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Список монашеских домов в графстве Роскоммон

более мелкие заведения, такие как монашеские клетки и примечательные монашеские стержни (особенно с резидентными монахами) и камеры военных орденов монахов ( рыцарских тамплиеров и рыцарских госпиталеров Включены ). Многочисленные монашеские больницы как таковые не включены здесь, если в течение некоторого времени фонд не имел или предположительно имел статус или функцию аббатства , монастыря или предварительного воспользования /командования.

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Сокращения и ключ

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The sites listed are ruins or fragmentary remains unless indicated thus:
* current monastic function
+ current non-monastic ecclesiastic function
^ current non-ecclesiastic function
= remains incorporated into later structure
# no identifiable trace of the monastic foundation remains
~ exact site of monastic foundation unknown
ø possibly no such monastic foundation at location
¤ no such monastic foundation
identification ambiguous or confused

Locations with names in italics indicate probable duplication (misidentification with another location) or non-existent foundations (either erroneous reference or proposed foundation never implemented).

Trusteeship denoted as follows:
NIEA Scheduled Monument (NI)
NM National Monument (ROI)
C.I. Church of Ireland
R.C. Roman Catholic Church

Foundation Image Communities & Provenance Formal Name or Dedication
& Alternative Names
OnLine References & Location
Ardcarn Priory early monastic site, founded in the 6th century;
diocesan cathedral;
Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian?
founded after 1144?;
church possibly shared by Canons and nuns (see immediately below);
dissolved c.1593?; granted to the provost and fellows of Holy Trinity Dublin
53°58′02″N 8°12′06″W / 53.96734°N 8.201648°W / 53.96734; -8.201648 (Ardcarn Priory)
Ardcarn Priory Augustinian nunsArroasian?
founded after 1144, possibly by St Malachy;
dependent on Kilcreevanty from before 1223;
church possibly shared by Canons (see immediately above) and nuns;
dissolved c.1590?; granted to Terence (Tirlaughe O'Byrne) 1595;
St Mary
Ardcarn Friary ¤ recorded as Franciscan Friars — no monastic house; Friars of Knockvicar owned land in the parish
Ardsenlis Monastery ~≈ early monastic site, nuns
founded in the 5th century by St Patrick;
possibly located in County Roscommon
Assylin Monastery early monastic site, founded probably before 563 by St Colmcille;
often mistaken for Inshmacnerin
53°58′05″N 8°19′11″W / 53.967968°N 8.319649°W / 53.967968; -8.319649 (Assylin Monastery)
Athleague Priory Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian
probable cell, dependent on Roscommon;
founded before 1266;
dissolved before 1466, vicarage granted to the prior of Rindown
53°34′14″N 8°15′40″W / 53.570511°N 8.261011°W / 53.570511; -8.261011 (Athleage Priory?)
Baslick Monastery early monastic site, probably founded in the 5th century (in the time of St Patrick);
plundered by Norsemen 846
53°47′09″N 8°25′44″W / 53.785827°N 8.428777°W / 53.785827; -8.428777 (Baslick Monastery)
Bellaneeny Friary Camelite Friars
dependent on Eglish;
founded after c.1437;
dissolved c.1567, possibly abandoned by the Carmelites; leased to Edmund O'Fallon of Athlone 1575;
Franciscan Friars?
possibly in occupation in the 16th century (during the reign of Elizabeth I)
53°24′26″N 8°09′25″W / 53.407357°N 8.156877°W / 53.407357; -8.156877 (Bellaneeny Friary)
Bettyfield Abbey ø probably a secular chapel Shankill 53°50′17″N 8°13′14″W / 53.837939°N 8.220683°W / 53.837939; -8.220683 (Bettyfield Abbey?)
Boyle Abbey early monastic site, possibly founded in the 5th century, possibly by St Patrick;
sometimes confused with Ath-da-larc, County Meath;
Cistercian monks — from Buniffi
(community founded from Grelachdinach 16 August 1148 by Abbot Peter O'Mordha)
founded 1161;
affiliated to Clairvaux 1228;
dissolved c.1589; granted to Patrick Dusacke of Gerrardston; (NM)
53°58′26″N 8°17′49″W / 53.973797°N 8.296959°W / 53.973797; -8.296959 (Boyle Abbey)
Boyle Nunnery nuns,
"ruined nunnery"[notes 1] possibly historically located in County Sligo
Caldragh Friary Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular
founded before 1487?;
dissolved 1582?; leased to Bryan M'Dermot 1582; granted to Thomas Danby[notes 2]
Caldragh Nunnery nuns
"nunnery in ruins"[notes 3]

53°52′43″N 8°14′34″W / 53.878666°N 8.242843°W / 53.878666; -8.242843 (Caldragh Nunnery)
Cam Monastery early monastic site, nuns Camma;
53°27′21″N 8°07′48″W / 53.455857°N 8.12992°W / 53.455857; -8.12992 (Cam Monastery)
Cloonard Abbey ø (Tibohine parish) "Cloonard abbey and church"[notes 4] 53°48′24″N 8°30′53″W / 53.806635°N 8.51485°W / 53.806635; -8.51485 (Cloonard Abbey?)
Cloonburren Monastery early monastic site, nuns
founded before 577-8 by Cairech Dergen;
probably dissolved before 1167
53°18′43″N 8°02′57″W / 53.311929°N 8.049073°W / 53.311929; -8.049073 (Cloonburren Monastery (approx.)) (approx)
Clooncraff Monastery early monastic site, founded before 752;
plundered 815
Cluain cremtha
53°51′31″N 8°03′30″W / 53.8585909°N 8.0582619°W / 53.8585909; -8.0582619 (Clooncraff Monastery (approx.)) (approx)
Cloonoghil Cell Augustinian nunsArroasian
dependent on Kilcreevanty;
founded before 1223, confirmed to the nuns of Kilcreevanty c.1223 and 1400;
dissolved c.1543?
St Mary
53°23′33″N 8°05′52″W / 53.392469°N 8.097828°W / 53.392469; -8.097828 (Cloonoghil Cell)
Cloonowen Monastery early monastic site, possibly founded in the 6th century;
plundered by the Munster men 1089
53°22′43″N 7°56′06″W / 53.378607°N 7.935088°W / 53.378607; -7.935088 (Cloonowen Monastery (approx.)) (approx)
Clonrahan Friary ~ Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular
founded after 1485 by Cathal O'Conor Roe (Rufus);
dissolved (during the reign of Elizabeth I)
Cloonshanville Priory,
near Frenchpark
early monastic site, founded in the 5th century? (by the time of St Patrick);
Dominican Friars
founded 1385 by Mac Dermot Roe (Rufus);
priory leased to Hugh boy O'Donnell 1577; lands leased to the mayor of Galway 1578;
friary leased to Bryan Mac Dermot 1580;
dissolved before 1596; leased to William Taaffe of Sligo 1596;
friary later owned by Lord Dillan and rented by a Protestant named Davis
The Holy Cross
53°52′03″N 8°23′25″W / 53.867512°N 8.390152°W / 53.867512; -8.390152 (Cloonshanville Abbey)
Cloontuskert Priory early monastic site, founded in the 6th century by St Faithlinn;
Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian
founded after 1140, probably by an O'Conor - possibly Turlough O'Conor;
dissolved 1563?; granted to Fryall O'Farrell
Cluain-tuaiscirt-na-dina 53°41′53″N 8°00′48″W / 53.697945°N 8.013341°W / 53.697945; -8.013341 (Cloontuskert Priory)
Creeve Monastery early monastic site, founded in the early 6th century? by St Finnian of Clonard Craebh-ghrellain;
53°52′09″N 8°13′15″W / 53.869104°N 8.220949°W / 53.869104; -8.220949 (Creeve Monastery (approx.)) (approx)
Deerane Abbey Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian — from Roscommon
founded before 1156?, site granted by O'Conor;
double monastery with nuns' priory (see immediately below) until 1223-4;
dissolved c.1578?;
Augustinian Friars
St Mary
53°39′42″N 8°08′58″W / 53.661768°N 8.149409°W / 53.661768; -8.149409 (Deerane Abbey and Priory (approx?)) (approx?)
Deerane Priory Augustinian nunsArroasian
double monastery with Canons' abbey (see immediately above)
founded after 1144;
dependent on Kilcreevanty from before 1223;
dissolved after 1223-4
53°39′42″N 8°08′58″W / 53.661768°N 8.149409°W / 53.661768; -8.149409 (Deerane Abbey and Priory (approx?)) (approx?)
Domnach-mor Monastery ≈~ early monastic site, possible duplication
Drum Monastery early monastic site, founded in the late 5th century? by Diradius (not Diratus of Ferns), brother of St Canoc Edardruim 53°23′54″N 8°01′49″W / 53.398322°N 8.030249°W / 53.398322; -8.030249 (Drum Monastery)
Drumalgagh Priory Augustinian nunsArroasian
dependent on Clonard;
founded before 1195, confirmed to the nuns of Clonard;
dependent on Kilcreevanty from before 1223, confirmed to the nuns of Kilcreevanty c.1223 and 1400;
dissolved c.1543?;
owned by Earl of Clanricarde 1641
St Mary
53°18′02″N 8°06′06″W / 53.300434°N 8.101666°W / 53.300434; -8.101666 (Drumalgagh Priory (approx.)) (approx)
Drumconnel Monastery ~ early monastic site, founded in the 5th century (in the time of St Patrick) by St Conal?;
also given as located in County Galway
Drumconaid Abbey Cistercian monks — from Boyle
founded c.1156, transferred from Grellechdinach;
dissolved 1158-9: transferred to Buniffi/Boyle c.1158/9
54°02′18″N 8°07′42″W / 54.038375°N 8.128424°W / 54.038375; -8.128424 (Drumconaid Abbey (approx.)) (approx)
Dysart Abbey ø Cistercian monks
land granted to St Mary's Abbey, Dublin by Rory O'Conor not later than 1236;
abbey probably never built
Elphin Cathedral Monastery early monastic site, traditionally founded c.450 (434 or 435) by St Patrick;
diocesan cathedral c.1130;
see transferred to Roscommon 1152;
see transferred from Roscommon c.1168;
Augustinian Canons Regular - Arroasian?
founded after 1140;
see transferred from Elphin 1244;
dissolved before 1442;
storm damaged 1957, demolished shortly afterwards;
ruins partially restored
St Mary
53°50′43″N 8°11′26″W / 53.845228°N 8.190546°W / 53.845228; -8.190546 (Elphin Cathedral Monastery)
Elphin Greyfriars = early monastic site, founded in the 5th century by St Patrick, tradition that Ono, son of Oengus gifted his house to St Patrick;
Franciscan Friars Minor, Conventual
founded before 1453, parish church of St Patrick granted to the friars by Cornelius, Bishop of Elphin before 1450, Cornelius was instructed by the Pope to license new friaries 1453;
dissolved 1563, friars expelled by the Protestant bishop, who demolished the friary and built a house from the ruins;
granted to Terence O'Birne-Termor;
erroneously referred to as Dominican in inquisition 1591
St Patrick [2]

Elphin Greyfriars, later site Observant Franciscan Friars
reformed 1632

Emlagh Monastery early monastic site, founded in the 5th century?, bishop listed in the time of St Patrick Imblech-each;
53°44′43″N 8°27′22″W / 53.745355°N 8.456222°W / 53.745355; -8.456222 (Emlagh Monastery)
Fuerty Monastery early monastic site, founded in the 5th century by St Patrick for deacon Just Fidard;
53°36′37″N 8°16′07″W / 53.6102°N 8.268617°W / 53.6102; -8.268617 (Fuerty Monastery)
Grange Abbey, Kilbride parish purported abbey[notes 5] Kilcrea 53°43′44″N 8°13′09″W / 53.728941°N 8.219072°W / 53.728941; -8.219072 (Grange Abbey)
Grellachdinach Priory ~ Cistercian monks — from Mellifont
founded 1148;
dissolved 1155-6, transferred to Drumconaid, Bunfinny and Boyle;
possibly located in County Roscommon
Inchmacnerin Abbey,
Church Island, Lough Key
early monastic site, Patrician monks
founded in the 6th century;
Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian?
founded 1140-70?;
dissolved before 1596;
founded post1140;
dissolved 1569?; granted to William Taaffe 1596; (NM)
St Mary
Church Island, Lough Key
(not Eas-mac-eirc, as given by some, which is Assylin (q.v.))
53°59′40″N 8°15′38″W / 53.994432°N 8.260688°W / 53.994432; -8.260688 (Inchmacnerin Abbey)
Inchmean Priory Benedictine monks — duplication of Inchmean, County Mayo[notes 6]
Kilbride Abbey ø "Abbey"[notes 7] possibly connected with Derrane Priory, supra 53°42′05″N 8°10′30″W / 53.701278°N 8.175050°W / 53.701278; -8.175050 (Kilbride Abbey)
Kilcanuran Monastery early monastic site Cill-ceanuran;
Beech Abbey

53°53′36″N 8°07′46″W / 53.893435°N 8.129573°W / 53.893435; -8.129573 (Kilcanuran Monastery)
Kilconan Abbey ø "Abbey", founded 1339[notes 8]
Kilcooley Monastery early monastic site[notes 9] Cell-cuile;
53°46′07″N 8°12′24″W / 53.768491°N 8.206713°W / 53.768491; -8.206713 (Kilcooley Monastery)
Kildallog Monastery ≈~ early monastic site Kiltrustan?, (infra) 53°48′58″N 8°06′13″W / 53.815982°N 8.103610°W / 53.815982; -8.103610 (Kildallog Monastery (?)) (?)
Killaraght Monastery Historical county location. See entry under List of monastic houses in County Sligo
Killinmulrooney Cell Augustinian nunsArroasian
dependent on Kilcreevanty;
founded before 1223, church granted to the nuns of Kilcreevanty by Pope Honorius III c.1223 and by Pope Boniface IX 1400;
dissolved 1543?
St Mary
53°20′38″N 8°08′29″W / 53.343842°N 8.141521°W / 53.343842; -8.141521 (Killinmulrooney Cell (approx?)) (approx)
Kilmore Monastery early monastic site, purportedly founded in the 5th century by St Patrick for Conleng and Ercleng;
mistaken by early sources for Kilmore, County Cavan;
Augustinian Canons Regular 155 183;
Augustinian Friars
53°53′21″N 8°00′31″W / 53.889084°N 8.008732°W / 53.889084; -8.008732 (Kilmore Monastery)
Kilmore Monastery possible early monastic site separate from above, founded in the 6th century by St Colmcille;
burned by the Ui Cremthainn 757
Cell-mor-dithrib 53°53′40″N 8°00′42″W / 53.894340°N 8.011578°W / 53.894340; -8.011578 (Kilmore Monastery)
Kilnamanagh Monastery early monastic site, founded in the 5th century by St Patrick Cluain-na-manach 53°53′40″N 8°23′55″W / 53.894479°N 8.398634°W / 53.894479; -8.398634 (Kilnamanagh Monastery)
Kilronan Abbey 6th century
Kiltrustan Monastery ≈~ early monastic site;[notes 10] possibly Kildallog Kildallog?, (supra)
Knockvicar Friary Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular
foundation unknown
erroneously referred to as Dominican Friars, purportedly by the Bingham family,[notes 11] however they were not in Ireland at the time;[notes 12]

dissolved c.1583-4; granted to Richard Kendlemarch (Kyndelinshe)
54°00′06″N 8°12′03″W / 54.001583°N 8.200926°W / 54.001583; -8.200926 (Knockvicar Friary)
Lissonuffy Cell Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian
dependent on Cong;
foundation unknown;
dissolved before 1592; granted to Trinity College, Dublin
53°44′28″N 7°59′32″W / 53.741153°N 7.992148°W / 53.741153; -7.992148 (Lissonuffy Cell)
Loughkey Abbey early monastic site, founded by 700;[notes 13]
Premonstratensian Canons
daughter of Prémontré
founded after 1217-8 (c.1215) by Clarus MacMailin, archdeacon of Elphin;
raised to abbey status c.1235;
held in commendam by Rory MacDermot from 1548;
granted to Robert Harrison 1594;
dissolved after 1600?, monks probably remained in occupation until 1608; (NM)
The Holy Trinity
Lough Cé;
Trinity Island
53°59′21″N 8°15′16″W / 53.989216°N 8.254556°W / 53.989216; -8.254556 (Loughkey Abbey (Trinity Island Priory))
Monasterevan Monastery ≈~ purportedly Augustinian Canons Regular or Crutched Friars (if Rindown) Rindown?;
Ogulla Monastery early monastic site Oghdeala 53°46′39″N 8°16′34″W / 53.777589°N 8.276092°W / 53.777589; -8.276092 (Ogulla Monastery)
Oran Monastery early monastic site, founded in the 5th century by St Patrick Uaran;
53°40′26″N 8°20′24″W / 53.673758°N 8.339899°W / 53.673758; -8.339899 (Oran Monastery)
Rindown Priory Hospital Crutched Friars (or less likely Knights Hospitaller)
founded before 1216, believed to be by King John for the Cruciferi or for the Knights Hospitallers;
plundered 1229;
raided by Felim O'Conor 1216;
burnt by Aed O'Conor 1270
dissolved before 1569; granted to Christopher Davers 1569;
leased to George Goodman 1588
St John the Baptist
St John's de Rynndum;
53°32′38″N 8°00′09″W / 53.544026°N 8.002565°W / 53.544026; -8.002565 (Rindown Priory Hospital)
Rindown Priory ~≈ Premonstratensian Canons, possible confusion with Monasterevan, supra Monasterevan? 53°32′17″N 7°59′36″W / 53.538166°N 7.993196°W / 53.538166; -7.993196 (Rindown Priory?)
Roscommon Abbey early monastic site, founded in the 6th century by St Comman, disciple of St Finnian of Clonard;
diocesan cathedral
see translated from Elphin 1152;
see translated to Elphin c.1168;
Augustinian Canons RegularArroasian
founded after 1140, possibly with Arroasian reformation 1140-8 by Turlogh O'Conor at the instance of St Malachy;
plundered by William de Burgo 1204;
burned by the Anglo-Normans 1235 and 1247;
plundered by Mac William de Burgo 1260;
dissolved before 1578; granted to Sir Nicholas Malbye 1578;
granted to Francis Viscount Valentia 1615;
Augustinian Friars
St Mary
53°37′44″N 8°11′26″W / 53.628932°N 8.190549°W / 53.628932; -8.190549 (Roscommon Abbey)
Roscommon Priory Augustinian nunsArroasian
founded after 1144;
possible double monastery with Roscommon Abbey (see immediately above);
dependent on Kilcreevanty after 1223, church confirmed to the nuns of Kilcreevanty by Pope Honorius III c.1223 and by Pope Boniface IX 1400;
dissolved after 1223-4, nuns probably transferred to Termonkeelin after 1223-4
St Mary
Roscommon Blackfriars Dominican Friars
founded 1253 by Felim O'Conor, King of Connacht, buried here;
consecrated 1257 by Thomas O'Conor, Bishop of Elphin;
burned 1270;
dissolved 1573; leased to Thomas le Strange 1573;
ruinous by 1612;
granted to Francis Viscount Valentia 1615;
friars remained in the vicinity, continuing into the 19th century
The Friary Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Roscommon [6]

53°37′29″N 8°11′31″W / 53.624733°N 8.191921°W / 53.624733; -8.191921 (Roscommon Friary)
Roscommon Greyfriars Franciscan Friars
founded 1268–69, founder unknown;
dissolved 1270 when burned;
could not be restored as the founder had died
Templemoyle Abbey possible early monastic site Kilnanooan 53°48′11″N 8°17′06″W / 53.803062°N 8.285109°W / 53.803062; -8.285109 (Templemoyle Abbey)
Termonkeelin Priory Augustinian nunsArroasian — possibly from Derrane and Roscommon
dependent on Kilcreevanty;
founded after 1223-4;
dissolved during the reign of Queen Elizabeth?
53°46′57″N 8°28′02″W / 53.782461°N 8.467111°W / 53.782461; -8.467111 (Termonkeelin Priory)
Tibohine Monastery early monastic site, founded probably in the late 6th century by St Baithen Mac Cuanach;
plundered by the king of Feara-Manach 1201;
plundered by Aed Muimnech 1233
53°52′55″N 8°27′05″W / 53.881981°N 8.451489°W / 53.881981; -8.451489 (Tibohine Monastery (?)) (?)
Tisrara Nunnery "Nunnery"[notes 14] 53°31′25″N 8°13′31″W / 53.523603°N 8.225244°W / 53.523603; -8.225244 (Tisrara Nunnery (approx.)) (approx)
Toberelly Friary Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular
cell or chapel, foundation unknown;
dissolved during the reign of Queen Elizabeth
53°45′32″N 8°19′38″W / 53.758840°N 8.327347°W / 53.758840; -8.327347 (Toberelly Friary)
Toomona Friary Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular
founded in the 15th century?, founded by the O'Conor family;
also dubiously given as Dominican Friars
dissolved 1585-8;
granted to Richard Kyndelinshe (Kendlemarch) 1588
53°46′11″N 8°17′28″W / 53.769844°N 8.290997°W / 53.769844; -8.290997 (Toomona Friary)
Tulsk Priory Dominican Friars
founded 1448 by a (Mac)Dowell or other, land granted by Felim (Fedlimid) mac Fedlimid O'Conor, buried here;
dissolved before 1591?; land granted to Terence O'Byrne 1594;
friary granted to William Taaffe 1596;
repaired by Bingham 1595
St Patrick
Tulsk Abbey;
53°46′42″N 8°15′14″W / 53.778303°N 8.253946°W / 53.778303; -8.253946 (Tulsk Friary)

Карта Ирландии, показывающая традиционные границы округа и имена с округами Северной Ирландии раскрашены, все остальные округа раскрашены зеленыеСписок монашеских домов в графстве КерриСписок монашеских домов в графстве АнтримСписок монашеских домов в округе ЛондондерриСписок монашеских домов в графстве.Список монашеских домов в округе АрмгСписок монашеских домов в графстве ЛаутСписок монашеских домов в графстве ТайронСписок монашеских домов в графстве УэксфордСписок монашеских домов в графстве ДублинСписок монашеских домов в графстве УиклоуСписок монашеских домов в графстве МонаганСписок монашеских домов в графстве ДонегалСписок монашеских домов в графстве ФерманаСписок монашеских домов в графстве УотерфордСписок монашеских домов в графстве КоркСписок монашеских домов в графстве ЛимерикСписок монашеских домов в графстве КлэрСписок монашеских домов в графстве КарлоуСписок монашеских домов в графстве КилкенниСписок монашеских домов в округе ЛаоиСписок монашеских домов в округе ТипперариСписок монашеских домов в графстве МитСписок монашеских домов в графстве КилдэрСписок монашеских домов в графстве КаванСписок монашеских домов в графстве ЛитримСписок монашеских домов в графстве СлайгоСписок монашеских домов в графстве РоскоммонСписок монашеских домов в графстве ГолуэйСписок монашеских домов в графстве ЛонгфордСписок монашеских домов в графстве УэстмитСписок монашеских домов в округе ОффалиСписок монашеских домов в округе МейоСписок монашеских домов в округе Мейо
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  1. ^ Обзор боеприпасов
  2. ^ Стол Харриса, Уаре-Харрис, Древние , 1745
  3. ^ Обзор боеприпасов
  4. ^ Мемориальный атлас Ирландии , 1901
  5. ^ Мемориальный атлас Ирландии , 1901 и обследование боеприпасов (½ дюйма)
  6. ^ Дублирование Мервина Арчдалла, Monasticon Hibernicum , 1786, из -за ошибки в Луи Августине Алеманде, Monasticum Hibernicum , переведен и под редакцией Джона Стивенса, 1722
  7. ^ Мемориальный атлас Ирландии , 1901 и обследование боеприпасов
  8. ^ Мервин Арчдалл, Monasticon Hibernicum , 1786, с. 290-1, ошибочно приписывает ссылки на церковь в летописи Лох , под редакцией Уильяма Маунселла Хеннесси , MRIA, Dublin, 1939 г.
  9. ^ Журнал старой и крупной Шотландии, или Ирландии, острова ... , с.377
  10. ^ Gazetteer Великобритания и Ирландия , IV, с.2
  11. ^ Луи Августин Алеманд, Monasticum Hibernicum , отредактирован и переведен Джоном Стивенсом, 1722; с.227
  12. ^ J. O'heyne, op, ирландские доминиканцы (Epil. Chron. ..), (перевод A. Coleman, OP, 1902), 1706, с. 271
  13. ^ Conry: Mervyn Archdall, Monasticon Hibernicum , 1786, с.614
  14. ^ Мемориальный атлас Ирландии , 1901 и обследование боеприпасов (½ дюйма)
  1. ^ "Shop.osi.ie MapViewer" . osi.ie. ​Архивировано из оригинала 29 августа 2012 года . Получено 24 сентября 2014 года .
  2. ^ «Эльфин (Ко Роскоммон) / Айл Финн» . Franciscans.ie . Архивировано из оригинала 31 октября 2014 года . Получено 31 октября 2014 года .
  3. ^ «Эльфин (Ко Роскоммон) / Айл Финн» . Franciscans.ie . Архивировано из оригинала 31 октября 2014 года . Получено 31 октября 2014 года .
  4. ^ «Аббатство Бича» . nuigalway.ie . Архивировано с оригинала 1 ноября 2014 года . Получено 24 сентября 2014 года .
  5. ^ "Shop.osi.ie MapViewer" . osi.ie. ​Архивировано из оригинала 29 августа 2012 года . Получено 24 сентября 2014 года .
  6. ^ «Архивная копия» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 1 ноября 2014 года . Получено 1 ноября 2014 года . {{cite web}}: CS1 Maint: архивная копия как заголовок ( ссылка )
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