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Малайзийская Ассоциация скаутов

Ассоциация разведчиков Малайзии
Эмблема малайзии эмблемы разведчиков Малайзии
Штаб -квартира Дом BP, 4 Jalan Hang Jebat, Куала -Лумпур
Страна Малайзия
Основан 1908
Членство 48,394 (2010) [ 1 ]
> 300 000 (2023) [ 2 ]
Королевский покровитель Его Величество Султан Ибрагим Султан Искандар [ Примечание 1 ]
Президент Dato 'Seri Haji Anwar Ibrahim [ Примечание 2 ]
Национальный главный разведчик Генерал -майор (R) проф. Dato 'Dr. Хаджи Мохд Зин Битинд
Национальный главный комиссар скаутов Хаджи Насаруддин Хаджи Шамсуддин
Принадлежность Всемирная организация скаутского движения
Веб -сайт
 Разведывание портала

Малайзийская ассоциация скаутов , официально известная как Ассоциация скаутов Малайзии [ 3 ] ( Малайский : Persatuan Pengakap Malaysia ), является крупнейшей неформальной молодежной и образовательной организацией в Малайзии и членом Всемирной организации движения разведчиков (WOSM). [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

The centenary monument of Scout Movement in memory of Rev. Thomas Cecil Alexander at Sandakan, Sabah.

Скаутирование в Малайи (ныне Малайзия ) было впервые представлено в Пенанге в 1908 году как экспериментальный отряд в YMCA, а затем распространился по всему полуострову. [ 6 ]

Скаутинг взял корни в 1908 году и приветствовал лорда Баден-Поуэлла и леди Олав Баден-Поуэлл во время их исторического визита в 1934 году в Пенанг, Куала Кансар, Ипох и Куала-Лумпур. [ 7 ]

Получив независимость 31 августа 1957 года, Международное бюро бойскаутов официально опубликовало членство 1 сентября 1957 года для разведывательного органа, который сформировался в качестве Федерации Ассоциации Бойскаутов Малайя и официально создан Малайзия и официально регулируемая актом парламента через Закон об ассоциации бойскаутов Малайзии (включение) №. 38, 1968. [ 8 ]

Он принял свое нынешнее имя в качестве Персекутуанского Пенгакапа Малайзии (PPM) или Ассоциации скаутов Малайзии после акта парламента; Ассоциация бойскаутов Малайзии № 143, 1974. [ 9 ]

Предыдущий покровитель PPM-это тот, который рассматривал Агонг Абдулла (2019-2024), в то время как президентом PPM является премьер-министр Анвар Ибрагим (с 2022 года). Нынешний национальный главный скаут ( Малайский : председатель государственного захвата ) является основным генералом (R) проф. Dato 'Dr. Хаджи Мохд Зин Бидин и Национальный комиссар скаутов ( Малайский : председатель государственного истеблишмента ) - Хаджи Насаруддин Хаджи Шамсуддин. [ 10 ]

В 1974 году Датук Сайед Хашим бин Абдулла был награжден бронзовым волком , единственным различием Всемирной организации движения разведчика , присужденной Всемирным скаутским комитетом за исключительные услуги мировым разведчикам. Другие получатели включают Тан Шри Камарул Ариффин бин Мохд Яссин в 1983 году.

2 мая 2023 года премьер -министр Анвар Ибрагим был провозглашен президентом ассоциации и получил премию «Золотой рис -дух» ( Малайская : Анугера Бинтанг Семангат Пади Эмас ), самая высокая награда Ассоциации и эксклюзивную награду, врученную только национальным и государственным лидерам Исполняющий обязанности главный руководитель и главный комиссар Национального скаута Мохд Зин Батинд. Мохд Зин также надеялся, что прокламация сможет поднять свой имидж на большие высоты, укрепить свою роль и привлечь больше молодых людей в университетах и ​​школах , чтобы присоединиться к нему. [ 5 ]

Основание разведки в штатах Малайзия

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Основание движений разведчиков в штатах Малайзия была датой и основателем

Scout leaders

Current National Chief Scout of Malaysia, Mohd Zin Bidin.

Malaysian Scouts Association is led by National Chief Scout (Malay: Ketua Pengakap Negara), who is the top executive responsible for high-level decisions and association's vision, and assisted by National Chief Scout Commissioner (Malay: Ketua Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negara), who oversees day-to-day operations.

National Chiefs Scout


List of national chiefs scout since 1952 until today.[4]

# Name of National Chiefs Scout In office Years in position
1. Gerald Templer 1952–1954 2 years
2. Donald MacGillivray 1954–1957 3 years
3. Suleiman Abdul Rahman 1957–1961 4 years
4. Abdul Rahman Talib 1961–1963 2 years
5. Sardon Jubir 1963–1973 10 years
6. Mohamed Yaacob 1973–1978 5 years
7. Sulaiman Daud 1984–2005 21 years
8. Shafie Salleh 2005–2019 14 years
9. Mohd Zin Bidin 2023–present 1 year

National Chief Scout Commissioners


List of national chief scout commissioners since 1910 until today.[6]

# Name of National Chief Scout Commissioners In office Years in position
1. Frank Cooper Sands 1910–1948 38 years
2. E. M. F. Payne 1948–1957 9 years
3. Mohamad Yusof Ahmad 1957–1960 3 years
4. Zainal Abidin Ali 1960–1963 3 years
5. Syed Esa Alwi 1963–1968 5 years
6. Syed Hashim Abdullah 1969–1987 18 years
7. Wan Puteh Wan Mohd Saman 1987–1989 2 years
8. Yang Rashdi Maasom 1989–2000 11 years
9. Hamidin Abdullah 2000–2003 3 years
10. Kamaruddin Kachar 2003–2008 5 years
11. Kaharudin Momin 2008–2011 3 years
12. Mohamad Shahrum Osman 2012–2016 4 years
13. Mohd Zin Bidin 2016–2024 8 years
14. Nasaruddin Shamsuddin 2024–present 0 year

Leadership structure

  • Royal Patron:
  • President:
  • National Chief Scout:
  • National Chief Scout Commissioners:
    • Haji Nasaruddin Haji Shamsuddin
  • Deputy National Chief Scout Commissioners (Activity):
    • Haji Ahmad Sabri Saad
  • Deputy National Chief Scout Commissioners (International):
    • Ts. Mohd Hilmi Abu Bakar
  • Chief Executive Officer:
    • Jamaluddin @ Jamal Jinal
  • Chief Operating Officer / Chief Secretary:
    • Aiznin Sairi Sulaiman



The PPM is organized into 15 territorial councils and two national at-large councils:

1. Perlis
2. Kedah
3. Pulau Pinang
4. Perak
5. Selangor
6. Kuala Lumpur
7. Negeri Sembilan
8. Melaka
9. Johor
10. Pahang
11. Terengganu
12. Kelantan
13. Sabah
14. Sarawak
15. Labuan
16. Kumpulan Latihan Malaysia
17. Kumpulan Latihan Kelanasiswa Malaysia



Scouting in Malaysia is primarily school-based and as such, the Scouting sections are organised as follow:

  1. Primary School Level - Cub Scouts (Malay: Pengakap Kanak-Kanak): Between 9 and 12 years old or Standard 3 to Standard 6. Motto: "Do Your Best" (Malay: Buat Habis Baik), official colour: Blue.
  2. Lower Secondary School Level - Junior Scouts (Malay: Pengakap Muda) between 13 and 15 years old or Form 1 to 3. Motto: "Be Prepared" (Malay: Sedia Selalu), official colour: Green.
  3. Upper Secondary School Level - Senior Scouts (Malay: Pengakap Remaja) between 15 and 17+12 years old or Form 4 to 5. Motto: "Look Wide" (Malay: Pandang Luas), official colour: Yellow.
  4. Pre-University Level - Rovers (Malay: Pengakap Kelana) between 17+12 and 26 years old or Form 6. Motto: "Service" (Malay: Berkhidmat), official colour: Red.
  5. Higher Educational Institutions and Universities - Rovers - Malaysian University Rover Training Group (Malay: Kumpulan Latihan Kelanasiswa Malaysia) or KLKM. Between 17+12 and 26 years old. Motto: "Service" (Malay: Berkhidmat), official colour: Red.
  6. Teachers' Training Colleges & Institutions - Rovers & Adult Leaders - Malaysian Training Group (Malay: Kumpulan Latihan Malaysia) or KLM Between 20 and 26 years old. Rover Motto: "Service" (Malay: Berkhidmat), official colour: Red. Teachers at training colleges undergo and complete woodbadge adult leadership training and streamed according to their assigned service to a primary or secondary school.


A Malaysian Girl Scout at the parade during the celebrations of Hari Merdeka 2013.

A Junior Scout's uniform consists of a short-sleeve (girls wear long sleeves) grey shirt, with two pockets with buttons on the left and right breast, the official neckerchief, the forage cap, navy-blue pants, the official bronze belt, navy-blue socks and black canvas shoes with laces. A miniature Malaysian flag is stitched on the right breast pocket and the Tenderfoot badge (analogous to the same-named first rank in the Boy Scouts of America) stitched on the left one. The neckerchief, with red, white and blue stripes, is worn about the collar, fastened with the official woggle. The forage cap has a badge with the Malaysian Scout emblem on one side.

On the left sleeve are one's patrol's name and merit badges. On the right sleeve is one's state, district, and troop number. The advancement badge is sewn below the troop number when a Junior Scout earns it. Depending on a Junior Scout's rank and/or badges, he/she may be allowed to wear a lanyard.

A Senior Scout's uniform is the same as the Junior Scout's except for the position of badges. The King's Scout badge is worn on the left sleeve, five centimetres below the patrol badge. On the left sleeve is one's patrol's name, and one's advancement badges. The Senior Scout's have up to five advancement badges. Once taken, the Senior Scout will go on to become a King's Scout. The King's Scout badge is worn five centimeters below the patrol badge in place of all five Senior Badges.

The only differences between a Leader's (Rovers/Scoutmasters) uniform and that of Junior Scouts are the insignia sewn on and the epaulets worn. The Chief Scout and Assistant Scoutmasters don blue epaulets with various symbols, while Rovers wear red epaulets. Each Rover Crew is allowed to create its own crew emblem, which is then stitched on the right arm beneath the Crew Letter. The advancement badges for Rovers are worn on the left breast, below the Rover badge, while the miniature King's Scout Badge is worn on the left sleeve.

Colours of epaulette and shoulder patch:

  • Red – Rover Scouts
  • Grey - staff
  • Purple – trainers
  • Blue – commissioners
  • Green – lay officers
  • Maroon – elected officials
  • Yellow – royal family
Colour Wearer
       Indigo Sea Scout
Navy blue Air Scout
A group of Scouts giving Scout sign during the celebrations of Hari Merdeka 2013

Badge progression scheme


The Scout emblem incorporates elements of the coat of arms of Malaysia.

Regardless of which unit one is a member of, one must pass the Tenderfoot (Malay: Keahlian) test before being eligible for any other badges. This test examines one on one's qualifications to become a Scout, testing one on the Scout uniform, Scout emblems, Scout oath, Scout laws, Scout salute and sign, the history of Scouting, and basic knot-tying, such as tying a reef knot.

For Cub Scouts (Malay: Pengakap Kanak-Kanak), one may receive the Bronze Dagger (Malay: Keris Gangsa) badge, Silver Dagger (Malay: Keris Perak) badge and Gold Dagger (Malay: Keris Emas) badge. The dagger (Malay: Keris) is a Malay dagger used as an official weapon by the royalty. One must attain all preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Besides that, one may also receive various merit badges throughout the course of receiving the three dagger (Malay: Keris) badges. Someone who has achieved the Gold Dagger (Malay: Keris Emas) badge with certain merit badges is entitled to wear the Cub Scout Cord (Malay: Rambu Pengakap Kanak-Kanak), which is blue in colour.

For Junior Scout (Malay: Pengakap Muda), one may receive the Third Class (Malay: Usaha) badge, Second Class (Malay: Maju) badge and First Class (Malay: Jaya) badge. One must attain all preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Same as the previous stage, one can also receive a total of eight merit badges; two for hobbies, three for knowledge, and another three for service. Someone who achieves the First Class badge with the eight other merit badges is entitled to wear the Junior Scout Cord (Malay: Rambu Pengakap Muda), which is green in colour.

For Senior Scout (Malay: Pengakap Remaja), one earns Independence (Malay: Jaya Diri) badge, Skills (Malay: Kemahiran) badge, Activities (Malay: Kegiatan) badge, Expedition (Malay: Ekspedisi) badge and Service (Malay: Perkhidmatan) badge. These badges are known as the Five Highest Badges (Malay: Lima Lencana Tertinggi), and a pre-requisite before being assessed as a King's Scout (Malay: Pengakap Raja).

King's Scout Award


The qualified candidate will hand in his/her application form to the district commissioner together with his/her logbooks and certs (of all badges received). He/she will be evaluated and assessed during Pre-King's Scout Assessment Camp (Malay: Kem Ujian Pra-Penarafan Pengakap Raja), which has these components: Responsibility (Malay: Tanggungjawab), Expedition (Malay: Pengembaraan), Community Service (Malay: Perkhidmatan Masyarakat), Activity (Malay: Kegiatan), and Independence (Malay: Berdikari). Once a candidate completes and passes the Pre-King's Scout Assessment Camp (Malay: Kem Ujian Pra-Penarafan Pengakap Raja), he/she is recognised and allowed to wear a royal yellow Senior Scout's Cord (Malay: Rambu Pengakap Remaja), and therefore has all the requirements ready for King's Scout certification.

King's Scout badge

The candidate then progresses to attend the King's Scout Assessment Camp (Malay: Kem Penarafan Pengakap Raja), a three-day two-nights organised by his/her respective State King's Scout Assessment Council (Malay: Lembaga Penaraf Pengakap Raja Negeri). Such an assessment follows the national scheme and involves camping, campcraft, pioneering, first aid, estimation, knots and lashing, map reading, foot and stave drills, backwoods' man cooking, songs, personal and group interviews, handicraft making and more.

Upon passing all the required tests, the candidate is accorded and allowed to wear a royal yellow coloured Bushman's Thong,[13] which is self-made.

After all documentation has been completely vetted at headquarters, the candidate will have earned the yellow, blue and green King's Scout Badge (Malay: Lencana Pengakap Raja) which is worn on their left sleeve. They will also be invited to the Royal Palace of their respective state and bestowed the prestigious King's Scout Certificate (Malay: Sijil Pengakap Raja), by the Royal Ruler of that state, representing His Majesty Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia, the Patron of the PPM. The certificate is unique as it bears 10 signatures, lead foremost by the current Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and the 9 State Rulers. There are, thus far, no other certificates in such a similar manner. If in a non-Royal state, His Majesty's signature is present first and foremost.

Junior Scouts who receive the King's Scout Certificate and Badge while in their age level are required to pass the Pre-King's Scout Assessment Camp (Malay: Kem Ujian Pra-Penarafan Pengakap Raja), the King's Scout Assessment Camp (Malay: Kem Penarafan Pengakap Raja) and all others requirements, if so needed should all the requirements be accomplished.

Troop organization


A troop is divided into several patrols, each with its own patrol leader and assistant patrol leader. A committee called the Patrol Leaders' Council plans all the troop's activities, with guidance from the troop's Scoutmaster(s). The Patrol Leaders' Council consists of all the patrol leaders and their assistants. From the Patrol Leaders' Council, Patrol Leaders are elected to become the Troop Leader, Assistant Troop Leader, Troop Secretary, Troop Treasurer and Troop Quartermaster. This committee is called the Court of Honour (COH) and is the most exclusive committee in a troop. The posts mentioned are the least a troop can have. Besides the above-mentioned posts, other posts such as Discipline Officer, Den warden, Librarian, IT Director, Historian and much more can be added if the need should arise.

A patrol itself, besides its patrol leader and assistant patrol leader, has a secretary for taking down the details of a patrol meeting, has a treasurer for recording the financial matters and has a quartermaster for taking care of the patrol's equipment. During camp, the quartermaster becomes the equipment quartermaster, and a food quartermaster is appointed. The secretary becomes assistant patrol leader if the patrol leader or assistant patrol leader does not show up for a meeting.

Malaysian Scout Jamborees


The Malaysian Scout Jamboree is the national jamboree and held since 1966. Each state takes turns to host this event.[dubiousdiscuss] The list of Jamborees are:

  • 1966 – Telok Bahang, Penang Camp Chief  – Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee
  • 1970 – Malacca
  • 1974 – Johor
  • 1978 – Sarawak
  • 1982 – Kelantan
  • 1986 – Pahang
  • 1989 – Perak
  • 1992 – Sabah
  • 1997 – Terengganu
  • 2002 – Kedah
  • 2006 – Negeri Sembilan: 11th Malaysian Scouts Jamboree (December 12–19, Ulu Bendul Recreational Park, Kuala Pilah) | Camp Chief: Hamdan Bin Hj. Mohd Nor, Negeri Sembilan State Chief Scout Commissioner
  • 2011 – Terengganu: 12th Malaysian Scouts Jamboree (November 19–25, Telaga Batin Scout Camp, Kuala Terengganu)
  • 2016 - Federal Territory - Kuala Lumpur: 13th Malaysian Scouts Jamboree (November 25 - December 1, Metropolitan Batu Park, Kuala Lumpur) | Camp Chief: Dato' Dr. Elli Bin Haji Mohd Tahir, Federal Territory - Kuala Lumpur State Chief Scout Commissioner

B-P House

B-P House at Kuala Lumpur

The headquarters for Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia or Scouts Association of Malaysia is Rumah B-P or B-P House. It is located in Kuala Lumpur at 4 Jalan Hang Jebat (formerly Davidson Road), 50150 Kuala Lumpur.

The foundation was laid on May 16, 1954 by Pengakap Agong Persekutuan Tanah Melayu or Federated Malay States Chief Scout Commissioner General Sir Gerald Walter Robert Templer KG, GCB, GCMG, KBE, DSO, who was then the British High Commissioner of Malaya prior to his departure on May 31, 1954. B-P House was constructed at a cost of RM150,000 and took three years to complete. It was formally officiated by His Excellency Sir Donald Macgillivray KCMG, MBE, Pengakap Agung Persekutuan Tanah Melayu or Federated Malay States Chief Scout Commissioner on January 5, 1957 to commemorate the 100th birth year of Lord Baden-Powell (February 22, 1857) and also 50th anniversary of world Scouting (1907 - 1957).

The 4-storey building has recently undergone a major renovation with a large hall on the left wing, a museum on the right wing, a Scout shop with its own separate entrance on the ground floor, the National Chief Scout, National Chief Scout Commissioner and administration offices on the 1st floor, hostels on the 3rd and 4th floor.

It is about 12 minutes by car to World Scout Bureau - Global Support Centre Kuala Lumpur, within walking distance to the iconic Petaling Street, Pasar Seni or Central Market and PUTRA-LRT station.

Штаб -квартира скаутов служит национальным центром администрации для разведчиков. В настоящее время он имеет платный персонал 9. Встречи и курсы лидерства проводятся там.

Гилвелл скаутов природной парк Сандакан

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Главный комиссар штата PPMCS Датук Аванг Зайни получает хартию WOSM сцена в BP House, Куала -Лумпур 25 июля 2020 г.

Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia предложила идею о том, как Скаутс -Скауты Природной парк Сандакан (Gilwell Snp Sandakan) применимо к тому, чтобы стать частью Всемирной организации Скаутского движения Центра совершенства природы, окружающей среды и устойчивости или сцены [ 14 ] 10 апреля 2019 года. Это предложение было одобрено 4 августа 2019 года. Сандакан на 12 акров Gilwell Snp принадлежит и управляется Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia Cawangan Sabah (PPMCS), одним из 17 членов Федерации разведки в Малайзии. Заявка и всякая информация были написаны и поданы в марте 2020 года в Глобальный центр поддержки Всемирного разведчика Куала -Лумпур. Всемирное бюро разведчиков одобрило Gilwell SNP Sandakan для официальной аккредитации в качестве сценочного центра 12 мая 2020 года после утверждения PPM, Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона и WOSM . Это историческая веха с Гилуэллом Сандаканом [ 15 ] Как первые сцены в Малайзии и третьи в Азиатско -Тихоокеанском регионе, после Гонконга и Тайваня.


[ редактировать ]
  1. ^ Текущий Ян Ди-Пертуань Агонг из Малайзии .
  2. ^ Нынешний премьер -министр Малайзии .
  3. ^ Все , что обращается с Агонг в Малайзии, будет послужить королевским покровителем Ассоциации скаутов Малайзии.
  4. ^ Каждый премьер -министр Малайзии будет служить президентом Ассоциации скаутов Малайзии.

Смотрите также

[ редактировать ]
  1. ^ «Обзор Тринала: перепись по состоянию на 1 декабря 2010 года» (PDF) . Всемирная организация скаутского движения. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2012-05-08 . Получено 2011-01-13 .
  2. ^ «Малайзийская федерация разведчиков к 2025 году составляет 500 000 членов» . Астро Авани . Получено 27 февраля 2024 года .
  3. ^ "Архививая копия" . Архивировано с оригинала 2015-05-09 . Получено 2015-05-06 . {{cite web}}: CS1 Maint: архивная копия как заголовок ( ссылка )
  4. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Scouting Science - национальные скауты» . Получено 2024-02-26 .
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Анвар провозгласил президента Малайзийской ассоциации скаутов» . Звезда . 2 мая 2023 года . Получено 2 мая 2023 года .
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Scouting Science - Главный комиссар национальных скаутов» . Получено 2024-02-26 .
  7. ^ «Лорд Баден-Поуэлл и ветеран малайского разведки» . eresources.nlb.gov.sg .
  8. ^ Законы о Малайзии 409 Архивировали 22 сентября 2016 года на машине Wayback
  9. ^ Законы о Малайзии 143 Архивировано 22 сентября 2016 года, на машине Wayback
  10. ^ Скаутская ассоциация Малайзии Архивирована 15 июля 2015 года на машине Wayback
  11. ^ Джон С. Уилсон (1959), разведка вокруг мира. Первое издание, Blandford Press. п. 287
  12. ^ «Voyager 1947, стр. 10» (PDF) . Получено 17 ноября 2023 года .
  13. ^ «Бушмен Тонг Король Скаут Ланьярд» . YouTube . Архивировано из оригинала 2021-12-21 . Получено 12 сентября 2020 года .
  14. ^ «Разведчические центры, защищающие окружающую среду и способствуют устойчивости» . WOSM сцены . Всемирная организация скаутского движения . Получено 16 мая 2022 года .
  15. ^ «Гилвелл Скаутов Природного парка Сандакан» (PDF) . WOSM сцены . Всемирная организация скаутского движения . Получено 16 мая 2022 года .
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Malaysian Scouts Association - Wikipedia
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