper 7.22 sec 8 min 59.21 sec 1 of 5 9 min 34.78 sec
Chanda Sneed 5.69 sec 0 min 25.40 sec 0 of 5 12 min 20.29 sec
Diem Brown 7.59 sec 0 min 33.88 sec 0 of 5 3 min 9.14 sec
Eric Banks 6.03 sec 0 min 37.06 sec 2 of 5 11 min 45.72 sec
Evan Starkman 5.66 sec 0 min 12.85 sec 1 of 5 2 min 28.00 sec
Evelyn Smith 6.16 sec 0 min 18.91 sec 1 of 5 1 min 41.89 sec
Jesse Stark 6.15 sec 0 min 15.84 sec 0 of 5 0 min 35.91 sec
Johnnie McBride 5.84 sec 0 min 15.47 sec 1 of 5 2 min 15.40 sec
Kenny Santucci 6.07 sec 0 min 52.87 sec 0 of 5 7 min 14.94 sec
Linette Gallo 7.66 sec 0 min 52.87 sec 0 of 5 0 min 15.92 sec
Ryan Kehoe 6.00 sec 0 min 14.97 sec 0 of 5 22 min 16.85 sec

Draft selections

Pick # Alumni Draft Pick Gender Team Weight of bags
1 Danny Jamieson Evelyn Smith Female   Danny & Evelyn
150 lbs
2 Coral Smith Evan Starkman Male   Coral & Evan [a]
3 Darrell Taylor Aviv Melmed Female   Darrell & Aviv
140 lbs
4 Tonya Cooley Johnnie McBride Male   Tonya & Johnnie
253 lbs
5 Theo Vonkurnatowski Chanda Sneed Female   Theo & Chanda
186 lbs
6 Tina Barta Kenny Santucci Male   Tina & Kenny
164 lbs
7 Wes Bergmann Casey Cooper Female   Wes & Casey
113 lbs
8 Johanna Botta Jesse Stark Male   Johanna & Jesse
133 lbs
9 Derrick Kosinski Diem Brown Female   Derrick & Diem
215 lbs
10 Katie Doyle Eric Banks Male   Katie & Eric
216 lbs
11 Melinda Stolp Ryan Kehoe Male   Melinda & Ryan
156 lbs
12 Shane Landrum Linette Gallo Female   Shane & Linette
171 lbs



Challenge games

  • Stuck On Me: Players are connected to their partners, back-to-back, by a harness, on a 25-foot narrow balance beam that is hanging from the top of the Q1 building. Each team has to walk toward a white line at the end of the beam, then do a full 360° turn, and walk back to the beginning of the beam. The team that walks to the end of the beam and back in the fastest time wins.[3]
    • Winners: Coral & Evan
  • Bush Whacked: Twenty tree stumps are placed within a circle — eight on an interior ring, and twelve on the exterior ring. The stumps on the interior ring are two feet high, while the stumps on the exterior ring are three feet high. Each team stands on a designated stump on the interior ring, and has to swing a hanging medicine ball in an attempt to knock an opposing team off their stump. A team is disqualified if one player holds the medicine ball for more than three seconds. The challenge is played in three rounds, and after four teams are eliminated from the first round, each team moves to the three-foot stumps. The last team standing on their designated stump wins.[6]
    • Winners: Coral & Evan
  • Hang On: The male players from each team are hanging upside down from leg harnesses, and have to "hang on" to their female partners, while being hoisted 20 feet above water. A team's time stops once a player falls into the water. The team that hangs on the longest time wins.[7]
    • Winners: Coral & Evan
  • Jail Break: Players from each team have to escape from a jail cell, by finding three keys that are located inside six bowls of "prison slop." Each player is suited up in "jailbird" jumpsuits, with their hands behind their backs in handcuffs and their legs in shackles. Each player has to search through each bowl of slop using only their faces and mouths. Once a team has found the three keys that are needed to unlock each other's handcuffs and the jail cell, each player will sprint down a 50-yard dash (with their legs still in shackles) to a finish line. The team with the fastest time wins.[8]
    • Winners: Theo & Chanda
  • Climber's Paradise: Each team has to ascend up a 25-foot climbing wall, by using pegs of different shapes and colors. Each player has to carry the pegs up, and communicate with each other in order to determine the peg shapes necessary to ascend the wall. A team is disqualified if they do not make it to the top of the wall within a 10-minute time limit, or if one or both players falls off the climbing wall. The team that makes it to the top of the wall and retrieves a flag in the fastest time wins.[9]
    • Winners: Coral & Evan
  • Rollin' In Oats: Two tubs of rolled oats are located across a grass field from corresponding deposit tubs. Players from each team have to smother their bodies with oatmeal, then sprint toward their designated deposit tubs, and scrape off the oatmeal from their bodies into the tubs. Each team goes back and forth for a two-minute period, trying to deposit as much oatmeal into their tubs as possible. The team that distributes the heaviest weight of oatmeal into their designated tub wins.[10]
    • Winners: Coral & Evan
  • Crossed Paths: A rope that is suspended 25 feet above water connects two platforms, and the goal for each team is for each player to make their way from one platform to the other. Players will meet their teammate midway through, in which they will "cross paths," and make their way toward the opposite platforms. A team is disqualified if one player falls into the water. The team with the fastest time wins.[11]
    • Winners: Theo & Chanda
  • Incredible Deflating Kayak: Teams have to inflate a kayak using either their mouths or foot pedals, then paddle their way across to an opposite side of a river, grab their team flag, then paddle their way back to the original launching area. A team has to start over if one or both players sticks their hands or legs outside of the kayak while in the paddling process. Once each team had paddled back to the original launching area, they have to deflate their kayak, and stuff it back in the bags that contained the kayaks. The team with the fastest time wins.[12]
    • Winners: Shane & Linette
  • Swimming With Sharks: Teams have to solve a puzzle that is floating on a frame within a shark lagoon. Players from each team have to swim down into the lagoon, relay style, and retrieve the pieces needed to solve the puzzle. A team has ten minutes to assemble the puzzle pieces together, or they will be disqualified. Only one team competes at a time, and all other teams are quarantined in order to avoid getting an advantage prior to their turn. The team that solves a puzzle in the fastest time wins.[13]
    • Winners: Shane & Linette
  • Human Ox Pull: Teams have to pull and drag a heavy sled across a dirt field. The challenge is played in multiple rounds, with eight teams split up into two separate teams of four. In the first round, each teams has to drag an 850-pound sled with a bale of hay from one side of a dirt field to another. The first team to drag their sled to the finish line wins the first round. The four winning teams from the first round are then split up into two teams of two, and have to drag a 350-pound sled to the finish line. The team that makes it to the finish line first wins. In the final round, the same process continues, with the final two 2-player teams competing to win the challenge.[14][15]
    • Winners: Darrell & Aviv
  • Batten Down The Hatches: Teams have to make their way up and down a dive boat that is hanging 25 feet above a lake, with rope ladders hanging from both sides. First, each player has to climb down to the bottom of the hanging ladder, with both feet on the bottom rung, then each player has to swing toward their partner and trade ladders, then climb back to the top of the ladder, and into the boat. The team time stops when both partners have made their way back into the boat. The team that climbs back into the boat in the fastest time wins.[4]
    • Winners: Derrick & Diem
  • Jump Down Under: Teams have to jump 12 metres (39 ft) from a platform down into a lake, swim 20 feet toward an oversize super launch, then climb atop the launch in the middle of the lake that is supported by a rope ladder, grab their team flag, then swim toward a pair of floating flag poles located 30 feet from the super launch. The team that completes the challenge in the fastest time wins.[16]
    • Winners: Derrick & Diem
  • Deep Blue: On a boat traveling along Australia's Gold Coast, teams have to drop 30 feet into the water, from a free-diving sled attached to a boat, retrieve their team flag attached to the bottom of the rope, then hold their breath under water for as long as possible. A team's time stops once a player's head pokes above the water's surface. The team that can hold their breath under water for the longest time wins.[17]
    • Winners: Derrick & Diem
  • Target Training: Two teams at a time have to race through dual obstacle courses, grab a pair of paintball guns at the end of the course, knock down four targets, retrieve a 70-pound Aboriginal artifact, then make their way back to the start of the course with the artifact. The team that makes it through the obstacle course, with their artifact, in the fastest time wins $1,500.[18]
    • Winners: Darrell & Aviv (received a pardon from the Exile)
  • What a Croc: Teams are placed on a "crocodile wheel," and are spun around until at least one body part touches the end of the wheel, or if one player falls off the wheel, in which a team's time will be stopped. Each team is spun around three times. The team with the longest combined time not only wins an automatic bid in the final challenge, but also chooses two of the final three remaining teams for the last Exile.[19]
    • Winners: Tina & Kenny



Exile is a race between two teams with a start and a finish, and two puzzles in between. The puzzles are optional and can be skipped by the teams, however, teams must grab their flag at each puzzle before proceeding. Puzzles that are completed may result in a reward significant to the remainder of the race. Couples will be carrying bags that, when combined, equal the amount of luggage each cast member brought with them to the Challenge. Couples must carry the bags at all times, unless a reward allows them to drop them.[3]

There are three different Exile courses on this season: Beach, Forest, and Cliffside. Each Exile contains a start, a finish, and two puzzles; however, the terrain of the course may affect a team's performance. Teams that participated on each course are as follows:

  • Beach Course: Wes & Casey vs. Danny & Evelyn, Tina & Kenny vs. Katie & Eric, Tina & Kenny vs. Theo & Chanda
  • Forest Course: Wes & Casey vs. Melinda & Ryan, Wes & Casey vs. Tonya & Johnnie, Darrell & Aviv vs. Derrick & Diem
  • Cliffside Course: Wes & Casey vs. Johanna & Jesse, Wes & Casey vs. Shane & Linette

Final challenge

  • Miles of Exile: The three remaining teams compete in a 10-mile sprint along the beach, with teammates roped to each other, and have to encounter several checkpoints and solve two puzzles. At the first checkpoint, each team has to run outside of buoys, through the water, to the second checkpoint, which is a "peg-jumping" puzzle station. There are four sandbags that weigh 25 pounds each next to an empty duffle bag. Each team will be given three attempts to correctly solve a puzzle. If a team solves the puzzle on the first attempt, they will be allowed to continue to the next checkpoint without having to carry any sandbags into their designated duffle bag. After the second unsuccessful attempt, a team will be required to add 50 pounds to their designated duffle bag. If a team does not correctly solve a puzzle after the third attempt, that team will be required to add all four sandbags to their duffle bag, and carry it to the next checkpoint. Darrell & Aviv solved the puzzle after the third attempt, in which they were required to add 50 pounds to their duffle bag, while Tina & Kenny and Wes Casey each failed to solve the puzzles after three attempts. The third checkpoint is "Military Crawl," in which each team has to crawl under military-style posts, but have to drag their duffle bags under the posts, and are not allowed to throw their duffle bags over the posts. After the military crawl, each team must still carry the weight of their designated duffle bags to the fourth checkpoint, "Carry Your Partner," in which the male partners carry their female partners to the next checkpoint while continuing to carry their duffle bags until they reach a sign that says "continue to your next checkpoint." The fifth checkpoint is "Stick Squares" puzzle station, in which teams must make two equal squares by moving four sticks. This puzzle station is the reverse of the first puzzle station, in which teams can remove all 100 pounds from their duffle bags if they correctly solve a puzzle on their first attempt, 50 pounds if they solve a puzzle on a second attempt, but will be required to carry the weight of all sandbags if they do not correctly solve a puzzle after the third attempt. Darrell & Aviv correctly solved the puzzle after the first attempt, in which they removed all weight from their duffle bags. Neither Tina & Kenny nor Wes & Casey solved the second puzzle after three attempts, and were forced to carry all of the weight of their duffle bags up a mountain side to the finish line.[20]
    • Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat Winners: Darrell & Aviv (won $250,000)
      • Second-place: Tina & Kenny (won $30,000)
      • Third-place: Wes & Casey (won $20,000)

Game summary


Elimination chart

Episode Winners Exile contestants Exile game Exile outcome
# Challenge Winners' pick Voted In Winners Eliminated
1 Stuck On Me Coral & Evan Wes & Casey Danny & Evelyn
2 Bush Whacked Coral & Evan Beach Course Wes & Casey Danny & Evelyn
3 Hang On Coral & Evan Melinda & Ryan Wes & Casey
4 Jail Break Theo & Chanda Forest Course Wes & Casey Melinda & Ryan
5 Climber's Paradise Coral & Evan Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse
6 Rollin' In Oats Coral & Evan Cliffside Course Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse
7 Crossed Paths Theo & Chanda Wes & Casey Tonya & Johnnie
8 Incredible Deflating Kayak Shane & Linette Forest Course Wes & Casey Tonya & Johnnie
9 Swimming With Sharks Shane & Linette Katie & Eric Tina & Kenny
10 Human Ox Pull Darrell & Aviv Beach Course Tina & Kenny Katie & Eric
11[a] Batten Down The Hatches Derrick & Diem Shane & Linette Wes & Casey
12 Jump Down Under Derrick & Diem Cliffside Course Wes & Casey Shane & Linette
13 Deep Blue Derrick & Diem Theo & Chanda Darrell & Aviv
14 Target Training Darrell & Aviv Tina & Kenny[b] Beach Course Tina & Kenny Theo & Chanda
15 What A Croc Tina & Kenny Darrell & Aviv [c] Forest Course Darrell & Aviv Derrick & Diem
Derrick & Diem
16 Miles of Exile Darrell & Aviv 2nd place: Tina & Kenny; 3rd place: Wes & Casey

Exile progress

Teams Episodes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11[a] 12 13 14[b] 15[c] Finale
Melinda & Ryan SAFE SAFE NOM OUT
Danny & Evelyn NOM OUT
  The team won the competition
  The team did not win the final challenge
  The team won the challenge
  The team won the challenge and a pardon
  The team was selected for the Exile
  The team won the Exile
  The team was put into Exile by the team that won a pardon and won
  The team lost in the Exile and was eliminated
  The team was removed from the competition due to medical reasons

Voting progress

Wes & Casey
1 of 1 vote
Melinda & Ryan
1 of 1 vote
Wes & Casey
1 of 1 vote
Wes & Casey
1 of 1 vote
Katie & Eric
1 of 1 vote
Shane & Linette
1 of 1 vote
Theo & Chanda
1 of 1 vote
Tina & Kenny
1 of 1 vote[b]
Darrell & Aviv
1 of 1 vote
Derrick & Diem
1 of 1 vote
Voted Into
Danny & Evelyn
10 of 20 votes
Wes & Casey
16 of 18 votes
Johanna & Jesse
10 of 12 votes[d]
Tonya & Johnnie
10 of 14 votes
Tina & Kenny
11 of 12 votes
Wes & Casey
6 of 8 votes
Darrell & Aviv
4 of 6 votes
Voter Episode
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10 11/12 13 14 15
Darrell Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny
Aviv Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny
Tina Tonya & Johnnie Wes & Casey Tonya & Johnnie Wes & Casey Wes & Casey Darrell & Aviv Darrell & Aviv
Derrick & Diem
Kenny Tonya & Johnnie Wes & Casey Tonya & Johnnie Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey Darrell & Aviv
Wes Ineligible Wes & Casey Ineligible Ineligible Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny Darrell & Aviv
Casey Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny Darrell & Aviv
Derrick Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Tina & Kenny Shane & Linette Theo & Chanda
Diem Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Tina & Kenny
Theo Tonya & Johnnie Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey Ineligible
Chanda Tonya & Johnnie Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny Wes & Casey
Shane Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Katie & Eric Ineligible
Linette Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie
Coral Wes & Casey Melinda & Ryan Wes & Casey Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny
Evan Tina & Kenny Tina & Kenny
Katie Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie Ineligible
Eric Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tonya & Johnnie
Tonya Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tina & Kenny
Johnnie Danny & Evelyn Wes & Casey Johanna & Jesse Tina & Kenny
Johanna Shane & Linette Johanna & Jesse
Jesse Shane & Linette Johanna & Jesse
Melinda Shane & Linette Ineligible
Ryan Derrick & Diem
Danny Tonya & Johnnie
Evelyn Tonya & Johnnie

Challenge placings

Draft Teams Episode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11[a] 12 13 14 15 16
3 Darrell & Aviv 8 3 6 3 6 4 6 2 3 1 5 3 3 1 4 WINNERS
6 Tina & Kenny 7 5 8 9 7 9 3 7 4 3 4 2 5 2 1 SECOND
7 Wes & Casey 6 4 9 7 7 8 6 9 4 4 5 6 4 5 3 THIRD
9 Derrick & Diem 9 10 4 10 4 5 5 5 4 5 1 1 1 3 2
5 Theo & Chanda 2 9 2 1 5 7 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 3
12 Shane & Linette 3 6 3 8 2 3 6 1 1 5 3 5
2 Coral & Evan 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 3 4 5
10 Katie & Eric 4 11 10 6 7 2 6 8 4 5
4 Tonya & Johnnie 12 2 7 2 2 10 4 6
8 Johanna & Jesse 10 12 11 5 7 5
11 Melinda & Ryan 11 8 5 4
1 Danny & Evelyn 5 7


No. in
TitleOriginal air date
1561"Kickin' Things Off"May 29, 2006 (2006-05-29)
1572"Anxieties Run High"May 29, 2006 (2006-05-29)
1583"Hanging Tough"June 5, 2006 (2006-06-05)
1594"Jailbirds"June 12, 2006 (2006-06-12)
1605"Climber's Paradise"June 19, 2006 (2006-06-19)
1616"Costume Extravaganza"June 26, 2006 (2006-06-26)
1627"Crossing Paths"July 3, 2006 (2006-07-03)
1638"Kayak Challenge"July 10, 2006 (2006-07-10)
1659"Kenny VS Tina?"July 17, 2006 (2006-07-17)
16510"Game Over?"July 24, 2006 (2006-07-24)
16611"Money or Friendship?"July 31, 2006 (2006-07-31)
16712"Jump Down Under"August 7, 2006 (2006-08-07)
16813"Diving In"August 14, 2006 (2006-08-14)
16914"Kenny & Tina's Triumph"August 21, 2006 (2006-08-21)
17015"The Death Roll"August 28, 2006 (2006-08-28)
17116"And The Winners Are..."September 4, 2006 (2006-09-04)

Reunion special


The reunion special, Well Done: The Fresh Meat Reunion, was aired on September 11, 2006, and was hosted by Susie Castillo. It was revealed on the reunion show that Casey spent her $10,000 on breast implants, and Wes said he spent his on Johanna. Kenny spent his $15,000 on a wrestling ring.[21]

After filming


In October 2011, Starkman and Santucci were named in a lawsuit filed by fellow castmember Tonya Cooley, in which Cooley claimed that she was raped with a toothbrush while passed out from heavy drinking, during filming of season 18 of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge.[22][23] The case was settled out of court on October 24, 2012. The details of the settlement have not been made public.[24] Since then, Starkman got married and welcomed his first son.[25]

Кейси Купер и Райан Кехо были отправлены в Аргентину с первоначальным составом вызова: все звезды служат альтернативами, хотя оба были отправлены домой после того, как их не использовали. [26] Both Cooper and Kehoe were ultimately cast on the second season of The Challenge: All Stars.[27] Вскоре после ее появления в серии реалити -конкурсов Купер объявила о своей беременности и вышла замуж за мужа Кайла Тупса 7 декабря 2021 года. [ 28 ]

Смерть суторона Брауна

[ редактировать ]

Во время съемок свежего мяса Дим Браун показала своему партнеру Деррику Косински и Авиву Мелммру, что у нее был диагностирован рак яичников . Во время шоу «Воссоединение свежего мяса» в 2006 году MTV пожертвовала 5000 долларов своей тогдашней благотворительной организации LiveForTheChallenge . [ 21 ] В июне 2012 года, после шести лет ремиссии , она объявила, что у нее был диагностирован рак во второй раз. Вскоре после успешного завершения химиотерапии в феврале 2013 года она участвовала в вызове: конкуренты II . One year later, while filming The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II in Panama , she collapsed on set and was air-lifted to a New York -area hospital, where she was subsequently diagnosed with cancer for a third time, though she kept it Скрыт в течение двух месяцев до съемок. [ 29 ] Браун умер 14 ноября 2014 года в возрасте 34 лет. [ 30 ] [ 31 ]

Последующие сезоны вызова

[ редактировать ]
Актерский человек Последующие сезоны вызова Другие выступления
Авив Мелмед Битва эпох
Кейси Купер Дуэль , рукавица III , руины Задача: все звезды (сезон 2)
Чанда Снид
Дим коричневый Дуэль , рукавица III , Дуэль II , Руины , Битва бывших ,
Конкуренты II , Битва на бывших II
Эрик Бэнкс Дуэль , перчатка III , Duel II , Cutthroat , Battle of the Seasons (2012) Задача: все звезды (сезон 1)
Эван Старкман Дуэль , рукавица III , дуэль II , Руины , соперники
Эвелин Смит Inferno 3 , Gauntlet III , Остров , Руины ,
Свежее мясо II , конкуренты
Весенние каникулы
Джесси Старк
Джонни Макбрайд
Кенни Сантуччи Дуэль , Анферно 3 , Перчатка III , Остров ,
Руины , свежее мясо II , конкуренты
Весенние каникулы
Линетт Галло
Райан Кехо Перчатка III , остров , Duel II , Fresh Meat II , Битва за эпохи Задача: все звезды (сезон 2),
Задача: все звезды (4 -й сезон)
Примечание: Эван появился в качестве цветного комментатора на вызов весенних каникул


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  1. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон Перед вызовом «Batten Down the Hatches» в эпизоде ​​11 Coral & Evan были удалены из соревнований из -за их травм. Эван изначально перенес разорванную грыжу в эпизоде ​​7, [ 11 ] и бросил вызов приказу Доктора в течение следующих трех эпизодов, в то время как у Коралла была сильная проблема с дыханием и получил травму коленного часа после вызова "человеческого вола" в эпизоде ​​10. [ 4 ]
  2. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Даррелл и Авив выиграли прощение от того, чтобы попасть в изгнание в Эпизоде ​​14 и выбрали Тину и Кенни, чтобы пойти на их место. Это единственный раз, когда команда выиграла прощение. [ 18 ]
  3. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Тине и Кенни пришлось выбрать обе команды изгнания в Эпизоде ​​15, а не только одну команду. [ 19 ]
  4. ^ Некоторые из голосов не были показаны во время эпизода.
  1. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Ударные вещи - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 28 июля 2009 года.
  2. ^ «Показывает AZ - Challenge, ON MTV» . Thefutoncritic.com . Получено 5 мая 2022 года .
  3. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я «Эпизод 1:« Ударные вещи » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 28 июля 2009 года.
  4. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Эпизод 11:« Деньги или дружба? » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  5. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Свежее мясо - ударил вещи». Реал -мировой/дорожный вызов, Сезон 12, Эпизод 1, MTV, 29 мая 2006 года.
  6. ^ «Эпизод 2:« Требования бегают высоко » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 28 июля 2009 года.
  7. ^ «Эпизод 3:« Трудно » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 28 июля 2009 года.
  8. ^ «Эпизод 4:« Джейлбирды » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 26 июля 2009 года.
  9. ^ «Эпизод 5:« Рай альпиниста » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 26 июля 2009 года.
  10. ^ «Эпизод 6:« Примечание костюма » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 26 июля 2009 года.
  11. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Эпизод 7:« Перекрестные пути » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 26 июля 2009 года.
  12. ^ «Эпизод 8" Каяк -конкурс " - видео на mtv.com" . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 26 июля 2009 года.
  13. ^ «Эпизод 9:« Кенни против Тины? » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  14. ^ «Эпизод 10 бонусных клипов:« Все о командной работе » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано с оригинала 10 ноября 2008 года.
  15. ^ «Эпизод 10 Сводка:« Игра заканчивая? » . MTV . Архивировано с оригинала 10 июля 2013 года.
  16. ^ «Эпизод 12:« Спрыгните вниз » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  17. ^ «Эпизод 13:« Дайвинг » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  18. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Эпизод 14:« Триумф Кенни и Тины » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  19. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Эпизод 15" Death Roll " - видео на mtv.com" . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  20. ^ «Эпизод 16:« А победители ... » - видео на mtv.com» . MTV . Архивировано из оригинала 27 июля 2009 года.
  21. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Реальное мировое / дорожное правила Список эпизодов - TV.com» .
  22. ^ Моаба, Алекс (24 октября 2012 г.). «Тоня Кули« Реальный мир »: MTV урегулирует« Изнасилование зубной щетки » . Huffington Post . Получено 24 октября 2012 года .
  23. ^ Маккей, Холли (4 ноября 2011 г.). «Тоня Кули« смущенная и пугающая »после предполагаемого сексуального насилия на шоу MTV, говорит источник» . Телевидение ​Fox News . Получено 28 октября 2012 года .
  24. ^ 14 минут (24 октября 2012 г.). «Изнасилование в реальном мире? MTV, Таня Кули, урегулируйте иск» . Голливудский репортер . Получено 24 октября 2012 года . {{cite magazine}}: CS1 Maint: числовые имена: список авторов ( ссылка )
  25. ^ Долдетта, Эмили (22 апреля 2020 года). « Великие, вызов»: где они сейчас? » Полем Us Weekly .
  26. ^ Брикер, Тирни (2 апреля 2021 года). «Задача: все звезды: почему эти 24 OG не вернулись» . Е! Онлайн ​Получено 4 апреля 2021 года .
  27. ^ Оссад, Джордана (13 октября 2021 г.). «Все звезды возвращаются к вызову на Paramount+» . MTV News . Архивировано из оригинала 13 октября 2021 года.
  28. ^ Нардино, Мередит (8 декабря 2021 г.). «Задача: беременная Кейси Купер« Все звезды »женится на давней любви Кайла Тупа, прежде чем приветствовать 1 -го ребенка» . Us Weekly .
  29. ^ Вик, Меган (20 января 2015 г.). « Битва за бывших II»: Дием Браун знал, что она болен » . Zap2it . Архивировано из оригинала 23 мая 2015 года . Получено 20 января 2015 года .
  30. ^ Оссад, Джордана (14 ноября 2014 г.). «Дием Браун,« Звезда », Звезда, умирает после смелого рака битвы» . MTV . Архивировано с оригинала 17 ноября 2014 года . Получено 14 ноября 2014 года .
  31. ^ Таубер, Мишель (14 ноября 2014 г.). «Дием Браун умирает в 34» . Народный журнал . Получено 14 ноября 2014 года .
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