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2022 Сезон футбольных команд округа Донегал

Футбольная команда округа Донегал
2022 сезон
Менеджер Деклан Боннер
Стадион Maccumhaill Park , Ballybofey
НФЛ D1 4 -й
All-Ireland SFC Квалификатор 2 раунда
Ольстер SFC Финалист
Доктор МакКенна Кубок Финалист
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Ниже приводится краткое изложение сезона футбольной команды округа Донегал 2022 года.

Персонал меняется

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Деклан Боннер был вновь назначен в течение еще двухлетнего срока в качестве менеджера в конце августа 2021 года, когда не появилось никаких других кандидатов, чтобы сменить его. [ 1 ]

Пэдди Кэмпбелл присоединился к команде менеджеров. [ 2 ] Также в команде управления присоединились д -р Ciarán Kearney и - в качестве тренера по силе и кондиционированию - Мэтти Брэди. [ 3 ] Частью ответственности Брэди, родом из Клоноэ , графство Тайрон , состояла в том, чтобы работать с игроками, прибывающими в старшую команду из несовершеннолетних команд. [ 4 ]

Пэдди МакГрат , который выиграл Кубок Сэма Магуайра в сезоне 2012 года , объявил о своей отставке из межотравного футбола в преддверии сезона 2022 года. [ 5 ] Odhrán Mac Niallais также решил уйти. [ 6 ]

Был запущен новый комплект с «теневым принтом», который называет каждый из клубов округа. [ 7 ] Рубашки игроков начали показывать «Circet» спереди, как переименовано в «GN KN Group». [ 8 ] Спонсорами рукава были Pod-Trak и Global Gydrate, с Abbey Hotel на задней части рубашек игрока. [ 9 ]

Список игроков

Нил МакГи остался раненым в преддверии сезона после чемпионата по футболу в 2021 году полуфинала против Тайрона . [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Он уйдет в отставку в конце года. [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ]

Ойсин Галлен появился в качестве замены в национальной футбольной лиге 2022 года против Тайрона, но затем получила травму, пропустив чемпионат по футболу из Ольстера 2022 года , включая финал. [ 15 ] [ 16 ]


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Доктор МакКенна Кубок

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Групповая ничья состоялась 15 декабря 2021 года. [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] Донегал выиграл три игры из четырех и продвинулся до финала. [ 20 ]

Девять игроков дебютировали в этом конкурсе, хотя только три - Одхран Доэрти , Чарльз МакГиннесс и Шейн О'Доннелл - играли в каждой из четырех игр. [ 20 ] МакГиннесс и О'Доннелл дебютировали против Дауна, в то время как остальные семь ( Каолан Макколган , Одхран Доэрти , Джейми Грант , Рори О'Доннелл , Марк Керран , Аарон Доэрти и Райан Макфадден ) дебютировали против Антрима. [ 21 ]

Поступок Команда Плдд В Дюймовый Л ПФ Затем Премьер -министр Пта Квалификация
1 Донегол 2 2 0 0 31 26 1.192 4 Продвигаться в полуфинал
2 Антрим 2 1 0 1 27 28 0.964 2
3 Вниз 2 0 0 2 27 31 0.871 0
Обновлено до Match (ES) сыграно 15 января 2022 года. Источник: Olster GAA


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7 января 2022 года ( 2022-01-07 ) . Донегол 1–13 (16) (14) 2–08 Вниз Баллибофи  
19:30 GMT (UTC) Venue: MacCumhaill Park
Report Referee: Sean Hurson (Tyrone))

15 января 2022 г. ( 2022-01-15 ) 3 раунд 3 Антрим 1–09 (12) (15) 0–15 Донегол Портглен  
13:30 GMT (UTC) Venue: Kelly Park
Report Referee: Niall McKenna (Monaghan)

18 января 2022 г. ( 2022-01-18 )
19:45 GMT ( UTC )
Полуфинал 2
Донегол 2–09 (15) (11) 0–11 Дерри
( HT: 2–05 - 0–06)
Maccumhaill Park , Ballybofey
Рефери: Шон Лаверти (Антрим)
22 января 2022 г. ( 2022-01-22 )
17:00 GMT ( UTC )
Отчет [ 22 ]
Монаган 1–11 (14) (13) 0–13 Донегол
( HT: 1–07 - 0–04)
Хили Парк , Омах
Рефери: К Брэди (Лаут)

Отдел Национальной футбольной лиги 1

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Команда для матча против Керри была такой же, как и в программе Matchday . [ 23 ]

Травмы были проблемой перед игрой в Тайроне; Майкл Ланган , Джейми Бреннан и капитан команды Майкл Мерфи все еще были ранены, в то время как Каолан МакГонагл получил травму руки, который, как считается, исключил его из остальной части соревнований, а затем был Тони МакКленагхан, теперь также также травмировался. [ 24 ]

В преддверии последнего раунда матчей (игра Донегала против Арма) травмы исключили Оин Галлен , Ланган, МакГонагл, Найл О'Доннелл и Сиарин Томпсон . [ 25 ]

Выступления лиги других новых игроков включали : Юнан Доэрти появился за заменой против Майо.

Шейн О'Доннелл и Марк Керран сделали замену в Килдэре.

Шейн Макдоннелл (О'Доннелл?) И Рори О'Доннелл начали против Керри.

Шейн О'Доннелл начал против Тайрона.

Юнан Доэрти появился за заменой против Монагана.

Шейн О'Доннелл сделал замену против Дублина.

Шейн О'Доннелл начал против Арма.

Поступок Команда Плдд В Дюймовый Л ПФ Затем ПД Пта Квалификация
1 Керри 7 5 1 1 118 91 +27 11 Продвинуться в финал Национальной лиги
2 Майонез 7 4 1 2 108 94 +14 9
3 жесткий 7 3 1 3 108 98 +10 7
4 Донегол 7 3 1 3 95 103 −8 7
5 Тайрон 7 3 1 3 85 96 −11 7
6 Монаган 7 2 2 3 100 113 −13 6
7 Kildare 7 2 1 4 104 111 −7 5 Понижение до 2023 г. НФЛ.
8 Дублин 7 2 0 5 106 118 −12 4
Обновлено до Match (ES) сыграно 27 марта 2022 года. Источник: GAA.ie
Правила классификации: тай -брейки


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30 января 2022 года ( 2022-01-30 ) . Майонез 0–11 (11) (11) 0–11 Донегол Слайго  
13:45 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: Markievicz Park
Report Referee: N Mooney (Cavan)
Attendance: 9,000

6 февраля 2022 года ( 2022-02-06 ) . Донегол 2–11 (17) (12) 1–09 Kildare Баллибофи  
14:30 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: MacCumhaill Park
Report Referee: Barry Cassidy (Derry)

20 февраля 2022 г. ( 2022-02-20 ) 3 раунд 3 Керри 1–13 (16) (7) 0–07 Донегол Килларни  
13:45 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: Fitzgerald Stadium
Report Referee: Maurice Deegan (Laois)

26 февраля 2022 года ( 2022-02-26 ) . Донегол 2–10 (16) (12) 0–12 Тайрон Баллибофи  
19:30 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: MacCumhaill Park
Report Referee: Brendan Cawley (Kildare)

13 марта 2022 г. ( 2022-03-13 ) раунд 5 Донегол 0–10 (10) (15) 1–12 Монаган Баллибофи  
13:45 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: MacCumhaill Park
Report Referee: Martin Hurson (Tyrone)

20 марта 2022 г. ( 2022-03-20 ) . Дублин 2–15 (21) (17) 2–11 Донегол DrumCondra , Дублин  
15:45 GMT (UTC+0) Venue: Croke Park

27 марта 2022 г. ( 2022-03-27 ) . Донегол 1–14 (17) (16) 1–13 жесткий Леттеркенни  
13:45 IST (UTC+1) Venue: O'Donnell Park
Report Attendance: 5,650[26]

Старший футбольный чемпионат Ольстера

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Розыгрыш на чемпионате Ольстера 2021 года была сделана 28 ноября 2021 года. [ 27 ] [ 28 ]

Шейн О'Доннелл начал и забил точку против Арма. Он также начал против Кавана и Дерри.


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Предварительный раунд
16 апреля
24/24/30 апреля, 1 мая
8/15 мая
29 мая
Донегол 1–16
жесткий 0–12
Донегол 2–16
Каван 0–16
Антрим 0–10
Каван 1–20
Донегол 1–14
Дерри 1–16
Монаган 0–23
Вниз 2–7
Дерри 3–12
Фермана 2–10 Монаган 0–17
Тайрон 2–17 Тайрон 0–10
Дерри 1–18


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Донегол 1–16 — 0–12 жесткий
Майкл Мерфи 0-6 (0-4f), Патрик МакБерти 1-2 (0-1f), Майкл Ланган 0-3, Шейн О'Доннелл, Сиаран Томпсон, Джейсон МакГи, Эоган Бан Галлахер и Конор О'Доннелл 0-1 лошадь Отчет Рори Груган 0-5 (0-3F), Тирнан Келли, Конор Турбитт, Бен Крили, Джарли-Аг Бернс, Грег МакКейб, Стефан Кэмпбелл и Ойзин О'Нил 0-1 каждый
Каван 0–16 — 2–16 Донегол
Пэдди Линч 0-6F (0-3F), Cawid Smith & James Smith & Raymond (0-1M) 0-4) 0-1 лошади Отчет Пэдди Макбарарти 1-4 (0-3F), Майкл Мерфи 0-5 (0-4 вечера), предварительный О'Ноннр 0-12 Kgoon
Дерри 1–16 — 1–14 Донегол

All-Ireland Senior Football Championship


According to Armagh's coach Kieran Donaghy, it was the decision of the players to push up against Donegal goalkeeper Shaun Patton's kick-outs in the 2022 All-Ireland SFC qualifier win — a decision that brought them back into the game. Donaghy said: "The boys have to get all the credit really because it was going away from us. We got the electric start (with Rory Grugan's goal after 10 seconds) then conceded six points in a row, but the lads wanted to push up on Patton's kick-out. We were in the stage of 'do we try to hold on until half-time then push on' but Rory Grugan said 'no, we're going to push up on it'. I think those two turnovers, we got the free then the black card and the penalty, they were a huge momentum lift. But I thought our half-back line was really good. Greg (McCabe) and Jarly Og (Burns) got a few vital turnovers before half-time and put us going the other way."[29]

Pauric McShea wrote, following the season-ending loss to Armagh: "If there was a technical report on Donegal 2022 it would possibly read 'Too cautious and not emerging from their passivity to have a crack'". McShea also wrote: "Dismay at Donegal's demise in the championship this year should be partially offset by the team's display in the first quarter of our game with Armagh last Sunday week. This was football of the highest order and real football people would understand that Michael Murphy's presence was a major factor in this show of attacking excellence."[30]

Seeded Unseeded








12 June 2022 Round 2 Donegal 0–16 — 3–17 Armagh St Tiernach's Park, Clones
M Murphy (0–6, 0–5 frees), S O'Donnell (0–4), A Doherty, R McHugh, J McGee, C Thompson, P McBrearty, N O'Donnell (0–1 each) Report R O'Neill (1–7, 1–0 pen, 2 frees, 1x'45), R Grugan (1–3, 1 free), J Óg Burns (0–3), S Sheridan (1–0), C Turbitt (0–2), S Campbell, J Duffy (0–1 each) Referee: Brendan Cawley (Kildare)

Management team

Confirmed in November 2017, with replacements noted:[31]



GAA.ie Football Team of the Week



Minor panel (Ulster Minor Football League)

Zach Conlon (Malin), J. P. McGuinness (Killybegs), Fiachra McClafferty (Downings), Donal Gallagher (Glenswilly), Gareth Gallagher (Termon), Danny Diver (Carndonagh), Jack Long (Glenfin), Oisín Scanlon (St Eunan's), Shaun McMenamin (MacCumhaill's), Sean Martin (MacCumhaill's), Eoghan Kelly (Aodh Ruadh), Niall Prendiville (St Naul's), Cian McGee (An Clochán Liath), Finbarr Roarty (Naomh Conaill), Shane Delahunty (Aodh Ruadh), Eoghan Scott (Glenswilly), Ben Rafferty (Kilcar), Cian McMenamin (Termon), Sean McLaughlin (Buncrana), Lorcan McGee (Cloughaneely), Conor McGinty (MacCumahill's), Odhran Doherty (Naomh Conaill), Mark McDevitt (Naomh Conaill), Max Roarty (St Michael's), Odhran O'Connor (Glenfin), Gavin Doherty (Killybegs), Karl Joseph Molloy (Ardara), Ryan Barrett (Bundoran), Kevin Lynch (Naomh Pádraig, Muff), Daithi Gildea (Glenswilly), Padraig Coyle (Cloughaneely), Senan Carr (Four Masters), Jack Hegarty (Naomh Ultan), Shane Callaghan (Naomh Columba). Manager: Luke Barrett (third season)[57]


  1. ^ Moran, Seán (30 August 2021). "Declan Bonner to stay on as Donegal manager for a further two years: No other candidates were proposed by the clubs in the county". The Irish Times. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
  2. ^ Ferry, Ryan (25 November 2021). "Campbell joins Donegal senior coaching team". Donegal News. p. 88.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Bonner, Declan (23 December 2021). "A New Year but old worries unfortunately still an issue". Donegal News. p. 63. We have new faces on the management team in Paddy Campbell, Mattie Brady on S&C, as well as Dr Ciarán Kearney.
  4. ^ "Brady takes on Senior Athletic Performance Coach role". Donegal News. 16 December 2021. p. 63. Tyrone native Mattie Brady has been appointed as Donegal GAA's new Senior Athletic Performance Coach. The Clonoe man beat off stiff competition for the position… Brady… will be responsible for the physical development, coaching and monitoring of senior and incoming senior development players progressing from the underage structure in the county.
  5. ^ "All-Ireland winning Donegal defender McGrath retires from inter-county football". The42.ie. 6 December 2021. Retrieved 6 December 2021.
  6. ^ Craig, Frank (23 December 2021). "MacNiallais blow for Donegal". Donegal News. p. 64. The Donegal News understands that the mercurial Gaoth Dobhair man (pictured) has decided not to return to the set-up after they regrouped for the first time a fortnight ago… Ex county star Paddy Campbell has joined the coaching set-up alongside Bonner and Stephen Rochford while Tyrone native Mattie Brady, who is from Dungannnon, is the county's new full-time strength and conditioning coach. Dr Ciarán Kearney — who has worked very closely with Paddy Tally in the past — has also come on board. Dr Kearney's chief role, according to one player that[sic] previously worked under him, is one of 'building a culture around a team'.
  7. ^ "New Donegal GAA Kit Launched in Donegal GAA Centre this Morning". Donegal GAA. 6 December 2021. Retrieved 6 December 2021.
  8. ^ Bonner, Declan (9 December 2021). "McGrath was a tremendous servant to Donegal football: New jersey". Donegal News. p. 71. We are lucky to have good people involved in sponsoring us and they will see the names of their business on the jersey. Paul O'Donnell of Pod-Trak has come on board and he is a great help. Paul comes from Glencolmcille… Circet will be the name on the front of the jersey after they took over the KN Group. We have a good working relationship with Circet and Donagh Kelly and long may that continue. Liam Clancy and the Abbey Hotel have always been great backers of Donegal GAA, and our hydration partners Global Hydrate will also be on the sleeve.
  9. ^ "Donegal launch their new 2022 kit". Donegal News. 9 December 2021. p. 66. The jersey also retains long-term sponsors Abbey Hotel on the rear of the jersey and the change of ownership of KN to CIRCET is reflected on the front.
  10. ^ Dennehy, Cathal (14 December 2021). "Donegal footballers haven't delivered on potential since 2020 — coach Stephen Rochford". Irish Independent. Retrieved 14 December 2021. Rochford revealed Neil McGee is still rehabbing from the serious back injury sustained in that Tyrone game but he expects him back in action during the league. 'I know he's going through his own programme with a bit of yoga and pilates and those items, but we are looking forward to seeing him at the turn of the new year', he said.
  11. ^ Ferry, Ryan (16 December 2021). "Donegal need to deliver on potential — Rochford". p. 63. [Stephen] Rochford said: 'I'm not sure if people were aware but Neil picked up quite a nasty injury in that Tyrone game and had to come off after only a couple of minutes. It took him a bit of a period over the summer (to recover) and his club championship was hampered by it, so it's just a case at the moment of getting Neil up-and-running'.
  12. ^ Craig, Frank (29 September 2022). "McGee checks out". Donegal News. Published as "McGee checks out…" in the Donegal News of the same date, 29 September 2022: pp 96 (back page); 88 (interview, "McGee steps away").
  13. ^ "Neil McGee retires from Donegal duty aged 37". Hogan Stand. 29 September 2022. Retrieved 29 September 2022.
  14. ^ "Donegal stalwart Neil McGee retires aged 37". RTÉ Sport. 29 September 2022. Retrieved 29 September 2022.
  15. ^ "Donegal's Gallen ruled out of Ulster SFC final". Hogan Stand. 20 May 2022. Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  16. ^ "Ulster Football Final: Injured Donegal forward Oisin Gallen ruled out of Derry decider". BBC Sport. 20 May 2022. Retrieved 20 May 2022. Gallen (left) has not featured for Donegal since his substitute appearance in the Division One win over Tyrone in February
  17. ^ Loughran, Neil (2 December 2021). "Friday night lights as McKenna Cup gets county season under way". The Irish News. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  18. ^ Loughran, Neil (16 December 2021). "Team holiday forces Tyrone to miss Dr McKenna Cup opener". The Irish News. Retrieved 16 December 2021.
  19. ^ "Tyrone to play Armagh in McKenna Cup". BBC Sport. 15 December 2021. Retrieved 15 December 2021.
  20. ^ Jump up to: a b Ferry, Ryan (27 January 2022). "Donegal go in search of strong league start in Sligo on Saturday". Donegal News. p. 70. Their McKenna Cup campaign was steady if unspectacular. They won three of their four games and reached the McKenna Cup Final… It has been interesting that players who have been on the fringes in recent years like Michael Lynch, Conor O'Donnell, and Eunan Doherty have got plenty of game time, and they will be hoping to kick on. Jeaic Mac Ceallbhuí is back available after an injury-hit campaign in 2021, while Tony McClenaghan will also be hoping he can stay at peak fitness and get a consistent run at the season. There were nine debutants in pre-season but many of those were a nod to the future. Only three — Shane O'Donnell, Charlie McGuinness, and Odhran Doherty — were used in each McKenna Cup game, and they will face a battle to earn minutes in the league… Hugh McFadden has been mainly used as a sweeper over the last four years, but he won't be available at the start of the league, and it will be interesting to see if another midfielder is given than[sic] role, or a wing-forward, or if it ceases to exist. Ciaran Thompson has been looked at in midfield in pre-season, and Odhran McFadden-Ferry has been tried at wing-forward, but will that persist going forward?… Neil McGee won't feature in the opening weeks, so there is likely to be an opportunity for Brendan McCole or Caolan Ward to cement a spot in the full-back line.
  21. ^ Foley, Alan (15 January 2022). "Donegal do enough to see off Antrim to reach Dr McKenna Cup semi-finals". Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  22. ^ "Monaghan win first McKenna Cup in 19 years, Wexford hold on to reach Walsh Cup final". The42.ie. 22 January 2022. Retrieved 22 January 2022.
  23. ^ "Donegal team named as per programme". 20 February 2022. Retrieved 20 February 2022.
  24. ^ McNulty, Chris (23 February 2022). "Michael Langan still ruled out as Tyrone roll into town". Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  25. ^ Ferry, Ryan (24 March 2022). "Bonner's men fully focused on National League finale". Donegal News. p. 72. Bonner confirmed that Michael Langan, Caolan McGonagle, Oisin Gallen, Niall O'Donnell and Ciaran Thompson will miss out through injury again this Sunday.
  26. ^ McNulty, Chris (27 March 2022). "Donegal hang on for win as things get hot and heavy with Armagh". The Irish Times. Retrieved 27 March 2022.
  27. ^ "2022 Senior Football and Hurling Provincial Championship draws". GAA.ie. 29 November 2021. Retrieved 29 November 2021.
  28. ^ "2022 Football Championship draw: Galway pitted against Mayo in Connacht, Kerry paired with Cork in Munster". Sky Sports. 28 November 2021. Retrieved 28 November 2021.
  29. ^ "Armagh 3–17 Donegal 0–16: Orchard players took initiative to push up Patton's kick-outs — Donaghy". BBC Sport. 12 June 2022. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  30. ^ McShea, Pauric (21 June 2022). "Where to now for Donegal? Donegal's 1974 Ulster winning captain Pauric McShea, in his weekly Donegal Post column, looks back on what ultimately was a disappointing year for the county seniors". Donegal Post. Retrieved 21 June 2022.
  31. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h "Bonner completes backroom team with new goalkeeping coach". 10 November 2017. Retrieved 10 November 2017.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b c McLaughlin, Gerry (22 May 2019). "Paul McGonigle says Donegal are keeping their focus ahead of Fermanagh clash". The Irish News. Retrieved 22 May 2019. Donegal manager Declan Bonner together with assistant manager Paul McGonigle, coach Gary Boyle and selector Stephen Rochford before the McKenna Cup match against Queens at Ballybofey on Sunday December 30 2018.
  33. ^ Ferry, Ryan (25 November 2021). "Campbell joins Donegal senior coaching team". Donegal News. p. 88.
  34. ^ Jump up to: a b c Craig, Frank (23 December 2021). "MacNiallais blow for Donegal". Donegal News. p. 64. Ex county star Paddy Campbell has joined the coaching set-up alongside Bonner and Stephen Rochford while Tyrone native Mattie Brady, who is from Dungannnon, is the county's new full-time strength and conditioning coach. Dr Ciarán Kearney — who has worked very closely with Paddy Tally in the past — has also come on board. Dr Kearney's chief role, according to one player that[sic] previously worked under him, is one of 'building a culture around a team'.
  35. ^ "Stephen Rochford joins Donegal backroom team after Karl Lacey's departure". BBC Sport. 19 October 2018. Retrieved 19 October 2018. Rochford replaces Karl Lacey, who recently stepped away from the Donegal set up citing family reasons.
  36. ^ "Karl Lacey leaves Declan Bonner's Donegal management team for family and work reasons". BBC Sport. 4 January 2021. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  37. ^ Jump up to: a b "Bonner makes additions to Donegal backroom team". Donegal News. 7 January 2021. Retrieved 7 January 2021.
  38. ^ Ferry, Ryan (9 November 2023). "Gallagher to return as goalkeeping coach". Donegal News. p. 72. James Gallagher is set for a third stint as the goalkeeping coach with the Donegal senior football team. Gallagher, pictured right, was previously involved during Rory Gallagher's time in charge, while he also worked with the netminders during Declan Bonner's last seasons at the helm. The Meenlaragh native was not involved in 2023 with Declan McIntyre taking on the role. However, Gallagher has been coaxed back by Jim McGuinness… [Gallagher] has previous experience of working with [Donegal goalkeeper] Shaun Patton… [Gallagher] donned the gloves for Glenswilly Gaelic football team during their 2016 Championship success.
  39. ^ Watters, Andy (15 December 2020). "A level playing field? Donegal coach Paul Fisher laments lack of resources in quest to close gap on Dublin". The Irish News. Retrieved 15 December 2020. But Paul Fisher, the man who has overseen that programme for the last six years has reluctantly decided that it is time to move on. With a gym to run, a family to support and a Masters to complete, the Letterkenny native has stepped down after playing a vital role in the successes of managers Jim McGuinness, Rory Gallagher and Declan Bonner.
  40. ^ Jump up to: a b Craig, Frank (21 November 2020). "Morrison determined to make swift return". Donegal News. Archived from the original on 21 November 2020. Retrieved 21 November 2020. 'But the Donegal medical team were on the ball right away. I'd two missed calls from Cathal Ellis before I even got my phone in my hand… Dr Kevin Moran organised the MRI for the Wednesday… Morrison anticipated bad news and was braced for the confirmation of Donegal physio Cathal Ellis' earlier prognosis.
  41. ^ McNulty, Chris (1 August 2014). "It's all in the mind for Anthony McGrath". Donegal News. Archived from the original on 31 October 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2014.
  42. ^ "GAA.ie Football Team of the Week". 31 January 2022. Retrieved 31 January 2022.
  43. ^ Jump up to: a b "Donegal stars recognised for Kildare displays". Donegal News. 10 February 2022. p. 65. Three Donegal men were named in GAA.ie's football team of the week. Jason McGee unfortunately picked up an injury in the win over Kildare but he was superb up until that point. He was named at centre half-back while Ryan McHugh was included at number seven… Michael Langan was included in the best 15 for the second week-in-a-row.
  44. ^ "GAA.ie Football Team of the Week". 7 February 2022. Retrieved 7 February 2022.
  45. ^ McNulty, Chris (7 February 2022). "Team of the Week selection for three Donegal players: The trio excelled in Donegal's five-point win over Kildare in Ballybofey". Retrieved 7 February 2022.
  46. ^ Bonnar, Dáire (7 February 2022). "Three Donegal footballers make GAA.ie Team of the Week". Retrieved 7 February 2022.
  47. ^ "GAA.ie Football Team of the Week". 28 February 2022. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
  48. ^ "Jimmy Hyland voted GAA.ie Footballer of the Week". 1 March 2022. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  49. ^ "GAA.ie Football Team of the Week". 28 March 2022. Retrieved 28 March 2022.
  50. ^ "GAA.ie Football Team of the Week". 25 April 2022. Retrieved 25 April 2022.
  51. ^ "Michael Murphy voted GAA.ie Footballer of the Week". 26 April 2022. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  52. ^ «Football Team недели GAA.ie» . 9 мая 2022 года . Получено 9 мая 2022 года .
  53. ^ "Gaa.ie Footbalter of the Week Noversines" . 9 мая 2022 года . Получено 9 мая 2022 года .
  54. ^ «Football Team недели GAA.ie» . 30 мая 2022 года . Получено 30 мая 2022 года .
  55. ^ Боннар, Дэр (30 мая 2022 г.). .ie Team of the Week . Получено 30 мая
  56. ^ «Пидар Моган выбрал для команды GAA недели». Донегал новости . 2 июня 2022 г. с. 70. Пидар Моган был назван в команде недели GAA. Сторона Деклана Боннера, возможно, упустила 1–16 до 1–14, однако три блестящих очка звезды Святого Наула Могана означали, что он сделал на этой неделе.
  57. ^ Ферри, Райан (3 марта 2022 года). «Миноры Донегала сталкиваются с Ферманой». Донегал новости . п. 59. Это третий сезон Люка Барретта в роли минорного менеджера Донегала, но это будет первый раз, когда он будет наблюдать за полным сезоном [из-за ограничений пандемии в COVID-19 , Сиан МакМенамин, Эоган Келли и Бен Рафферти были частью прошлогодней малой команды, который достиг финала провинции. Тем не менее, остальная часть команды имеет ограниченный опыт работы в донегале, и пандемия не помогла их делу.
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